1940 U.S. Federal Census of York in Steuben County, Steuben, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Steuben County > 1940 Census of York in Steuben County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AsfallLottie Eborn about 1859

B Surnames

BarnesCyrus Wborn about 1909
BarocioLouis born about 1919
BartisBert born about 1895
BeebeSherman Wborn about 1865
BekrendtJohn born about 1912
BekrendtMarie born about 1913
BergerDaniel Tborn about 1873
BergerElla Mborn about 1877
BerkeAlbert Mborn about 1872
BerkeGrace Pborn about 1875
BettyCarlton Lborn about 1904
BettyEdith Dborn about 1871
BettyGlenda Sborn about 1937
BettyLola Mborn about 1905
BettyRichard Lborn about 1938
BinkleyGeorge Dborn about 1910
BinkleyJack Dborn about 1938
BinkleyJudith Aborn about 1940
BinkleyMary Aborn about 1914
BinkleyMary Lborn about 1933
BlattBetty Annborn about 1935
BlattEmma Lborn about 1893
BlattGale Aborn about 1903
BlerinoGeorge Wborn about 1928
BlomekeBernard Fborn about 1922
BlomekeEdwin Fborn about 1931
BlomekeFrank Jborn about 1895
BlomekeIrene Mborn about 1898
BlomekeLouis Gborn about 1921
BlomekeMary Mborn about 1929
BlomekePaul Jborn about 1919
BodleyIsaac Dborn about 1872
BodleyMabel Fborn about 1872
BowlesGeorge Mborn about 1881
BowlesOlive Fborn about 1887
BradleyBetty Lborn about 1939
BradleyNancy Mborn about 1920
BradleyPress born about 1920
BrandeberryHerman Wborn about 1911
BrandeberryJesse Eborn about 1875
BrandeberryMary Eborn about 1884
BrandeberryWarren Eborn about 1918
BrookEva Mborn about 1873
BrookFrank Wborn about 1870
BrownFarry Aborn about 1930
BurchAudra Mborn about 1931
BurchDavis Asborn about 1895
BurchLura Bborn about 1894
BurchfieldAlea born about 1905
BurchfieldAlea Lborn about 1933
BurchfieldLinden Rborn about 1934
BurchfieldRobert Fborn about 1928
BurchfieldShirley Lborn about 1936

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C Surnames

CarpenterBilly Lborn about 1927
CarpenterDonna Jborn about 1925
CarpenterElias born about 1872
CarpenterMildred Eborn about 1909
CarpenterPurnell Kborn about 1902
CarpenterRosa Mborn about 1885
CarrBetty Cborn about 1929
CarrClaude Cborn about 1893
CarrClifford Jayborn about 1940
CarrEsther Dborn about 1901
CarrHarold Jborn about 1925
CarrKeith Cborn about 1931
CarrLyle Wborn about 1927
CarrSherl Eborn about 1933
CaryHilda Eborn about 1898
CaryMorton Jborn about 1870
CaryOtis Gborn about 1897
CaryRobert Lborn about 1920
CaryRuth Hborn about 1925
CaurtneyElsie Bborn about 1900
CaurtneyRobert Cborn about 1924
CaurtneyVaughn born about 1900
CaywoodDonald Dborn about 1937
CaywoodEmanuel Jborn about 1914
CaywoodHilda Jborn about 1919
CaywoodJames Eborn about 1939
ChisholmDora Dborn about 1868
ChisholmGeorge born about 1858
ClecknerDorothy Iborn about 1915
ClecknerFord born about 1889
ClecknerGordon Lborn about 1940
ClecknerJulia Jborn about 1930
ClecknerLura Bborn about 1889
ClecknerMahlon Sborn about 1937
ClecknerRobert born about 1911
CleverlyDale Wborn about 1898
CleverlyDonald Dborn about 1928
CleverlyHilda Mborn about 1902
CleverlyWilliam Bborn about 1926
CollinsDoyt Aborn about 1902
CooperJane Aborn about 1867
CopeLottie Eborn about 1886
CopeRoy Aborn about 1883
CourtAda Rborn about 1884
CourtCurtis Aborn about 1883
CovellEthel Mborn about 1907
CovellFred Wborn about 1875
CovellGlenn Dborn about
CovellIda Mborn about 1875
CovellLeonard Hborn about 1933
CovellRoyal Iborn about 1898
CreagerBlanche Nborn about 1878
CreagerDoris Iborn about 1921
CreagerEugene Lborn about 1926
CreagerHazel Mborn about 1922
CreagerLemuel Rborn about 1897
CreagerLeon Fborn about 1925
CreagerNellie Eborn about 1892
CripeGladys born about 1911
CripeMorris Rborn about 1895

