1940 U.S. Federal Census of Steadman, Haralson, Georgia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Georgia > Haralson County > 1940 Census of Steadman

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbercrombieHenry born about 1919
AbercrombieL Mborn about 1923
AdamBeauford born about 1926
AdamC Fborn about 1887
AdamC F Jrborn about 1924
AdamDessa born about 1889
AdamDoris born about 1928
AdamLois born about 1921
AdamsCaroline Jborn about 1937
AdamsRamond Oborn about 1939
AdamsRastus Oborn about 1911
AdamsRuby Vborn about 1916
AganL M Jrborn about 1918
AganMaggie Lueborn about 1917
AlbredJ Eborn about 1877
AlbredLillie born about 1913
AlbredRube born about 1915
AldridgeAgnes Eborn about 1923
AldridgeCera Mborn about 1891
AldridgeEunice born about 1927
AldridgeH Rayfordborn about 1929
AldridgeIva Marieborn about 1935
AldridgeJohn Tborn about 1887
AldridgeRalph Dborn about 1925
AllenAlice born about 1884
AllenBeatrice born about 1927
AllenBuey Eborn about 1920
AllenCarl Wayneborn about 1929
AllenChamp Dborn about 1890
AllenDave Wborn about 1875
AllenDavid Jborn about 1937
AllenEddie born about 1914
AllenElizabeth born about 1926
AllenFrancis Janeborn about 1883
AllenHomer Lborn about 1887
AllenJosie born about 1888
AllenL P Jrborn about 1905
AllenL P Srborn about 1862
AllenLilly Bborn about 1895
AllenLola Ruthborn about 1929
AllenLouis Mborn about 1926
AllenMarshall Cborn about 1878
AllenMattie born about 1901
AllenMontine Bborn about 1919
AllenOma Mborn about 1905
AllenPearl born about 1909
AllenVenora born about 1916
AllenVivian Lborn about 1924
AllgoodOla born about 1881
AyersW Oscarborn about 1881

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B Surnames

BaileyAudra born about 1934
BaileyDonald Cborn about 1936
BaileyEtta Mborn about 1904
BaileyFay Nedborn about 1932
BaileyInez Bborn about 1927
BaileyJames Doyleborn about 1930
BaileyMatthew Bborn about 1904
BaileyPauline born about 1938
BentryHoyt born about 1920
BentryNaomi born about 1920
BourneR Eborn about 1892
BourneRay E Jrborn about 1934
BourneRuth Leeborn about 1911
BrownDee born about 1895
BrownGerald Dborn about 1932
BrownJames Eborn about 1932
BrownMattie Bborn about 1895
BrownNoble Eborn about 1923
BrownRamland Cborn about 1935
BrownRonald Cborn about 1935
BrownRoss Nborn about 1919
BrownRuby Mborn about 1910
BrownRuby Mborn about 1918
BrownSam Hborn about 1903
BrownSam H Jrborn about 1929
BrownSandra Jborn about 1940
BrownW Cleoborn about 1926
BrownW Nesbertborn about 1929
BrownWillie Fayeborn about 1933
BuntynRevie born about 1919
BuntynRuby born about 1914

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C Surnames

CanthernAlta born about 1915
CanthernE Speroborn about 1910
CanthernEligah Fborn about 1882
CanthernEuel Tborn about 1928
CanthernFannie Eborn about 1901
CanthernFloy Sborn about 1913
CanthernHarold Wborn about 1919
CanthernHoward Fborn about 1940
CanthernImogene born about 1936
CanthernJames Wborn about 1899
CanthernJosephine Lborn about 1885
CanthernLeonia born about 1924
ChandlerBetty Joborn about 1929
ChandlerLem Rborn about 1905
ChandlerMillard Rborn about 1935
ChandlerMitchel Lborn about 1933
ChandlerMrs S Mborn about 1864
ChandlerZelma Mborn about 1910

