1940 U.S. Federal Census of New River, Bradford, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Bradford County > 1940 Census of New River

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenFrank born about 1921
AndersonCleo born about 1912
AndersonLucian Lborn about 1934
AndersonMaxaine born about 1940
AndersonReddish born about 1905
AndrewsC Eborn about 1904
AndrewsGene born about 1929
AndrewsGeorge Wborn about 1873
AndrewsLaura born about 1876
AndrewsMary Lborn about 1935
AndrewsSeeberdoyl born about 1932
AndrewsWilliam Fborn about 1938
AndrewsWinnie born about 1906

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B Surnames

BrownShy born about 1926
BryanGeorge Pborn about 1878
BryanMary born about 1886
BryantAlberta born about 1907
BryantJulius born about 1930
BryantLuvie born about 1926
BryantSam born about 1907
ButlerBlanche born about 1929
ButlerClaud Cborn about 1873
ButlerSarah born about 1893

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C Surnames

CalbertErnest born about 1890
CalbertKattie Lauborn about 1908
CookEthyl Vborn about 1939
CookLena born about 1920
CookTheodore born about 1913
CrewsFannie born about 1917
CrewsMuchie Mborn about 1899
CrewsStafford Lborn about 1893
CrewsWilliam Rborn about 1935
CrosbyBetty born about 1924
CrosbyBeverly Joeborn about 1939
CrosbyDoris born about 1927
CrosbyEssie Lborn about 1914
CrosbyOscar Eborn about 1904
CrosbySherman born about 1936

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D Surnames

DavisRuth born about 1924
DawlingRhody born about 1887
DouglasDavid born about 1916

E Surnames

EdmansonMary born about 1927

F Surnames

FavorsGertrude born about 1891
FavorsS D Oborn about 1876
FosterBessie Lauborn about 1907
FosterBulah born about 1925
FosterGene born about 1938
FosterJosh born about 1916
FosterLauson born about 1900
FosterLawson born about 1935
FosterLeola born about 1928
FosterLeroy born about 1927
FosterMattie born about 1933
FosterWillie Maeborn about 1934

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G Surnames

GaineCharley born about 1868
GaineNancy born about 1855
GathinGeorge Rborn about 1908
GathinJosephine born about 1939
GathinRuby born about 1937
GathinTerrena born about 1933
GathinThelma Mborn about 1917
GathinWilliam born about 1935
GibsonBobbie born about 1935
GibsonCecil born about 1931
GibsonJunior born about 1927
GibsonMinnie born about 1897
GibsonOscar born about 1929
GibsonVanda born about 1926
GillisLee born about 1902
GillisNettie Ruthborn about 1934
GillisRosa Leeborn about 1915
GrahamGertrude born about 1917

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H Surnames

HadgeDennis born about 1906
HadgeEffie Maeborn about 1916
HadgeW Dborn about 1937
HallAlva born about 1924
HallIda Maeborn about 1898
HallJames born about 1892
HallJimmie born about 1929
HallMable born about 1921
HallOttie born about 1927
HallRuby Leeborn about 1939
HallWillis born about 1920
HawardAnnie Eborn about 1939
HawardAnnie Lborn about 1911
HawardWalter Eborn about 1933
HawardWilliam born about 1937
HawardWilliam Lborn about 1899
HawkinsBeverly born about 1937
HawkinsDora born about 1902
HawkinsHasley Jr born about 1932
HawkinsHosley born about 1903
HawkinsIda Leeborn about 1938
HawkinsLeona born about 1929
HawkinsLillian born about 1934
HodgeBiethal born about 1927
HodgeBirthy born about 1924
HodgeEdna born about 1931
HodgeNella born about 1888
HodgeThelma born about 1923
HodgeV Jborn about 1886
HodgesDelores born about 1934
HodgesStanley Lborn about 1901
HodgesTruba born about 1897
HughesJames born about 1924
HughesLee Jr born about 1928
HughesLuetha born about 1926
HughesRuth born about 1888

