1940 U.S. Federal Census of Penial, Putnam, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Putnam County > 1940 Census of Penial

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

ArantFrank born about 1895
ArantGeorge Fborn about 1930
ArantNell Cborn about 1933
ArantNellie born about 1905
ArantRobert Sborn about 1934
ArnoldRosa Leeborn about 1866

B Surnames

BainbridgeAllen born about 1939
BainbridgeBarbard born about 1933
BainbridgeCharles born about 1909
BainbridgeDorothy born about 1911
BainbridgeIrma born about 1936
BartleyColly born about 1916
BartleyMattie born about 1921
BartleyNathaniel born about 1895
BartleyNellie born about 1897
BaughmanEnma born about 1872
BaughmanLuke born about 1869
BeckFrank born about 1922
BeeksHettie born about 1871
BennettCynthia Jborn about 1935
BennettLucy born about 1877
BennettSonny born about 1916
BernettAurilla born about 1902
BernettBertie born about 1939
BernettBetty Louborn about 1935
BernettDor Iborn about 1898
BernettDor I Jrborn about 1927
BernettE Eborn about 1875
BernettEarl born about 1925
BernettJettie Ellaborn about 1930
BernettMelvin born about 1924
BernettRalph born about 1933
BernettRoxie born about 1938
BlackHugh born about 1884
BlackMary Luveniaborn about 1886
BoldonJohn born about 1911
BragunierHal born about 1924
BragunierIrene Pearlborn about 1899
BragunierWalter Wborn about 1892
BrazilNancy Francesborn about 1921
BrinsonLilly Lborn about 1888
BrinsonNoah Aborn about 1877
BrownCarlton born about 1937
BrownDonna Leeborn about 1939
BrownGuy born about 1893
BrownJ Jborn about 1868
BrownJessie born about 1874
BrownJoe born about 1908
BrownJoe Jr born about 1933
BrownLouise born about 1913
BrownMalcolm born about 1918
BrownMay born about 1884
BrownRussell born about 1906
ButcherMayne born about 1885
ButlerClarence born about 1916
ButlerLucy born about 1922

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C Surnames

CameronBarbara born about 1935
CameronHomer born about 1923
CameronHubert born about 1921
CameronMae born about 1902
CameronWilliam Hborn about 1897
CannonAndrew Jborn about 1927
CannonAubrey born about 1937
CannonBelle born about 1881
CannonC Pborn about 1887
CannonCharles born about 1934
CannonClaudine born about 1934
CannonCurtis born about 1921
CannonElbridge Aborn about 1914
CannonElisha born about 1896
CannonElizabeth born about 1925
CannonJ Cborn about 1898
CannonJael born about 1909
CannonJessie Aborn about 1879
CannonJohn born about 1936
CannonLaman born about 1927
CannonLucille born about 1922
CannonReddich born about 1919
CannonRuby born about 1908
CannonRuth born about 1930
CannonTruman Hborn about 1900
CannonWynonah born about 1929
CasonNorman born about 1925
CasonTheo born about 1897
CasonWilbur born about 1922
ClarkEssie Maeborn about 1916
ClarkFrank born about 1916
CooperAlbert born about 1923
CooperIdella born about 1934
CooperJohnnie Leeborn about 1937
CooperRoaline born about 1940
CooperRosalie born about 1931
CooperWillie born about 1910
CooperWillie Leeborn about 1939
CoxWillie born about 1904

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D Surnames

DavisAdolph born about 1924
DavisDoris born about 1936
DavisElizabeth born about 1938
DavisJ Cborn about 1931
DavisLena Maeborn about 1929
DavisMary Elizabethborn about 1901
DavisO Wborn about 1900
DavisOllie Dborn about 1919
DavisWillie Bellborn about 1925
DilliardF Bborn about 1871
DilliardMeady born about 1877
DrennanAndrew Aborn about 1880
DrennanMartha Aliceborn about 1884
DurbenMona born about 1895
DurbenWilliam Mborn about 1891

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E Surnames

EdwardsBeulah born about 1914
EdwardsTalmadge born about 1912
EllebyAnnie Maeborn about 1906
EllebyAnnie Maeborn about 1926
EllebyDaniel born about 1924
EllebyDavid born about 1934
EllebyHenry Leeborn about 1939
EllebyIsaac born about 1919
EllebyOra Maeborn about 1932
EllebyRichard Jamesborn about 1937
EnzorHenny Hborn about 1880
EnzorMildred Mborn about 1918
EnzorRetta born about 1882
EnzorWalter born about 1913
EricsonAlbert Aborn about 1878
EricsonRuby Kborn about 1892