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D Surnames

DavisBelva born about 1912
DavisHorace Gborn about 1911

E Surnames

EllisBetty Louborn about 1922
EllisEffie Pborn about 1898
EllisMattie Ruthborn about 1924
EllisOlin Robtborn about 1899
EubanksClara born about 1934

F Surnames

FincherEllen born about 1931
FincherErman born about 1934
FincherEtta Bborn about 1902
FincherLila Eborn about 1929
FincherOdus born about 1903
FincherRobert Lborn about 1939
FincherZada Mborn about 1935
FinleyBernice Eborn about 1929
FinleyDoel Dborn about 1925
FinleyHenry Dborn about 1900
FinleyJohn Hborn about 1923
FinleyRenna Lborn about 1906

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G Surnames

GagginsEthel Mborn about 1895
GagginsG Austinborn about 1869
GagginsSarah Jborn about 1869
GarnerAnnie Bborn about 1910
GarnerBetty Fayborn about 1936
GarnerClaud Bborn about 1913
GarnerFlorine Sborn about 1919
GarnerJeanette Mborn about 1939
GarnerMegman born about 1934
GarnerOrier Hborn about 1908
GarnerRay born about 1939
GentryAdellia born about 1886
GentryL Sborn about 1886
GladdenA Cborn about 1888
GladdenA Clarenceborn about 1929
GladdenA Pinkborn about 1881
GladdenAlice born about 1925
GladdenArlin born about 1898
GladdenBearen born about 1924
GladdenBuren born about 1924
GladdenCohen born about 1930
GladdenConnie Leeborn about 1929
GladdenEthel Bborn about 1895
GladdenEvelyn born about 1932
GladdenFannie born about 1884
GladdenHerman born about 1937
GladdenHomer born about 1921
GladdenInez born about 1905
GladdenL Eugeneborn about 1927
GladdenLawerence born about 1922
GladdenMeymond born about 1934
GladdenRalph born about 1926
GladdenRuth born about 1915
GladdenTerrence Wborn about 1936
GladdenWainard born about 1919
GladderyLawerence born about 1922
GoodwinDella Lborn about 1910
GoodwinEarnest Tborn about 1907
GoodwinIra Lborn about 1913
GoodwinLeon born about 1935
GoodwinLeonard born about 1939
GoodwinLue Mrs born about 1883
GoodwinMarvin born about 1916
GoodwinPharow born about 1938
GoodwinT Cborn about 1926
GoodwinThurman born about 1922
GoodwinVena born about 1908
GoodwinWanga Cborn about 1931
GoodwinWilliam born about 1919
GreyRobert born about 1925
GriffinEdna Eborn about 1907
GriffinJohn Oborn about 1906

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H Surnames

HiltonElda Fayeborn about 1931
HiltonEmma Deanborn about 1890
HiltonWilliam Oborn about 1883
HobbsLuther Bborn about 1896
HolcombeAdrian born about 1932
HolcombeBurl Wborn about 1922
HolcombeCarlton Cborn about 1928
HolcombeCharles born about 1934
HolcombeClifford Tborn about 1890
HolcombeElmer Jborn about 1920
HolcombeFrank born about 1897
HolcombeHarriet Aborn about 1858
HolcombeIda Lborn about 1895
HolcombeJohn Tborn about 1880
HolcombeMabel born about 1910
HolcombeMargrett born about 1919
HolcombeMary Jborn about 1887
HolcombeMildred born about 1929
HolcombePaul born about 1938
HolcombeRobert Hborn about 1932
HolcombeRoy born about 1907
HolcombeSara Aborn about 1925
HolcombeVelma born about 1924
HolcombeWanita Cborn about 1930
HolcombeWhit born about 1885
HuloeyCecil born about 1921
HuloeyClarence born about 1924
HuloeyClestine born about 1929
HuloeyDewitt born about 1939
HuloeyFlora born about 1938
HuloeyHenry born about 1892
HuloeyJohn born about 1935
HuloeyMartha Lborn about 1933
HuloeyNora born about 1938
HuloeyO Tborn about 1926
HuloeyPauline born about 1913
HuloeySavanna born about 1895