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J Surnames

JacobsEli born about 1872
JacobsMary born about 1880
JanesAlec born about 1878
JanesBertha born about 1890
JanesClifford born about 1923
JanesDaisy Maeborn about 1903
JanesEllis born about 1924
JanesElmira born about 1927
JanesElmira Leeborn about 1927
JanesIke born about 1894
JanesIzel born about 1901
JanesMillie born about 1912
JohnesA Pborn about 1908
JohnesBetty Jeanborn about 1939
JohnesCharles born about 1933
JohnesJacklin born about 1937
JohnesMinnie Lborn about 1902
JohnsAgnes born about 1905
JohnsAndra born about 1928
JohnsAnnie born about 1900
JohnsAnnie Eborn about 1926
JohnsBeland born about 1923
JohnsBell born about 1868
JohnsColonel born about 1888
JohnsEveret Mborn about 1927
JohnsFred Cborn about 1938
JohnsGeorge Wborn about 1931
JohnsJarvis born about 1885
JohnsJuanita born about 1926
JohnsJulia born about 1888
JohnsJunior born about 1924
JohnsL Lborn about 1889
JohnsLester born about 1879
JohnsM L Jrborn about 1931
JohnsMaggie born about 1927
JohnsMiller Sborn about 1891
JohnsMirian born about 1891
JohnsMitchell born about 1933
JohnsRebeca born about 1935
JohnsRebecca born about 1901
JohnsSebring born about 1922
JohnsSmith born about 1900
JohnsViola born about 1926
JohnsW Mborn about 1917
JohnsWilford born about 1928
JohnsonEthyl born about 1903
JohnsonGeorge born about 1930
JohnsonLouis born about 1927
JohnsonMary born about 1928
JohnsonNellie born about 1870

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K Surnames

KeiceJohn Custisborn about 1940
KellyA Cborn about 1931
KellyAron born about 1924
KellyBenjamin born about 1890
KellyCebar born about 1928
KellyDe Cune born about 1929
KellyDollie born about 1939
KellyDorothia born about 1932
KellyE Lborn about 1901
KellyEurtis Leeborn about 1928
KellyFletcher born about 1927
KellyGeorge born about 1922
KellyGertrude born about 1906
KellyHerman born about 1926
KellyJames born about 1892
KellyJoseph born about 1933
KellyJoyce born about 1922
KellyLinnie born about 1905
KellyMargaret Lborn about 1871
KellyRichard born about 1924
KellySawaginger born about 1923
KerceElizabeth born about 1904
KerceJessee Meltonborn about 1893
KerceRubina born about 1936
KerceThomas born about 1934
KingArthur born about 1880
KingBetty Maeborn about 1936
KingEdward born about 1914
KingLona born about 1919
KnightGuessy Mborn about 1901
KnightHarley Jborn about 1900
KnightJoanie born about 1921
KnightJonnie Fborn about 1936
KnightMaria born about 1926
KnightMary Lborn about 1937
KnightMildred born about 1929
KnightMitchel born about 1923
KnightWarrenetta born about 1932

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L Surnames

LandanReloier born about 1934
LappMissie born about 1870
LavenderErnest born about 1928
LavenderJames Fborn about 1915
LavenderJames Lborn about 1887
LavenderLillie Eborn about 1887
LavenderNelletha born about 1923
LazenbyJawling born about 1934
LazenbyJessie Leeborn about 1905
LazenbyJohn Nborn about 1926
LazenbyWilliam born about 1897
LestonAnche born about 1904
LestonBernice born about 1912
LestonEdna Janetborn about 1935
LofticeBurnett born about 1907
LofticeEthyl born about 1915

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M Surnames

MabreyBernice born about 1925
MabreyErnest born about 1906
MabreyErnestine born about 1927
MabreyEster Mayborn about 1907
MabreyJosephine born about 1932
MabreyMellenese born about 1929
MabreyW Mborn about 1934
MadisonRuby Leeborn about 1919
MarshallClarbe Hborn about 1881
MarshallMaude born about 1902
MathewsJames born about 1929
MathewsJoe born about 1926
MathewsLune born about 1921
MathewsMinnie Lborn about 1924
McAllisterArizona born about 1909
McAllisterElnira born about 1924
McAllisterJoseph born about 1886
McCalloughLester born about 1918
McCalloughLucile born about 1939
McCalloughMable born about 1920
McCulloughBlank born about 1925
McCulloughDelmas born about 1933
McCulloughEstelle born about 1927
McCulloughJ Mborn about 1894
McCulloughNora born about 1898
McCulloughVadie born about 1930
MerrettJanie Nborn about 1929
MerrettNan born about 1910
MerrettRalph Fborn about 1934
MerrettT Mborn about 1905
MerrittIda Jborn about 1889
MerrittR Fborn about 1856
MerrittVirginia Fborn about 1864
MichensClara born about 1873
MichensSam born about 1900
MizellDorathlene born about 1935
MizellGrady Gborn about 1906
MizellHilda born about 1932
MizellIsham born about 1860
MizellKaylendray born about 1928
MizellLillie Fborn about 1933
MizellMaggielene born about 1940
MizellTorence born about 1929
MizellWillie Gborn about 1912
MoodyAbie born about 1881
MoodyAlbert born about 1911
MoodyBveenell born about 1926
MoodyCal Cborn about 1905
MoodyCebra born about 1919
MoodyChester born about 1914
MoodyElla Maeborn about 1909
MoodyEmily born about 1880
MoodyFarney born about 1909
MoodyFranie born about 1893
MoodyIda born about 1888
MoodyM Aborn about 1875
MoodyMargie Lborn about 1933
MoodyMelva born about 1922
MoodyNathaniel Gborn about 1886
MoodyNettie born about 1912
MoodyRobert Fborn about 1931
MoodyWilliam Eborn about 1906
MorganRachael Lborn about 1861

