1940 U.S. Federal Census of Van Pelts Place, Escambia, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Escambia County > 1940 Census of Van Pelts Place

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenBobby born about 1938
AllenDaine born about 1940
AllenE Mborn about 1916
AllenJewell born about 1918
AndersonMay Leeborn about 1923
AndersonVilar born about 1918
AndressDora born about 1889
AndressW Rborn about 1887
AtkinsonHezikiah born about 1916
AtkinsonHomer born about 1919
AtkinsonHubert born about 1925
AtkinsonMay born about 1875

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B Surnames

BalesC Rborn about 1882
BarringtonDorthy born about 1916
BarringtonFanie born about 1911
BarringtonFred born about 1922
BarringtonHirley born about 1932
BarringtonJ Wborn about 1892
BarringtonJerry born about 1924
BarringtonJohnie born about 1937
BarringtonMargaret born about 1922
BlackburnDofle born about 1930
BlackburnDonald born about 1933
BlackburnFrank born about 1923
BlackburnGuy born about 1919
BlackburnMarie born about 1921
BlackburnRalph born about 1925
BlackburnRalph born about 1927
BlackburnT Rborn about 1896
BlackburnTessie born about 1900
BlackburnVernon born about 1935
BooneBertha born about 1894
BooneE Aborn about 1891
BowmanAlma born about 1907
BowmanDewey Sborn about 1900
BowmanSarah Marieborn about 1932
BraunArthur born about 1898
BraunClara born about 1872
BraunEvelyn born about 1902
BraunFred born about 1895
BrayBerlen born about 1936
BrayMary born about 1913
BrayW Lborn about 1938
BrentGeo Sborn about 1887
BrentMargaret born about 1896
BrewtonAnnie Rborn about 1907
BrewtonAugus born about 1902
BrewtonBennie born about 1937
BrewtonBillie born about 1928
BrewtonDoris born about 1933
BrewtonDouglas born about 1931
BrewtonFannie born about 1918
BrewtonGeorge born about 1939
BrewtonHarvy born about 1939
BrewtonOllie Cborn about 1892
BrowderEllie Lborn about 1933
BrowderFannie born about 1910
BrowderGeo born about 1910
BrowderGeo Sannilborn about 1935
BroyLeon born about 1886
BroyLeonard born about 1922
BroyRosa born about 1893
BroyV Rborn about 1928
BurrBessie born about 1896
BurrCharles Mborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CannonR Cborn about 1913
CannonVera born about 1917
CaonSam Jr born about 1918
CarrEliza born about 1892
CasselsElsie born about 1875
CasselsF Eborn about 1873
CasselsFordon born about 1918
ChalkerL Moodyborn about 1897
ChalkerMyrtle born about 1900
CookA Hborn about 1899
CookEsther born about 1904
CorrAda born about 1914
CourtneyAdia born about 1915
CourtneyFlorence born about 1917
CourtneySabra born about 1874
CoxDayton born about 1920
CoxE Gborn about 1890
CoxEdward born about 1929
CoxEllen born about 1930
CoxHelen born about 1930
CoxJohn born about 1925
CoxZola born about 1895
CushingA Jborn about 1872
CushingB Cborn about 1908
CushingJack born about 1939
CushingLeanda born about 1876
CushingMay born about 1920
CushingSusie born about 1901

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D Surnames

DaigneauPhillip born about 1869
DaigneauSarah Eborn about 1873
DavisDally Rose Mayborn about 1917
DavisG Fborn about 1889
DavisG F Jrborn about 1921
DavisMyrtle born about 1890
DavisRussell born about 1928
DavisW S Mrsborn about 1867
DawsonJames born about 1914
DawsonTessie born about 1914
DennisLora Leeborn about 1895
DennisMelonee born about 1923
DollC Clarkborn about 1938
DollCharles Hborn about 1903
DollHenry Aborn about 1934
DollStella born about 1905
DorbandCarolyn born about 1869
DunganArsola Eborn about 1889
DunganEarnest Eborn about 1883
DunganEugene born about 1929
DunganJessie Wborn about 1914
DunganMargaret born about 1913
DunganPatsy Sborn about 1933
DunganRaymond Lborn about 1922
DunganWilliam Tborn about 1925

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E Surnames

EllisEdna born about 1910
EllisSue born about 1931
EskegreenC Wborn about 1917
EskegreenCharles Hborn about 1940
EskegreenNellie Gborn about 1921

F Surnames

FaulkBertha born about 1914
FaulkCurtis born about 1922
FaulkDocia born about 1876
FaulkLeslie born about 1907
FaulkMarkie born about 1918
FillinginRichard born about 1937
FowlerBethel born about 1921
FowlerCharlette born about 1930
FowlerFlorsie born about 1887
FowlerH Aborn about 1888
FowlerH A Jrborn about 1925
FullerRosa Lborn about 1868