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J Surnames

JohnsonDoyce Wborn about 1926
JohnsonJuanita born about 1929
JohnsonMinnie Lborn about 1884
JohnsonThomas Uborn about 1923
JohnsonW Eborn about 1887
JohnsonWesler Sborn about 1910

L Surnames

LambertBernice born about 1913
LambertClarence born about 1919
LambertH Nborn about 1879
LambertMaggie born about 1883
LambertW Horaceborn about 1912
LinerA Beatriceborn about 1928
LinerEvelyn Mborn about 1909
LinerHenrietta Mborn about 1930
LinerMona Joyceborn about 1936
LinerNellie Fayeborn about 1932
LinerW Lampborn about 1934
LinerWillie Hborn about 1902
LondonJames Hborn about 1933
LondonSiney born about 1896

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M Surnames

MankCharlie born about 1921
MankEmlie born about 1919
MankMildred born about 1924
MankPauline born about 1891
MankRayford born about 1926
MannGerald Aborn about 1931
MannLeon Pborn about 1937
MannLera Eborn about 1907
MannMillard born about 1906
MannSara Louiseborn about 1930
McginnisCatherine born about 1913
McginnisFlora Vborn about 1896
McginnisIda Inezborn about 1902
McginnisJ Carltonborn about 1919
McginnisM Caseyborn about 1918
McginnisMarg Annborn about 1938
McginnisMelvis Dborn about 1924
McginnisMinnie Bellborn about 1929
McginnisRalph Jborn about 1914
McginnisRobert Jborn about 1866
McginnisS Virginiaborn about 1924
McginnisSarah Dborn about 1916
McginnisSarah Leeborn about 1939
McginnisWilliam Aborn about 1929
McginnisWilliam Gborn about 1894
McwherterAnnie Maeborn about 1915
McwherterDoyle born about 1939
McwherterEmitt born about 1913
McwherterHarold born about 1937
McwherterNorma born about 1935
MizeAvis Oborn about 1935
MizeBurnell born about 1925
MizeClara Iborn about 1922
MizeDillard Bborn about 1939
MizeDurmond Jr born about 1929
MizeEffie born about 1905
MizeElizabeth Cborn about 1901
MizeEris Marieborn about 1932
MizeEssie Zborn about 1898
MizeGeorge Rborn about 1877
MizeGlanda Fborn about 1939
MizeGloria Jeanborn about 1940
MizeKenneth Hborn about 1926
MizeM Edwardborn about 1921
MizeMadison born about 1913
MizeMartin Nborn about 1874
MizeMinnie Eborn about 1877
MizeRachel Iborn about 1879
MizeShirley Gborn about 1915
MizeThomas Hobertborn about 1900
MizeVera Eborn about 1916
MizeW Bufordborn about 1902
MizeW Coyborn about 1926
MizeWilliam Hborn about 1918
MizeWillie Sueborn about 1934
MurdockMrs A Lborn about 1877

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N Surnames

NewmanAnita born about 1930
NewmanAnna born about 1882
NewmanClara Mborn about 1901
NewmanDorsey born about 1916
NewmanEvelyn born about 1918
NewmanHerman Wborn about 1923
NewmanIra Cborn about 1902
NewmanJ Cborn about 1925
NewmanJ Mborn about 1896
NewmanJames born about 1940
NewmanKenneth Lborn about 1926
NewmanLeon Cborn about 1927
NewmanLois Lborn about 1905
NewmanMargorie born about 1925
NewmanMary Iborn about 1934
NewmanMary Janeborn about 1875
NewmanReese Eborn about 1913
NewmanSam Jborn about 1870
NewmanWill Fborn about 1867

