1940 U.S. Federal Census of Center in Emmet County, Emmet, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Emmet County > 1940 Census of Center in Emmet County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AhrensEdward born about 1888
AhrensEdward born about 1921
AhrensHerman born about 1912
AhrensMarie born about 1880
AhrensMarie born about 1921
AksenoCarl born about 1916
AlbrightEmma born about 1891
AlbrightHarold born about 1916
AlbrightJack born about 1927
AlbrightJohn born about 1890
AlbrightMax born about 1921
AlbrightRobert born about 1929
AlverClarence born about 1904
AlverDorothy born about 1863
AlverLillie born about 1909
AlverStephen born about 1877
AndersonAlva born about 1917
AndersonAnn Elizabethborn about 1849
AndersonAnna born about 1882
AndersonClarence born about 1892
AndersonDouglas born about 1939
AndersonEdith born about 1928
AndersonElma born about 1892
AndersonEmalie born about 1885
AndersonEmil born about 1895
AndersonFrancis born about 1919
AndersonFrank born about 1926
AndersonHarry born about 1915
AndersonIdella born about 1921
AndersonJonice born about 1924
AndersonJulius born about 1886
AndersonLester born about 1917
AndersonLester born about 1937
AndersonLois born about 1911
AndersonMae Roseborn about 1924
AndersonMariam born about 1922
AndersonMartha born about 1892
AndersonMeta born about 1888
AndersonMildred born about 1915
AndersonNice* born about 1920
AndersonOlive born about 1915
AndersonOlive born about 1931
AndersonThornod born about 1888
AndrewsArthur born about 1884
AndrewsBernice born about 1934
AndrewsDarry born about 1920
AndrewsDonnabelle born about 1931
AndrewsHarold born about 1927
AndrewsHarry born about 1881
AndrewsHomard* born about 1923
AndrewsLilia born about 1889
AndrewsLloyd born about 1937
AndrewsLois born about 1912
AndrewsNorman born about 1933
AndrewsNorman Fborn about 1890
AndrewsPaul born about 1925
AndrewsRichard born about 1919
AndrewsRobert born about 1918
AndrewsRonald born about 1936
AyersOti born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BardoMary born about 1862
BardoMildred born about 1913
BardoNels born about 1897
BarkeEva born about 1904
BarkeFlorence born about 1925
BarkeFrank born about 1893
BayrsAmanda born about 1858
BeamJohn Bborn about 1861
BeamLillie born about 1861
BergesonKenneth born about 1939
BergesonLester born about 1910
BergesonMuriel born about 1916
BlaggBertha born about 1896
BlaggJohn born about 1871
BlaggJohn born about 1926
BlaggWalter born about 1895
BlaneyCarl born about 1915
BlomBeatha born about 1924
BlomChris born about 1897
BlomChristian born about 1930
BlomHannah born about 1904
BlomHerman born about 1926
BlomLorene born about 1935
BlomMatilda born about 1924
BoeckerGerald born about 1925
BoeckerTheressa born about 1881
BoeckerVincent born about 1920
BoeckerWm born about 1875
BosmaLawrence born about 1883
BosoldMildred born about 1915
BroadAllen born about 1924
BroadAnna born about 1888
BroadLeonard born about 1889
BroadLloyd born about 1927
BroadPeter born about 1915
BroadZelda born about 1930
BrodieBessie born about 1898
BrodieMaurice born about 1930
BrodieRay born about 1891
BronoldAleta born about 1848
BrouseAlvin born about 1928
BrouseCarol born about 1932
BrouseClas born about 1891
BrouseMyrtle born about 1901
BrouseRuth born about 1933
BrouseVernon born about 1935
BrownAndrew born about 1866
BrownChester born about 1905
BrownDavid born about 1939
BrownDelores born about 1929
BrownGertrude born about 1878
BrownJames born about 1927
BrownKathleen born about 1932
BrownLeroy born about 1929
BrownMargaret born about 1870
BrownMildred born about 1918
BrownMilford born about 1903
BrownRose Marieborn about 1930
BrownRussell born about 1935
BrownRuth born about 1907
BrownWallace born about 1902
BrownZelma born about 1909
BunnonIva born about 1882
BunnonRay born about 1884
BurkJohn born about 1893
BurkLawrence born about 1916
BurkMarlys born about 1922
BurkNancy born about 1894
BurkhartJohn born about 1910
BurkhartMadeline born about 1919
BurtonFlorence born about 1905
BurtonFranklin born about 1931
BurtonJanis born about 1934
BurtonT Chandlerborn about 1901
ButlerAnis born about 1872
ButlerRalph born about 1899
ButlerWayne born about 1900

