1940 U.S. Federal Census of Carr Creek, Mitchell, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Mitchell County > 1940 Census of Carr Creek

B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

B Surnames

BergmanCharles Hborn about 1916
BergmanElizabeth born about 1879
BergmanHenry born about 1877
BergmanJohn Aborn about 1919
BoehnerCecil Lborn about 1915
BoehnerErnest Jborn about 1920
BoehnerF Opalborn about 1915
BoehnerFred born about 1890
BoehnerLaura born about 1893
BoehnerRalph Aborn about 1917
BollerArnold Kborn about 1919
BollerAugust Wborn about 1884
BollerVeletta born about 1923
BollerVeretta born about 1923
BollerViola Vborn about 1886
BollmanFrank born about 1875
BreitweiserGertrude Iborn about 1894
BreitweiserHomer born about 1893
BreitweiserJean Bborn about 1934
BreitweiserJuanita Bborn about 1926
BreitweiserKeith Rborn about 1920
BreitweiserMarjorie Eborn about 1923
BreitweiserMary Lborn about 1937
BreitweiserRuth Vborn about 1932
BrockAugust Fborn about 1936
BrockBetty Louborn about 1935
BrockChristopher Aborn about 1918
BrockElizabeth born about 1911
BrockFrank Fborn about 1906
BrockHenry Fborn about 1909
BrockLoretta Mborn about 1935
BrockMargaret Dborn about 1908
BrockMary Annborn about 1931
BrockMary Lborn about 1875
BrockRobert Eborn about 1938
BrownJacob Cborn about 1868
BrownMattie born about 1875

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C Surnames

ClausenAnton Fborn about 1871
ClausenDella Eborn about 1880
ClausenEllis Lborn about 1901
ClausenLewis Lborn about 1932
ClausenMarjorie Aborn about 1930
ClausenRex Aborn about 1924
ClausenRuby Eborn about 1903
CollinsMary born about 1903

D Surnames

DubbertCaroline Mborn about 1896
DubbertGerald Cborn about 1923
DubbertHelen Cborn about 1920
DubbertLeon Tborn about 1926
DubbertRobert Eborn about 1937
DubbertWilliam Hborn about 1888
DubbertWilliam Lborn about 1935

F Surnames

FisherAllen Eborn about 1939
FisherEdwin Pborn about 1913
FisherLouise Aborn about 1937
FisherNora Jborn about 1909
FisherRebecca Iborn about 1940

G Surnames

GasperAlfreda Gborn about 1918
GasperAntone Jborn about 1898
GasperEdward Cborn about 1939
GasperEdward Gborn about 1915
GasperGertrude born about 1879
GasperJohn Pborn about 1873
GasperNickolas Lborn about 1906
GasperRosalie Cborn about 1938
GenglerAlice Mborn about 1936
GenglerElizabeth Kborn about 1934
GenglerGeorge Fborn about 1904
GenglerHelen Aborn about 1912
GenglerJames Dborn about 1938
GenglerMicheal Fborn about 1875
GenglerMinnie born about 1884
GibbsEarl Tborn about 1884
GibbsLelia Tborn about 1885
GriefPatricia Mborn about 1936
GriefRichard Aborn about 1932

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H Surnames

HakeCathryn born about 1923
HakeDorothy born about 1935
HakeElizabeth born about 1897
HakeHazel Aborn about 1892
HakeIda Mborn about 1869
HakeMatt born about 1895
HakeMatt Jr born about 1928
HakeMelvin born about 1931
HakeMildred born about 1933
HakeRaymond born about 1925
HartBonnie born about 1903
HartFrances Aborn about 1917
HartJames Rborn about 1934
HartMary Eborn about 1849
HartWanda Jborn about 1923
HartWilliam Mborn about 1879
HaseltineClifford Lborn about 1890
HaseltineJohn Wilberborn about 1884
HaseltineMary Eborn about 1859
HaseltineWillis Wborn about 1893

