1940 U.S. Federal Census of McDonald in Twiggs County, Twiggs, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Twiggs County > 1940 Census of McDonald in Twiggs County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsAndrew born about 1910
AdkinsCharlie born about 1907
AdkinsGertrude born about 1902
AdkinsHozzie born about 1895
AdkinsHubert Aborn about 1934
AdkinsIdeh Mayborn about 1907
AdkinsIra born about 1924
AdkinsJames Wborn about 1926
AdkinsKattie Annborn about 1876
AdkinsLada born about 1900
AdkinsLucile born about 1933
AdkinsMarvin Cborn about 1938
AdkinsShort Aborn about 1877
AdkinsWalter Jr born about 1926
AdkinsWarren Rborn about 1936
AllenAlton Eborn about 1913
AllenCary Mayborn about 1930
AllenEtta born about 1914
AllenJessie born about 1937
AllenMarjorie born about 1922
AllenMary Louborn about 1932
AllenWilburn born about 1935
AllenWilliam born about 1910
AnthomyAda born about 1897
AnthomyRichard born about 1893
AsbelJohn born about 1909
AsbelJohnie born about 1940
AsbelMary born about 1916
AsbelRuby born about 1937
AsbellJuldie born about 1870
AsbellMack born about 1900
AsbellMaud born about 1900
AshleyCatherine born about 1936
AshleyEva Mayborn about 1919
AshleyJ Cborn about 1935
AshleyWalker Leeborn about 1938

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B Surnames

BaileyMaggie born about 1894
BanksJiff born about 1867
BanksLamie born about 1871
BarentinePearlie born about 1916
BarentineWalter Leeborn about 1911
BasleyJames born about 1930
BealClara born about 1905
BealManervia born about 1925
BealMozekiel born about 1902
BealZack born about 1923
BennettClaud Eborn about 1929
BennettEula born about 1908
BennettJames Donaldborn about 1932
BennettWorthy Rborn about 1904
BennettWorthy R Jrborn about 1927
BirdsongAubrey Cborn about 1913
BirdsongBrinson born about 1929
BirdsongHenry born about 1908
BirdsongJohn Bborn about 1886
BirdsongMabele born about 1891
BirdsongMyrtice born about 1912
BirdsongRoma born about 1924
BoydJames born about 1939
BoydJohn Cborn about 1920
BoydRhodie Lborn about 1919
BoyntonSallie born about 1882
BoyntonWilliam born about 1880
BrownBuford born about 1920
BrownCarl born about 1917
BrownCharlie Aborn about 1892
BrownHenry born about 1916
BrownIda born about 1891
BrownL Jborn about 1924
BrownLeakie born about 1918
BrownMack born about 1884
BrownMark born about 1928
BrownMary born about 1915
BrownMary Fborn about 1926
BrownNannie born about 1895
BruerArthur Bborn about 1901
BruerMargrett born about 1920
BryantBenton born about 1928
BryantBillie born about 1923
BryantMyrtle born about 1893
BryantWilliam Fborn about 1883
BurkittAllice born about 1925
BurkittClara born about 1940
ButlerJerry Leeborn about 1916
ButlerLizie Mayborn about 1912

