1940 U.S. Federal Census of Romeo, Marion, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Marion County > 1940 Census of Romeo

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BellEldora born about 1926
BellT Kborn about 1879
BenzAnnie born about 1898
BenzEd born about 1894
BerianGeorge born about 1886
BerianGeorge Jr born about 1936
BerianMamie Louborn about 1929
BerianMary born about 1906
BoatwrightBertha born about 1902
BoatwrightRobert born about 1918
BoatwrightSammy Fborn about 1891
BoatwrightSammy L Jrborn about 1922
BrassBeatrice Eborn about 1902
BrassDalton Tborn about 1928
BrassHenry Bborn about 1898
BrassKenneth Cborn about 1927
BrassNigel Hborn about 1932
BrewerLercus Marionborn about 1926
BrewerMaie Mborn about 1887
BrewerMaydell Sborn about 1928
BrewerVelma Bborn about 1926
BrewerWilliam born about 1876
BrownAlonzo born about 1906
BrownAlonzo Jr born about 1936
BrownAnnie Cborn about 1938
BrownHenry born about 1872
BrownLouis born about 1934
BrownLucille born about 1910
BrownSam born about 1932
BrownWilmer born about 1930
ButlerHarley born about 1877
ButlerJake born about 1920
ByrdBessie born about 1902
ByrdJohn Lborn about 1877

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C Surnames

ColleyHallie born about 1909
ColleyJohn born about 1895
CooperWill born about 1896

D Surnames

DavisRoosebelt born about 1906
DiasAgnes born about 1928
DiasAnderw Jborn about 1939
DiasAvie Lborn about 1913
DiasEdgar Leeborn about 1933
DiasElva born about 1887
DiasErnest Lborn about 1912
DiasGenivieve Aborn about 1936
DiasJames Wborn about 1937
DiasVernon born about 1931
DiasWillie born about 1926
DiasWillie Gborn about 1885
DobsonJohn born about 1891
DobsonJohn Jr born about 1914
DobsonMelinda born about 1888

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E Surnames

EdisonAnnie Rborn about 1920
EdisonJohn Cborn about 1914
EdisonJohn C Jrborn about 1940

F Surnames

FennellAnna Wborn about 1876
FennellFranklin Pborn about 1875
FennellHarold Lborn about 1907
FreemanIda born about 1872

G Surnames

GuilfoyleAnnie Mborn about 1881
GuilfoyleW Hborn about 1874

H Surnames

HiersHorace Lborn about 1917
HiersJessie Eborn about 1887
HiersLuther Hborn about 1887
HiersLuther Lborn about 1920
HiersPauline Sborn about 1924
HoppingA Pauletteborn about 1939
HoppingAnnie born about 1872
HoppingBlanche Vborn about 1911
HoppingDorothy Eborn about 1918
HoppingJean born about 1937
HoppingJohn Pborn about 1908
HoppingRebecca born about 1934
HoppingStiles Dborn about 1903
HoppingVelma born about 1930
HutchinsHattie Mborn about 1882
HutchinsHerman Eborn about 1914
HutchinsHysler Hborn about 1923
HutchinsMaysel Hborn about 1923
HutchinsThomas Cborn about 1880

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J Surnames

JohnsMorris Sborn about 1896
JohnsVerdia Oborn about 1911
JonesH Ernestineborn about 1930
JonesHammond born about 1901
JonesRay Sborn about 1905

K Surnames

KempGladys Pborn about 1922
KempIra Simsborn about 1891
KempMaude Iborn about 1929
KempMinnie Agnesborn about 1897
KempT Lucilleborn about 1920
KempWilliam Iborn about 1925

L Surnames

LewisDavid Aborn about 1917
LucasGrover Cborn about 1893
LucasIda Aborn about 1872
LucasPenney Lborn about 1890

M Surnames

MarkhamArthur Pborn about 1888
MarkhamBeatrice born about 1898
MarkhamCharles born about 1924
MarkhamClara Bborn about 1900
MarkhamClara Vborn about 1928
MarkhamEudonald born about 1932
MarkhamGeorge Fborn about 1938
MarkhamGiles Eborn about 1893
MarkhamHarmon Cborn about 1904
MarkhamHarvey Cborn about 1930
MarkhamHenry Wborn about 1930
MarkhamIris Aborn about 1920
MarkhamJ Wborn about 1928
MarkhamJack Hborn about 1931
MarkhamJames Cborn about 1929
MarkhamJohn Wborn about 1924
MarkhamJoseph Aborn about 1884
MarkhamJosie Bborn about 1891
MarkhamLewis Eborn about 1934
MarkhamLewis Hborn about 1908
MarkhamLillian Nborn about 1935
MarkhamMaggie Mborn about 1887
MarkhamMalvolm Dborn about 1923
MarkhamMamie Eborn about 1926
MarkhamMarvell born about 1936
MarkhamMary Janeborn about 1893
MarkhamMelore born about 1910
MarkhamMyrtis Nborn about 1936
MarkhamMyrtle born about 1927
MarkhamNellie born about 1906
MarkhamNorbet Lborn about 1937
MarkhamO Jborn about 1927
MarkhamOllie Cborn about 1892
MarkhamOllie Maeborn about 1932
MarkhamPat born about 1930
MarkhamRachel Lborn about 1930
MarkhamReba Lborn about 1926
MarkhamTroy Lborn about 1923
MarkhamVirgil born about 1920
MarkhamVirginia born about 1937
MarkhamWarner Lborn about 1920
MarkhamWilliam Hborn about 1880
MarkhamZennie Bellborn about 1922
McClearyRas born about 1885
McClearyViola born about 1895
McConeEula Bborn about 1939
McConeJames Eborn about 1908
McConeNancy born about 1911
McDanielIla Bborn about 1896
McDinelPrezzie born about 1898
McGeeheeCarrie Gborn about 1863
McGeeheeJoseph Bborn about 1889
McIntyreMattie born about 1895
McIntyreWilliam born about 1879
MeyersL Bborn about 1923
MooreCarlos Cborn about 1909
MooreEmmett Hborn about 1916
MooreJoan Lborn about 1935
MooreJoel Dborn about 1878
MooreJosephine born about 1895
MooreLola Hborn about 1921
MooreNewton Lborn about 1890
MooreNovia Lborn about 1912
MooreSallie Aborn about 1882

