Louisa County IA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Iowa (43,760) > Louisa County (426) > Louisa County Newspapers and Obituaries (55)

USA (1,380,571) > Iowa (43,760) > Iowa Newspapers and Obituaries (7,112) > Louisa County Newspapers and Obituaries (55)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Louisa County are also on the Iowa Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Columbus City Columbus Junction Letts Marshall Morning Sun Oakville Wapello

Louisa County Newspapers and Obituaries

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Louisa County, Iowa Obituaries from Wapello Tribune : 1898-1913 FamilySearch Library

Louisa County, Iowa obituaries from Wapello tribune WorldCat

Louisa County, Iowa obituaries, 1878-1898 WorldCat

Louisa County, Iowa, Obituaries ... 1878-1898 FamilySearch Library

Morning Sun Community School 1988 Mellinger Public Library online

Morning Sun Herald 1883-1888, 1893-1897 Mellinger Public Library online

Morning Sun News 1890-1892, 1894-1895, 1897 Mellinger Public Library online

Morning Sun News Herald 1986, 1989, 2001, 2004-2013 Mellinger Public Library online

Morning Sun News-Herald 1897-2003 Mellinger Public Library online

Morning Yearbook 1988 Mellinger Public Library online

Tiger 1948, 1963-1972, 1985-1986, 1989-1890 Mellinger Public Library online

Columbus Junction Newspapers and Obituaries

Morning Sun Newspapers and Obituaries

Wapello Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Louisa County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Columbus City: Columbus Nonpareil. (Columbus City, Iowa) 1876-1877

Columbus City: Louisa County Safeguard. (Columbus City, Iowa) 1870-1874

Columbus Junction: Columbus Gazette and Columbus Safeguard. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1924-1962

Columbus Junction: Columbus Gazette. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1887-1923

Columbus Junction: Columbus Gazette. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1962-Current

Columbus Junction: Columbus Junction Herald. (Columbus Junction [Iowa]) 1875-1876

Columbus Junction: Columbus Safeguard. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1874-1889

Columbus Junction: Columbus Semi-Weekly Safeguard. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1889-1890s

Columbus Junction: Iowa People. (Columbus Junction [Iowa]) 1874-1875

Columbus Junction: Louisa County Times. (Columbus Junction, Iowa) 1884-1887

Letts: Letts Record. (Letts, Louisa County, Iowa) 1905-1923

Marshall: Marshall County Times. (Marshall [Marshalltown], Iowa) 1858-1880

Morning Sun: Morning Sun Herald. (Morning Sun, Iowa) 1882-1897

Morning Sun: Morning Sun News. (Morning Sun, Iowa) 1887-1897

Morning Sun: Morning Sun Reporter. (Morning Sun, Iowa) 1874-1878

Morning Sun: Morning Sun Sentinel. (Morning Sun, Iowa) 1879-1881

Morning Sun: News-Herald. (Morning Sun, Iowa) 1897-Current

Oakville: Oakville Sentinel. (Oakville, Iowa) 1902-1946

Wapello: Louisa County Record. (Wapello, Iowa) 1870-1894

Wapello: Louisa County Times. (Wapello, Iowa) 1850-1853

Wapello: Record-Republican. (Wapello, Iowa) 1894-1896

Wapello: Tribune. (Wapello, Iowa) 1898-1900

Wapello: Wapello Intelligencer. (Wapello, Iowa) 1853-1860

Wapello: Wapello Republican and Louisa County Record. (Wapello, Iowa) 1897-1899

Wapello: Wapello Republican and Wapello Tribune. (Wapello, Iowa) 1923-1938

Wapello: Wapello Republican, Louisa County Record and Louisa County Democrat. (Wapello, Iowa) 1902-1914

Wapello: Wapello Republican. (Wapello, Iowa) 1860-1894

Wapello: Wapello Republican. (Wapello, Iowa) 1899-1902

Wapello: Wapello Republican. (Wapello, Iowa) 1914-1923

Wapello: Wapello Republican. (Wapello, Iowa) 1938-Current

Wapello: Wapello Times. (Wapello, Iowa) 1876-1884

Wapello: Wapello Tribune. (Wapello, Iowa) 1901-1923

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