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C Surnames

CalhounAlonza born about 1887
CalhounBennie Leeborn about 1915
CalhounBernice born about 1917
CalhounCora born about 1927
CalhounEllie born about 1895
CalhounElnora born about 1921
CalhounLain F Oborn about 1929
CalhounLoise born about 1925
CalhounManda born about 1860
CalhounMattie born about 1919
CalhounRobert Leeborn about 1932
CalhounTommie born about 1919
CannonBen Jr born about 1923
CannonEvelin born about 1910
CannonGrady born about 1899
CannonJeanette born about 1928
CannonLamar born about 1929
CannonMazie born about 1877
CannonMrs Dellaborn about 1876
CannonWilliam Hborn about 1893
CanonMarion Eborn about 1925
CanonMary Eborn about 1895
CanonWilliam Gborn about 1897
CanonWilliam G Jrborn about 1923
ChappelClevland born about 1930
ChappelGeorge born about 1889
ChappelGeorgia born about 1864
ChappelHenry Jr born about 1908
ChappelHenry Sr born about 1885
ChappelJ Cborn about 1935
ChappelLewis born about 1919
ChappelLizzie born about 1913
ChappelLouise born about 1937
ChappelMamie Leeborn about 1934
ChappelMarion born about 1932
ChappelSara born about 1886
ChappelZiffie born about 1940
ChatmanCleveland born about 1915
ChatmanCleveland born about 1939
ChatmanEstella born about 1918
ChatmanEugine born about 1934
ChatmanMaggie born about 1936
ChatmanMagie Mayborn about 1925
ChatmanNorman born about 1918
ChatmanRosa Mayborn about 1916
ChristainEvelyn born about 1910
ChristainLouis born about 1940
ChristainVonceil born about 1938
ChristainWilliam Bborn about 1913
ChristainWilliam T Jrborn about 1937
ClanceAddie Mayborn about 1916
ClanceEdward born about 1923
ClanceElizabeth born about 1923
ClanceHenry born about 1888
ClanceHenry born about 1921
ClanceJessie born about 1918
ClanceJonah Nborn about 1940
ClanceMinnie born about 1892
ClanceSara born about 1930
ClanceWillie born about 1935
CobbLouis born about 1920
CollinsAlma born about 1916
CollinsCharlie born about 1911
CollinsCharlie Jr born about 1938
CollinsClara born about 1934
CollinsClarence born about 1936
CollinsDoris born about 1937
CollinsEliza born about 1871
CollinsInell born about 1938
CollinsLucious born about 1902
CollinsMay Bellborn about 1925
CollinsNora born about 1909
CollinsWillie born about 1940
CorneliusAbert born about 1936
CorneliusAlice born about 1900
CorneliusGeorge born about 1885
CorneliusIda Mayborn about 1914
CorneliusJames born about 1912
CorneliusJames Tborn about 1934
CorneliusJohn Lborn about 1938
CrosbyBeatrice born about 1894
CrosbyOzie Zborn about 1890
CrosbyViolet born about 1916
CrosleyAnnie Macborn about 1901
CrosleyErnest Cborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavesJames Lborn about 1938
DavesOlna Eborn about 1922
DavesWoodrow Wborn about 1919
DavisMrs Dallieborn about 1863
DayMrs Ellaborn about 1865
DixonDollie born about 1915
DixonJohnie born about 1913
DixonJohnie Bborn about 1932
DorseyGrace born about 1939
DorseyHugh Mborn about 1915
DorseyMary born about 1921
DorseyWilliam Pborn about 1939
DurhamJame Wborn about 1937
DurhamJoe born about 1912
DurhamMary Lborn about 1914
DurhamMorris Jborn about 1939

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E Surnames

EllerJohn Eborn about 1893
EllerRosa Kborn about 1884

F Surnames

FinneyBessie Macborn about 1888
FinneyCharlie born about 1885
FinneyEugene Gborn about 1873
FitzpatrickBen Sborn about 1855
FitzpatrickFleta born about 1888
FitzpatrickGeorge born about 1890
FlournoyCaldonia born about 1919
FlournoyJack born about 1912
FlournoyWillie Cborn about 1940
FountainBobbie Lonborn about 1935
FountainCecil Aborn about 1936
FountainHenry born about 1893
FountainJames Cborn about 1913
FountainOscar born about 1926
FountainThelma born about 1912
FountainWillie born about 1891

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G Surnames

GenevaHeight born about 1939
GeorgeLula born about 1866
GibsonSam born about 1862
GloverAlfred born about 1939
GloverAllen born about 1901
GloverAllen born about 1935
GloverElnora born about 1934
GloverGertrude born about 1925
GloverJames born about 1921
GloverJohnie born about 1931
GloverLeila born about 1927
GloverLenora born about 1932
GloverMamie born about 1891
GloverMarry born about 1931
GloverOdesa born about 1930
GloverShade born about 1890
GloverTrubell born about 1937
GordonAlma born about 1932
GordonGrace born about 1924
GordonMaggie born about 1929
GordonPearlie born about 1874
GordonRuth born about 1927
GordonSara born about 1889
GordonWillie born about 1893
GordonWillie Jr born about 1925
GraggLoll born about 1855
GreshamEllis Leeborn about 1931
GreshamHattie born about 1905
GreshamImogine born about 1929
GreshamShirley born about 1933
GriffinBlanch born about 1901
GriffinDora born about 1904
GriffinJimmie born about 1939
GriffinMartha born about 1933
GriffinMrs Danieborn about 1895
GriffinRoy born about 1928
GriffinSara born about 1925

