1940 U.S. Federal Census of New Warrington, Escambia, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Escambia County > 1940 Census of New Warrington

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBertha born about 1869
AdamsT Jborn about 1881
AganW Lborn about 1877
AlfordRuth Claireborn about 1925
AllardClayton born about 1916
AllardFlorence born about 1921
AndersonBenjamin born about 1912
AndersonBetty born about 1940
AndersonConrad Aborn about 1903
AndersonEleanor born about 1916
AndersonEstelle born about 1911
AndersonHattie born about 1904
AndersonRichard born about 1900
AndersonRichard Jr born about 1925
AndersonVeiola born about 1923
AndersonVirginia born about 1921
AndrewsFlorence born about 1904
AndrewsMabel born about 1900
AndrewsSannie born about 1898
AndrewsWilliam born about 1893
ArmourGea Hborn about 1917
ArmourWinifred Vborn about 1918
ArmstrongLillian born about 1894
ArmstrongRhoda Mborn about 1866
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1892
ArmstrongWilliam Jr born about 1925
AveryM Lborn about 1917
AveryRuby Bborn about 1920
AverySylvia Sueborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallardAlbert Iiiborn about 1929
BallardAlbert Jr born about 1901
BallardJ Cborn about 1898
BallardJames Fborn about 1936
BallardJimmy born about 1938
BallardLily Bellborn about 1932
BallardMay born about 1913
BallardShirley born about 1933
BallardWilliam Eborn about 1939
BallardWinnie born about 1905
BalwellCharlotte born about 1894
BarberiAntoinette born about 1939
BarberiDorothy born about 1907
BarberiGloria born about 1926
BarberiJoan born about 1930
BarberiN Gborn about 1900
BarocoAnn born about 1921
BarocoJames born about 1917
BarocoJames Jr born about 1939
BarringtonMarion born about 1916
BarringtonRobert Jborn about 1914
BascleEssie born about 1909
BascleI F Jrborn about 1908
BatleJohn Wborn about 1888
BatleJohn W Jrborn about 1924
BatleJosephine born about 1901
BattlesJames born about 1912
BattlesMary born about 1910
BaynesMary born about 1875
BeardCharles Lborn about 1939
BeardFloyd Eborn about 1913
BeardFrances born about 1916
BeckhamConnie Eborn about 1906
BeckhamImogene born about 1926
BeckhamT Vborn about 1893
BeckhamTerrell born about 1930
BeckwithBarbara born about 1938
BeckwithHoward Jr born about 1939
BeckwithJean born about 1910
BeckwithSt H Bborn about 1908
BellAudrey Lborn about 1910
BellDewey born about 1909
BellEleanor born about 1909
BellF Wheelerborn about 1908
BellMary born about 1912
BellWilliam Dborn about 1907
BeneckeHerman Aborn about 1906
BeneckeMartha Wborn about 1907
BeneckeWalter Hborn about 1938
BergVernon born about 1900
BerryVera born about 1914
BertoniereElizabeth born about 1926
BertoniereGeorge Wborn about 1892
BertoniereLillian born about 1896
BertoniereLois born about 1922
BirchHattie born about 1876
BirchSylvester born about 1919
BirdsallCaroline born about 1939
BirdsallJennie born about 1915
BirdsallJohn H Jrborn about 1915
BishopAnnie born about 1904
BlackmanLeon Albertborn about 1924
BlackmanMaria Lborn about 1899
BlackmanR Wborn about 1897
BlakeBeverly Jr born about 1912
BlakeHenry Sborn about 1913
BlalockBeverly Annborn about 1939
BlalockEllen born about 1915
BlalockMilton Kborn about 1917
BledsoeBessie Dborn about 1887
BledsoeJessie born about 1918
BledsoeJoyce born about 1926
BledsoeSue born about 1921
BledsoeVirginia born about 1920
BledsoeWill Pborn about 1883
BlumAlice born about 1917
BlumHarold born about 1917
BlumHarold Jr born about 1937
BlumHelen Bborn about 1940
BlumPauline Jr born about 1938
BodaAugusta born about 1913
BodaHerman born about 1911
BonifayBarbara Annborn about 1939
BonifayGeorge Jr born about 1918
BonifayJean Rborn about 1920
BonifayMary Joyceborn about 1927
BonifayRonald Georgeborn about 1940
BonifayWalker born about 1926
BonnerFrank Aborn about 1886
BonnerLouise born about 1888
BonneyAnna Wanborn about 1890
BonneyElizabeth Virginiaborn about 1918
BonneyJanet Barbaraborn about 1921
BonneyPhyllis Joanborn about 1928
BontwellGertrude born about 1911
BoolAnne Louiseborn about 1914
BoolJ Kborn about 1914
BoydenCarol Annborn about 1935
BoydenJoan Leslieborn about 1937
BoydenJoe Lesterborn about 1908
BoydenMargaret born about 1913
BoydenWm Lesterborn about 1939
BrasewellJ Lborn about 1912
BrasewellSusanel born about 1915
BrewerMargaret born about 1911
BridgesHenry C Jrborn about 1914
BridgesMargaret Lborn about 1915
BriggsFrancis Leeborn about 1932
BriggsMyrtle born about 1922
BriggsPermeller born about 1901
BriggsRobert born about 1888
BriggsRobert Jr born about 1923
BriggsSyble born about 1921
BriggsWilma born about 1924
BringleDonnie born about 1916
BringleWm Fborn about 1914
BrittCarolyn born about 1939
BrittGeorge Fborn about 1915
BrittMarguerite born about 1915
BrownAda Lborn about 1903
BrownBetty Mborn about 1930
BrownBobby Edwardborn about 1937
BrownByron Eborn about 1918
BrownDonald Lborn about 1938
BrownDoris born about 1923
BrownE Adellborn about 1916
BrownFrances Nellborn about 1935
BrownMary born about 1865
BrownRonna Leeborn about 1939
BrownRosetta born about 1916
BrownSamuel Deweyborn about 1899
BrownTheo born about 1898
BrownW Eborn about 1910
BrownZeta Bborn about 1919
BrushLila born about 1914
BryanEvelyn born about 1922
BryanEvelyn born about 1940
BryanHarold Eborn about 1918
BurkesAda born about 1905
BurkesJames born about 1938
ByngAlice Aborn about 1910
ByngHamilton born about 1935
ByngRobert born about 1936
ByngSt J Wborn about 1908

