1940 U.S. Federal Census of Salerno, Martin, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Martin County > 1940 Census of Salerno

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AllanElijah Jborn about 1899
AllanSavannaugh born about 1905
AndersonCharles born about 1904
AndersonHelga born about 1882
AndersonJohn Kborn about 1879
AndersonMaud born about 1907
ArnoldAlice born about 1917
ArnoldE Jborn about 1907
ArnoldEmma born about 1876
ArnoldJeanne Aborn about 1935
ArnoldWilliam Hborn about 1878
AushiroJules Sborn about 1880

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B Surnames

BaldwinEdwin Aborn about 1909
BaldwinEdwin A Iiiborn about 1934
BaldwinJenny born about 1910
BaldwinJenny Aborn about 1931
BarbasHelen born about 1933
BarbasJohn born about 1931
BarbasKathryn born about 1927
BerklandPeter born about 1879
BlakeLaura born about 1895
BlakeRita born about 1929
BlatchBeatrice born about 1928
BlatchDonald born about 1919
BlatchDorris born about 1918
BlatchEdith born about 1930
BlatchLorence born about 1896
BlatchMargery born about 1932
BlatchOniel born about 1923
BlatchVictoria born about 1934
BlatchWilliam born about 1888
BlissardMinnie Lborn about 1874
BuckleRuby Mborn about 1939
BurnsAlthire born about 1933
BurnsD Gborn about 1893
BurnsEdwin born about 1927
BurnsHanser born about 1925
BurnsJames born about 1936
BurnsLouise born about 1929
BurnsPearl born about 1896
BuskaClaud Jborn about 1900
BuskaIrene born about 1910

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C Surnames

CarsonOrba born about 1879
ChandlerMary Aborn about 1872
ClaytonClifford Fborn about 1862
ClaytonFlorence born about 1861
ColeArthur Bborn about 1938
ColeNamie Eborn about 1934
ConroyThomas born about 1886
CowartCarter born about 1897
CowartSuzie born about 1892
CrawfordLillian born about 1920
CrawfordMildred born about 1939
CrawfordNorman born about 1938
CrawfordRufus Pborn about 1910

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D Surnames

DavisonJenny Bborn about 1875
DawsonWilliam Sborn about 1877
DelksBert born about 1887
DeloachAdolf Jborn about 1911
DeloachEmory born about 1916
DeloachJames born about 1937
DeloachJuanita born about 1917
DeloachLelon Eborn about 1906
DeloachMary Aliceborn about 1934
DeloachNna Mayborn about 1937
DeloachOdell born about 1929
DeloachSadie born about 1912
DeloachThomas born about 1933
DonovanBertha born about 1895
DoughtroyLacy born about 1892
DouglasCharles born about 1905
DouglasClara Mborn about 1902
DouglasGloria born about 1930
DouglasGordon born about 1927
DriggersAlice Fborn about 1894
DriggersAlice Mborn about 1937
DriggersEdith Bborn about 1928
DriggersLotus Fborn about 1932
DriggersRobert Bborn about 1880

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E Surnames

EarleAnnie Cborn about 1883
EarleEdith born about 1927
EarleWade Hborn about 1877
EdenEarl born about 1928
EdenEarnest born about 1928
EdenJames Mborn about 1915
EricksonAndrew born about 1903
EricksonCarl born about 1923
EricksonEdna born about 1901
EricksonJohn Jborn about 1886
EricksonJohn Jr born about 1922
EricksonLeonard born about 1929

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F Surnames

FoxMinnie born about 1871

G Surnames

GilbertNathan born about 1891
GlennonEmma born about 1907
GlennonWalter Lborn about 1938
GlennonWilliam Rborn about 1908
GundersonGeorge born about 1891
GundersonMarie Fborn about 1895

H Surnames

HallGlenese born about 1934
HallHazel born about 1931
HallHenry born about 1905
HallMattie born about 1907
HandleyEthel born about 1904
HandleyGeorge Eborn about 1901
HandleyHugh born about 1931
HaneEdgar born about 1917
HarrisClaud Cborn about 1885
HarrisGrace born about 1891
HendricksBurton born about 1906
HendricksMable born about 1894
HeresBarbara born about 1917
HeresMary Bborn about 1935
HeresWalter born about 1937
HeresWilliam Aborn about 1910
HiltonJohn Fborn about 1894
HiltonJohn F Jrborn about 1930
HintonHenry Cborn about 1914
HobanWilliam born about 1896
HollandBaxter born about 1902
HolmerClamon born about 1926
HolmerUla Cborn about 1930
HolmesJames born about 1893
HowardEdmund Fborn about 1930
HowardIda Mborn about 1903
HowardJovel Wborn about 1935
HowardLamar Rborn about 1932
HowardV Edgarborn about 1901
HowardV Edgar Jrborn about 1927