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H Surnames

HallClinton born about 1905
HallElizabeth born about 1915
HallJack born about 1928
HallWyolene born about 1937
HamBettie Jeamborn about 1936
HamHenry born about 1901
HamLottie born about 1904
HamLottie Vaborn about 1938
HamMary Lonborn about 1929
HamNewton born about 1928
HamWinnie Dorisborn about 1934
HarklessRed born about 1859
HarrisDon born about 1920
HarrisIvey Vborn about 1917
HarrisonMarie born about 1919
HarwellJames Wborn about 1876
HarwellRosebud born about 1893
HeightAmada born about 1882
HeightRobert born about 1877
HerndonBittie Annborn about 1933
HerndonHazel born about 1907
HerndonJack Dborn about 1931
HerndonJame Rborn about 1929
HerndonLouise born about 1935
HerndonMary Hellenborn about 1939
HerndonMattie Macborn about 1909
HerringtonJudith Lborn about 1940
HerringtonJulia Agnesborn about 1919
HerringtonWycliff Jborn about 1919
HillArthur born about 1916
HillBessie born about 1930
HillCharlie born about 1933
HillClara born about 1920
HillDoris born about 1940
HillEmma born about 1918
HillEmma born about 1939
HillEstees born about 1890
HillFrank born about 1914
HillFrank Jr born about 1935
HillFrank Jr born about 1936
HillHorace born about 1880
HillIda born about 1882
HillJohnie Dborn about 1930
HillJosephine born about 1925
HillLeila born about 1892
HillMary Lizieborn about 1908
HillMckinley born about 1923
HillPauline born about 1928
HillRosebud born about 1917
HillShirley born about 1939
HillWalker born about 1916
HornsbyAlmarine born about 1923
HornsbyCletus born about 1897
HornsbyJackin Eliborn about 1897
HudsonCarry born about 1918
HudsonDavid born about 1939
HudsonJohn Hborn about 1917
HudsonR Cborn about 1929
HughesClemet Tborn about 1890
HughesHattie born about 1912
HughesMaggie Macborn about 1936
HughesMary born about 1893
HughesRobert born about 1904
HumphrieCharlie Cborn about 1882
HumphriesNell born about 1915
HumphriesRobert Leeborn about 1923
HumphriesWillie Cborn about 1907

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I Surnames

IseralMose born about 1875

J Surnames

JacksonAda born about 1920
JacksonDavid born about 1917
JacksonDavid Jr born about 1937
JacksonFrank born about 1920
JacksonIda born about 1900
JacksonIda Mayborn about 1931
JacksonMamie born about 1939
JacksonMathew born about 1913
JacksonUla Leeborn about 1915
JacksonWillie born about 1939
JamesAlfred born about 1916
JamesDorothy Macborn about 1939
JamesThelma born about 1921
JamesWillie Lborn about 1935
JeffersonKittie born about 1916
JeffersonRaymond born about 1916
JonesAillene born about 1914
JonesBen F Jrborn about 1908
JonesEarl born about 1906
JonesEvelin born about 1939
JonesMrs Bessieborn about 1884
JonesRoy born about 1915
JonesThomas born about 1937
JordanAnderson born about 1928
JordanCalssie born about 1926
JordanCalvin born about 1922
JordanEssie born about 1940
JordanJames born about 1934
JordanJessie born about 1922
JordanJohn born about 1905
JordanJohn Jr born about 1929
JordanOla Macborn about 1911
JordonAmanda born about 1905
JordonAnnie Leeborn about 1921
JordonDavid born about 1920
JordonEaster born about 1930
JordonEllen born about 1928
JordonFred born about 1937
JordonGlen born about 1907
JordonMattie born about 1937
JordonRollie born about 1923
JordonWalter born about 1926
JordonWillie Tborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KeyMary Bborn about 1891
KingGrant born about 1919
KingWillie born about 1922
KingWillie Macborn about 1939
KitchensAlma born about 1897
KitchensBen Mborn about 1893
KitchensDoris born about 1923
KitchensEugine born about 1933
KitchensHoward born about 1924
KitchensJoe Annborn about 1934
KitchensJuanita born about 1927
KitchensMinnie Bborn about 1898
KitchensOscar born about 1887
KitchensOscar Jr born about 1930
KitchensRobert born about 1937
KitchensViviam born about 1922

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L Surnames

LanierElizabeth born about 1876
LanierWilliam Aborn about 1917
LanierWilliam A Jrborn about 1857