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C Surnames

CainJohn Albertborn about 1936
CallowayCharles born about 1931
CallowayDora born about 1933
CalwinMinnie born about 1911
CalwinTravis born about 1912
CarmackIrene born about 1887
CarmackJohn Rborn about 1912
CarpenterAnna born about 1874
CarpenterEssie born about 1904
CarpenterLouis born about 1900
CarterF Cborn about 1876
CarterJesse Jborn about 1911
CarterKing born about 1915
CarterMinnie Leeborn about 1927
CastroMaxine born about 1924
CelestineLeon born about 1918
CelestineStella Mborn about 1912
ChambersJoseph born about 1910
ChambersMary born about 1881
ChambersVincent born about 1932
ChambersWinifred born about 1911
CherryBertha born about 1915
CherryCarmen born about 1906
CherryCharles Wborn about 1929
CherryDovie Leeborn about 1937
CherryEthel Maeborn about 1937
CherryGeorge born about 1908
CherryMerrill born about 1910
CherryNorris born about 1939
ChildersonMary Louborn about 1920
ClarkAgnes Kborn about 1920
ClarkEdna Hborn about 1875
ClarkEdward born about 1895
ClarkEdward Rborn about 1926
ClarkM Eborn about 1876
ClarkMarion Dborn about 1916
ClarkMarion D Jrborn about 1939
ClarkOren Gborn about 1929
ClarkSallye Fborn about 1901
ClausenEthel born about 1905
ClausenKenneth born about 1904
ClawHarvey Nborn about 1902
ClawMary Aborn about 1902
CleavesL Tborn about 1902
ClementeLarry Gborn about 1911
CollinsIsaac Wborn about 1924
ColonyAddie Violaborn about 1905
ColonyMerle Wborn about 1900
ColonyWilliam Mborn about 1933
CookL Cborn about 1932
CooksCharles Wborn about 1879
CooksDorothy Mborn about 1882
CoombsR Marinborn about 1938
CoulterDorothy Fborn about 1906
CoulterHilda born about 1909
CoulterI R Jrborn about 1905
CoulterIone Sarahborn about 1928
CoulterWm Aborn about 1900
CoulterWm A Jrborn about 1930
CovingtonDwight born about 1937
CovingtonJoan born about 1929
CowanBeatrice born about 1900
CowanRobert Gborn about 1886
CoxDonald born about 1929
CoxJoseph born about 1931
CoxLillian Mborn about 1907
CoxLorraine born about 1929
CoxRobert born about 1926
CoxRobert Lborn about 1905
CrawfordEdna Bborn about 1926
CrawfordJohn Eborn about 1925
CristDonald born about 1934
CristEarl Dborn about 1903
CristEarl D Jrborn about 1927
CristGayle born about 1939
CristRichard born about 1928
CristVierra born about 1906
CrobyAugustus Eborn about 1873
CrobyEnne Cborn about 1884
CrooksBarbara Nellborn about 1936
CrooksChas Fborn about 1895
CrooksChas F Jrborn about 1930
CrooksHazel born about 1906
CrooksJack born about 1927
CrooksVestal Maeborn about 1938

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D Surnames

DavidsonDonald born about 1893
DavidsonFay born about 1929
DavidsonFred born about 1927
DavidsonJoseph born about 1923
DavidsonJosephine born about 1893
DavisBetty Joborn about 1938
DavisJoel born about 1915
DavisJosephine born about 1917
DavisLewise born about 1920
DavisMack born about 1911
DavisMary Janeborn about 1937
DavisRebecca Hborn about 1906
DavitMary born about 1878
DeardorfMary born about 1905
DeardorfMuriel born about 1936
DeardorfR Aborn about 1899
DeardorfWanda born about 1933
DellVirginia born about 1924
DickinsonBertha born about 1904
DietzMary Mborn about 1914
DiffinClare born about 1911
DiffinKatie born about 1878
DiffinLeo born about 1908
DiffinLignori born about 1905
DoddsCharles Rborn about 1914
DoddsMargaret Wborn about 1919
DodgeEleanor born about 1914
DodgeJohn born about 1939
DodgeSherwood born about 1913
DonahueJames Mborn about 1911
DonahueMary born about 1910
DonahueMary born about 1938
DrechenEthel born about 1918
DrechenGeorge Aborn about 1940
DrechenGeorge Jborn about 1910
DukesBarbara born about 1936
DukesDonald born about 1937
DukesEdward born about 1905
DukesHerbert born about 1933
DukesMargaret born about 1906
DunbarKay born about 1913
DunbarPaul born about 1915
DuncansonEmma born about 1859
DunnCarol Wborn about 1908
DunnMarion Eborn about 1908

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E Surnames

EadesGay Rborn about 1905
EadesMinnie Cborn about 1907
EalyEleanor born about 1916
EalyRobert born about 1915
EckertLavinia born about 1894
EckertRoy Vernonborn about 1893
ElderAlvin born about 1915
ElderMargaret born about 1916
ElmendorfHarriet born about 1902
ElmendorfJ A Jrborn about 1893
EntwistleMildred born about 1898
EntwistleMildred Aborn about 1924
EwaldtL Eborn about 1914
EwaldtLucy Bborn about 1918