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G Surnames

GilletteDora born about 1869
GilletteL Cborn about 1871

H Surnames

HallElsie Lborn about 1920
HallJames born about 1938
HallRoland born about 1916
Hambrock born about 1919
HambrockA born about 1890
HambrockAdrian born about 1927
HambrockMarie born about 1933
HambrockMattie born about 1891
HambrockMyrta born about 1919
HambrockWm born about 1918
HarperA Mborn about 1871
HobbyJessie born about 1885
HodgenIsac Lborn about 1901
HodgenMinnie Lborn about 1906
HodgenPhyllis born about 1935
HodgenRoberta Aborn about 1931
HodgenSara born about 1937
HoesthomeGeorge born about 1938
HoesthomeVirginia born about 1937
HowellEdgar born about 1892
HowellLucila born about 1895
HowellVernie Mborn about 1923

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J Surnames

JoyceRonald born about 1934

K Surnames

KacklerAda born about 1885
KacklerBert born about 1881
KelleyAudelo born about 1897
KelleyLucile born about 1925
KelleyWarren born about 1921
KimmonsHeater born about 1933
KimmonsReese born about 1931
KimmonsRuth born about 1891
KimmonsSilvia born about 1928
KrmlorCarie Aborn about 1872
KrmlorRgnald Hborn about 1867

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L Surnames

LansdonAda Maeborn about 1937
LansdonBertha Lborn about 1924
LansdonCharles born about 1934
LansdonClarence born about 1928
LansdonGlenn born about 1939
LansdonJeffie born about 1927
LansdonLee Lborn about 1900
LansdonLouise born about 1906
LansdonMary born about 1935
LansdonRobert born about 1931
LansdonRuby born about 1930
LaugheedElvya born about 1867
LeeEd born about 1895
LehrL Fborn about 1878
LehrMaggie born about 1887
LeitermonBarbra born about 1895
LeuschnerCarie born about 1894
LeuschnerO Wborn about 1896
LeuschnerPaul born about 1929
LeuschnerWilliam born about 1925
LittleIzora born about 1882
LittleR Eborn about 1889
LongEmie born about 1880
LongF Aborn about 1880
LueckEmil born about 1867
LueckMatildia born about 1866

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M Surnames

ManningAde born about 1908
ManningAdwin born about 1930
ManningBecky born about 1933
ManningBetty Lueborn about 1937
ManningDova born about 1903
ManningFloyd born about 1925
ManningHelen Jborn about 1937
ManningJohn Gborn about 1887
ManningJohn Jr born about 1934
ManningLow born about 1874
ManningMaebell born about 1932
ManningMargie born about 1897
ManningMelvin born about 1930
ManningPallie born about 1909
ManningRonald born about 1922
ManningRuby Alelaborn about 1922
ManningWoodson born about 1926
MarrisGeo born about 1899
MarrisJennie born about 1929
MasonClark born about 1921
MasonCurtis Sborn about 1938
MasonEdnor born about 1928
MasonGurtrude born about 1923
MasonJohn Alleaborn about 1940
MasonLouise born about 1937
MasonN Nborn about 1896
MasonQuinton born about 1924
MasonWilma Lborn about 1898
MaynerLee born about 1897
McArthurH Aborn about 1862
McArthurMary Oborn about 1866
McCraigWilliam Jr born about 1917
McKinlayBeulah born about 1883
McKinlayNora born about 1909
McKinlayW Fborn about 1913
McKinzieHattie born about 1903
MeadE Lborn about 1909
MeadEugene Jr born about 1938
MeadHenretta born about 1915
MeekerBernice born about 1900
MeekerMary born about 1926
MeekerRobert Rborn about 1900
MeekerRobert Jr born about 1927
MeekerRusley born about 1931
MehonyEarnestine born about 1920
MehonyJohn born about 1920
MonroeAlice Rborn about 1923
MonroeC Hborn about 1895
MonroeCarl Wborn about 1939
MonroeCharlie Wborn about 1917
MonroeHoward Lborn about 1940
MonroeJohn Pborn about 1919
MonroeLillian Mborn about 1919
MonroeLula Eborn about 1897
MonroeMary Louborn about 1930
MonroePatricia Lborn about 1939
MonroeWilliam Eborn about 1938
MorganJennie born about 1885
MorganW Tborn about 1869
MorgonR Bborn about 1900
MurphySara Jborn about 1905
MurphyW Aborn about 1885

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N Surnames

NewtonDollie Hborn about 1918
NicholsJack Cborn about 1878
NicholsStella born about 1889
NoormanCaroline born about 1889