M Surnames

MartinJohn born about 1902
MartinLinnie born about 1869
MartinRalph Cborn about 1911
McgeeBen born about 1921
McgeeDavis Sborn about 1886
McgeeDent born about 1923
McgeeFitzpatrick Tom Jrborn about 1895
McgeeGeorge born about 1917
McgeeJohnnie Leeborn about 1928
McgeeLindy born about 1928
McgeeMarie born about 1896
McgeeNora born about 1890
McgeeTom born about 1923
McgeeWillie Bborn about 1926
MercerCaloway born about 1908
MercerCharles born about 1936
MercerClaud Eborn about 1889
MercerGertrude born about 1901
MercerHariett born about 1934
MercerHarley born about 1909
MercerHelen Mebleborn about 1930
MercerJoe Pinkborn about 1914
MercerLarry born about 1940
MercerLouise born about 1916
MercerLucile born about 1889
MercerMartha born about 1913
MercerMartha born about 1923
MercerMary born about 1896
MercerMildred born about 1931
MercerMrs Charlieborn about 1877
MercerPatty born about 1936
MercerRaymond born about 1906
MercerSelma Leeborn about 1910
MercerThomas born about 1902
MercerWilliam Gborn about 1876
MercerWilliam Hborn about 1939
MillerClara born about 1891
MillerJery Cborn about 1884
MillerJery C Jrborn about 1929
MillerJones born about 1931
MillerMargarette born about 1903
MixonCallie Mayborn about 1935
MixonHershel born about 1913
MixonMinie Bellborn about 1916
MoseOtha Leeborn about 1928
MoseleyLouis Bborn about 1916
MoseleyRuth Eborn about 1919

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N Surnames

NesbittAddie Leeborn about 1923
NesbittJoeph born about 1918
NesbittJulius born about 1914
NesbittKattie Mayborn about 1914

P Surnames

ParkerAlma born about 1912
ParkerBen Aborn about 1907
ParkerClara born about 1919
ParkerEmmie Dborn about 1930
ParkerEtta born about 1875
ParkerFlorine born about 1928
ParkerInez born about 1930
ParkerJames Eborn about 1921
ParkerJennie born about 1889
ParkerJohn Pborn about 1873
ParkerJohn Jr born about 1893
ParkerMary born about 1903
ParkerRuth born about 1934
ParkerWilliam born about 1870
PaulAlonza born about 1888
PaulAsbery born about 1924
PaulDollie born about 1934
PaulIda born about 1922
PaulJewell born about 1937
PaulLaura born about 1894
PaulLucile born about 1932
PaulMinie born about 1926
PaulShelott born about 1929
PeacockAlbert born about 1917
PeacockBonnie born about 1938
PeacockRuby born about 1919
PeoplesCleveland born about 1891
PeoplesRosa Mayborn about 1907
PeoplesThomas Mborn about 1922
PhilippsEddie born about 1903
PhilippsGeorgia born about 1878
PhilippsRosa Leeborn about 1900
PhilippsSolomon born about 1877
PowellAmy born about 1868
PowellThomas born about 1875

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R Surnames

ReddingJobe born about 1873
ReynoldsMaggie born about 1889
RyleDaniel born about 1913
RyleMartha born about 1912
RylesVirzennie born about 1883

S Surnames

SappAncie Eborn about 1926
SappAudrie born about 1932
SappBenjaman born about 1928
SappBessie born about 1906
SappCarroll born about 1934
SappCharlie born about 1896
SappChester born about 1934
SappClaud born about 1937
SappEthel born about 1898
SappEugine born about 1938
SappFrank born about 1893
SappGale born about 1935
SappHazel born about 1922
SappHomer Sborn about 1892
SappInez born about 1909
SappMargarett born about 1931
ShepherdClara born about 1918
ShepherdEmma born about 1895
ShepherdFrances born about 1926
ShepherdFrank born about 1894
ShepherdHelen born about 1926
ShepherdHenry born about 1922
ShepherdNell born about 1920
ShepherdWilbur born about 1917
SimonsJohn born about 1894
SimonsRosebard born about 1907
SmithBillie Rborn about 1933
SmithElvelin born about 1916
SmithGladis born about 1913
SmithJames Hborn about 1930
SmithJohnie Macborn about 1934
SmithJunior Leeborn about 1939
SmithOdus born about 1909
SmithPerry born about 1906
SmithSara born about 1932
SmithVirginia born about 1930
SolomonJames Cborn about 1865
SolomonJannie born about 1892
SolomonMaggie born about 1866
StephensBirdsong born about 1896
StephensCatherine born about 1930
StephensInez born about 1895
StephensJerry born about 1927
StephensNapolen born about 1906
StephensVirginia born about 1913
StewardJosie born about 1934
StewardLillian born about 1916
StewardWillie born about 1914
StewardWillie Jr born about 1932
StokesCleta Mayborn about 1930
StokesJunita born about 1928
StokesMarvin born about 1925
StokesRaymond born about 1894
StokesViola born about 1895
StokesWillie Wborn about 1917
StroupBettie Rborn about 1939
StroupJames Dborn about 1920
StroupRuth born about 1917

