USA (1,380,571) > Illinois (55,732) > LaSalle County (915) > LaSalle County Newspapers and Obituaries (144)
USA (1,380,571) > Illinois (55,732) > Illinois Newspapers and Obituaries (7,955) > LaSalle County Newspapers and Obituaries (144)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to LaSalle County are also on the Illinois Newspapers and Obituaries page.
Countywide | Brookfield | Earlville | LaSalle | Leland | Lowell | Marseilles | Mendota | Oglesby | Ottawa | Peru | Seneca | Sheridan | Streator | Tonica |
1891, Twentieth Anniversary Souvenir Edition, 1911, the La Salle Tribune FamilySearch Library
Grundy, Will, La Salle, Kendall Counties : 1840-1879 Deaths, Marriages, Births As Extracted from Area Newspapers FamilySearch Library
LaSalle County Gazette Express 1903-1904 Earlville Library District
LaSalle County Obituaries US Gen Web Archives
Offline Newspapers for LaSalle CountyAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Brookfield: Brookfield Citizen. (Brookfield, Ill.) 1954-1963 Earlville: Earlville Gazette. (Earlville, Ill.) 1868-1883 Earlville: Earlville Leader. (Earlville, Lasalle Co., Ill.) 1880s-2002 Earlville: Earlville Post. (Earlville, Ill.) 2002-Current Earlville: Earlville Transcript. (Earlville, Ill.) 1870s-1870s Earlville: Saturday Transcript. (Earlville, Ill.) 1872-1870s LaSalle: Central Illinois Wochenblatt. (La Salle, Ill.) 1868-1927 LaSalle: Daily News-Tribune. (La Salle, Ill.) 1947-1969 LaSalle: Daily Post-Tribune. (La Salle, Ill.) 1926-1947 LaSalle: La Salle Reporter. (La Salle, Ill.) 1871-1876 LaSalle: La Salle Watchman. (La Salle, Ill.) 1852-1855 LaSalle: Labor Clarion. (San Francisco) 1902-1948 LaSalle: Lasalle Standard. (La Salle, Ill.) 1851-1852 LaSalle: News-Tribune. (La Salle, Ill.) 1969-Current Leland: Leland Times. (Leland, Ill.) 1971-1976 Leland: Times. (Leland, Ill.) 1963-1971 Lowell: Genius of Liberty. (Lowell, La Salle County, Ill.) 1840-1842 Lowell: Genius of Universal Emancipation. (Baltimore) 1826-1839 Marseilles: Marseilles Advertiser. (Marseilles, Ill.) 1869-1874 Marseilles: Plain-Dealer. (Marseilles, (La Salle County,) Ill.) 1876-1879 Mendota: Bulletin and News. (Mendota, Ill.) 1877-1878 Mendota: Mendota Bulletin. (Mendota, Ill.) 1863-1877 Mendota: Mendota News. (Mendota, Ill.) 1874-1877 Mendota: Mendota Press. (Mendota, Lasalle County, Ill.) 1855-1840s Mendota: Mendota Reporter and the Mendota Sun-Bulletin. (Mendota, Ill.) 1927-1956 Mendota: Mendota Reporter. (Mendota, Ill.) 1878-1927 Mendota: Mendota Reporter. (Mendota, Ill.) 1956-Current Mendota: Mendota Sun-Bulletin. (Mendota, Lasalle Co., Ill.) 1914-1927 Mendota: Mendota Weekly Chronicle. (Mendota, Lasalle County, Ill.) 1869-1870 Mendota: Mendota Weekly Press. (Mendota, La Salle County, Ill.) 1840s-1859 Mendota: Sun Bulletin. (Mendota, Ill.) 1901-1914 Mendota: Sun and the Mendota Bulletin. (Mendota, Ill.) 1896-1901 Mendota: Sun. (Mendota, Ill.) 1895-1896 Ottawa: Constitutionalist. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1840s-1852 Ottawa: Daily Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1898-1916 Ottawa: Daily Times. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1967-Current Ottawa: Evening Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1880-1881 Ottawa: Free Trader-Journal and Ottawa Fair Dealer. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1920-1927 Ottawa: Free Trader-Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1916-1920 Ottawa: Illinois Free Trader and Lasalle County Commercial Advertiser. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1841-1843 Ottawa: Illinois Free Trader. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1840-1841 Ottawa: Illinois-Posten. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1894-1913 Ottawa: La Salle County Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1892-1916 Ottawa: Ottawa Daily Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1880s-1898 Ottawa: Ottawa Daily Times. (Ottawa, La Salle County, Ill.) 1877-1870s Ottawa: Ottawa Fair Dealer. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1911-1920 Ottawa: Ottawa Free Trader. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916 Ottawa: Ottawa Free Trader. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1889-1916 Ottawa: Ottawa Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1881-1880s Ottawa: Ottawa Republican-Times. (Ottawa, La Salle County, Ill.) 1890-1916 Ottawa: Ottawa Republican. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1852-1854 Ottawa: Ottawa Republican. (Ottawa, La Salle Co., Ill.) 1861-1890 Ottawa: Ottawa Weekly Republican. (Ottawa, Lasalle County, Ill.) 1854-1861 Ottawa: Weekly Free Trader-Journal. (Ottawa, Ill.) 1916-1918 Peru: Beacon Light. (Peru, Ill.) 1846-1847 Peru: Illinois Gazette. (Peru, Ills. [Ill.]) 1841-1852 Peru: Lasalle County Democrat. (Peru, Ill.) 1850-1851 Peru: Ninawah Gazette. (Peru, Ill.) 1840-1841 Peru: Peru Weekly Democrat. (Peru, Lasalle County, Ill.) 1851-1853 Peru: Peru Weekly Herald. (Peru, Ill.) 1870s-1880s Seneca: Bumble Bee. (Seneca, Ill.) 1893-1895 Sheridan: Temperance Union. (Sheridan, Ill.) 1873-1870s Streator: Daily Times-Press. (Streator, Ill.) 1979-1980 Streator: Streator Daily Free Press. (Streator, Ill.) 1881-1926 Streator: Streator Daily Times-Press. (Streator, Ill.) 1927-1979 Streator: Streator Monitor and Vermillion News. (Streator [Ill.]) 1872-1870s Streator: Streator Monitor-Index. (Streator, Ill.) 1878-1880 Streator: Streator Monitor. (Streator, Ill.) 1870s-1877 Streator: Streator Monitor. (Streator, Ill.) 1881-1886 Streator: Times-Press. (Streator, Ill.) 1980-Current Tonica: Tonica Local. (Tonica, Ill.) 1871-1877 Tonica: Tonica News. (Tonica, Ill.) 1874-Current |