Dallas County IA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Iowa (43,760) > Dallas County (657) > Dallas County Newspapers and Obituaries (90)

USA (1,380,571) > Iowa (43,760) > Iowa Newspapers and Obituaries (7,112) > Dallas County Newspapers and Obituaries (90)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Dallas County are also on the Iowa Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Adel Dallas Dexter Minburn Perry Redfield Woodward

Dallas County Newspapers and Obituaries

Card Index To Dallas County, Iowa Newspapers, 1877-2001 FamilySearch Library

Dallas County History, Iowa Gazetteer,1865 US Gen Web online

Newspapers.com Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online

Newspapers.com Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Obituaries of Dallas County, Iowa scrapbooks FamilySearch Library

Obituaries of Dallas County, Iowa scrapbooks WorldCat

Adel Newspapers and Obituaries

Perry Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Bulletin 1893-1894 Perry Iowa online

Chief Advertiser 1914-15, 1937-41, and 1957 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

Chief Advertiser 1937-1941 Perry Iowa online

Chief Reporter 1896-1910 Perry Iowa online

Chief-Advertiser 1914-1957 Newspapers.com online

Chief-Reporter 1892-1910 Newspapers.com online

Perry Advertiser (1886 - 1899) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Advertiser, 1886-1899 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Bulletin (1893 - 1914) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Bulletin 1893-1914 Newspapers.com online

Perry Bulletin 1894-1896 Perry Iowa online

Perry Bulletin, 1893-1914 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Chief (1874 - 1889) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Chief 06/06/2014 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Perry Chief 2014-2015 Perry Iowa online

Perry Chief Advertiser (1914 - 1957) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Chief Advertiser, 1914-1957 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Chief Reporter (1898 - 1910) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Chief Reporter, 1898-1910 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Chief, 1874-1889 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Daily Chief (1894 - 1924) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Daily Chief 1874-1964 Newspapers.com online

Perry Daily Chief, 1894-1924 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Pilot (1883 - 1885) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Pilot 1882-1885 Perry Iowa online

Perry Pilot 1883-1885 Newspapers.com online

Perry Pilot 1883-85 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

Perry Pilot, 1883-1885 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Reporter (1892 - 1893) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Perry Reporter, 1892-1893 Newspaper Archive online

Perry Weekly Chief (1910) Digital Archives of Hometown Perry, Iowa online

Reporter 1892-1893 Perry Iowa online

The Bulletin 1893-94 and 1914 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Chief Reporter 1898-1900 and 1908-10 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Perry Advertiser 1886, 1898-99, and 1915 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Perry Advertiser 1886-1916 Perry Iowa online

The Perry Bulletin 1895-96 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Perry Chief 1874-2016 Perry Iowa online

The Perry Chief 1874-77, 1879, 1883, and 1886-89 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Perry Chief and Perry Pilot 1886-1887 Perry Iowa online

The Perry Daily Chief 1894-2001 Perry Iowa online

The Perry Daily Chief 1894-96, 1898, 1902-10, 1912-15, 1920-21, 1924, and 1964 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Perry Daily Chief and Advertiser 1916-1919 Perry Iowa online

The Perry Press 1935-1942 Perry Iowa online

The Prohibition Journal 1910-1915 Perry Iowa online

The Reporter 1892-93 (Perry, Iowa) Ancestry online

The Weekly Chief 1910-1910 Perry Iowa online

Woodward Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Dallas County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Adel: Dallas County Democrat. (Adel, Iowa) 1880-1894

Adel: Dallas County Record. (Adel, Iowa) 1895-1929

Adel: New Era. (Adel, Iowa) 1878-1887

Dallas: Dallas Center Globe. (Dallas Center, Iowa) 1875-1884

Dallas: Dallas Center Times. (Dallas Center, Dallas County, Iowa) 1887-1897

Dallas: Dallas Center Times. (Dallas Center, Iowa) 1906-1969

Dallas: New Times. (Dallas Center, Iowa) 1897-1906

Dexter: Dexter Journal. (Dexter, Iowa) 1938-1943

Dexter: Dexter Sentinel. (Dexter, Dallas County, Iowa) 1948-1960

Dexter: Dexter Weekly Herald. (Dexter, Iowa) 1871-1881

Minburn: Minburn Booster. (Minburn, Iowa) 1954-1971

Perry: Bulletin. (Perry, Iowa) 1893-1894

Perry: Chief-Advertiser. (Perry, Iowa) 1937-1943

Perry: Chief-Reporter. (Perry, Iowa) 1896-1910

Perry: Perry Advertiser. (Perry, Dallas County, Iowa) 1885-1911

Perry: Perry Advertiser. (Perry, Iowa) 1911-1916

Perry: Perry Bulletin. (Perry, Iowa) 1894-1898

Perry: Perry Chief and Perry Pilot. (Perry, Iowa) 1886-1887

Perry: Perry Chief. (Perry, Iowa) 1874-1885

Perry: Perry Chief. (Perry, Iowa) 1887-1895

Perry: Perry Chief. (Perry, Iowa) 1983-Current

Perry: Perry Daily Chief and Advertiser. (Perry, Iowa) 1916-1919

Perry: Perry Daily Chief. (Perry, Iowa) 1894-1916

Perry: Perry Daily Chief. (Perry, Iowa) 1919-1983

Perry: Perry Pilot. (Perry, Iowa) 1880-1885

Perry: Perry Press. (Perry, Iowa) 1935-1942

Perry: Reporter. (Perry, Iowa) 1892-1895

Redfield: Dexfield Review-Sentinel. (Redfield-Dexter, Iowa) 1960-1982

Redfield: Redfield Clipper. (Redfield, Iowa) 1889-1904

Redfield: Redfield Courier. (Redfield, Dallas County, Iowa) 1882-1883

Redfield: Redfield Record. (Redfield, Dallas County, Iowa) 1884-1887

Redfield: Redfield Review. (Redfield, Iowa) 1904-1960

Woodward: Northeast Dallas County Record. (Woodward, Iowa) 1969-Current

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