1940 U.S. Federal Census of Leguin, Newton, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Newton County > 1940 Census of Leguin

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AikenAnnie Lborn about 1905
AikenJame Mborn about 1905
AikenLauratine born about 1932

B Surnames

BaileyChester born about 1914
BaileyLeila born about 1889
BaileyOscar born about 1889
BaileyRosalie born about 1921
BanksAnna born about 1870
BanksAnnie Maudborn about 1917
BanksCornelia born about 1902
BanksEarnest Leeborn about 1935
BanksGeorgia born about 1904
BanksHenrietta born about 1915
BanksJimmie Leeborn about 1939
BanksLilly Pearlborn about 1937
BanksMary Francesborn about 1913
BanksOlin born about 1905
BanksOllie born about 1914
BanksThomas born about 1915
BanksTom born about 1913
BanksTommie Leeborn about 1930
BanksWillie Leeborn about 1932
BankstonCurtis born about 1927
BankstonNellie born about 1907
BankstonRobie born about 1906
BatesFannie Kborn about 1892
BatesLuzarn born about 1882
BentonEllen born about 1928
BentonGene born about 1888
BostwickAllanie born about 1932
BostwickAndrew Louieborn about 1930
BostwickKing born about 1905
BostwickLillie Maeborn about 1909
BostwickRoseanna born about 1928
BostwickTully Joborn about 1938
BradleyGoldie born about 1870
BradleyMaggie born about 1881
BrenerAlbert born about 1873
BrenerAndrew born about 1923
BrenerCarrie born about 1888
BrenerLester born about 1921
BrentleyA Dborn about 1924
BrentleyE Dborn about 1927
BrentleyFrank born about 1881
BrentleyLucy Maeborn about 1937
BrentleyLuke born about 1934
BrentleyPearl born about 1891
BrentleyPordantus born about 1930
BrentleySamuel born about 1932
BrentleyWillie Hazelborn about 1921
BrentleyWillis Harryborn about 1928
BrittJosie born about 1880
BrittLester born about 1905
BrittMabel born about 1912
BrittMarion born about
BrumbalosCarl born about 1913
BrumbalosVirginia born about 1913
BryantEthel Leeborn about 1920
BryantMary born about 1918
BryantRoscoe born about 1916
BryantRoscoe Jr born about 1939

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C Surnames

CallahanErnest born about 1911
CallahanEstelle born about 1908
CallahanJames born about 1931
CallahanPaul born about 1935
CampAmy born about 1916
CampClarance born about 1880
CampFlorence born about 1918
CampFlossie born about 1909
CampHerman born about 1925
CampJosephine born about 1929
CampLeon born about 1922
CampLeonard born about 1918
CampLorene born about 1920
CampMartha born about 1882
CampMyat born about 1912
CampNorman born about 1923
CampRay born about 1927
CampRosie born about 1905
CampVergil born about 1890
CandyEarl born about 1939
CandyJewel born about 1921
CandyLuby born about 1917
ClarkAusten born about 1915
ClarkWillie Hughborn about 1936
ClarkWoody born about 1916
CogginEmma born about 1885
CogginJame Lborn about 1874
CunninghamLonnie Leeborn about 1938

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D Surnames

DarbyArrie Belleborn about 1894
DarbyDaisy born about 1922
DarbyEarnest born about 1927
DarbyJ Bborn about 1921
DarbyJoy born about 1894
DardyArma born about 1921
DardyBeatrice born about 1883
DardyFred born about 1923
DardyJohn born about
DavisCarrie born about 1907
DavisJohn Phillipborn about 1936
DavisLaila born about 1912
DavisMary born about 1932
DavisWalter born about 1906
DavisWillie born about 1912
DawkinsBen Lborn about 1909
DawkinsFrances born about 1914
DawkinsJoel Lborn about 1939

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E Surnames

EllingtonBlanche born about 1931
EllingtonE Alon*born about 1893
EllingtonHoward born about 1927
EllingtonLois born about 1898

F Surnames

FincherAda Maeborn about 1909
FincherWilliam born about 1899
FintingtonCillie Joeborn about
FintingtonJoseph born about 1908
FintingtonLizam born about 1932
FintingtonPauline born about 1911
FintingtonSusie Kateborn about 1934
FischerAgnes born about 1911
FullerElvin born about 1916
FullerLucy born about 1912