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F Surnames

FagerquistEdith born about 1927
FagerquistEmma Mborn about 1930
FagerquistRobert born about 1928
FarlowC Wborn about 1909
FarlowVivian born about 1918
FarmerChas Eborn about 1884
FarmerMarie Eborn about 1885
FarmerRobert Sborn about 1920
FarrarNorma born about 1922
FarrarWilliam Tborn about 1918
FarrarWilliam T Iiiborn about 1939
FaucettGeorge born about 1894
FaucettSadie born about 1901
FaulkAlice born about 1917
FeddernBabara born about 1919
FeddernRobert born about 1912
FehlerLucy Lborn about 1910
FellJack Oliverborn about 1923
FennellAlma born about 1919
FennellEdwin born about 1915
FennellSandra born about 1939
FenstermakerFlorence born about 1916
FickersG Sborn about 1878
FloresEdith born about 1888
FloresEmmanuel born about 1922
FloresFrances born about 1929
FloresStephen born about 1932
FloresThomas born about 1926
FloydGeorge born about 1904
FloydHarmell Rborn about 1939
FloydIola born about 1914
FlynnLottie born about 1875
ForsterDaniel Tborn about 1927
ForsterFrank born about 1922
FosterEllen Mborn about 1906
FosterKay born about 1935
FosterW Gborn about 1901
FountainAlbert born about 1930
FrainBenjamin born about 1898
FrainCarrie born about 1909
FranklinCharles Hborn about 1910
FranklinDorothy Lborn about 1915
FrostAmos P Dborn about 1931
FrostChristian born about 1861
FulghamMartha born about 1916
FulghamMichael born about 1938
FulghamPat born about 1915
FulghamPatric born about 1939
FunderbunkEugene born about 1935
FunderbunkFrances born about 1915
FunderbunkKeither born about 1913

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G Surnames

GabbertJohn T Lborn about 1907
GabbertMildred Uborn about 1912
GabbertPeter Lborn about 1938
GageDorothy Dborn about 1909
GageKaye Lborn about 1936
GageKenneth Dborn about 1937
GageKenneth Lborn about 1905
GainesC Hborn about 1893
GalleharAnn born about 1930
GalleharAnnette born about 1912
GalleharW Eborn about 1908
GalleharWilliam born about 1939
GandyJohn Eborn about 1911
GandyLaurette born about 1910
GarrettClara born about 1915
GarrettEdward Hborn about 1931
GarrettH Hborn about 1910
GathlenyFelix born about 1880
GathlenyForrest born about 1876
GentryCassie born about 1919
GentryWatson born about 1918
GeriEdna Leeborn about 1915
GeriEugene Aborn about 1939
GeriHarriet Lborn about 1937
GeriMalcolm Aborn about 1911
GibsonCarl Wborn about 1929
GibsonG Wborn about 1894
GibsonGeorge W Jrborn about 1927
GibsonThelma born about 1903
GilkesonElizabeth born about 1881
GilkesonFillmore Bborn about 1916
GillisRosalie born about 1927
GingDonald Fborn about 1929
GingFrank Mborn about 1905
GingIrene born about 1906
GnoblockChas born about 1912
GnoblockMaxine born about 1916
GoodwinFlora Iborn about 1907
GoodwinH Eborn about 1903
GoodwinJohn Rborn about 1933
GoodwinMuriel born about 1928
GoodwinRaymond born about 1897
GoodwinZelma born about 1907
GoreAaron Mborn about 1905
GoreAaron M Jrborn about 1932
GoreDorothy born about 1935
GoreMarion born about 1908
GrantEarl born about 1901
GrantEarl Jr born about 1931
GrantOra born about 1913
GreenH Lborn about 1900
GreenH L Jrborn about 1925
GreenReginald born about 1928
GreenSybel born about 1929
GreenW Odelleborn about 1900
GriffeyGilbert born about 1916
GriffeyLucille born about 1921
GriffinHarry born about 1890
GriffinMrs Harry Eborn about 1900
GrimsleyAnna Gborn about 1911
GrimsleyDouglas born about 1939
GrimsleyJohn Gborn about 1938
GrimsleyR Wborn about 1907
GrimsleyRalph W Jrborn about 1936
GuestGareth Eborn about 1934
GuestJ Aborn about 1912
GuestJames A Jrborn about 1932
GuestMildred born about 1913

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H Surnames

HaberkornJulia Lborn about 1890
HamptonDiane born about 1936
HamptonDorothy born about 1908
HamptonKaria born about 1939
HamptonW Aborn about 1908
HarperMes A Dborn about 1868
HarrisBarbara Lborn about 1928
HarrisBertram born about 1922
HarrisCharles born about 1924
HarrisDavid born about 1926
HarrisEdward born about 1913
HarrisEdward born about 1922
HarrisEdward Jr born about 1937
HarrisFrank born about 1875
HarrisGeorge born about 1898
HarrisGeorge Wborn about 1910
HarrisGeorge W Jrborn about 1930
HarrisGertrude born about 1898
HarrisJack Cborn about 1936
HarrisJesse born about 1921
HarrisJulia born about 1919
HarrisLucinda born about 1889
HarrisMary Alvineborn about 1914
HarrisNolan born about 1921
HarrisRobert Eborn about 1932
HarrisRose Kborn about 1911
HarrisThomas born about 1899
HarrisVictoria born about 1927
HarrisVivian born about 1927
HarrisWillie Maeborn about 1921
HarrisWillie Jr born about 1886
HarrisonBarbara born about 1926
HarrisonEdwin born about 1897
HarrisonMarguerite born about 1900
HarveyAl Deanborn about 1939
HarveyDavid Tborn about 1917
HarveyJean Marieborn about 1935
HarveyOllie born about 1916
HatcherEugene born about 1898
HatcherEugene Jr born about 1939
HatcherLyla born about 1917
HattonAvie Hborn about 1906
HattonBeverly Annborn about 1938
HattonHerron born about 1890
HayeThomas born about 1891
HelmFrank born about 1917
HelmLouise born about 1922
HelmPeggy Louiseborn about 1940
HendersonBobbie Jborn about 1931
HenricksLeacy born about 1912
HenricksLou Jeanborn about 1936
HenricksWilliam Dborn about 1903
HenryMary Lucilleborn about 1923
HerschkovitzRachel born about 1878
HertzJack born about 1902
HertzRita born about 1915
HigginsAnice born about 1897
HigginsBurke born about 1925
HigginsCornelia born about 1870
HigginsEdward born about 1915
HigginsFlorence born about 1883
HigginsFlorence born about 1926
HigginsFrances born about 1937
HigginsFrank born about 1935
HigginsHilda born about 1929
HigginsIone born about 1939
HigginsJames born about 1922
HigginsJulia born about 1912
HigginsMatt born about 1934
HigginsRaymond born about 1890
HigginsRosa Leeborn about 1921
HigginsWilliam born about 1938
HightowerHelen born about 1916
HightowerW Rborn about 1907
HoganAnnabelle born about 1929
HoganCatherine born about 1918
HoganEaster born about 1903
HoganFrancis born about 1919
HoganGenevieve born about 1931
HoganGeorge born about 1902
HoganHilda Mayborn about 1900
HoganJames born about 1891
HoganLeon born about 1903
HoganLeon born about 1921
HoganLouis Jr born about 1906
HoganNancy born about 1910
HoganPearlie born about 1929
HoganThomasine born about 1935
HoganWallace Leeborn about 1927
HolmesClaud born about 1925
HolmesLouise born about 1904
HoltMary born about 1917
HoltW Fborn about 1902
HoltW F Jrborn about 1940
HooterJ Cborn about 1895
HooterLilly born about 1899
HopfRuth Eborn about 1909
HopfSt W Rborn about 1908
HopfWm R Jrborn about 1937
HoustonFlorence born about 1905
HoustonHessie born about 1900
HoustonJasper born about 1875
HuffEllington Hborn about 1883
HuffMattie Maeborn about 1886
HughesC Eborn about 1885
HughesChristeen born about 1906
HughesEmma born about 1905
HughesForrest born about 1905
HughesForrest Jr born about 1936
HughesGloria born about 1937
HughesLoyce born about 1937
HughesViolet born about 1876
HughesViolet born about 1908
HunterJewell born about 1919
HunterPaul born about 1909
HurleyHenry born about 1903
HurleyMary Elizaberthborn about 1937
HurleyMary Elizabethborn about 1914
HutchingsAdeline born about 1914
HutchingsIsabelle born about 1874
HutchingsW H Jrborn about 1909
HutchingsW H Srborn about 1872
HutchingsWilliam H Iiiborn about 1931