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N Surnames

NelsonCharley born about 1920
NelsonEdward born about 1921
NelsonEthel born about 1910
NelsonHerman born about 1936
NelsonJames born about 1918
NelsonLetha born about 1934
NelsonMinnie born about 1890
NelsonRichard born about 1934
NelsonRoman born about 1932
NelsonRosina born about 1924
NettlesHarry Wborn about 1922
NettlesJohn Mborn about 1871
NettlesViolet Bborn about 1882
NicholsNarcissus Aborn about 1871
NixonDaisy Maeborn about 1912
NixonRobert born about 1887
NixonWillie born about 1895
NobleFred Wborn about 1899
NobleFreddie born about 1930
NobleNorma Mborn about 1926
NobleRuby Mborn about 1910
NoblesHerbert Gleenborn about 1935
NoblesJohn Sborn about 1887
NoblesMilven Hborn about 1865
NoblesRossie Jborn about 1915

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O Surnames

OsteenA Louiseborn about 1928
OsteenFloyd Aborn about 1927
OsteenFrancis Gborn about 1933
OsteenGene Cborn about 1939
OsteenMilton Bborn about 1937
OsteenNancy Cborn about 1935
OsteenRobert Gborn about 1932
OsteenRobert Leeborn about 1903
OsteenSusie Cborn about 1908
OsteenTeddy Dborn about 1933
OwensJ Rborn about 1930
OwensLillian born about 1907
OwensLyther Rborn about 1901

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P Surnames

PedrickTracy Tborn about 1896
PedrickVirginia born about 1903
PendarvisAndrew Jborn about 1920
PendarvisHoward born about 1914
PendarvisMattie Eborn about 1881
PetersonDorothy Iborn about 1930
PetersonHattie Maeborn about 1910
PetersonMerle Bborn about 1932
PetersonThelma Mborn about 1926
PetersonTimothy Bborn about 1903
PrinceWillie Lborn about 1921

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R Surnames

ReganEmma born about 1873
ReveloLovett Aborn about 1890
ReveloWilliam Wborn about 1905
RushMahalie born about 1873

S Surnames

SamsJanet born about 1899
SamsRed born about 1928
SchropshireGretchel Lborn about 1928
SchropshirePearl Lborn about 1899
SimmonsCecil born about 1913
SimonWillie born about 1922
SmithCharley born about 1879
SmithClifford Fborn about 1885
SmithEmma Jborn about 1928
SmithNatalie born about 1886
StarlingLoia Tborn about 1923
StarlingRalph Dborn about 1901
StrawnEd born about 1894
StrawnFrank born about 1926
StrawnMorgan born about 1919
StrawnRachel born about 1922
StreetMattie Mborn about 1910

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T Surnames

TerrellJanie born about 1891
TerrellJohnnie born about 1927
TerrellLeon born about 1931
TerrellMamie Lborn about 1925
TerrellMose born about 1890
TerrellMose Jr born about 1929
TerrellQuince born about 1920
TerrellRaymond Eborn about 1935
TerrellSouthern born about 1922

W Surnames

WalkerFred Bborn about 1916
WalkerMaggie Pborn about 1885
WalkerWindel Mborn about 1922
WalkerWinford Eborn about 1922
WigginsAlfred born about 1903
WigginsBertie born about 1870
WigginsBurrel Dborn about 1928
WigginsEffie Lborn about 1912
WigginsErlene born about 1933
WigginsFannie Iborn about 1898
WigginsGladys Bborn about 1934
WigginsGrace Vborn about 1928
WigginsJames Cborn about 1898
WigginsOscar Dborn about 1889
WigginsZelma born about 1908
WileyCatherine born about 1923
WileyIra born about 1899
WileyJ Cborn about 1896
WileyJ C Jrborn about 1925
WileyJames born about 1918
WileyJohn born about 1856
WilliamsAltames born about 1927
WilliamsEdna Eborn about 1932
WilliamsTheodore born about 1928
WilliamsTheodore born about 1930

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Y Surnames

YantCaretha born about 1922
YoungAnnie Eborn about 1886
YoungEvelyn born about 1915
YoungFrances Cborn about 1925
YoungJanet Lborn about 1922
YoungJessie Mborn about 1906
YoungRobert Fborn about 1882
YoungSusanna Dborn about 1927
YoungWilliam Dborn about 1878
YoungWilma Lborn about 1918

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