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D Surnames

DavisCarol Fborn about 1927
DavisDorothy Gborn about 1923
DavisHarvey Fborn about 1922
DavisJames Hborn about 1890
DavisJames Lborn about 1930
DavisRussell Mborn about 1925
DavisVera Vborn about 1893
DeckmanEthel Mborn about 1910
DeckmanHarold Vborn about 1915
DickLawrence Eborn about 1891
DickNora Bborn about 1895
DunhamDoris Lborn about 1913
DunhamLaura Nborn about 1939
DunhamRoscoe Lborn about 1905

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E Surnames

EatingerCalvin Dborn about 1879
EatingerElla born about 1883
EgeltrantFancer Eborn about 1881
ElliottEarl Rborn about 1896
ElliottIval Bborn about 1896
ElliottIval Kborn about 1932
ElliottJennie Bborn about 1868
ElliottJohn Hborn about 1866
ElliottJohn Hborn about 1925
ElliottRonald Eborn about 1922
ElserBesse Mborn about 1897
ElserPaul Rborn about 1888
EmerickBessie born about 1871
EmerickJohn Fborn about 1867
EnbodyHarry Lborn about 1888
EnbodyKenton Rborn about 1913
EnbodyNellie Wborn about 1892
ErauarMarion born about 1863
EysterErnest born about 1904
EysterJanet Cborn about 1933
EysterJune Eborn about 1923
EysterLeona Cborn about 1905
EysterMarguerite Iborn about 1928
EysterMarlene Jborn about 1936
EysterMaxine Eborn about 1925

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F Surnames

FarverHarriet Oborn about 1925
FarverJoseph Jborn about 1878
FarverLouis Eborn about 1882
FarverLucy Aborn about 1882
FarverPearl Eborn about 1889
FarverVelma Vborn about 1929
FaullGlenn Vborn about 1887
FaullHarlan Gborn about 1923
FaullHarold Lborn about 1929
FaullRalph Dborn about 1915
FaullUrsa Aborn about 1891
FeeDorothy Mborn about 1908
FeeEdna Mborn about 1885
FeeOra Vborn about 1875
FerrierStephen Eborn about 1864
FiferBernadine Aborn about 1915
FiferL Dborn about 1914
FireovidBetty Jborn about 1921
FireovidEthel Aborn about 1896
FireovidFloyd Aborn about 1894
FireovidGeorge Mborn about 1919
FirestoneDelores Aborn about 1940
FirestoneEsther Eborn about 1920
FirestoneEsther Rborn about 1925
FirestoneFloyd Oborn about 1915
FirestoneGarland born about 1886
FirestoneGrace Lborn about 1930
FirestoneLeora Mborn about 1928
FirestoneLera Mborn about 1893
FirestoneLloyd Aborn about 1922
FirestoneOpal Eborn about 1913
FirestoneWarren Wborn about 1918
FisherAlvin Lborn about 1922
FisherCarrie born about 1895
FisherIris Aborn about 1929
FisherLoren born about 1894
FizerDuane Lborn about 1925
FizerEdna born about 1889
FizerHoward born about 1884
FizerValeire Eborn about 1922
FleckKatie Aborn about 1887
FleckSamuel Rborn about 1913
FreedIda Mborn about 1870
FrostJeron born about 1873
FultonDonald Lborn about 1927
FultonHelen Lborn about 1921
FultonRoy Lborn about 1895
FultonRuby Kborn about 1896