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G Surnames

GaitherBertha born about 1910
GaitherBethena born about 1921
GaitherBeulah Kborn about 1928
GaitherChristine born about 1922
GaitherElzie born about 1909
GaitherEmma born about 1927
GaitherGuy born about 1928
GaitherLinie Roseborn about 1925
GaitherMarvin born about 1930
GaitherMary Deanborn about 1927
GaitherOllander born about 1930
GaitherWillianna born about 1900
GaitherWillie born about 1896
GaitherWillie born about 1899
GaitherWillie Leeborn about 1909
GaitherWillie Reeborn about 1927
GotellsEthel Leeborn about 1937
GotellsInfant born about 1940
GotellsLizzie born about 1917
GotellsLyman born about 1913
GrantOscar born about 1882
GrantSadie born about 1882
GrorgeAmbus born about 1876
GrorgeLuke born about 1917
GrorgeMary born about 1890
GrorgeMary Franceborn about 1926

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H Surnames

HardmanClaudie born about 1891
HardmanDorothy born about 1924
HarwellElizabeth born about 1919
HayDilmers born about 1921
HayGwendolyn born about 1940
HayInez born about 1920
HeardAda Lonborn about 1921
HeardEmmett born about 1918
HeardHenry born about 1939
HeardJohnnie born about 1930
HeardLizzie born about 1930
HeardMinie Loisborn about 1938
HendersonJudge born about 1912
HenryBeardy born about 1936
HenryColeman born about 1927
HenryEmma Kborn about 1905
HenryHudson born about 1928
HenryMary born about 1925
HenrySpence born about 1903
HillLucile born about 1920
HillLuther born about 1887
HillSallie Maeborn about 1890
HortonAlice born about 1880
HortonAnnie Lborn about 1920
HortonClara Belleborn about 1916
HortonEddie Bborn about 1938
HortonLilly born about 1918
HortonNellie Mosesborn about 1934
HortonRuth born about 1922
HortonWillie Cborn about 1872
HortonWillie Jr born about 1925
HudsonEddie born about 1920
HudsonFannie Bealborn about 1911
HudsonJulius born about 1930
HudsonLucy born about 1928

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J Surnames

JeffriesLillie Maeborn about 1895
JeffriesTom born about 1895
JohnsonArthur born about 1922
JohnsonBernice born about 1938
JohnsonCarl born about 1905
JohnsonChristine born about 1912
JohnsonChristine born about 1920
JohnsonChristine born about 1925
JohnsonClara Sueborn about 1933
JohnsonDan born about 1884
JohnsonDorothy born about 1922
JohnsonDoyle born about 1905
JohnsonEdna born about 1911
JohnsonEufala born about 1882
JohnsonFoy born about 1887
JohnsonGallie born about 1877
JohnsonHelen born about 1923
JohnsonHerman born about 1940
JohnsonHorace born about 1928
JohnsonHugh born about 1917
JohnsonHuson born about 1933
JohnsonImma born about 1884
JohnsonJames Caryborn about 1928
JohnsonJohn born about 1883
JohnsonJohn Cborn about 1937
JohnsonLa Rue born about 1918
JohnsonLibbie Maeborn about 1926
JohnsonLonnie Leeborn about 1934
JohnsonLuke born about 1910
JohnsonMary born about 1885
JohnsonMinnie Sueborn about 1913
JohnsonPaul born about 1920
JohnsonPreston born about 1910
JohnsonPreston Jr born about 1933
JohnsonRuby born about 1934
JohnsonSally born about 1892
JohnsonTheola born about 1924
JohnsonThomas born about 1884
JohnsonThomas born about 1932
JohnsonUlysus born about 1911
JohnsonWilbur born about 1912
JohnsonWill born about 1885
JonesFlorence born about 1889
JonesGrady born about 1907
JonesMary Nellborn about 1916
JonesRay born about 1913

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K Surnames

KellyAndrew born about 1917
KellyDella born about 1891
KellyEdward born about 1925
KellyEssie Maeborn about 1922
KellyHoward born about 1900
KellyLudy Grantborn about 1928
KellyMertie Belleborn about 1933
KellyNelson born about 1927
KellySam Henryborn about 1937
KellyWillie Maeborn about 1940
KellyZola Kateborn about 1901
KingAndrew born about 1877
KingAndrew Jr born about 1916
KingAudrey born about 1920
KingCarrol born about 1925
KingCharles born about 1923
KingCoyce born about 1918
KingEarnest born about 1927
KingEddie Leeborn about 1918
KingEmmett Louisborn about 1939
KingMollie born about 1884
KingNina Pearlborn about 1912
KingRobert born about 1911
KingSadie born about 1922