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I Surnames

IngramSally born about 1875

J Surnames

JacksonAndrew Gborn about 1889
JacksonCatherine born about 1914
JacksonElizabeth Leeborn about 1939
JacksonIda born about 1870
JacksonJanie born about 1877
JacksonRobert Wborn about 1914
JeffersonCorrine born about 1910
JeffersonLawrence born about 1911
JenkinsClara Leeborn about 1928
JenkinsCurtis Leeborn about 1931
JenkinsEthel born about 1903
JenkinsEvelina born about 1937
JenkinsJ Cborn about 1926
JenkinsManuel born about 1892
JenkinsRobert Eborn about 1907
JenkinsRoosevelt born about 1924
JenkinsRuby born about 1912
JenkinsWilliam born about 1937
JenkinsWillie Jamesborn about 1920
JohnsonEdward born about 1903
JohnsonElla born about 1905
JohnsonEmily Corneliaborn about 1937
JohnsonGlotia born about 1928
JohnsonJuanita born about 1931
JohnsonMargaret born about 1932
JohnsonMary born about 1898
JohnsonMatalie born about 1891
JohnsonOlaf born about 1884
JohnsonOlive Kayborn about 1899
JohnsonOtto born about 1923
JohnsonRoss Stokleyborn about 1929
JohnsonS Eborn about 1890
JohnsonWalter Eborn about 1900
JohnsonWalter Edward Jrborn about 1926
JonesElizabeth born about 1899
JonesH Gborn about 1896
JonesHarry G Jrborn about 1924
JonesHenry born about 1903
JonesHenry Jr born about 1934
JonesJanice born about 1940
JonesMinnie born about 1914
JonesNelie Maeborn about 1907
JonesOscar born about 1900
JonesRobert Hborn about 1922
JonesVerna born about 1904
JonesWillie Fborn about 1937
JoplinDiana born about 1939
JoplinElvin born about 1911
JoplinRita born about 1918
JordanClara born about 1913
JordanClyde Bborn about 1937
JordanEleanor born about 1914
JordanHenry born about 1911
JordanIra Sborn about 1914
JordanMarva Eborn about 1940

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K Surnames

KatesBobby Fborn about 1930
KatesExie born about 1905
KatesJoseph Fborn about 1896
KatesVirginia Mborn about 1937
KellumGrace born about 1903
KellumWilbur born about 1897
KellyJesse born about 1937
KellyKing born about 1909
KellyMagella born about 1913
KellyRichard born about 1939
KeyBessie born about 1904
KeyJohn born about 1925
KeyJoseph Henryborn about 1898
KilpatrickDorothy born about 1920
KilpatrickM Dborn about 1900
KilpatrickNina Eborn about 1900
KirchofferArthur Mborn about 1930
KirchofferEugene born about 1898
KirchofferEugene Oborn about 1934
KirchofferMarguerite born about 1904
KirchofferMarguerite Lborn about 1935
KloepferCarter born about 1938
KloepferGeorge Aborn about 1906
KloepferGeorge Jr born about 1930
KloepferJoanne born about 1932
KloepferJohanna born about 1907
KocanBetty Juneborn about 1926
KocanEdward Lborn about 1937
KocanJosephine born about 1907
KocanMary Elizabethborn about 1925
KocanStanley Fborn about 1901
KocanStanley Jr born about 1928
KoivistaM Mborn about 1910
KoivistaMyrtle Eborn about 1912
KoivistaRobert Mborn about 1939
KretzAudrey Rborn about 1912
KretzCharles Hborn about 1910
KretzElizabeth born about 1871
KretzFrederick Cborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LadsonJohnsie born about 1916
LadsonTommie Jeanborn about 1939
LadsonWm Fborn about 1916
LaflammeEunice born about 1915
LaflammeRaymond born about 1905
LaisThelma born about 1918
LaisW Fborn about 1913
LamberthFrederick born about 1916
LamberthLouise born about 1918
LangfordJ Mborn about 1908
LangfordJohn born about 1935
LangfordMildred born about 1914
LangsfordAnna Mborn about 1895
LaniganE Jborn about 1906
LaniganLillian born about 1905
LaryIrma born about 1913
LaryWille Bborn about 1901
LatimerCalhoun born about 1937
LatimerFern Mborn about 1912
LatimerSharon born about 1932
LawsFrancis Mborn about 1904
LawsFrancis M Jrborn about 1932
LawsNancy born about 1936
LawsVestal born about 1905
LedeenA Nborn about 1875
LedewIrma born about 1901
LedewJoseph Aborn about 1895
LedewJoseph Rborn about 1929
LedewRichard Hborn about 1931
LedewThomas Aborn about 1927
LeeAldwin Bborn about 1912
LeeCordelia Pborn about 1918
LeeMary born about 1934
LeeMary Mborn about 1896
LeePriscille Aborn about 1939
LeeStephen Mborn about 1932
LeeSue Jeanborn about 1937
LeeWilliam Fborn about 1931
LelechBeatrice born about 1908
LelechGerald Pborn about 1938
LelechP Jborn about 1901
LeonardW Aborn about 1888
LewisAlice Fayborn about 1931
LewisFlorence born about 1877
LewisGeorge born about 1879
LewisGeorge Jr born about 1921
LewisGerald Lborn about 1936
LewisH Cborn about 1874
LewisHarold born about 1904
LewisHarold born about 1932
LewisMarjorie born about 1919
LewisMary born about 1914
LewisRaymond Hborn about 1934
LewisRegine born about 1909
LewisRobert born about 1916
LewisSavine born about 1921
LewisTena born about 1880
LienDonna born about 1917
LienMartinus Aborn about 1916
LienVirginia Maeborn about 1940
LimonKate born about 1877
LinderHarry Hugoborn about 1903
LinderOlyn Dborn about 1906
LindsayBarbara Jeanborn about 1927
LindsayJean Cborn about 1895
LindsayVelma Mborn about 1903
LockwoodAlice Iborn about 1939
LockwoodAllie Maeborn about 1936
LockwoodBarbara Annborn about 1931
LockwoodClardette born about 1935
LockwoodErnest born about 1902
LockwoodHolestian born about 1930
LockwoodMary born about 1870
LockwoodMary Annborn about 1907
LockwoodMary Annborn about 1933
LudwigAlfred born about 1897
LudwigLora Adaborn about 1936
LudwigRosa Mayborn about 1939
LudwigZubie born about 1910
LueH Fborn about 1876
LuersCharles Rborn about 1903
LuersMargie Anneborn about 1934
LuersMarjorie born about 1908
LuersSusan born about 1936