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J Surnames

JasperCecelia Eborn about 1906
JasperDorothy Mborn about 1932
JasperHarry Hborn about 1892
JasperHerman Fborn about 1939
JasperLeo Nborn about 1904
JasperLeona Mborn about 1934
JasperMarcena Aborn about 1930
JasperMarie Aborn about 1900
JasperMarilyn Eborn about 1937

K Surnames

KlineCaroline born about 1857
KoenigsmanAnna Hborn about 1908
KoenigsmanAugust born about 1864
KoenigsmanFrances born about 1875
KoenigsmanFrank Eborn about 1899
KoenigsmanMary born about 1903
KoenigsmanOtto Aborn about 1905
KoenigsmanVeronica born about 1912
KonzemAgnes born about 1922
KosterAdella Eborn about 1891
KosterCecele born about 1923
KosterCecil Nborn about 1926
KosterCharles Pborn about 1922
KosterChristopher Pborn about 1918
KosterDelores Kborn about 1930
KosterDonald Jborn about 1929
KosterFrances born about 1927
KosterHarold Jborn about 1924
KosterHenry born about 1896
KosterHenry J Jrborn about 1934
KosterIsabell Kborn about 1916
KosterJames born about 1925
KosterJanice Mborn about 1939
KosterJerome Mborn about 1928
KosterJohn Lborn about 1921
KosterJohn Pborn about 1889
KosterLawrence Hborn about 1918
KosterMargaret Louiseborn about 1922
KosterMarguerite born about 1891
KosterMarilyn Sborn about 1936
KosterMarjorie Aborn about 1920
KosterMark born about 1932
KosterMatt born about 1890
KosterPeter Jborn about 1885
KosterRaymond Tborn about 1938
KosterRichard Jborn about 1923
KosterRobert Mborn about 1932
KosterSusie born about 1898
KruseCharley Kborn about 1884
KyleElizabeth born about 1865
KyleGeorge Wborn about 1902

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L Surnames

LaveryElla Cborn about 1887
LaveryWarren Jborn about 1880
LomaxElmer Eborn about 1911
LomaxGladys Bborn about 1902
LomaxJames Pborn about 1937
LomaxJanice Cborn about 1936
LomaxJohn Sborn about 1904
LomaxPerry born about 1902

M Surnames

McAllAnna Eborn about 1913
McAllChloe born about 1873
McAllDavid Pborn about 1910
McAllDelma Fborn about 1935
McAllDewar Aborn about 1867
McAllGeorge born about 1861
McAllMartha born about 1868
McCoyElla born about 1871
McGeeMathew born about 1908
MegliBernice born about 1913
MegliBonnie Pborn about 1933
MegliDerrell born about 1938
MegliDwight Dborn about 1940
MegliEtta Pborn about 1907
MegliEugene Eborn about 1939
MegliEzra born about 1905
MegliGeorge born about 1907
MegliLyle born about 1904
MegliRoy Dborn about 1937
MegliShirley born about 1939
MegliViola Eborn about 1912
MooreEvan Wborn about 1936
MooreEvelyn Mborn about 1932
MooreWilliam Jborn about 1900
MooreWilma Mborn about 1908
MosierErnest Cborn about 1880
MosierIda Lborn about 1877
MunfordBilly Bobborn about 1926
MunfordFlorence Jborn about 1891
MunfordHarold Eborn about 1893
MyersChristian Jborn about 1858
MyersDale Lborn about 1935
MyersFrank Hborn about 1905
MyersJanette born about 1938
MyersVanetta Eborn about 1912

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N Surnames

NewquistAgnes Hborn about 1875
NewquistCarrie Dborn about 1875
NewquistElmer Lborn about 1914
NewquistGrace Mborn about 1919
NewquistHarold Eborn about 1910
NewquistHarry Cborn about 1874
NewquistJ Augustborn about 1918
NewquistKeith Eborn about 1926
NewquistMeryl Cborn about 1924
NewquistOscar Fborn about 1912
NewquistRaymond Nborn about 1907
NewquistWalda Lborn about 1879
NorthEmery born about 1864