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L Surnames

LackeyClifford born about 1934
LackeyEmma Jeanborn about 1929
LackeyEugene born about 1932
LackeyFlim born about 1906
LackeyHoward born about 1901
LackeyIke born about 1877
LackeyLester born about 1927
LackeyLouisa born about 1910
LackeyMaggie Maborn about 1908
LackeyMary Woodborn about 1939
LackeyMattie Billeborn about 1937
LackeySallie born about 1911
LackeyWalter born about 1909
LassiterCharlie born about 1878
LassiterEmma born about 1883
LassiterFred born about 1924
LassiterJewel born about 1918
LassiterRuth born about 1921
LassiterThomas born about 1916
LessiterDorothy born about 1926
LessiterElwood born about 1880
LessiterGeorgia born about 1890
LessiterJ Williamborn about 1921
LessiterLuke Rborn about 1923
LessiterVelma born about 1928
LewisTempie born about 1873
LinsfordFaustine born about 1919
LinsfordHoward born about 1917
LinsfordWoody Halborn about 1938
LoydBarnard born about 1929
LoydEmmett born about 1898
LoydMaggie born about 1903
LoydViolet born about 1927
LynchAdy born about 1880
LynchCarol Annborn about 1939
LynchCharles Lborn about 1934
LynchEssie Maeborn about 1913
LynchJ Horaceborn about 1892
LynchJames Hborn about 1920
LynchJohn Bborn about 1883
LynchMary Lonborn about 1902
LynnFreeman born about 1878
LynnNeely born about 1880

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M Surnames

MackAlbert born about 1888
MackCharlie born about 1920
MackClifton born about 1932
MackDimpie born about 1910
MackDorothy born about 1930
MackIda born about 1890
MackJames Tborn about 1929
MackMargaret born about 1911
MackMary Aliceborn about 1923
MackOscar born about 1909
MackSam born about 1926
MackSue born about 1930
MackWilson born about 1928
MalcomAnn born about 1913
MalcomBill born about 1910
MalcomClifford born about 1921
MalcomCorry born about 1908
MalcomFay born about 1934
MalcomGeorge born about 1883
MalcomHilda born about 1928
MalcomLeola born about 1890
MalcomMaggie born about 1910
MalcomMartha born about 1917
MalcomMartha Pborn about 1932
MalcomMaryon born about 1915
MalcomWilliam born about 1935
ManuelCleveland born about 1910
ManuelEstelle born about 1910
MarthesJessie Nealborn about 1919
MarthesJohine born about 1880
MarthesJohnie Cborn about 1907
MarthesOdessa born about 1885
MarthesPinky born about
MarthesRunelle born about 1922
MaxcyAlva born about 1914
MaxcyAnnie Nellborn about 1922
MaxcyBetty Annborn about 1938
MaxcyCharlotte born about 1939
MaxcyCleane born about 1894
MaxcyHarvey born about 1929
MaxcyLee Vanceyborn about 1924
MaxcyLizzie Leeborn about 1896
MaxcyLois Cborn about 1916
MaxcyRuthie Nellborn about 1935
MaxcyWillie Cleaneborn about 1926
MccartChina born about 1892
MccartCora born about 1876
MccartE Mborn about 1912
MccartEmmett born about 1884
MccartEugenia born about 1939
MccartGrant born about 1872
MccartJack born about 1929
MccartJean born about 1931
MccartRheba born about 1917
MeadorsJohn born about 1868
MeadorsLinnie born about 1876
MitchellDewey born about 1897
MitchellDewey Jr born about 1927
MitchellEdward born about 1939
MitchellFrances born about 1933
MitchellLillian born about 1919
MitchellLois born about 1924
MitchellLouise born about 1937
MitchellMargaret born about 1930
MitchellOpal born about 1936
MitchellWill born about 1869
MitchellWillie Maeborn about 1901
MobleyAnnie Lborn about 1930
MobleyAudley born about 1910
MobleyEdward born about 1932
MobleyElsie born about 1936
MobleyFlorrie born about 1921
MobleyHoward born about
MobleyJulius born about 1914
MobleyLila born about 1906
MobleyLilly born about 1885
MobleyLucy born about 1913
MobleyMarguriette born about 1933
MobleyMartha Anborn about 1935
MobleyMildred born about 1928
MobleyNathaniel born about 1905
MobleySybill born about 1938
MooreEarl born about 1888
MooreEmma born about 1889
MooreFannie born about 1897
MorrisSara born about 1868
MorrisTom born about 1862
MorrisWillie born about 1919
MoslyBernard born about 1903
MossEdwin born about 1926
MossEllen born about 1922
MossFrank born about 1895
MossGeorge born about 1932
MossGeorgia born about 1901
MossJimmy born about 1935
MossJoe born about 1937
MossJoseph Bborn about 1873
MossLenora born about 1928
MossLucy born about 1856
MossMattie born about 1885
MossMinnva born about 1873
MossOscar born about 1905
MossWayman born about 1875