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I Surnames

IngramMattie Mborn about 1937

J Surnames

JacobsLorlie born about 1919
JacobsTowell born about 1915
JacobsWilliam Lborn about 1938
JensenGus born about 1887
JohnsonClara Jborn about 1936
JohnsonFlourine Eborn about 1925
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1923
JohnsonPearl born about 1916
JohnsonRichard born about 1906
JohnsonRichard Aborn about 1933
JohnstonEarl born about 1910
JohnstonMinnie born about 1878
JonesEdward born about 1914
JuliusJacob Tborn about 1856

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K Surnames

KempFranklin Dborn about 1933
KernElizabeth born about 1903
KingErvin Jborn about 1876
KingTillie born about 1872
KitchingRobert Mborn about 1915

L Surnames

LaneGladys born about 1899
LaneHenry Wborn about 1895
LashaenGerchardt born about 1858
LasterAlbert born about 1925
LasterArthur Cborn about 1901
LasterFanny Mborn about 1914
LeocroftAnna Bborn about 1866
LeocroftEdwin Dborn about 1865
LevingstonDavid born about 1868
LevingstonJustine born about 1895
LewisAlbert born about 1919
LewisEllen born about 1884
LewisGeorge born about 1921
LynchArmeli born about 1884
LynchGeorge born about 1885
LynchJoseph Cborn about 1881
LynchUla Maeborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MacdonaldCornelius Eborn about 1861
MackeyAnna born about 1901
MackeyCecil born about 1931
MackeyHerbert born about 1938
MackeyIsaac Mborn about 1897
MackeyIsac Jr born about 1936
MackeyLouise born about 1923
MackeyMary Jborn about 1933
MackeyNelmie Aborn about 1927
MackeyRuth Eborn about 1925
MaclellanRobert Mborn about 1909
MalmstineLola Lborn about 1930
MalmstineRalph Hborn about 1904
MalmstineRoy Wborn about 1926
MalmstineValina Fborn about 1909
MancilEvelyn born about 1911
MancilR Opellaborn about 1911
MancilRaymond Jborn about 1931
MarrEmma born about 1886
MarrHarvey born about 1913
MarrHorace born about 1910
MarrLeray born about 1938
MarrMarvin born about 1934
MarrRudolph born about 1932
MarrThelma born about 1910
MarrWilmar born about 1884
MarshellMatie born about 1908
MartenJesse Lborn about 1910
MartenJesse Jr born about 1933
MartenMarylin born about 1936
MartenVera born about 1915
MartinEmbery Gborn about 1916
MartinWilliam Rborn about 1908
MathersAleen born about 1926
MathersClem born about 1897
MathersClem Jr born about 1929
MathersSally born about 1935
MathersViola born about 1899
MathewsCharles born about 1904
MathewsFrank born about 1938
MathewsLeon born about 1936
MathewsVirginia born about 1915
MattoonAndrew born about 1858
McCainCharles Jborn about 1870
McCollumJennie Jborn about 1875
McCoyBessie Mborn about 1939
McCoyDothey born about 1937
McCoyJames born about 1882
McCoyLeola born about 1918
McCoyWillie Jmborn about 1936
MerrittFreda born about 1905
MerrittGenevieve Kborn about 1907
MerrittRalph born about 1900
MerrittVernon Rborn about 1931
MerrittVivian Jborn about 1939
MerrittWarren Lborn about 1897
MerrittWarren Nborn about 1928
MoatesEdna born about 1896
MoatesWilmur born about 1892
MobleyGeorge Wborn about 1877
ModaughJames born about 1906
MooneyBertha born about 1878
MooneyCharles Lborn about 1886
MooneyGeorge Sborn about 1878
MooneyJennie born about 1886
MorrisBova Eborn about 1936
MorrisHilda Lborn about 1926
MorrisHiram Wborn about 1895
MorrisHiram Jr born about 1929
MorrisRena Mborn about 1911
MorseDorthey born about 1923
MorseJames Cborn about 1892
MorseJames Jr born about 1931
MorseSally born about 1898
MurphyLewis Lborn about 1880
MurphyNancy born about 1887

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N Surnames

NableArthur Zborn about 1880
NeelsonAxel born about 1897
NewcombComb Wborn about 1872
NewcombJennie born about 1867