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G Surnames

GallapooLucy born about 1897
GallapooMamie born about 1883
GatchellClarence born about 1895
GatchellClarence Jr born about 1938
GatchellWillie Mayborn about 1906
GibbenyArline Eborn about 1879
GibbenyFrederic Wborn about 1920
GibbenyJohn Cborn about 1879
GilbertDorothy Mborn about 1937
GilbertFrank born about 1870
GilbertHugh Aborn about 1874
GilbertJudson Cborn about 1876
GilbertLela Wborn about 1910
GilbertMaude born about 1878
GilbertMyra Bborn about 1875
GilbertOrilla born about 1869
GilbertThomas S Jrborn about 1931
GilbertThomas S Srborn about 1908
GillertElla Mborn about 1903
GillertPaul Aborn about 1897
Gipple??? Eborn about 1929
GippleLloyd Eborn about 1931
GippleTeddy Lborn about 1933
GowdyCarolyn Rborn about 1937
GowdyDonna Rborn about 1913
GowdyFred Wborn about 1907
GravacHazel Lborn about 1905
GravacJack Lborn about 1935
GravacWalter Eborn about 1910
GrifferFlorence born about 1888
GroshonCharles Uborn about 1869
GroshonClara Lborn about 1912
GroshonJerry Eborn about 1940
GroshonJohn Eborn about 1902
GroshonLaura born about 1874
GundrumBertha Jborn about 1906
GundrumJefferson Hborn about 1883
GundrumLila Aborn about 1867
GuttnerCecil Hborn about 1903
GuttnerJean born about 1937
GuttnerMaude Mborn about 1881
GuttnerVirginia Mborn about 1912

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H Surnames

HallJessie Mborn about 1886
HallRay Bborn about 1882
HallWeaver Kborn about 1925
HandKenneth Eborn about
HandShila Aborn about 1904
HantzAlfred Jborn about 1931
HantzAlice born about 1901
HantzAnnalee Mborn about 1923
HantzCharles born about 1886
HantzDonald born about 1938
HantzEsther Aborn about 1932
HantzEthel Mborn about 1883
HantzJimmy Lborn about 1929
HantzLuella Mborn about 1927
HantzMildred Mborn about 1928
HantzOla Mborn about 1893
HantzRobert Lborn about 1890
HantzRobert Jr born about 1915
HantzRonald Jborn about 1938
HantzVirginia Lborn about 1931
HantzWilina Pborn about 1924
HantzWillis Dborn about 1925
HantzZellouess* Mborn about 1925
HarmonEdith Mborn about 1878
HarmonMarion Jborn about 1876
HarterArminta born about 1865
HarterEvilo Rborn about 1880
HarterLester Gborn about 1885
HarterLithloyn Gborn about 1920
HarterMelvin Gborn about 1915
HawkinsPeter born about 1885
HayesEdward born about 1906
HayesRuby Pborn about 1906
HeadleyHarmon born about 1897
HeadleyJohn born about 1901
HenryDora Aborn about 1863
HenryEsthel Aborn about 1923
HenryEsther Mborn about 1922
HenryFay Bborn about 1909
HenryFloyd Aborn about 1890
HenryKenneth Cborn about 1907
HenryVelva Dborn about 1931
HigleyCarrie born about 1872
HornbrookHarold Dborn about 1935
HornbrookNorma Jborn about 1930
HornbrookOpal Mborn about 1909
HornbrookRichard Gborn about 1931
HornbrookRudolph born about 1902
HornbrookSara Lborn about 1937
HornbrookTheodore Rborn about 1932
HoultonJink born about 1874
HoultonMyrta born about 1873
HuffmanTheodore Wborn about 1907
HuffmanWanda Mborn about 1920
HulbertCharles Eborn about 1910
HulbertEsther Eborn about 1915
HulbertLoretta Mborn about 1938
HuretDella Aborn about 1886
HuretJohn Wborn about 1880

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I Surnames

IsenhowerBarbara born about 1935
IsenhowerBarl Fborn about 1904
IsenhowerBelle Mborn about 1911

J Surnames

JacksonDavid Hborn about 1909
JacksonLucille born about 1911
JamesCarl Rborn about 1924
JamesClyde Jborn about 1922
JamesGeorge born about 1901
JamesLeone born about 1902
JamesRobert Dborn about 1928
JenkinsWalter Wborn about 1902
JimmermanEdith Mborn about 1882
JimmermanJohn Lborn about 1903
JimmermanMilo Cborn about 1880
JohnsonAnna Mborn about 1873
JohnsonAsa Cborn about 1879
JohnsonClarence Wborn about 1895
JohnsonEsther Mborn about 1904