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T Surnames

TharpeAda born about 1923
TharpeBenjamin Cborn about 1933
TharpeBennie Leeborn about 1913
TharpeClara born about 1936
TharpeClaudie born about 1894
TharpeEdward Jr born about 1920
TharpeEliza born about 1894
TharpeEliza Jr born about 1923
TharpeElnora born about 1921
TharpeEstee born about 1917
TharpeJames Cborn about 1928
TharpeJulia born about 1892
TharpeLizie born about 1926
TharpeLouise born about 1930
TharpeMarieta born about 1932
TharpeMattie Bborn about 1925
TharpeOla Mayborn about 1922
TharpeOllie born about 1931
TharpePearline born about 1937
TharpeRobert born about 1919
TharpeSusie Macborn about 1930
TharpeThad born about 1895
TharpeThadie Lborn about 1928
TharpeWillie Tborn about 1921
ThomasFannie born about 1921
ThomasMamie born about 1911
ThompsonRich born about 1890
ThopeAnnie born about 1925
TrambelGeorge born about 1884
TrambelGeorgia Macborn about 1932
TrambelMary Annborn about 1895
TrambelMary Fborn about 1927
TurnerRaymond born about 1920

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V Surnames

VealMartha born about 1895
VealOliver born about 1929
VealRobert born about 1927
VealSiney born about 1925

W Surnames

WadeAmanda born about 1929
WadeJim born about 1909
WadeJim Jr born about 1931
WadeLauvenia born about 1902
WadeLouise born about 1927
WaitsJames Eborn about 1889
WaitsJulia Cborn about 1897
WalkersMaynard born about 1934
WalkersWillie Cborn about 1931
WallKyrtle born about 1936
WallMargrett born about 1938
WallSolomon born about 1885
WallWalter born about 1934
WallWilliam Mcborn about 1932
WallWilliam Sr born about 1911
WallZeter born about 1913
WaltersLizzie born about 1870
WardlowJack Bborn about 1897
WardlowJackie born about 1926
WardlowLouise born about 1896
WatersArelia born about 1934
WatersJannie born about 1915
WatersLemon born about 1938
WatersMary Idaborn about 1937
WatersRobert born about 1910
WelchEzekiel born about 1912
WelchRachel born about 1875
WestElouise born about 1917
WestErnest Jr born about 1934
WestGeorge born about 1912
WestHenretta born about 1862
WestInez born about 1934
WestJ Cborn about 1868
WestJames Hborn about 1871
WestJennie born about 1876
WestJohn born about 1937
WestLilie Mayborn about 1904
WestMildred born about 1936
WhiteElla Mayborn about 1928
WhiteheadFannie Mayborn about 1926
WhiteheadHattie born about 1895
WhiteheadLucy born about 1909
WhitheadAnnie born about 1931
WhitheadClevland born about 1933
WhitheadHattie born about 1930
WhitheadOtha born about 1927
WilburnBob born about 1894
WilburnNancy born about 1893
WilliamsAbert born about 1921
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1936
WilliamsLiza Macborn about 1934
WilliamsNora born about 1906
WilliamsSammie Leeborn about 1939
WilliamsWill Tborn about 1893
WilliamsWillie Tborn about 1931
WimberlyAgnes born about 1924
WimberlyCornelius born about 1885
WimberlyElma born about 1933
WimberlyEssie born about 1922
WimberlyEverne born about 1929
WimberlyFred born about 1919
WimberlyGeorgia Lborn about 1918
WimberlyHarvey born about 1926
WimberlyHenry Fborn about 1882
WimberlyJona born about 1888
WimberlyJosh Cborn about 1926
WimberlyLula Bborn about 1894
WimberlyMattie born about 1895
WimberlyMilton born about 1921
WimberlyMinnie born about 1888
WimberlyOliver Leeborn about 1921
WimberlyRiley born about 1876
WimberlySophie Macborn about 1928
WimberlyWilliam born about 1917
WimberlyWillie born about 1913
WoodAndrew Jborn about 1920
WoodDennis born about 1939
WoodElla born about 1866
WoodGeorge born about 1919
WoodMaud Cborn about 1891
WoodNancy born about 1919
WoodRaymond M 3rdborn about 1939
WoodRaymond M Jrborn about 1917
WoodRaymond M Srborn about 1887
WoodTerence Fborn about 1939
WoodVirginia born about 1917
WoodWilliam Tborn about 1924
WoodfordDorthy born about 1932
WoodfordEliza born about 1930
WoodfordElsie born about 1925
WoodfordJohnnie born about 1934
WoodfordMattie born about 1936
WoodfordMildred born about 1938
WoodfordPearl born about 1904
WoodfordSandy born about 1901
WoodfordWillie born about 1927

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