1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sharp Mountain, Pickens, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Pickens County > 1940 Census of Sharp Mountain

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BallewIsabel born about 1884
BallewW Jborn about 1874
BlackstockBessie born about 1911
BlackstockClyde born about 1910
BlackstockGwenell born about 1935
BlackstockMary Maeborn about 1868
BolingCharlie born about 1880
BolingCharlie born about 1921
BolingCicero born about 1931
BolingClaude born about 1925
BolingClifford born about 1927
BolingFred born about 1923
BolingGeorgia born about 1884
BolingHarp born about 1917
BolingHorace born about 1920
BolingMac born about 1865
BolingMargaret born about 1873
BolingMonroe born about 1886
BolingRosa born about 1890
BoydLucile born about 1919
BoydMary Hborn about 1890
BoydOlin born about 1913
BoydOphelia born about 1922
BoydRuby born about 1926
BrookshireBoyd born about 1924
BucknorJohn Dborn about 1914
BucknorMolly born about 1900
BucknorWalter born about 1892
BurgessArthur born about 1916
BurgessBertha born about 1887
BurgessCharles Williamborn about 1939
BurgessEstelle born about 1916
BurgessHoward born about 1921
BurgessWillard born about 1883
BurrellCarter born about 1894
BurrellJuanita born about 1927
BurrellMartha Annborn about 1867
BurrellMinnie born about 1891
BurrellParalee born about 1915
BurrellReneigh born about 1923
BurrellSimpson born about 1872
BurrellWeldon born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CagleAlice born about 1892
CagleAlice born about 1928
CagleAlonzo born about 1902
CagleAlvin born about 1933
CagleBetty Jeanborn about 1935
CagleBeulah born about 1908
CagleBlanche born about 1908
CagleBobby born about 1930
CagleCharles born about 1926
CagleCicero born about 1875
CagleClarence born about 1926
CagleEarnest born about 1892
CagleEmma Wborn about 1862
CagleGrace born about 1901
CagleHoward born about 1907
CagleHoward Guyborn about 1935
CagleJohn born about 1929
CagleJohn Wesleyborn about 1864
CagleLaura born about 1902
CagleLeon born about 1924
CagleMarcus born about 1873
CagleMarguerite born about 1937
CagleMarie born about 1930
CagleMartha Eborn about 1849
CagleMary Annieborn about 1928
CagleMildred born about 1937
CagleMilton born about 1906
CagleOman born about 1901
CagleOra born about 1903
CaglePearl born about 1910
CagleRosa born about 1871
CagleRuth Leeborn about 1933
CagleSherman born about 1894
CagleSherman Clarkborn about 1887
CantrellAnne born about 1867
CantrellBonnie born about 1921
CantrellCairo born about 1909
CantrellDennis born about 1904
CantrellFrank born about
CantrellFurman Cborn about 1907
CantrellImogene born about 1938
CantrellLouisa born about 1868
CantrellWilliam born about 1940
CarveyC Eborn about 1917
CarveyCoreen born about 1933
CarveyHarley born about 1924
CarveyJunior born about 1936
CarveyLewis born about 1930
CarveyMattie Daleborn about 1921
CarveyMrs Ada Bborn about 1890
CarveyWillie Jewellborn about 1915
CarveyWylie born about 1926
CashSarah born about 1908
ChadwickClyde born about 1918
ChadwickElizabeth born about 1932
ChadwickPearl born about 1894
ChadwickWill born about 1892
ChadwickWinnie born about 1921
ChildersMarion born about 1880
ChildersMattie born about 1879
ClarkRandall born about 1940
ClarkWallace born about 1921
ClarkWylene born about 1923
CochranAlvie born about 1931
CochranArvilla born about 1926
CochranCovell born about 1921
CochranElvie born about 1928
CochranMary born about 1901
CochranMonroe born about 1899
CochranVernell born about 1922
CornettAlice born about 1904
CornettBobby born about 1939
CornettElizabeth born about 1934
CornettFrankie born about 1926
CornettIfton born about 1912
CornettJ Bborn about 1930
CornettJ Cborn about 1939
CornettMaggie born about 1910
CornettMary born about 1937
CornettNany Elizabethborn about 1871
CornettNila born about 1923
CornettPreston born about 1931
CornettReathel born about 1935
CornettRobert Eborn about 1903
CornettThelma born about 1932
CrossDorothy born about 1930
CrossEdna born about 1897
CrossMilton Dborn about 1895
CroweCharles born about 1918
CroweEva Joeborn about 1919
CroweJoanne born about 1939
CroweLouise born about 1922
CroweVernon born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavenportLiza born about 1869
DavisAlley Bborn about 1876
DavisBarbara born about 1883
DavisJennie Maeborn about 1885
DavisJohn Ellisborn about 1914
DeanCleo born about 1925
DeanDorothy born about 1931
DeanHattie born about 1904
DeanJohn Hborn about 1902
DeanNannie Maeborn about 1927
DeanRuby born about 1934
DeanRuth born about 1934
DilbeckBecker born about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllrodBessie Leeborn about 1931
EllrodBessie Pearlborn about 1899
EllrodEmma Louborn about 1926
EllrodPaul born about 1900