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N Surnames

NalleyCaper born about 1935
NalleyGraice Maeborn about 1938
NalleyHelen born about 1937
NalleyMinnie born about 1915
NalleyPaul born about 1914
NoblesBen born about 1901
NoblesDorothy born about 1930
NoblesEarnest Fborn about 1938
NoblesEugene born about 1910
NoblesHarry born about 1932
NoblesLizzie born about 1912
NoblesLouise born about 1936

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P Surnames

ParishBill born about 1916
ParishEmmett born about 1895
ParishIrene born about 1920
ParishJimmie born about 1935
ParishJunielle born about 1937
ParishLouier born about 1918
ParishMildred born about 1927
ParishMyrtle born about 1925
ParishOla born about 1879
ParishSara born about 1932
ParishWalker born about 1930
ParishWindfield born about 1874
ParishWinnie born about 1899
ParkerChester born about 1918
ParkerClaranc born about 1895
ParkerEdward born about 1916
ParkerFranklin born about 1924
ParkerGene born about 1937
ParkerGrace born about 1888
ParkerHenry born about 1927
ParkerJack born about 1860
ParkerJack born about 1927
ParkerMaggie Louborn about 1930
ParkerMamie born about 1898
ParkerMance born about 1866
ParkerMary born about 1920
ParkerNora born about 1903
ParkerObie born about 1907
ParkerPaul born about 1889
ParkerRobert born about 1892
ParkerSallie born about 1872
ParkerSara born about 1928
ParkerViola born about 1912
ParkerWlater born about 1920
PerryGreen born about 1886
PerryLeila born about 1897
PerryWillie Artherborn about 1923
PettyCarrey born about 1866
PettyDorothy born about 1919
PettyGertrude* born about 1927
PettyGetrude born about 1880
PettyJoe born about 1913
PettyJoe Lennieborn about 1938
PettyWillie Georgeborn about 1939
PickettEarnest Eborn about 1878
PickettJames Vborn about 1885
PickettKatie born about 1889
PickettPhillip born about 1932
PipieEmma born about 1881
PipieWilliam born about 1877
PopeJames born about 1885
PopeSallie born about 1892
PrintupEmma Kateborn about 1930
PrintupHenry Lborn about 1927
PrintupLiola born about 1910
PrintupThelma born about 1926
PrintupWillie born about 1902
PullianJanett born about 1936
PullianMichael born about 1938
PullianMorris born about 1902
PullianNathan Mborn about 1934
PullianNina born about 1907

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R Surnames

ReedBurney born about 1887
ReedJewel born about 1934
ReedMattie Louborn about 1895
ReedNorma Leeborn about 1927
RichardsEddie Maudborn about 1912
RichardsGrady born about 1909
RichardsonJames born about 1903
RichardsonWillie born about 1868
RobinsonCharlie born about 1929
RobinsonElsie Leeborn about 1930
RobinsonHelen born about 1937
RobinsonMary born about 1935
RobinsonNellie born about 1927
RobinsonOra Leeborn about 1901
RobinsonRoberta born about
RobinsonSolomon born about 1870
RobinsonVester Leeborn about 1923
RobinsonWillie Jamesborn about 1932
RogersJames Mborn about 1862
RooksBert born about 1911
RooksCharlotte born about 1909