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M Surnames

MackeyBessie Jborn about 1887
MackeyJesse Tborn about 1887
MackeyJessica Jborn about 1917
MaddoxMinnie born about 1870
MaineLydia born about 1905
MaineM Lborn about 1905
MalkovDaniel Mborn about 1939
MalkovGrace born about 1913
MalkovKathleen born about 1936
MarshalJ Wborn about 1896
MarshalMartha born about 1900
MarshalMartha born about 1935
MarshallDelila born about 1876
MarshallL born about 1868
MatthewsEthel born about 1915
MayMarjorie born about 1931
MayShirley Annborn about 1936
MaySidney born about 1935
MayfieldAlbert born about 1915
MayfieldPhilomena Lborn about 1919
MayfieldRosaria Rborn about 1940
McCardyJames born about 1905
McCardySusan born about 1913
McCloudBenjamin born about 1939
McCloudEleanor born about 1936
McCloudErnest born about 1913
McCloudErnestine born about 1932
McCloudJaunita born about 1934
McCloudJoseph born about 1939
McCloudMildred born about 1911
McCloudQuentine born about 1938
McClureBetty Leeborn about 1934
McClureDorothy born about 1913
McCoffreyC Fborn about 1907
McCoffreyLois born about 1909
McCoyElsie Kborn about 1903
McCoyMax Mborn about 1901
McCraryCharlotte Sborn about 1935
McCraryLeon born about 1911
McCraryMary born about 1914
McGaulyCarlton born about 1899
McGaulyCatherine born about 1905
McGaulyCatherine born about 1930
McGeeFred born about 1876
McGeeJoe born about 1882
McGillC Bborn about 1912
McGillDorothy born about 1913
McGrathJane born about 1914
McGrathM Cborn about 1914
McGrathMaria born about 1936
McGuffreyElizabeth born about 1922
McLellanElla born about 1870
McNairIsaac born about 1916
McNairPatty born about 1918
McNeilAudrey born about 1909
McNeilBetty Margaretborn about 1932
McNeilHarold born about 1907
McNeilHarold Jr born about 1934
McPhyllisCharles Sborn about 1902
McPhyllisEsther Mborn about 1900
MeadAgnes Tborn about 1900
MeadC Addisonborn about 1897
MeadC Addison Jrborn about 1925
MeadFrances Eborn about 1908
MeadJune Elizabethborn about 1926
MeadMichaela born about 1938
MeadMyrtice born about 1901
MeadNancy Carolynborn about 1930
MeadPatricia Rborn about 1931
MeadRichard Tborn about 1928
MeadSanford Lborn about 1905
MeadSanford L Jrborn about 1935
MeadWilliam Mborn about 1900
MeadWilliam M Jrborn about 1924
MehleAileen born about 1920
MehleR Wborn about 1916
MelendyDoriene born about 1938
MelendyHarold Iborn about 1911
MelendyHarold Rborn about 1939
MelendyMarguerite born about 1916
MellesFreeman born about 1932
MellesJeff born about 1900
MellesJohn Eborn about 1939
MellesJoseph born about 1935
MellesMarguerite born about 1929
MellesRobert born about 1902
MellesStella born about 1918
MellesTina Mborn about 1900
MettnayHarry Eborn about 1906
MettnayJessie Mborn about 1909
MettnayJoan Marieborn about 1937
MettnayWilliam Jborn about 1935
MillerEvelyn born about 1915
MillerRichard born about 1936
MillerSidney born about 1910
MillerSidney Jr born about 1939
MillsTina born about 1901
MiltonEthel born about 1910
MintzL Cborn about 1905
MintzLouis Jr born about 1935
MintzPearl born about 1911
MintzPearl Nellborn about 1932
MintzPeggy born about 1934
MonahanBernice born about 1911
MonahanIdris Bborn about 1906
MontgomeryEugene born about 1932
MontgomeryGeorge born about 1934
MontgomeryHarriett born about 1904
MontgomeryJohn born about 1901
MooreBen Jr born about 1910
MooreHelen Morganborn about 1912
MooreJune Nborn about 1918
MooreMarilyn born about 1939
MooreMary Kathrynborn about 1914
MooreR Aborn about 1914
MooreTheophilus born about 1915
MorrisNona born about 1922
MorrisWilliam Jborn about 1939
MoynahanB Jborn about 1907
MoynahanFlorence Mborn about 1911
MoynahanMichael born about 1939
MuenzelElizabeth born about 1933
MuenzelElzona born about 1914
MuenzelOtto born about 1906
MuenzelOtto born about 1935
MurrayArwilder born about 1910
MurrayHarold Cborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonBernard born about 1939
NelsonBertha Jborn about 1934
NelsonBeulah born about 1895
NelsonCarl Fborn about 1936
NelsonEdward born about 1895
NelsonHarold Eborn about 1919
NelsonHelen born about 1922
NelsonJoan born about 1935