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O Surnames

OwensBernard Iborn about 1917
OwensCharles born about 1937
OwensClarice Nborn about 1939
OwensIva Belleborn about 1917
OwensJ Aborn about 1894
OwensJames Aborn about 1927
OwensJarrell Hborn about 1939
OwensJohn Iborn about 1937
OwensLecta Bborn about 1908
OwensLemuel Eborn about 1911
OwensLouise born about 1929
OwensMartha Lborn about 1904
OwensMildred Aborn about 1920
OwensNelda Rborn about 1936
OwensOllie Mborn about 1870
OwensShirley Janeborn about 1939
OwensW Hborn about 1915
OwensW Lborn about 1889

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P Surnames

PopeAlbert Lborn about 1889
PopeAlice Mborn about 1926
PopeAlvin born about 1889
PopeAmanda born about 1881
PopeB Clydeborn about 1894
PopeBertha Mborn about 1894
PopeBessie Cborn about 1879
PopeBessie Lborn about 1901
PopeC Bborn about 1925
PopeCalvin born about 1925
PopeCatherine born about 1924
PopeCharles Wborn about 1938
PopeD Andrewborn about 1862
PopeDavid Aborn about 1910
PopeDavid Cborn about 1900
PopeEdmond Aborn about 1882
PopeEdna Iborn about 1926
PopeElsie Sborn about 1913
PopeEthel Oborn about 1904
PopeEtta Jborn about 1886
PopeFlorence Eborn about 1920
PopeGilbert Rborn about 1911
PopeGrant born about 1910
PopeH Hborn about 1915
PopeHarris Lborn about 1914
PopeIrvin born about 1934
PopeJ Cborn about 1924
PopeJ W Jrborn about 1875
PopeJacklin Hborn about 1938
PopeJames born about 1931
PopeJanice Mborn about 1936
PopeJohn Cborn about 1927
PopeJohn Wborn about 1869
PopeJohn Wborn about 1919
PopeLena Eborn about 1905
PopeLilly born about 1891
PopeLora Aborn about 1912
PopeLouella born about 1924
PopeMary Sueborn about 1940
PopeMary Yborn about 1867
PopeMattie Louborn about 1915
PopeMelvin Bborn about 1905
PopeMinnie Joneborn about 1940
PopeMrs Mary Sueborn about 1879
PopeMyranel born about 1938
PopeNina born about 1934
PopeOlive Bborn about 1916
PopePaul born about 1929
PopeSamuel born about 1928
PopeSara Louborn about 1916
PopeVera Bellborn about 1922
PopeVila Yborn about 1936
PopeWeldon born about 1936
PopeWilliam Bborn about 1901
PopeWilma Aborn about 1921
PriceDavis Cborn about 1902
PriceJessie Oborn about 1898
PriceOlgie Fborn about 1925
PruittDealie born about 1903
PruittDorothy born about 1939
PruittEdward born about 1927
PruittEllean born about 1936
PruittEugene born about 1899
PruittGladys born about 1931
PruittHarvey born about 1925
PruittIsabelle born about 1923
PruittNaomi born about 1929
PruittOscar born about 1934

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R Surnames

RichardsAlfred Leeborn about 1929
RichardsC Estelleborn about 1912
RichardsClara Iborn about 1921
RichardsGeorge Bborn about 1913
RichardsH Eugeneborn about 1935
RichardsHarold Kborn about 1908
RichardsHoward born about 1915
RichardsI Carlborn about 1907
RichardsIda Cborn about 1877
RichardsJulius Nborn about 1872
RichardsPearl born about 1913
RichardsSilvia Jborn about 1936
RobertsArlenia born about 1917
RobertsBarbara Annborn about 1939
RobertsBrese born about 1893
RobertsDavid Eborn about 1905
RobertsElizabeth born about 1933
RobertsIrvin born about 1917
RobertsJennie Bborn about 1928
RobertsJohn Tborn about 1860
RobertsLouise born about 1930
RobertsLue Ellaborn about 1863
RobertsMabel born about 1901
RobertsMissouri born about 1903
RobertsOra Eborn about 1899
RobertsSally born about 1903
RobertsShirley born about 1919
RobertsTal Davidborn about 1937
RobertsVirginia born about 1926
RobertsonAnnie Ruthborn about 1931
RobertsonC W Mrsborn about 1903
RobertsonElizabeth born about 1936
RobertsonMartha born about 1928
RobertsonNell born about 1927
RobertsonRobert born about 1933