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K Surnames

KatleyEthel born about 1899
KatleyJames Eborn about 1893
KatleyJames Rborn about 1912
KilburnAnna Mborn about 1901
KilburnJohn Fborn about 1865
KilburnMyrta Mborn about 1869
KilburnRoland Sborn about 1899
KillingerClaude born about 1880
KillingerGlida Gborn about 1882
KinselyCatherine born about 1877
KinselyFrank Tborn about 1875
KinselyOrlo Jborn about 1916
KoginEva Jborn about 1883
KoginRay Rborn about 1880
KrantzLucy Cborn about 1858
KuglerJay born about 1893
KuglerMary Eborn about 1893
KuglerRalph Rborn about 1928
KuglerVerda Sborn about 1925

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L Surnames

LashCecil Mborn about 1911
LashGraydon Hborn about 1907
LaverdeMichael born about 1931
LechleidnerCordie Mayborn about 1888
LechleidnerErwin Jborn about 1881
LechleidnerHerbert born about 1928
LemanBetty Jr born about 1927
LemanCharles Sborn about 1895
LemanCharles Sborn about 1923
LemanHazel Jborn about 1897
LemanHelen Dborn about 1922
LemanLois Aborn about 1930
LentchCharles born about 1872
LeroyAnne Aborn about 1894
LeroyArthur Wborn about 1888
LeroyKathryn Lborn about 1924
LewellEmma Hborn about 1878
LewellJohn Mborn about 1871
LightLa Mar born about 1928
LittleFrank born about 1891
LittleHazel Bborn about 1895
LuceBlanche born about 1884

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M Surnames

MarksCecil Lborn about 1914
MarksLouise Nborn about 1936
MarksVelma Mborn about 1932
MarksWilliam Eborn about 1909
MaughermanAlma born about 1923
MaughermanJohn born about 1861
MaughermanRhoda born about 1878
MaughermanWillard born about 1921
McDougleCarl Lborn about 1915
MinsterDamel Jborn about 1920
MinsterJoseph Bborn about 1882
MoodyEdna Mborn about 1907
MoodyJames Pborn about 1907
MoodyJoyce Annborn about 1933
MoodyOrville Hborn about 1931
MoorLuella born about 1898
MoorMax Pborn about 1927
MoorPaul Lborn about 1895
MorganDelbert Eborn about 1893
MorganHattie Bborn about 1895
MorganThelma Jborn about 1920
MorlinRichard Jborn about 1930
MorrisonArthur born about 1889
MorrisonGlen Cborn about 1935
MorrisonJelma Lborn about 1915
MorrisonLotta Bborn about 1885
MorrisonSydney Jborn about 1909
MoteBertha born about 1868
MusserLola Lborn about 1886
MusserRay Hborn about 1884
MyersCresa Mborn about 1883
MyersDollie Mborn about 1903
MyersEmma Aborn about 1880
MyersJack Lborn about 1936
MyersMax Rborn about 1920
MyersOpal born about 1922
MyersVerlin Mborn about 1938

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N Surnames

NedeleClyde Rborn about 1884
NedeleFlorence born about 1889
NedeleWills Jborn about 1929
NicholsEdna Mborn about 1890
NicholsMaurice born about 1925
NicholsWill born about 1888

P Surnames

PennerCora Mborn about 1869
PennerRussell D born about 1909
PorterDean Vborn about 1931
PorterDonna Jr born about 1933
PorterFloyd born about 1903
PorterJuanita Mborn about 1921
PorterLuana Cborn about 1905
PorterSanford Eborn about 1935
PorterVirgil Fborn about 1932
PoulkDorsey Jborn about 1889
PoulkMildred Eborn about 1892
PowersAdell Nborn about 1871
PowersCarmen Dborn about 1923
PowersClaude Mborn about 1895
PowersElsie born about 1890
PowersEmary born about 1867
PowersGladys Lborn about 1926
PowersJohn Wborn about 1891
PowersLamar Dborn about 1921
PowersLamora born about 1863
PowersLuella born about 1891
PowersOra Wborn about 1891
PowersRose Iborn about 1890
PrattClarence Dborn about 1883
PrattHazel Dborn about 1889
PshockJoseph born about 1881