NelsonLois Marieborn about 1930
NelsonMintie born about 1867
NelsonMrs Fred born about 1869
NesbitAda born about 1892
NesbitEdward born about 1882
NesbitGeorge born about 1921
NewburryEula born about 1915
NewburryJackson born about 1910
NewburryJackson Jr born about 1938
NewcombA Hborn about 1912
NewcombAnne born about 1913
NicholsonEdythe born about 1912
NicholsonLuther Bborn about 1903
NicholsonMae born about 1932
NicholsonRosemary born about 1930
NievesMaria Pborn about 1909
NievesRobert Gborn about 1911
NoisCarol Jeanborn about 1937
NoisJohn Fborn about 1901
NoisRuth Claineborn about 1908
NulemanKeith Sborn about 1939
NulemanLeo Bborn about 1913
NulemanRuth Lborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OldmixonCarol Marieborn about 1936
OldmixonColette born about 1934
OldmixonDonald born about 1928
OldmixonDouglas born about 1908
OldmixonFlorea born about 1908
OldmixonJoan born about 1932
OldmixonMargaret born about 1891
OldmixonPatricia born about 1930
OldmixonRichard born about 1926
OliverAddie born about 1910
OliverDonald Wborn about 1939
OliverElis born about 1939
OliverEugenie Rborn about 1914
OliverJanice born about 1936
OliverLena Maeborn about 1909
OliverLurline born about 1930
OliverRobert born about 1895
OliverRobert Jr born about 1932
OliverRufus Rborn about 1916
OliverRufus R Jrborn about 1938
OliverVelma Lborn about 1912
OlsenJames born about 1931
OlsenMaggie born about 1899
OlsenOscar born about 1893
OlsenOscar Jr born about 1921
OlsenWilliam born about 1923
OlsonE Aborn about 1910
OlsonEloise born about 1914
OlsonEngwall born about 1937
OwenCannon Aborn about 1910
OwenDelores Fborn about 1915
OwensRobert Rborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettBessie born about 1896
PadgettE Lborn about 1893
PalmerM Wborn about 1893
PalmerMargaret born about 1909
PalmerMarsallore born about 1935
PapiClara Jeanborn about 1938
PapiEugene born about 1900
PapiRose born about 1913
ParkerCatherine born about 1927
ParkerCharles born about 1883
ParkerCharles born about 1902
ParkerEmily born about 1886
ParkerJacob born about 1924
PatriarcaFrank Aborn about 1913
PatriarcaMary Janeborn about 1909
PatriarcaPatricia born about 1939
PattenThomas born about 1879
PattenWinnie born about 1891
PearsonAngelina born about 1921
PearsonLucille born about 1912
PearsonRussell born about 1912
PerryKenneth Aborn about 1915
PerryVida Ruthborn about 1918
PersonsSylvia born about 1909
PersonsThornton born about 1898
PettisJosh born about 1910
PettisSalena born about 1904
PflumKathryn born about 1914
PflumRaymond Jkborn about 1910
PhillipsC Aborn about 1898
PhillipsGeorgia born about 1921
PhillipsLouise born about 1933
PhillipsNetie born about 1898
PhillipsNorma born about 1919
PisianiAnnie born about 1896
PisianiPaul born about 1901
PittsEvelyn born about 1907
PittsHerman born about 1901
PittsJames born about 1933
PleasantAlice born about 1913
PleasantLeoyn born about 1912
PolattyCharles Mborn about 1932
PolattyFlorence born about 1910
PolattyLouis Glenborn about 1934
PotterAlbertha born about 1900
PotterAnnie born about 1933
PotterBarbara born about 1930
PotterBeulah Maeborn about 1922
PotterCatherine born about 1889
PotterDorothy born about 1927
PotterFrank born about 1918
PotterFrank born about 1924
PotterFred born about 1933
PotterJohn born about 1923
PotterMiles born about 1928
PotterRose born about 1907
PotterTravis born about 1910
PotterWarren born about 1907
PouNorma born about 1880
PowellMatt born about 1930
PribleBillie Pborn about 1898
PribleGeorge Lborn about 1898
PribleJohn born about 1933
PriceA Dborn about 1881
PriceAndrew Jr born about 1937
PriceBessie born about 1902
PriceBetty born about 1934
PriceL Aborn about 1899
PriceMildred born about 1927
PriceNaomi born about 1935
PriceTessie born about 1928
PriceTheresa born about 1905
PriceViola born about 1939
PriestmanFlora born about 1907
PriestmanLawrence born about 1900
PriestmanLawrence C Jrborn about 1939
PughRuth born about 1921
PughW Bborn about 1917
PuilieBertha born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnAnna born about 1904
QuinnCurtis born about 1896
QuinnJames born about 1928

