Jacksonville Genealogy (in Duval County, FL)

USA (1,380,571) > Florida (19,296) > Duval County (844) > Jacksonville (645)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Jacksonville are also found through the Duval County and Florida pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Minority Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Jacksonville Birth Records

Birth, death, marriage records from the Florida times union, Jacksonville, Florida, June 1997 WorldCat

Jacksonville Cemetery Records (195)

Jacksonville Church Records

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Atonement church records (in U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Church records (microform) 1948-1968, Mayfair Baptist Church (Jacksonville, Florida) Archive Grid

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Register, 1960-1970 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Former St. Matthews Church, Jacksonville, Florida : Baptisms, 1895-1900 ; Marriages, 1890-1901. WorldCat

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church records (in U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church : celebrating the dedication of our new church FamilySearch Library

Passing Over from the Old Building to the New : a Sermon in St. John's Church, Jacksonville, Florida, on Sunday, March 25th Ancestry online

Record of members, 1940-1942 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wesconnett Branch (Florida)) FamilySearch Library

Record of members, [1938]-1943 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jacksonville Branch (Florida)) FamilySearch Library

Transcript of record of members, 1947-1948 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jacksonville Ward (Florida)) FamilySearch Library

Transcript of record of members, 1947-1948 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wesconnett Ward (Florida)) FamilySearch Library

Jacksonville City Directories (164)

Jacksonville Death Records

Birth, death, marriage records from the Florida times union, Jacksonville, Florida, June 1997 WorldCat

Florida combined indexes of marriages, divorces and deaths WorldCat

Florida, Jacksonville Area Obituary Collection, 1851-2009 Archives.com online

Record of death certificates, August 1945-July 1950 FamilySearch Library

Jacksonville Histories and Genealogies

1955 by-laws, Divan, appointive officers, uniformed bodies and lists of members Morocco Temple : A. A. O. N. M. S., Jacksonville, Desert of Florida FamilySearch Library

History of Jacksonville, Florida and vicinity, 1513 to 1924 FamilySearch Library

History of early Jacksonville, Florida; being an authentic record of events from the earliest times to and including the civil war by Thomas Frederick Davis LDS Genealogy online

History of early Jacksonville, Florida; being an authentic record of events from the earliest times to and including the civil war by Thomas Frederick Davis Internet Archive online

Jacksonville 1822-1972 : out of Cowford -- Jacksonville FamilySearch Library

Seventeenth century colonial ancestors of members of the Hannah Dustin Chapter, Colonial Dames XVII Century, 1966-1980, Jacksonville, Florida WorldCat

The Book of Jacksonville Ancestry online

Jacksonville Immigration Records

Declaration of Intention, 1920-1947 and Naturalization Petitions; indexes, 1892-1932, Duval, Hillsborough, Monroe, and Marion Counties, Flordia FamilySearch Library

U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Jacksonville 1957 ) Ancestry online

Jacksonville Map Records

Birds eye view map of Jacksonville, Fla., 1876 Library of Congress online

Map of Jacksonville, Florida, 1893 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, 1897 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, 1903 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, 1913 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, 1949 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, April 1891 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, July 1884 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, May 1887 Library of Congress online

Jacksonville Marriage Records

Birth, death, marriage records from the Florida times union, Jacksonville, Florida, June 1997 WorldCat

Florida combined indexes of marriages, divorces and deaths WorldCat

Former St. Matthews Church, Jacksonville, Florida : Baptisms, 1895-1900 ; Marriages, 1890-1901. WorldCat

Jacksonville Military Records

Record of the Services of the Seventh Regiment, U.S. Colored Troops : from September, 1863 to November, 1866 Ancestry online

U.S. Civil War, Roll of Honor, Vol. IX: Soldiers Buried in Fort Jefferson (African-American) & Jacksonville, Florida Ancestry online

U.S. Civil War, Roll of Honor, Vol. IX: Soldiers Buried in Jacksonville (African-American), Florida Ancestry online

Jacksonville Minority Records

Florida star (Jacksonville, FL), African American newspaper, 1956-1968, 2005-2020 Florida Digital Newspaper Library online

Jacksonville Jewish News. (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1988-Current US Newspaper Directory

Jewish Citizen. (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1938-1939 US Newspaper Directory

Record of the Services of the Seventh Regiment, U.S. Colored Troops : from September, 1863 to November, 1866 Ancestry online

Southern Jewish Weekly. (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1939-1992 US Newspaper Directory

Jacksonville Miscellaneous Records

U.S., Applications for Seaman's Protection Certificates, 1916-1940 (includes Jacksonville, Florida) Ancestry online

Jacksonville Newspapers and Obituaries (51)

Jacksonville School Records (128)

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