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R Surnames

RamsburgJessie Mborn about 1888
RamsburgWarren born about 1922
RansburgJenie Sborn about 1862
RansburgWorthy Cborn about 1883
ReadsBillie Kborn about 1929
ReadsClarence Nborn about 1937
ReadsClarence Sborn about 1895
ReadsRobert Pborn about 1925
ReadsThelma Rborn about 1904
ReederClarence born about 1890
ReederHarold Sborn about 1931
ReederInez Bborn about 1910
ReederRichard born about 1932
ReederWilliam Gborn about 1930
ReeseBarbara Nborn about 1923
ReeseBelle born about 1891
ReeseClyde Wborn about 1895
ReeseFlorence Eborn about 1896
ReeseFloyd Dborn about 1889
ReeseKenneth Cborn about 1904
ReeseLesie Eborn about 1918
ReesePauline Bborn about 1905
ReeseVera Lborn about 1928
RobertsEleanor Eborn about 1926
RobertsEthel Cborn about 1903
RobertsJery Lborn about 1937
RobertsPliny Jborn about 1901
RobinsonNellie born about 1860
RockeyAlline Aborn about 1919
RockeyDavid born about 1872
RockeyDoris Aborn about 1895
RockeyEdward Wborn about 1921
RockeyEsther Aborn about 1881
RockeyWalter Wborn about 1891
RockeyWalter Jr born about 1925
RowlisonArvilla Lborn about 1932
RowlisonBetty Jborn about 1924
RowlisonCora Eborn about 1926
RowlisonDora Mborn about 1899
RowlisonEursel Mborn about 1899
RowlisonJoan Mborn about 1933
RowlisonJustus Eborn about 1923
RowlisonJustus Fborn about 1897
RowlisonKathryn Iborn about 1930
RowlisonNelda Mborn about 1931
RowlisonNelson Lborn about 1927
RowlisonNoradell Mborn about 1925
RowlisonPaul Eborn about 1899
RowlisonPaul Jborn about 1929
RowlisonWanda Lborn about 1936
RyanCharles Aborn about 1923
RyanElena Hborn about 1917
RyanFreman born about 1881
RyanHattie Lborn about 1897
RyanJames Warrenborn about 1916
RyanMarian Gborn about 1925
RyanMarion Nborn about 1939
RyanWilbur Wborn about 1930
RyanWillard Nborn about 1904
RyanWilliam Rborn about 1919

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S Surnames

SanxaterAudra Lborn about 1900
SanxaterElla Lborn about 1928
SanxaterKay Dborn about 1922
SanxaterOlen Gborn about 1897
SanxaterSue Aborn about 1936
SeipleCelostia Cborn about 1865
ShaukHilda Mborn about 1896
ShaukMyrtle Mborn about 1929
ShaukNorman born about 1875
ShearmanClarence Hborn about 1910
ShearmanWinona Cborn about 1914
ShookDennis Dborn about 1887
ShookDorthea Jborn about 1930
ShookEthel Lborn about 1890
SkelineEarl Dborn about 1885
SkowlesAmy Kborn about 1892
SlackEdward Oborn about 1865
SlackVerna born about 1870
SmileyMary Lborn about 1859
SmithElgie born about 1891
SmithGladys Mborn about 1923
SmithJacob Aborn about 1891
SmithKenneth Aborn about 1925
SmithLaura Bborn about 1894
SmithMarvel Mborn about 1921
SmithOmiga born about 1880
SmithVera Lborn about 1894
SmithWillis Lborn about 1935
SnyderAbraham born about 1865
SnyderDale Eborn about 1933
SnyderElizabeth Jborn about 1938
SnyderElizabeth Mborn about 1916
SnyderEmma born about 1869
SnyderFord born about 1906
SnyderHarold born about 1913
SnyderHoward Dborn about 1933
SnyderJada Lborn about 1929
SnyderLeon Fborn about 1937
SnyderMargaret Mborn about 1887
SnyderMildred Eborn about 1912
SnyderPaul born about 1903
SnyderRoger Hborn about 1888
SnyderTheresa Sborn about 1905
SomerlottDale Rborn about 1914
SomerlottDonna Jborn about 1940
SomerlottFord Rborn about 1889
SomerlottHattie Bborn about 1883
SomerlottNed Aborn about 1938
SomerlottWaneta born about 1916
SowlesHelen Lborn about 1906
SowlesIrene Eborn about 1927
SowlesLeonora Jborn about 1925
SteffelAnita Rborn about 1924
SteffelEsther Mborn about 1899
SteffelFreda Fborn about 1920
StetlerAmos Wborn about 1909
StetlerBessie Lborn about 1910
StetlerBillie Dborn about 1929
StetlerLeon Cborn about 1931
StetlerMaralyn Lborn about 1937
StetlerRoy born about 1887
StoreyCora Bborn about 1885
StoreyJeanette Eborn about 1921
SuttonBeulah Dborn about 1904
SuttonDonna Lborn about 1929
SuttonEmma born about 1879
SuttonFrank born about 1875
SuttonGerald Dborn about 1930
SuttonGerald Fborn about 1901
SuttonHollin Dborn about 1925
SuttonJack Dborn about 1927
SuttonRaymond Fborn about 1935