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C Surnames

CalakanFrances born about 1924
CalakanGeorge born about 1890
CalakanHildegarde born about 1895
CalakanJimmie born about 1934
CalakanLeo born about 1929
CalakanLeroy born about 1920
CalakanRobert born about 1918
CampbellAnna born about 1891
CampbellJohn born about 1890
CampbellMinnie born about 1912
CampbellRobert born about 1915
CampbellVerginia born about 1926
CareyEd born about 1904
CareyInis born about 1904
CareyJasper born about 1872
CareyMargaret born about 1880
CarlsonInger born about 1863
CarsonEd born about 1873
ChristensenBeulah born about 1902
ChristensenDonald born about 1928
ChristensenJens Pborn about 1901
ChristensenLorraine born about 1930
ChristensonMildred born about 1918
ChristensonNels born about 1916
ChristensonRoy born about 1907
ChukkerBlanche Rborn about 1895
ChukkerDorothy Iborn about 1917
ChukkerMartin Hborn about 1894
ClarkAnna Mborn about 1883
ClarkBurton born about 1900
ClarkCharles born about 1906
ClausenAdelaide born about 1917
ClaytonClifford born about 1938
ClaytonEffie born about 1900
ClaytonFred born about 1896
CrabtreeMabel born about 1921
CrabtreeRichard born about 1913
CrimEsther born about 1894
CrimVance born about 1923
CrimWayne born about 1920
CrimWillard born about 1891
CropleyAda born about 1882
CropleyHarry born about 1869

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D Surnames

DeanElbert born about 1918
DevaasCalista born about 1895
DevaasDelmar born about 1922
DevaasGladys born about 1920
DevaasJesse born about 1891
DucaBetty born about 1925
DucaHomer born about 1888
DucaJulia born about 1888

E Surnames

EnersonEmil born about 1884
EnersonEmma born about 1890
EnersonLillian born about 1926
EnersonRoy born about 1876
EubanksBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
EubanksBobette born about 1937
EubanksDennis born about 1939
EubanksRaymond born about 1914
EubanksSibyl born about 1918

F Surnames

FargusonLois born about 1917
FletcherArthur born about 1892
FreedArny born about 1890
FrisbieJoe born about 1914
FrisbieOpal born about 1919
FrisbiePhillip born about 1939

G Surnames

GilpatrickDelbert born about 1935
GilpatrickHelen born about 1939
GilpatrickLawrence born about 1937
GilpatrickPearl born about 1916
GilpatrickPhillis born about
GilpatrickRussell born about 1913
GoldsberryBertha born about 1890
GoldsberryCarolyn born about 1927
GoldsberryJohn born about 1871
GoldsberryKenneth born about 1918
GoldsberryMargaret born about 1917
GravesHelen born about 1918
GravesMae born about 1890
GravesMyron Pborn about 1916
GravesPaul Hborn about 1889
GreggAt born about 1874
GreiseCarol born about 1938
GreiseJoyce born about 1937
GreiseMargaret born about 1940
GreiseMartin born about 1862
GreiseMinnie born about 1917
GremsAlice born about 1912
GremsAlvina born about 1919
GremsBarbara born about 1940
GremsCharlene born about 1938
GremsGeorge born about 1915
GremsJanis born about 1938
GremsKate born about 1892
GremsLester born about 1910
GremsMarlyn born about 1937
GremsMarvin born about 1936
GremsMary born about 1900
GremsMerle born about 1919
GremsSusie born about 1887
GremsVera born about 1925
GremsWalter born about 1881
GremsWillis born about 1913
GrevingJoanne born about 1919
GuentherAmanda born about 1883
GuentherBen born about 1892