P Surnames

ParkerHertel Cborn about 1937
ParrishA Lborn about 1904
ParrishM E Mrsborn about 1867
PattulloEdward born about 1899
PattulloElaine born about 1927
PattulloStanley born about 1896
PattulloWallace born about 1928
PowellGladys born about 1930
PowellMaggie born about 1913
PowellWilliam born about 1914

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R Surnames

RidantW Aborn about 1864
RiversRosa Lborn about 1919
RiversWilliam born about 1915
RobertsonE Cborn about 1897
RobertsonEva born about 1914
RobertsonOkey born about 1932
RobinsonDoria born about 1898
RussellE born about 1871

S Surnames

SchenburnF born about 1901
SeydellE Hborn about 1872
SeydellLoren Aborn about 1900
SeydellSophonia born about 1871
SimpkinsDaisy born about 1883
SimpkinsJ Wborn about 1881
SimpsonMarion Jborn about 1903
SimpsonSybil born about 1906
SmithDonald born about 1902
SmithDonald Lborn about 1933
SmithG Lborn about 1905
SmithLorine born about 1908
SmithMary Lborn about 1915
SmithMaude born about 1883
SmithR Dborn about 1878
SoderquistWillodean born about 1922
SommersA born about 1864
SommersA Mrs born about 1865
SpeonA born about 1874
SpeonKate born about 1875
StephensMarlla born about 1902
StoneBestine Kborn about 1929
StoneHazel Mborn about 1911
StoneJoan Jborn about 1930
StoneL Eborn about 1900
StonePaul Eborn about 1937
StoneRonald born about 1939
StreeterKathrin born about 1881
SumerlinAdrin born about 1937
SumerlinAlbert born about 1935
SumerlinAlone born about 1931
SumerlinAlton born about 1928
SumerlinAlvie born about 1933
SumerlinBert born about 1895
SumerlinMadison born about 1923
SumerlinMalloy born about 1926
SumerlinMaloae born about 1921
SumerlinRuby born about 1903

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T Surnames

ThomasAda born about 1900
ThomasMary Bborn about 1935
ThompsomAddie Eborn about 1899
ThompsomAgnes born about 1922
ThompsomDarvin born about 1935
ThompsomEarnie born about 1924
ThompsomJames Eborn about 1889
ThompsomMary born about 1933
ThompsomPercy born about 1927
ThompsomRuby Jborn about 1937
ThompsomRudolph born about 1930
ThompsonA Mborn about 1896
ThompsonBernette born about 1923
ThompsonElvin born about 1921
ThompsonMyrtie born about 1902
ThompsonShelma born about 1925
ThompsonVida born about 1897
ThompsonW Bborn about 1919
TreshamElizabeth born about 1868
TrouboughEarnest born about 1887
TrouboughErnest Jr born about 1922
TrouboughHarrold born about 1919
TrouboughJessie born about 1888
TrouboughVirginia born about 1929

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V Surnames

VaughnBessie Mborn about 1926
VaughnLilly Maeborn about 1911
VaughnRichard born about 1935
VaughnWalter born about 1890
VaughnWalter Jr born about 1928
VorheeCaroline born about 1873
VorheeGeorge born about 1871
VorheesDonald born about 1923
VorheesFrancis born about 1926
VorheesGlenn born about 1896
VorheesGlenn Jr born about 1932
VorheesHelen born about 1926
VorheesMarlyn born about 1934
VorheesMyrta born about 1898
VorheesShirley born about 1936

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W Surnames

WalkerLillie born about 1903
WalkerW Bborn about 1896
WallaceCharles Cborn about 1900
WallaceMary born about 1897
WallerMary Custisborn about 1925
WardH born about 1889
WellsDaniel Dborn about 1868
WellsEd Dborn about 1871
WellsJosephine E Jborn about 1873
WestAnne Mborn about 1940
WestCynthia Aborn about 1912
WestG Gborn about 1905
WestJayce Cborn about 1932
WestJhn Dborn about 1937
WestRaymon born about 1934
WhiteEdward born about 1936
WhiteEstelle born about 1918
WhiteW Rborn about 1918
WigginsAlice born about 1873
WigginsHilda born about 1905
WigginsJohn born about 1876
WigginsMartha born about 1921
WigginsMclucley born about 1873
WigginsTony born about 1895
WillisEstela born about 1925
WillisEuna Jborn about 1919
WillisF Jborn about 1914
WillisFrank born about 1937
WillisJohn born about 1885
WillisLottie born about 1884
WilloughbyCatherine born about 1934

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Y Surnames

YadonAnnie born about 1913
YadonG Lborn about 1903
YadonJake born about 1874
YadonJames born about 1930
YarbroughH Aborn about 1905

Z Surnames

ZeiglerC Eborn about 1905
ZeiglerC Wborn about 1878
ZeiglerGlennie born about 1901
ZeiglerSophrinia born about 1879

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