R Surnames

RainesIris born about 1939
RainesJessie born about 1921
RainesRobert born about 1916
RandallGardner Dborn about 1915
RandallLorraine born about 1916
ReadCarol Dborn about 1928
ReadGeorge Rborn about 1897
ReadGrace Dborn about 1897
ReadVirginia Aborn about 1924
ReedCarol Jeanborn about 1939
ReedDonald Reedborn about 1936
ReedFrank born about 1931
ReedJohn born about 1887
ReedJohn Jr born about 1930
ReedJosephine born about 1904
ReedLeatha born about 1925
ReedWillard born about 1933
ReedyCarolyn Gborn about 1925
ReedyCarrie Eborn about 1891
ReedyHarriet Jborn about 1924
ReedyHarry E Jrborn about 1936
ReedyHerry Palmerborn about 1892
ReeksEulah born about 1907
ReeksVentress born about 1909
ReillyLorena born about 1862
ResmondaS Aborn about 1901
ResmondaThelma born about 1909
ResmondoB Vborn about 1893
ResmondoMinnie Evaborn about 1910
ReymundsLea Aborn about 1896
ReymundsLila Leaborn about 1905
RhineCharlotte born about 1898
RhineRoy Iborn about 1898
RichardJoseph Dborn about 1901
RichardJoseph D Jrborn about 1926
RichardMary Iborn about 1923
RichardMillicent Tborn about 1901
RichardYvonne Mborn about 1925
RichardsonDoris born about 1914
RichardsonE Hborn about 1909
RichardsonEdward Rborn about 1939
RicksDessie born about 1912
RicksEwell Eborn about 1915
RicksLee Vborn about 1927
RicksMary born about 1900
RifeCharles Hborn about 1883
RifeMamie Gborn about 1886
RisbyArthur born about 1877
RobbinsArizona Iborn about 1909
RobertsE Eborn about 1870
RobertsMarilyn born about 1931
RobertsonJames born about 1861
RobertsonMargaret born about 1890
RobinsonAgnes born about 1906
RobinsonAnthony born about 1906
RobinsonAnthony Jr born about 1928
RobinsonBarbara Annborn about 1930
RobinsonGloria born about 1927
RogersAnnabell born about 1918
RoodH Bborn about 1914
RoodMarion born about 1912
RoseCharlotte born about 1913
RoseIvan Oaklyborn about 1911
RossAnnie Bellborn about 1938
RossAubrey born about 1910
RossCaeser born about 1911
RossCaeser Jr born about 1932
RossCatherine born about 1936
RossEdwin born about 1912
RossGeorge Hborn about 1902
RossGertrude born about 1912
RossJim born about 1874
RossJimmie Leeborn about 1939
RossJoann born about 1937
RossJosephine born about 1911
RossMabek born about 1933
RossMary born about 1908
RossPatricia born about 1931
RossRosa born about 1881
RoyMary born about 1874
RoyWilliam H Srborn about 1876
RoyerFather Josephborn about 1897
RoyerMrs W Hborn about 1876
RussellNorman Rborn about 1917
RussellNorman R Jrborn about 1939
RussellSybil born about 1919
RustBarbara Annborn about 1934
RustHarriette born about 1904
RustJacqueline born about 1935
RustNancy Leeborn about 1927
RutherfordElizabeth born about 1915
RutherfordReginald born about 1914
RutledgeBeatrice born about 1906
RutledgeEarnestine born about 1932
RutledgeEdna Maeborn about 1925
RutledgeMildred born about 1928
RutledgeMilton born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalmonsLillian born about 1901
SalmonsR Aborn about 1896
ScalleyEmma born about 1919
ScalleyEva born about 1891
ScalleyMarion born about 1925
ScalleyRockwell born about 1895
ScalleyVirginia born about 1917
ScarrittMrs Agnes born about 1865
ScarrittRussell born about 1903
ScarrittTheodore born about 1929
ScarrittThomas Pborn about 1932
SchererCarl Oborn about 1898
ScottBetty born about 1921
SheflerA Fborn about 1908
SheflerErinita Pborn about 1907
SheflerPatricia Annborn about 1937
ShepardLilla Mayborn about 1921
ShepardRonald Wborn about 1914
ShepherdMarion born about 1931
SheppardJohn born about 1918
ShubertJeremine Cborn about 1910
SkinnerZ Aborn about 1901
SloanDonald Allenborn about 1940
SloanJack Dborn about 1918
SloanMarie Louiseborn about 1916
SmallD Eborn about 1901
SmallMamie Lborn about 1901
SmithBetty Imogeneborn about 1940
SmithCecil born about 1923
SmithCharles born about 1922
SmithCharlie Bellborn about 1914
SmithClinton born about 1919
SmithClyde Fborn about 1898
SmithElla born about 1919
SmithFlorence born about 1902
SmithFlorence born about 1927
SmithFlorence born about 1939
SmithGladys born about 1937
SmithHarold born about 1936
SmithHelen Mborn about 1905
SmithHelen Ruthborn about 1928
SmithHenry born about 1898
SmithHenry born about 1923
SmithIris Evansborn about 1916
SmithJarry Tomborn about 1939
SmithJesse born about 1874
SmithJiane born about 1930
SmithJoseph born about 1915
SmithJoseph born about 1918
SmithLinton born about 1913
SmithMisele born about 1913
SmithOllie born about 1913
SmithPaul Fborn about 1935
SmithR Sborn about 1912
SmithShirley born about 1927
SnyderGeraldine born about 1915
SnyderLee Gborn about 1909
SpannBeth Eborn about 1914
SpannCecil E Jrborn about 1914
SpearsElla Maeborn about 1907
SpellerFrank born about 1887
SpellerJames born about 1919
SpellerRuby born about 1894
StantonBeatrice born about 1908
StantonElizabeth Cborn about 1939
StantonJulian born about 1907
StielerConstance born about 1911
StielerMiriam born about 1937
StielerRoland Eborn about 1902
StokesLeo born about 1904
StollCharles born about 1917
StollCharles Rborn about 1936
StollJunita born about 1914
StoutamireDixie born about 1916
StoutamireFlodia born about 1917
StoutamireThomas Cborn about 1940
StringfellowAdabelle born about 1908
StringfellowRichard born about 1939
StringfellowWm born about 1907
StubbsBetty Ruthborn about 1931
StubbsGertrude Rborn about 1910
StubbsPhyllis Mborn about 1934
StubbsThomas Aborn about 1903
SuarezJ Eborn about 1905
SuarezMyrtle born about 1910
SumayerElizabeth born about 1895
SummersFrieda born about 1899
SummersS Jborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorLouise Vborn about 1908
TempleArthur Eborn about 1917
TempleCarol born about 1940
TempleDorothy born about 1917
TerrisAlexis Tborn about 1902
TerrisAnn Nadineborn about 1939
TerrisElizabeth Rborn about 1902
TerrisWilliam born about 1933
ThayerJerry born about 1933
TheurickBetty born about 1937
TheurickGertrude born about 1900
ThomasJohn Aborn about 1914
ThomasLester born about 1927
ThomasLillian Mareyborn about 1919
ThompsonAntionette born about 1935
ThompsonGeorge Eborn about 1931
ThompsonGeorge Rborn about 1900
ThompsonJessie born about 1898
ThompsonMatie Mborn about 1906
ThompsonRobert Rborn about 1893
ThreattBessie Pearlborn about 1901
ThreattWilliam born about 1901
ThurmanGertrude born about 1907
ThurmanK Oborn about 1908
ToddC Robertborn about 1911
ToddEdna Lborn about 1921
ToddJanie Fborn about 1911
ToddW Vborn about 1915
ToftClarence Rborn about 1911
ToftOra Leeborn about 1913
TorbertJoan Louiseborn about 1916
TorbertJuett Lborn about 1910
TorbertRobert born about 1936
TurnerJewel born about 1917
TurnerRuth born about 1917
TuzJohn Eborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VincentFrances born about 1915
VincentWilford born about 1915