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S Surnames

ScoffieldAlice born about 1894
ScoffieldInez born about 1927
ScoffieldJamie Lborn about 1931
ScoffieldMary born about 1929
ScoffieldWill Lborn about 1928
SingleyAubie Leeborn about 1906
SingleyEva born about 1912
SingleyRoy Milanborn about 1932
SingleySamuel born about 1935
Smith??? born about 1908
SmithAlberta born about 1920
SmithAlberta born about 1932
SmithAlex born about 1861
SmithAlice born about 1912
SmithChristine born about 1917
SmithCleo born about 1911
SmithDarlene born about 1934
SmithJohnie Bborn about 1908
SmithMary Lonborn about 1916
SmithMattie born about 1913
SmithMattie born about 1940
SmithMattie Hborn about 1929
SmithNorman born about 1935
SmithNorris born about 1934
SmithOnrie born about 1931
SmithOtis born about 1915
SmithOtis Jr born about 1934
SmithTommie born about 1884
SmithWillie Clarenceborn about 1918
SnowAlbert Lborn about 1935
SnowBarbara born about 1931
SnowEddie Ralinsborn about 1932
SnowHattie born about 1905
SnowJames Curtisborn about 1938
SnowMattie Pearlborn about 1933
SnowNiamo born about 1906
SnowNilla Maudborn about 1939
SnowOdell born about 1929
SnowRobert born about 1915
SnowRobert Jr born about 1927
SnowSara born about 1929
SnowSylvia born about 1938
StantonGillie born about 1918
StantonWayman born about 1916
StubbsCarlton born about 1925
StubbsEdward born about 1921
StubbsEva born about 1914
StubbsFay born about 1924
StubbsIrene born about 1898
StubbsJulian born about 1927
StubbsThomas born about 1925
StubbsTroy born about 1897
StubhardEugene born about 1903
StubhardMattie Kateborn about 1898
StuddardA Cborn about 1900
StuddardDewight born about 1901
StuddardLane born about 1938
StuddardMattie Fborn about 1916
StuddardRobert born about 1913

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T Surnames

ThomasBee born about 1872
ThomasBennie born about 1926
ThomasDonald Leeborn about 1927
ThomasEljah born about 1875
ThomasEssie born about 1923
ThomasFrank born about 1921
ThomasJames born about 1931
ThomasLizzie born about 1882
ThomasMattie born about 1900
ThomasWillie born about 1918
ThompsonInez born about 1907
ThompsonThomas born about 1892
TuggleBertha born about 1902
TuggleDaisy Louborn about 1928
TuggleJohin Sealborn about
TuggleJohine born about 1897
TuggleSara Cliffordborn about 1938
TurnerAlmand born about 1922
TurnerBilly born about 1936
TurnerClaudie born about 1921
TurnerGeernie born about 1891
TurnerJoe Rogersborn about 1937
TurnerMattie born about 1892
TurnerRufus born about 1913

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W Surnames

WebbBob born about 1938
WebbBoykin born about 1882
WebbCassie born about 1895
WebbCassie Billborn about 1930
WebbCharlie born about 1939
WebbElhiline born about 1931
WebbFannie born about 1935
WebbJohnie Bborn about 1928
WebbPearl born about 1933
WhiteBeatriece born about 1923
WhiteBud born about 1882
WhiteCharles born about 1908
WhiteCorrie Maeborn about 1938
WhiteFannie Maeborn about 1912
WhiteGracie Maeborn about 1939
WhiteGus born about 1863
WhiteHugh born about 1916
WhiteJim born about 1855
WhiteJoe born about 1881
WhiteJunior born about 1927
WhiteLeroy born about 1905
WhiteLillie Maeborn about 1918
WhiteLindy born about 1882
WhiteLinnie born about 1875
WhiteLinnie born about 1908
WhiteLois born about 1932
WhiteLouise born about 1927
WhiteMaly Francesborn about
WhiteMary born about 1886
WhiteMary Lborn about 1918
WhiteMattie Aliceborn about 1938
WhiteNellie Graceborn about 1924
WhiteO Cborn about 1926
WhiteOscar born about 1916
WhiteOscar Jr born about 1937
WhitePeggy Jeanborn about 1940
WhitePerry Leeborn about 1917
WhiteRobert born about 1924
WhiteSara born about 1928
WhiteTom born about 1927
WhiteTommie Qborn about 1916
WhiteW Cborn about 1936
WhiteWoody born about 1934
WilsonBetty born about 1932
WilsonBryant born about 1903
WilsonDoris Maeborn about 1938
WilsonEarl born about 1933
WilsonFrances born about 1911
WilsonJames Royborn about 1936
WilsonShena Sueborn about 1939
WilsonsLaura born about 1875
WoodGeorgiann born about 1938
WoodLouis born about 1912
WoodMattie born about 1915
WoodsAndrew born about 1923
WoodsAndrew Willieborn about 1912
WoodsHelen born about 1936
WoodsLilly Violaborn about 1927
WoodsMagnolia born about 1914
WoodsMary Violaborn about 1939
WoodsSara Ruthborn about 1934
WoodsZola Pearlborn about 1924

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