F Surnames

FowlerBertie born about 1932
FowlerBurt born about 1900
FowlerCharlie born about 1902
FowlerEstelle born about 1909
FowlerGladys born about 1927
FowlerHoward born about 1925
FowlerMamie born about 1902
FowlerMarjorie born about 1927
FowlerMildred born about 1929
FowlerRobert born about 1928
FowlerYvonne born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarnerA Lborn about 1877
GarnerMartha born about 1885
GarnerMary born about 1914
GreenGeorge born about 1867
GreenMary born about 1881
GreenNora born about 1921

H Surnames

HalesBilly born about 1939
HalesJackie born about 1936
HalesOden born about 1907
HalesWilliam Mborn about 1903
HillEdna Maeborn about 1931
HillElizabeth Jacquelynborn about 1938
HillLewis born about 1929
HillMyrtle Annborn about 1912
HillNorman Lewisborn about 1908
HopkinsRembert born about 1925

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I Surnames

IngramCleo born about 1936
IngramLeonard born about 1924
IngramMandy born about 1860
IngramMilethia born about 1901
IngramTom born about 1895
IngramTruman born about 1933

J Surnames

JohnsonBertha born about 1889
JohnsonCohen born about 1926
JohnsonErman born about 1920
JohnsonHenry born about 1879
JohnsonHenry Jborn about 1919
JohnsonOvalene born about 1933
JonesBarbara born about 1938
JonesCharlotte born about 1935
JonesClifford born about 1905
JonesGeraldine born about 1932
JonesJ Tborn about 1933
JonesLeona born about 1904
JonesLucile born about 1933
JonesMarcile born about 1913
JonesThad born about 1904
JordonErman born about 1918
JordonLoree born about 1921

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L Surnames

LambertAnna born about 1899
LambertBill born about 1887
LambertGrady born about 1925
LambertLola Maeborn about 1928
LeagueAlex born about 1908
LeagueEileen born about 1928
LeagueLissie born about 1908
LeagueLuke born about 1932
LedbetterMinnie born about 1872
LittleAnnie Maeborn about 1930
LittleCharles born about 1938
LittleElbert born about 1922
LittleEmma born about 1902
LittleEugene born about 1932
LittleGrady Hborn about 1899
LittleWillie Martinborn about 1935
LittleWoodrow born about 1924