W Surnames

WaddellAnna Melleborn about 1908
WaddellJ Aborn about 1908
WaggnerIsabel born about 1867
WagnerElsie Cborn about 1892
WagnerGeorge Jborn about 1879
WagnerPriscella Cborn about 1917
WagnerPriscella Cborn about 1938
WagnerR Rborn about 1910
WaiteSister born about 1905
WaldropIva born about 1924
WaldropJack born about 1915
WaldropJacky born about 1939
WarfelElizabeth Wborn about 1913
WarfelJohn Sborn about 1912
WarfelSteven Rborn about 1939
WarrenRobert born about 1913
WarrenYnez born about 1915
WashingtonStella born about 1874
WatsonEthel Rborn about 1884
WebsterEmma born about 1900
WelleyEileen born about 1921
WelleyGeraldine born about 1897
WelleyWhilelye born about 1892
WhattAlice born about 1917
WhattEdith born about 1892
WhattElston born about 1921
WhattHarrison born about 1888
WheelerJoseph born about 1940
WheelerKathryn born about 1916
WheelerLucellus born about 1912
WheelerSammy born about 1901
WheelerWallace born about 1936
WheelerWm born about 1904
WhiteA Zborn about 1900
WhiteAlice born about 1928
WhiteAnnie born about 1909
WhiteBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
WhiteCharlesta Maeborn about 1931
WhiteCharlotte born about 1884
WhiteCora born about 1879
WhiteDaniel L Jrborn about 1931
WhiteDavid born about 1908
WhiteDelores born about 1933
WhiteE Jr born about 1935
WhiteEleanora born about 1916
WhiteFlorence born about 1901
WhiteGeorge born about 1924
WhiteGreta Bellborn about 1933
WhiteHiram born about 1916
WhiteIsabelle born about 1929
WhiteJerald born about 1939
WhiteJessie born about 1910
WhiteLaura Bellborn about 1906
WhiteLeroy born about 1922
WhiteLillian born about 1900
WhiteLloyd born about 1915
WhiteLois Elaineborn about 1930
WhiteRichard born about 1925
WhiteheadEthel born about 1917
WhiteheadL Hborn about 1916
WhitingAmbrose born about 1873
WhitingArgie born about 1898
WhitingAvristine born about 1923
WhitingBessie Maeborn about 1913
WhitingBulah born about 1901
WhitingElery born about 1924
WhitingHaywood born about 1896
WhitingHoward born about 1920
WhitingJoe born about 1915
WhitingJohn born about 1904
WhitingJulia born about 1922
WhitingLizzie born about 1882
WickerOliver born about 1913
WickerVelma born about 1913
WiegandEleanor born about 1903
WiegandH Rborn about 1900
WiegandMinnie born about 1869
WilharmCarolyn Bborn about 1916
WilharmJohn Fborn about 1909
WilharmMary Lborn about 1939
WillbanksCharlotte Mborn about 1938
WillbanksRobert Jr born about 1913
WillbanksVievian born about 1923
WillbanksVivian Deeborn about 1939
WilliamsBessie born about 1932
WilliamsC Hborn about 1876
WilliamsCatherine born about 1927
WilliamsClaire Mborn about 1907
WilliamsElla Louiseborn about 1929
WilliamsGloria born about 1934
WilliamsGwendolyn born about 1935
WilliamsJoan born about 1934
WilliamsJohn Jr born about 1938
WilliamsLena born about 1913
WilliamsRobert born about 1938
WilliamsVernon born about 1902
WillisLoni born about 1938
WillisLouie born about 1939
WillisMartha born about 1915
WillisWalker Jr born about 1909
WilsonFrances born about 1919
WilsonG Wborn about 1904
WilsonMaxine born about 1939
WingateArthur born about 1893
WingateBertram born about 1923
WingateErroll born about 1891
WingateFlorence born about 1900
WingateFrederick born about 1930
WingateMinnie born about 1897
WingateOliver born about 1925
WitekHelen Louiseborn about 1922
WitekLadia Lousborn about 1885
WitekMary Janeborn about 1924
WitekRose born about 1891
WoodC Gradyborn about 1909
WoodVera Cborn about 1908
WoodhamMrs A born about 1868
WrightGeorge Aborn about 1891
WrightGeorge A Jrborn about 1928
WrightLois born about 1925
WrightMargaret born about 1908
WrightMaude born about 1889
WrightRonald Wborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbroughDaisy born about 1880
YatesClark born about 1925
YatesDavid Jr born about 1924
YatesMary Eborn about 1929
YatesRosalee born about 1909
YatesWalter born about 1909
YeagerJoseph Aborn about 1913
YoudRoanna Tborn about 1878
YoudRobert born about 1875
YoungEdward Sborn about 1932
YoungGeorge Aborn about 1901
YoungHerman born about 1939
YoungManuella born about 1905
YoungMary Ellneborn about 1900
YoungMary Lborn about 1927
YoungOlin Hborn about 1899
YoungOlin H Jrborn about 1934

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