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F Surnames

FolsomGeorge born about 1929
FolsomJean born about 1925
FolsomJosie Bellborn about 1923
FolsomJulia Fborn about 1895
FolsomWallace born about 1893
FolsomWilson born about 1927
FutchAnnette born about 1935
FutchCharlie born about 1908
FutchClifford born about 1907
FutchClifford Wborn about 1938
FutchNancy Margaretborn about 1937
FutchRoberta Jborn about 1917
FutchRuth born about 1911
FutchWala Marieborn about 1936

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G Surnames

GaleRosalie born about 1930
GaleSarah born about 1901
GriffinSusie born about 1875
GriffinWilliam born about 1872
GrinesPearlie born about 1900
GrinesWilliam born about 1895
GunterClyde born about 1933
GunterDelia born about 1877
GunterEmily born about 1908
GunterEunice born about 1906
GunterEvelyn born about 1935
GunterJames Mborn about 1927
GunterWilliard born about 1928

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H Surnames

HaganPete Monroeborn about 1917
HarveyJacqueline born about 1932
HarveyKermit born about 1922
HarveyL Eugeneborn about 1924
HebertJuanita born about 1933
HebertLevis J Jrborn about 1938
HebertLonie born about 1912
HebertLoretta born about 1935
HebertS Jborn about 1902
HerseyJ Lborn about 1922
HerseyYvonne born about 1925
HinesMary born about 1856
HobbsVerbie Cborn about 1897
HolleyAbie Elezabethborn about 1928

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J Surnames

JepsenEdward Mborn about 1912
JepsenL Eborn about 1878
JepsenMary Eligaborn about 1886
JepsenNaomi Lucilleborn about 1923
JepsenWilliam Larsborn about 1924
JerryDella Maeborn about 1910
JerryJessie born about 1906
JerryNeil born about 1936
JohnsonBertha born about 1901
JohnsonBessie Maeborn about 1933
JohnsonJohnnie Kborn about 1920
JohnsonWilliam born about 1923
JonesClaude born about 1920
JonesShirley Jborn about 1921

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K Surnames

KatnickPearl born about 1903
KatnickRobert born about 1899
KeenAlbert born about 1936
KeenEmily Maeborn about 1939
KeenGeorge born about 1896
KeenGeorge Jr born about 1923
KeenJ Cborn about 1929
KeenJohn Tborn about 1933
KeenMaggie born about 1906
KeenThomas born about 1926
KindredChales Monroeborn about 1939
KindredEmma born about 1895
KindredJosephine born about 1915
KindredMartin Sborn about 1892
KindredMyron Eborn about 1915

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L Surnames

LetchworthAnna born about 1886
LetchworthB Bborn about 1866
LeyvragAugust Lborn about 1871
LeyvragTheo Mborn about 1882
LongDenham D Jrborn about 1927
LongEstell born about 1902

M Surnames

MalichBarbara born about 1926
MalichMary Janeborn about 1919
MalichNellie born about 1889
MalichWallace Rborn about 1883
MalichWilliam Hborn about 1923
MathisC Kborn about 1894
MayJ Mborn about 1880
MayLula born about 1883
MaysAlice born about 1892
MaysCarl born about 1924
MaysEmory Geneborn about 1939
MaysG Wborn about 1917
MaysJ Benborn about 1892
MaysLucille born about 1929
MaysOllie Cborn about 1919
McClellanEsther born about 1930
McClellanJ Rborn about 1899
McClellanJohn born about 1932
McClellanLevina born about 1910
McClellanMildred born about 1934
McGillBessie born about 1886
McGillJennie born about 1858
McGillRonald Fborn about 1889
McGowanG Wborn about 1876
McGowanRosa born about 1872
McManusIrene born about 1912
McManusIsla Maeborn about 1924
McManusJohn Cborn about 1884
McManusStella Bborn about 1892
MillerCarrie Lborn about 1891
MillerCecil Sidneyborn about 1907
MillerFrank born about 1887
MillsMart born about 1921
MillsMaud born about 1918
MillsPerry born about 1910
MillsVella Oveidaborn about 1939
MoodyH Mborn about 1928
MoodyHattie born about 1924
MoodyJim born about 1901
MoodyRuby born about 1896
MoodyThelma born about 1922
MoodyWalter born about 1888
MoodyWalter Jr born about 1930