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N Surnames

NeddAltice born about 1933
NeddBlaneva born about 1925
NeddCavan born about 1922
NeddCecil born about 1935
NeddClyde born about 1902
NeddElizabeth born about 1926
NeddEugene born about 1932
NeddHoward born about 1939
NeddMallie born about 1930
NeddOrice born about 1936
NeddRonald born about 1937
NeddTrell Oborn about 1901
NeddWalter born about 1924
NettlesD Cborn about 1907
NettlesDaniel Eborn about 1935
NettlesFlora Bellborn about 1913

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O Surnames

OsteenHoward Eborn about 1929
OsteenJames born about 1932
OsteenLoise born about 1930
OsteenPercy born about 1895
OsteenRalph Aborn about 1924
OsteenRena born about 1905

P Surnames

ParrishHerbert born about 1913
ParrishMargie Bellborn about 1919
PriestE Mae Cborn about 1889
PriestNona Leeborn about 1889

R Surnames

RazerCora Leeborn about 1924
RazerMilta born about 1895
RazerMyles born about 1878
RazerRobert Leeborn about 1922
ReelmanJosephine born about 1890
ReelmanMitchell born about 1873

S Surnames

SappAllen Eborn about 1897
SappCozette born about 1927
SappDempsey Rborn about 1922
SappEarl Lborn about 1934
SappMable born about 1905
SappPete born about 1940
SappWillie Mborn about 1924
SewellJene Maeborn about 1936
SewellJesse born about 1890
SewellMaltgin born about 1928
SewellMary born about 1908
SewellWillie born about 1927
ShiderHarold born about 1927
ShiverW Aborn about 1882
SikerDella Leeborn about 1916
SikerEvan Eborn about 1940
SikerPeter Eborn about 1915
SloverEster born about 1906
SloverJames born about 1901
SnowdenJohn born about 1874
SnowdenMary born about 1876
SnowdenUnica born about 1924
SoutherlandHazel born about 1935
SoutherlandIva born about 1940
SoutherlandJohn Earlborn about 1931
SoutherlandWillie Maeborn about 1913
SoutherlandWillis born about 1909
StarlingGuy born about 1920

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T Surnames

ThomasPanier born about 1926
ThompsonOttis born about 1914
ThompsonT Gborn about 1907
TomlinsonFrank born about 1928
TomlinsonJannie born about 1882
TomlinsonLaree born about 1913
TomlinsonOwen Fborn about 1886
TomlinsonRoy Quinnborn about 1915
TurnerBonnie born about 1922
TurnerClarene born about 1924
TurnerPhyla Rborn about 1896
TurnerR G Jrborn about 1927
TurnerRoan Jr born about 1895
TurnerWilbur born about 1930
TwiggsEdwin Lborn about 1923
TwiggsHenry born about 1892
TwiggsKate Bellborn about 1899

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W Surnames

WallmanCarrie born about 1880
WallmanJack born about 1885
WatsonClara Maeborn about 1916
WatsonDillard born about 1933
WatsonJohn Bborn about 1909
WatsonMuriel born about 1931
WatsonSylvia born about 1934
WatsonTed born about 1937
WhitemanMillie born about 1868
WigginsMarion Fborn about 1903
WigginsMary Lborn about 1905
WilliamsBessie born about 1915
WilliamsCarly born about 1931
WilliamsCora born about 1903
WilliamsGarfield born about 1888
WilliamsH Pborn about 1934
WilliamsHenry Pborn about 1906
WilliamsThomas born about 1927
WilsonCliford born about 1932
WilsonDorothia born about 1939
WilsonEugene born about 1931
WilsonNaomia born about 1933
WilsonOrcan born about 1911
WilsonOscar Jr born about 1936
WilsonSusie born about 1910
WilsonWillie born about 1937

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