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M Surnames

MacarthurElza born about 1922
MacarthurT Wborn about 1871
MagnessCatherine born about 1923
MagnessCora born about 1898
MagnessDallas born about 1926
MagnessJohn born about 1921
MagnessLeeroy born about 1933
MagnessPauline born about 1930
MagnessRuth born about 1918
MagnessW Aborn about 1893
MasseyDorothy born about 1922
MasseyMayberry born about 1893
MasseyPalestine born about 1893
MorrisAndy born about 1919
MorrisArizona born about 1922
MorrisCharlie Mborn about 1885
MorrisDellia born about 1884
MorrisLogan born about 1924
MulkeyAire born about 1914
MulkeyAlma born about 1931
MulkeyHiram born about 1908
MulkeyJames born about 1935
MulkeyThelma born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerCharlie born about 1908
ParkerJames Wborn about 1938
ParkerMartha born about 1883
ParkerOpal born about 1914
ParkerPaul born about 1916
ParkerTom born about 1885
ParkerWeldon born about 1910
PerryAddie Maeborn about 1932
PettigrewBetty Jeanborn about 1937
PettigrewEdna born about 1920
PettigrewPetta born about 1899
PettigrewWill born about 1899
PratherAngia born about 1896
PratherArthur Leeborn about 1927
PratherBarbara Annborn about 1939
PratherCarolyn born about 1937
PratherEd born about 1890
PratherEva born about 1939
PratherGene born about 1936
PratherGeorgia born about 1914
PratherGladys born about 1932
PratherGrady born about 1922
PratherIrene born about 1905
PratherJim born about 1888
PratherLou Berniceborn about 1920
PratherMartha born about 1925
PratherRuth born about 1930
PratherShane born about 1937
PratherT Jborn about 1935
PratherWoodrow born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayArminda born about 1938
RayBelle born about 1890
RayBilly born about 1939
RayDora born about 1873
RayEdith born about 1921
RayFrank born about 1928
RayGeneva born about 1937
RayJean born about 1936
RayLuke born about 1915
RayMarie born about 1922
RayOla born about 1916
RayWilliam Gborn about 1918
RayWilliam Patborn about 1890
RaynsDelphia born about 1911
RaynsJames born about 1934
RaynsLeon born about 1930
RaynsObdell Cborn about 1907
RaynsPauline born about 1927
RaynsWilma Dborn about 1932
ReevesA Berryborn about 1893
ReevesGrady born about 1922
ReevesPearl born about 1887
RichardsCora born about 1882
RichardsJohn Lborn about 1859
RichardsMelinda born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SellersClarence born about 1905
SellersFina born about 1887
SellersInez born about 1923
SellersWilliam Jborn about 1884
SmithAnnie Maeborn about 1896
SmithBertha born about 1931
SmithClara born about 1934
SmithDorothy born about 1936
SmithEarl born about 1930
SmithEmmet born about 1917
SmithFrances born about 1927
SmithJohn Hewlettborn about 1919
SmithJohn Tborn about 1892
SmithKate born about 1924
SmithMary Idaborn about 1914
SmithWill born about 1922
SouthernJennie born about 1866
StancilBill born about 1924
StancilBonnie born about 1912
StancilFrances born about 1929
StancilFred born about 1889
StancilFred Jr born about 1919
StancilJulia born about 1889
StancilKate born about 1928
StancilLucile born about 1923
StancilMary born about 1891
StancilRosamond born about 1913
StancilRoy born about 1926
StancilWilliam born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TatumCora born about 1899
TatumEulane born about 1923
TatumGaston born about 1924
TatumLee born about 1893
TatumRoy born about 1919
TeemsEunice born about 1924
TeemsJ Cborn about 1929
TeemsJohn Columbusborn about 1877
TeemsLela born about 1916
TeemsLillie born about 1914
TeemsMay born about 1890
TeemsWaldo born about 1919

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W Surnames

WhitfieldLily born about 1884
WhitfieldLula born about 1879
WilsonErma born about 1906
WilsonJewell born about 1928
WilsonJohn Hborn about 1900
WilsonLamade born about 1929
WilsonLillian born about 1930
WilsonT Lborn about 1926
WilsonThelma born about 1935
WilsonThurman born about 1932

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