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N Surnames

NewhallHelen born about 1862
NewhallSylvan born about 1859

P Surnames

ParkerJohn born about 1879
ParkerLula born about 1881
ParramoreHilda born about 1925
ParramoreJeannette born about 1928
ParramoreJimmie Jeamborn about 1936
ParramoreMimie Fayborn about 1932
ParramoreRossie born about 1922
ParramoreRuby born about 1899
ParramoreS Gborn about 1885
PeoplesLily born about 1878
PhillipsC Hborn about 1892
PhillipsC H Jrborn about 1922
PhillipsErnest born about 1931
PhillipsJohn Russellborn about 1928
PhillipsPearl born about 1901
PinnerHattie born about 1919
PinnerJohn born about 1874
PinnerLorraine born about 1936
PlattKatherine born about 1932

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R Surnames

RaleyJ Sidneyborn about 1890
RaleyLois born about 1889
RaleySidney Wborn about 1924
RichClyde born about 1918
RichLila born about 1877
RichScarborough Kborn about 1878
RigdonAlexander born about 1891
RigdonAudrey Fayborn about 1929
RigdonBetty Eugeneborn about 1927
RigdonCelia born about 1918
RigdonCharles Russellborn about 1925
RigdonEdna born about 1911
RigdonGarland born about 1930
RigdonJohn Wborn about 1888
RigdonSylvia born about 1938
RigdonWesley Alexborn about 1923
RightmireAnne born about 1908
RightmireJerry Cborn about 1895
RightmireJerry C Jrborn about 1931
RightmireJohn Eborn about 1930
RobertJohn born about 1875
RobinsonMaurice born about
RobshawAllie Maeborn about 1913
RobshawFrank born about 1912
RobshawHelen born about 1938
RossI Lborn about 1875
RossNannie born about 1889
RossOllie born about 1882
RossRuby born about 1916

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S Surnames

SheardLeola born about 1913
SheardWalter born about 1912
SherrouseW Jborn about 1864
SmithAlice born about 1870
SmithJ Uborn about 1870
SmithJean born about 1856
SouthardBetty Jeanborn about 1923
SpencerJ Dborn about 1875
SpencerMildred born about 1921
SpencerRosa born about 1885
SquiresFlorence born about 1884
SquiresJohn born about 1881
SquiresJohn Jr born about 1912
SquiresKate born about 1904
SquiresWalton born about 1923
SquiresWilliam Rborn about 1890
StaceyAlton born about 1902
StaceyAlton Rborn about 1931
StaceyDoris Aborn about 1907
StaceyEnna Lowborn about 1935
StaceyG Wborn about 1906
StaceyHattie born about 1873
StaceyJames Dalmaborn about 1932
StaceyJohnnie Eugeneborn about 1927
StaceyTony born about 1932
StatonAlberta born about 1918
StatonJim born about 1899
StatonPearle Maeborn about 1936
StevensClifford born about 1926
StevensClyde born about 1926
StewartArchibald born about 1880
StrangeAllie born about 1876
StrangeCharlene born about 1932
StrangeE Cborn about 1908
StrangeEdward born about 1877
StrangeEsther born about 1904
StrangeEthel born about 1912
StrangeMartha born about 1937
StrangePaul born about 1905
StrangePaul Jr born about 1926
StrangeVernon Bryanborn about 1935

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T Surnames

ThomasAddie born about 1884
ThomasAlfred born about 1920
ThomasBuch born about 1916
ThomasEarnest born about 1897
ThomasEdward born about 1892
ThomasElvira born about 1900
ThomasFrancis born about 1912
ThomasGeorgia born about 1912
ThomasJames born about 1922
ThomasJulianne born about 1927
ThomasNoah Hborn about 1897

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W Surnames

WallDaisy Bellborn about 1894
WallJ Eborn about 1893
WarrenGeorgia Cborn about 1910
WarrenJulius born about 1892
WhiteEddie born about 1912
WhiteJohnnie Maeborn about 1931
WhiteKatherine born about 1928
WhiteLuvenia born about 1913
WicksEdward born about 1883
WicksMarietta born about 1899
WilkinsonAileen born about 1911
WilkinsonCarie born about 1907
WilkinsonClarence Cborn about 1900
WilkinsonHerbert born about 1912
WilkinsonMae Eborn about 1925
WilkinsonMinnie Jeanborn about 1928
WilkinsonW Rborn about 1871
WilkinsonZilphia born about 1882
WilliamsEdward born about 1886
WilliamsonCarl born about 1917
WilliamsonDella born about 1910
WilliamsonDrew born about 1880
WilliamsonEdward born about 1924
WilliamsonMargaret born about 1934
WilliamsonMihe born about 1907

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Y Surnames

YoungBob born about 1903

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