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H Surnames

HaarFrancis born about 1918
HaarGeorge born about 1886
HaarLaura born about 1891
HaarMargaret born about 1937
HaarRussell born about 1926
HagarmanArthur born about 1915
HagarmanElizabeth born about 1892
HagarmanHenry born about 1888
HagarmanRichard born about 1931
HandelandLillian born about 1916
HansenClarence born about 1903
HansenDarlene born about 1928
HansenLenora born about 1926
HansenMaurine born about 1905
HansenNorris born about 1920
HansonClifford born about 1909
HansonJohn born about 1871
HansonLeora born about 1920
HansonMartha born about 1878
HansonMelvin born about 1913
HansonWm Jborn about 1886
HartmanAlta born about 1918
HartmanBetty born about 1923
HartmanEmma born about 1890
HartmanFloyd born about 1926
HartmanFrank born about 1876
HartmanGenevieve born about 1930
HartmanJas born about 1917
HartmanRalph born about 1894
HartmanRobert born about 1921
HartmanSarah born about 1884
HartmanVirginia born about 1924
HarveyEd born about 1908
HarveyGeorge born about 1904
HarveyHermina born about 1931
HarveyIda born about 1902
HarveyJohn born about 1899
HarveyJoseph born about 1933
HarveyLois born about 1913
HarveyLoretta born about 1934
HarveyLouis born about 1905
HarveyMable born about 1906
HarveyMalinda born about 1875
HarveyMargaret born about 1912
HarveyMarlys born about 1935
HarveyMildred born about 1936
HarveyPauline born about 1918
HarveyRobert born about 1910
HarveySusie born about 1877
HarveyVele born about 1937
HarveyViolata born about 1910
HarveyWc Jr born about 1915
HarveyWm born about 1862
HaskinsDonald born about 1927
HaskinsFaye born about 1890
HaskinsGene born about 1929
HaskinsMorris born about 1920
HaskinsWalter Aborn about 1883
HasselBen born about 1902
HasselMardel born about 1933
HasselMary born about 1903
HayesLettie born about 1868
HayesWm Hborn about 1869
HaywoodHoward born about 1890
HaywoodHoward Jr born about 1927
HaywoodKatherine born about 1921
HaywoodOla born about 1893
HaywoodRosemary born about 1923
HiginbothamCha born about 1871
HiginbothamGrace born about 1881
HilesKenneth born about 1931
HilesMarian born about 1930
HilesMaude born about 1897
HilesWm born about 1925
HilesWm Bborn about 1892
HoffOrville born about 1895
HoffmanJoe born about 1921
HoffmanLouis born about 1920
HogansonAxselia born about 1884
HogansonCarl born about 1911
HogansonHenry born about 1877
HogansonHogan born about 1907
HogansonRuby born about 1915
HolkoudAnnie born about 1887
HolkoudEd born about 1914
HolkoudJorgen born about 1891
HomannMabel born about 1912
HombyHarry born about 1877
HombyIda born about 1880
HowardRalph born about 1893

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I Surnames

IngebertsonJean born about 1931
IngebertsonJulius born about 1905
IngebertsonMary born about 1939
IngebertsonPhillip born about 1933
IngebertsonSylvia born about 1908
InmanElaine born about 1908
InmanEtta born about 1882
InmanNorman born about 1875
InmanRex born about 1904
IrwinGenevive born about 1920
IrwinJohn born about 1874
IrwinWm born about 1921

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J Surnames

JensonEmma born about 1888
JensonFern born about 1927
JensonJames born about 1883
JensonVernon born about 1917
JessenChris born about 1873
JessenHannah born about 1872
JessenMabel born about 1909
JohnsonEarl born about 1906
JuhlArvin born about 1932
JuhlBarbara born about 1933
JuhlBeverly born about 1932
JuhlClarence born about 1905
JuhlDale born about 1937
JuhlEdwin born about 1908
JuhlEmma born about 1887
JuhlErwin born about
JuhlHazel born about 1913
JuhlJohn born about 1888
JuhlMarlene born about 1938
JuhlRaymond born about 1917
JuhlVirginia born about 1911
JuhlVivian born about 1911
JuliusJennie born about 1878
JuliusMartin Lborn about 1875

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K Surnames

KenelineGeorge born about 1869
KenelineKatherine Vborn about 1874
KirchnerDonald born about 1914
KirchnerGeorge born about 1886
KirchnerMae born about 1889
KlingbertAugust born about 1915
KlingbertEdna born about 1929
KlingbertFrank born about 1932
KlingbertGustave born about 1918
KlingbertHarry born about 1929
KlingbertJohn born about 1878
KlingbertJohn Jr born about 1916
KlingbertMae born about 1927
KlingbertTeresa born about 1887
KlingbertWilliam born about 1924
KrigerFrank born about 1881
KrigerTena born about 1878