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S Surnames

SandersGarland born about 1925
SandersHettie Lborn about 1890
SandersPerry Bborn about 1891
SaxonChristine born about 1916
SaxonEd born about 1908
SaxonEssie Mborn about 1899
SaxonFlorence born about 1911
SaxonFloris Aborn about 1919
SaxonFrancis born about 1937
SaxonI Dborn about 1911
SaxonLackie born about 1909
SaxonRobert Pborn about 1895
SaxonRobert P Jrborn about 1925
SaxonW Bborn about 1873
SaxonZone Dborn about 1939
SmithBulah born about 1880
SmithE J Mrsborn about 1882
SmithL Dborn about 1913
SmithNellie Rborn about 1920
SmithWalter Lborn about 1939
SpeightAllen Rborn about 1927
SpeightEstell born about 1890
SpeightJohn Tborn about 1890
SpeightPaul Jborn about 1914
SurrettMary born about 1880
SurrettOnie born about 1912
SurrettPierce born about 1912
SurrettWilliam Lborn about 1866

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W Surnames

WilliamsAlbert Bborn about 1928
WilliamsB Mborn about 1925
WilliamsBertha Mborn about 1936
WilliamsBessie born about 1903
WilliamsCharles born about 1939
WilliamsChristine born about 1932
WilliamsCynthia Vborn about 1880
WilliamsEstelle born about 1911
WilliamsEula born about 1898
WilliamsEvie Belleborn about 1920
WilliamsFrancis Iborn about 1929
WilliamsGladys Iborn about 1922
WilliamsHarold Sborn about 1925
WilliamsIda Pearlborn about 1924
WilliamsJ Tborn about 1918
WilliamsJames Nborn about 1935
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1882
WilliamsLemma born about 1924
WilliamsMalbert born about 1936
WilliamsMargorie born about 1934
WilliamsMary Mborn about 1913
WilliamsMattie Mborn about 1912
WilliamsMellie born about 1886
WilliamsMurdock Wborn about 1903
WilliamsOpal born about 1929
WilliamsPauline born about 1927
WilliamsR Cborn about 1939
WilliamsRichard Eborn about 1880
WilliamsRobert Kborn about 1938
WilliamsRobert Mborn about 1925
WilliamsRuth Eborn about 1938
WilliamsVirginia born about 1934
WilliamsW B Jrborn about 1920
WilliamsWesley Wborn about 1910
WilliamsWillie born about 1900
WilliamsWinfred Bborn about 1897
WilliamsZada Mborn about 1931
WoodAlford born about 1938
WoodAzilee born about 1893
WoodCarlton born about 1923
WoodEugeal born about 1925
WoodFlorence born about 1931
WoodGrace born about 1921
WoodHoyt born about 1920
WoodIda born about 1881
WoodInez born about 1927
WoodJoe born about 1884
WoodMonroe born about 1890
WoodRalph born about 1918
WoodTheo born about 1934
WoodZera born about 1929
WorthyClara born about 1911
WorthyDoyce born about 1939
WorthyEdgar born about 1937
WorthyEmma Jborn about 1935
WorthyFred born about 1913
WorthyHoyt born about 1936
WorthyMary Annborn about 1938
WorthyMildred born about 1918
WorthyNeely born about 1909

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