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T Surnames

TakacsAnna Mborn about 1872
TakacsPaul Jborn about 1893
ThomasBlanche Mborn about 1894
ThomasJacco Wborn about 1870
ThomasLaura Bborn about 1870
ThompsonFred born about 1872
ThompsonHelen born about 1910
ThompsonMyrtle born about 1878
ThompsonWillis Hborn about 1900
TownsEdith Mborn about 1931
TownsHarry Wborn about 1925
TuttleClara Cborn about 1898
TuttleFreeman Jborn about 1894
TuttleFreeman Jr born about 1928
TuttleWillis Hborn about 1925

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V Surnames

VanpeltHenry born about 1864
VanpeltLuella born about 1874
VanzileBerton Eborn about 1935
VanzileEdsel Wborn about 1921
VanzileEvelyn Mborn about 1926
VanzileLena Iborn about 1901
VanzileLorren Hborn about 1930
VanzileMary Lborn about 1924
VanzileOrren Oborn about 1930
VaughnMildred born about 1915
VaughnRosalee born about 1873
VaughnWilliam born about 1873

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W Surnames

WalberryHerman born about 1906
WalberryLarry Eborn about 1938
WalberryVera Aborn about 1909
WalleCrissie born about 1891
WalleHarry Eborn about 1923
WalleHorace Aborn about 1877
WaltersCharles born about 1866
WaltersMina Lborn about 1876
WatsonVirginia Eborn about 1922
WattsElla Mborn about 1890
WattsWilson Bborn about 1881
WeberHelen Lborn about 1927
WeberNettie born about 1889
WicoffCharles Bborn about 1870
WicoffEllen Lborn about 1938
WicoffHarold Jborn about 1903
WicoffHattie Iborn about 1909
WicoffJean Eborn about 1939
WicoffJoe born about 1907
WicoffJohn Rborn about 1907
WicoffMabel Mborn about 1911
WicoffMary born about 1937
WilkesCharles Lborn about 1869
WilkesElla Mborn about 1883
WilliamsonEber Jborn about 1860
WilliamsonEmma Bborn about 1864
WilsonCletus Dborn about
WilsonEllie Jborn about 1918
WilsonHerman Cborn about 1912
WintersBetty Dborn about 1928
WintersBeverly Jborn about 1935
WintersClarence Eborn about 1906
WintersRuby Aborn about 1931
WintersWavel Jborn about 1908
WiseVictor Hborn about 1879
WismanEffie Bborn about 1881
WismanElmer born about 1877
WisnerClaude Lborn about 1932
WisnerDon Sborn about 1935
WisnerGlida Aborn about 1934
WisnerJames Aborn about 1930
WisnerListon born about 1894
WisnerLuella Mborn about 1900
WisnerRichard Oborn about 1929
WissierClara Bborn about 1881
WissierJames Lborn about 1875
WoodwoodRuby Aborn about 1875

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