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L Surnames

LaidigDarlene born about 1939
LaidigDelores born about
LaidigErma born about 1915
LaidigHarley born about 1938
LaidigIrwin born about 1936
LaidigPaul born about 1906
LandmesserDavid born about 1935
LandmesserEthel born about 1908
LandmesserJanet born about 1938
LandmesserMerl born about 1909
LindBert born about 1894
LindeMaurice born about 1911
LindeThelma born about 1913
LoftisAnthony born about 1911
LoftisDorothy born about 1913
LoganCharles born about 1899
LoganDerlene born about 1923
LoganKatherine born about 1925
LoganLillian born about 1904
LoveChester born about 1873
LoveEmma born about 1877
LoveGeny born about 1937
LoveImogene born about 1917
LoveRussell born about 1937

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M Surnames

MartinArgil born about 1917
MartinClyde born about 1890
MartinFredrick born about 1916
MartinMarie born about 1892
MartinMay born about 1890
MartinMaytha born about 1922
MartinVernon born about 1926
MartinWill born about 1886
McKeanDennis born about 1937
McKeanGeorgia born about 1916
McKeanThos born about 1909
MillerBryan born about 1923
MillerHerbert born about 1903
MillerRuby born about 1907
MooreBernard born about 1878
MooreRose born about 1878
MorrisPerry born about 1883
MurstardMerle born about 1902
MyersHarris born about 1913
MyersOrrie born about 1883
MyersPaul born about 1918
MyersRosetta born about 1891
MyhreHattie born about 1893
MyhreOlaf born about 1888

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N Surnames

NatterstadAlice born about 1902
NatterstadDoris born about 1926
NatterstadJohn born about 1931
NatterstadJoyce born about 1931
NatterstadLois born about 1928
NatterstadMyrtle born about 1914
NatterstadNatalie Jeanborn about 1939
NatterstadOle born about 1902
NatterstadRussell born about 1911
NebringDuane born about 1940
NebringFloyd born about 1915
NebringJane born about 1872
NebringRuby born about 1921
NebringWm born about 1869
NepplAlois born about 1921
NepplEd born about 1897
NepplEdward born about 1933
NepplJulia born about 1899
NepplLaverdas born about 1924
NepplMargaret born about 1931
NepplMarie born about 1926
NepplNorma born about 1929

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O Surnames

OrigerAdolph born about 1883
OrigerCatherine born about 1861
OrigerDavid born about 1936
OrigerFlorence born about 1922
OrigerGalen born about 1926
OrigerGertrude born about 1888
OrigerHerman born about 1885
OrigerImogene born about 1897
OrigerJoe born about 1894
OrigerJoe Jr born about 1919
OrigerJohn born about 1933
OrigerKatherine born about 1936
OrigerLeo born about 1926
OrigerLeona born about 1906
OrigerLewis born about 1931
OrigerLouise born about 1928
OrigerMark born about 1932
OrigerMary born about 1922
OrigerMaurice born about 1931
OrigerMerrill born about 1924
OrigerNatalie born about 1934
OrigerPaul born about 1930
OrigerRalph born about 1925
OrigerRobert born about 1930
OrigerRosalie born about 1939
OrigerVernon born about 1921
OrigerWm born about 1930

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P Surnames

PaulsonElsie born about 1918
PaulsonJoyce born about 1938
PaulsonWm born about 1906
PaulsonWm born about 1940
PetanDoris born about 1930
PetanElizabeth born about 1904
PetanFern born about 1928
PetanJean born about 1934
PetanJoan born about 1932
PetersonAndrew born about 1894
PetersonDoris born about 1938
PetersonHazel born about 1906
PichellEugene born about 1867
PichellMable born about 1880
PichellWillis born about 1919
PiersonElizabeth born about 1906
PiersonHelen born about 1935
PiersonLawrence born about 1904
PiersonLeo born about 1939
PiersonWm born about 1930
PoyzerArchie born about 1908
PoyzerDean born about 1929
PoyzerDonald born about 1929
PoyzerMabel born about 1909
PrinsonJohn born about 1884

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R Surnames

RamseyLester born about 1909
RamseyLois born about 1911
RankauserNettie born about 1917
RathweilerElonora born about 1925
ReidAnna born about 1894
ReidBartha Aborn about 1940
ReidMarjorie born about 1918
ReidOllie born about 1894
ReidWm Carlborn about 1916
RickeAnton born about 1881
RickeIrvin born about 1913
RickeLucille born about 1913
RickeMary Cborn about 1882
RickeViolar* born about 1920
RoachOllie born about 1896
RogersAnna Mborn about 1870
RogersEarl Deanborn about 1924
RogersElmer born about 1887
RogersHomer Eborn about 1866
RogersLelie born about 1886
RonolerClaude born about 1888
RonolerDonald born about 1923
RonolerHelen born about 1929
RonolerRosa born about 1887
RosenbergerAugusta born about 1896
RosenbergerClark born about 1932
RosenbergerOlive born about 1905
RosenbergerPaul born about 1930
RosmuesenAlbert born about 1892
RosmuesenArnold born about 1923
RosmuesenGurine born about 1889
RosmuesenMervam born about 1899