P Surnames

ParkerPaul born about 1923
PeckAda Jborn about 1890
PeckMargaret born about 1929
PeckMurial born about 1923
PeckRobert Jborn about 1880
PeckRobert J Jrborn about 1925
PerryHoward born about 1908
PetersonAlfred born about 1884
PetersonAlfred Jr born about 1930
PetersonEffie Cborn about 1897
PetersonGeorge Hborn about 1884
PetersonJohn born about 1935
PetersonMadeline born about 1905
PetersonWalter born about 1933
PetersonWinifred born about 1928
PettwayAlice born about 1937
PettwayBessie Mborn about 1935
PettwayEdward born about 1929
PettwayEthel born about 1922
PettwayJames born about 1931
PettwayLancy born about 1932
PettwayMattie Mborn about 1905
PettwayOllie born about 1939
PettwaySamuel born about 1940
PettwayThomas Jborn about 1924
PettwayWillie born about 1903
PettwayWillie Jr born about 1926
PhillipsFrank born about 1863
PhillipsJennie Tborn about 1864
PinderJoseph born about 1875
PorterAnnie born about 1896
PorterDan born about 1889
PorterDan Jr born about 1933
PorterGeorge born about 1916
PorterHenry Lborn about 1931
PowellJames Sborn about 1917
PowellMae born about 1916
PrescettElla Rborn about 1892
PrescettRudolph born about 1924
PrestonHarriet born about 1916
PrestonTed Eborn about 1915

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Q Surnames

QuigleyGeorge born about 1935
QuigleyJesse born about 1932
QuigleyJoseph born about 1927
QuigleyOwen Dborn about 1900
QuigleyRosa born about 1899
QuigleyRosa Mborn about 1925

R Surnames

ReddittGrace born about 1908
ReddittMary Lborn about 1929
ReddittWilliam Aborn about 1901
ReddittWilliam A Jborn about 1927
ResslerIda born about 1914
ResslerLewis Eborn about 1895
ResslerMary born about 1934
RichardsonMargorie born about 1917
RiderFlorence born about 1907
RiderRaymond Lborn about 1902
RobertsJames Nborn about 1926
RobertsJesse born about 1879
RobertsRuth Eborn about 1918
RushFrank Aborn about 1895

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S Surnames

SansonJohn born about 1886
SavageE Eugeneborn about 1932
SchefieldJohn Pborn about 1903
SchlichtingFrank born about 1914
ScottFred born about 1901
ScottIda born about 1924
ShultonHarvey born about 1910
ShultonKathryn born about 1916
SimmonsJohn Hborn about 1856
SmithAlonzo born about 1930
SmithDonavan Jr born about 1926
SmithDonevan born about 1899
SmithOliva born about 1928
SmithPeter Oborn about 1894
SmithRose Maeborn about 1918
SmithRuth born about 1932
SmithThelma born about 1909
SmithW Gborn about 1905
SmithWillie Mborn about 1938
SoperKathryn born about 1869
StaffJohn Rborn about 1880
StangerElsie Mborn about 1893
StangerMary Kborn about 1925
StangerWilliam Mborn about 1924
StimmelHannah born about 1865
StimmelWalter born about 1867
StoneJeromey born about 1933
StoneLoniva born about 1931
StoneMamie born about 1935
SwaskDouglas born about 1912

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T Surnames

TechappCharles Eborn about 1917
ThomasBenny born about 1909
ThomasFlora born about 1923
ThompsonArthur born about 1887
ThompsonFrestine born about 1923
ThompsonMaybell born about 1922
ThompsonPender born about 1892
ThompsonSamuel Sborn about 1918
ThorntonElsie born about 1918
ThorntonFred born about 1938
ThorntonJacquelin born about 1939
ThorntonLelan Aborn about 1900
TuckerJoseph born about 1864

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V Surnames

VanhornClarence born about 1921
VansicklanMaude born about 1895
VansicklenEdward Fborn about 1874
VingatJohn Cborn about 1892

W Surnames

WebbBeverly born about 1937
WebbFelix born about 1912
WebbOla born about 1919
WennesheimerJohn born about 1878
WennesheimerPhilip born about 1876
WhichardJames born about 1906
WhittleJulia born about 1919
WilbarJennie Jborn about 1888
WilbarJosia Pborn about 1886
WilloughbyEdyth Fborn about 1884
WilloughbyHugh Lborn about 1886
WoolstanMary Bborn about 1860

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Y Surnames

YernsPeter Cborn about 1889

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