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P Surnames

PahlsAgnes Fborn about 1930
PahlsDear Mborn about 1934
PahlsEdwin Aborn about 1923
PahlsFlorence Mborn about 1896
PahlsGenevieve Sborn about 1926
PahlsJames Fborn about 1928
PahlsLucille Aborn about 1918
PahlsMary Kborn about 1937
PahlsMath Hborn about 1893
PahlsRaymond Nborn about 1932
PahlsRosella Rborn about 1921
PirottChristopher born about 1886
PirottLeon Rborn about 1922
PirottMathilda Aborn about 1891

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R Surnames

RemusCharley Wborn about 1890
RemusDale Lborn about 1929
RemusHerman Jborn about 1896
RemusMary born about 1895
RemusMax Dborn about 1925
RemusVictoria Iborn about 1899
RitzJosephine Fborn about 1911
RitzLeonard Lborn about 1906
RitzLynda Joborn about 1939
RobertsAda Jeanborn about 1921
RobertsEmma Eborn about 1882
RobertsGeorge Hborn about 1923
RobertsHarrietta born about 1897
RobertsJoseph Jborn about 1879
RobertsMarjorie Lborn about 1923
RobertsMaxine Rborn about 1918

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S Surnames

SamlandClarence Fborn about 1916
SamlandJohn born about 1881
SamlandKate born about 1891
SamlandLaberilla born about 1914
ShrohAlfred born about 1929
ShrohGrace born about 1892
ShrohIrene born about 1918
ShrohJoseph Eborn about 1880
ShrohJoseph E Jrborn about 1923
SmithAlice Eborn about 1936
SmithCelestine Eborn about 1897
SmithCharles Iborn about 1923
SmithDona Leeborn about 1928
SmithDonald Fborn about 1931
SmithDuane Pborn about 1926
SmithElmer Gborn about 1921
SmithEva Lborn about 1898
SmithGeorge Mborn about 1924
SmithHarold Gborn about 1921
SmithKennith Jborn about 1924
SmithLeon Jborn about 1937
SmithLewis Wborn about 1895
SmithNora Iborn about 1926
SmithPatricia Cborn about 1935
SmithPhilip Fborn about 1928
SmithPhilip Gborn about 1894
SmithRichard Eborn about 1922
SmithRobert Bborn about 1933
SmithRose Maryborn about 1932
StaleyJ Edwardborn about 1894
StreitDennis Wborn about 1939
StreitEva born about 1920
StreitHenry Nborn about 1909
SuterMary born about 1899
SuterMilton Lborn about 1933
SuterRussel Jborn about 1889
SuterWarren Rborn about 1928

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T Surnames

ThullCalvin Jborn about 1925
ThullFlorence Eborn about 1891
ThullJohn Gborn about 1889
ThullPhillip Gborn about 1923
ThummelAngeline Sborn about 1923
ThummelConreda Eborn about 1936
ThummelDonald Hborn about 1929
ThummelElenor Mborn about 1917
ThummelEugene born about 1921
ThummelGerald Mborn about 1926
ThummelJoseph Pborn about 1906
ThummelLeona Mborn about 1927
ThummelVincent born about 1892
ThummelWilfred Cborn about 1931

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V Surnames

VantilborgBruce Nborn about 1936
VantilborgDolores Mayborn about 1930
VantilborgLuella born about 1894
VantilborgWayne born about 1890

W Surnames

WagnerAlfred born about 1933
WagnerBernard Jborn about 1904
WagnerEdgar born about 1937
WagnerElizabeth born about 1939
WagnerFrances born about 1902
WagnerHelen born about 1938
WagnerJulian born about 1932
WagnerMarjorie born about 1931
WalterLeo Eborn about 1919
WalterMargaret Aborn about 1918
WelchMargie Annborn about 1932
WellsClarence Cborn about 1880
WillsCharles Dborn about 1874

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