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S Surnames

SabbyLloyd born about 1918
SabinDoris born about 1922
SabinGerald born about 1926
SabinLuverne born about 1917
SabinRobert born about 1924
SabinVeota born about 1894
SabinWalter born about 1894
SampsonIone born about 1916
SampsonIssac born about 1903
SchenckAnnie born about 1921
SchenckClayton born about 1895
SchenckFanny born about 1892
SchenckLeroy born about 1918
SchenckLillian born about 1923
SchenckRobert born about 1930
SchroederClarence born about 1909
SchroederHenry born about 1888
SchroederKenneth born about 1922
SchroederLena born about 1891
ShultzAlice born about 1924
ShultzAudrey born about 1929
ShultzEsther born about 1914
ShultzEvelyn born about 1933
ShultzLee born about 1902
ShultzMildred born about 1923
ShultzSara born about 1868
ShultzWm born about 1908
SimpsonAlma born about 1893
SimpsonGeorge born about 1923
SimpsonMary born about 1925
SokroederAugust born about 1891
SorensonAlma born about 1885
SorensonGrace born about 1913
SorensonMelvin born about 1910
SorensonOle born about 1884
SorensonSoren born about 1879
SperagnaRalph born about 1915
StallEdward born about 1882
StallIda born about 1886
StamanJoyce born about 1927
StamanMaggie born about 1885
StamanSam born about 1910
StamanWm born about 1885
SteelBirdie born about 1861
SteelRichard born about 1923
StrootaLouis born about 1924
SwanDonna Jeanborn about 1939
SwanDorothy born about 1934
SwanEarl born about 1923
SwanElaine born about 1928
SwanEvelyn born about 1930
SwanFred born about 1895
SwanLeta Louborn about 1936
SwanLuydia born about 1903
SwanMaryann born about 1932

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T Surnames

ThielKenneth born about 1925
ThielLuella born about 1900
ThielRaymond born about 1931
ThielWalter born about 1895
ThompsonAngie born about 1916
ThompsonClarence born about 1903
ThompsonDonald born about 1939
ThompsonDorothy born about 1926
ThompsonHarold born about 1921
ThompsonHazel born about 1895
ThompsonMaurice born about 1929
ThompsonMaxine born about 1929
ThompsonThos born about 1886
ThorslandAlta born about 1909
ThorslandArnold born about 1932
ThorslandDirk born about 1934
ThorslandEthel born about 1914
ThorslandGus born about 1911
ThorslandHazel born about 1898
ThorslandJean born about 1935
ThorslandLeuella born about 1922
ThorslandLouis born about 1903
ThorslandSam born about 1886
ThorslandSamuel Jborn about 1937
ThorslandThelma born about 1930
TrampBessie born about 1903
TrampCornelius born about 1893
TrampGearldine born about 1934
TrampMariam born about 1937
TrampMary born about 1926

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W Surnames

WeberDarline born about 1932
WeberHarry born about 1900
WeberWayne born about 1928
WertzBernadine born about 1927
WertzBeverly born about 1928
WertzEdna born about 1907
WertzWillis born about 1901
WestAnna born about 1877
WestArthur born about 1905
WestGeorge born about 1872
WestGlayds born about 1910
WestJoyce born about 1939
WestKenneth born about 1913
WestRobert born about 1918
WestVirgil born about 1934
WestWayne born about 1927
WhitacreCecil born about 1919
WhitacreChas born about 1928
WhitacreEugene born about 1920
WhitacreHenretta born about 1923
WhitacreHenry born about 1878
WhitacreIda Maeborn about 1901
WhitacreJohn born about 1927
WhitacreLeona born about 1925
WhitacreMelvin born about 1936
WhitacreTrella born about 1922
WoodsElna born about 1927
WoodsJohn born about 1914
WoodsMike born about 1876
WoodsOaic* born about 1886
WoodsRobert born about 1877
WoodsRobert Jr born about 1917
WoodsRose born about 1881
WoodsWm born about 1927

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Z Surnames

ZerfossFaye born about 1917
ZerfossGerold born about 1939
ZerfossMetsal* born about 1917
ZufallCarrie born about 1885
ZufallMonroe born about 1885

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