1940 U.S. Federal Census of Center in Decatur County, Decatur, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Decatur County > 1940 Census of Center in Decatur County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonKatie Eborn about 1870
AndersonThomas Mborn about 1866
ArmstrongAvis Lborn about 1924
ArmstrongFranis Hborn about 1927
ArmstrongHarry Eborn about 1902
ArmstrongHattie Fborn about 1900
ArmstrongLizzie Mborn about 1880
ArmstrongPhyllis Vborn about 1922
AterRobert Dborn about 1929

B Surnames

BlissFredrick Fborn about 1857
BogartMagrorice born about 1922
BowserDoris Dborn about 1919
BowserReed Mborn about 1917

C Surnames

CappsCyrus Lborn about 1876
CappsFrances Gborn about 1928
CappsKathryn Dborn about 1926
CappsLola Aborn about 1873
CappsLuther Lborn about 1905
CappsPearle Vborn about 1903
CappsVidal Dborn about 1932
CarterDorothy born about 1921
CullisonAlice Cborn about 1887
CullisonLeonard Wborn about 1928

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D Surnames

DepewCarol Mborn about 1935
DepewSanford Fborn about 1904
DepewThelma Lborn about 1907

F Surnames

FialaAgnes born about 1908
FialaAlice born about 1915
FialaClifford Jborn about 1937
FialaJerry Gborn about 1905
FialaJohn Jborn about 1916
FialarEdward Jborn about 1908
FrickeyHarold born about 1911
FrickeyJames Hborn about 1937
FrickeyJohn Hborn about 1874
FrickeyLawrence Eborn about 1923
FrickeyLizzie Oborn about 1885
FrickeyMarilyn Joborn about 1933
FrickeyNaomi Iborn about 1916
FrickeyNorton Cborn about 1925
FrickeyOnie Mborn about 1913

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G Surnames

GardnerGeorge Wborn about 1889
GardnerJoyce Mborn about 1929
GardnerKenneth Wborn about 1924
GardnerMargaret Jborn about 1894
GavinBruce born about 1903
GavinBruce Jr born about 1927
GavinDan born about 1929
GavinDorthea born about 1906
GavinGary Leeborn about 1936
GavinLarry Leonborn about 1939
GrosskinklausNettie Aborn about 1871

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H Surnames

HaasLois Aborn about 1914
HaasLoyd Eborn about 1916
HaasVan Dean born about 1939
HallThomas Aborn about 1871
HarmonCaroline Rborn about 1926
HarmonCharles Cborn about 1878
HarmonKatie Oborn about 1883
HarmonOtis Lborn about 1924
HaroldDuane Lborn about 1924
HatchCarl Mborn about 1916
HatchHarvey Cborn about 1887
HatchJoseph Hborn about 1923
HatchMyrtle Lborn about 1892
HatchWalter Lborn about 1896
HatchWilma Mborn about 1917

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J Surnames

JacksonDarlene Jborn about 1930
JacksonEmma Eborn about 1899
JacksonFrank Mborn about 1891
JacksonJames Cborn about 1922
JanousekAgnes born about 1866
JanousekElsie Mborn about 1907
JanousekFrank born about 1898
JanousekJoyce Jborn about 1930
JanousekNancy Kborn about 1936

K Surnames

KirkendallAlva Jborn about 1883
KirkendallCharles Fborn about 1882
KuzickaFrank Jborn about 1868

L Surnames

LeistLee Oraborn about 1921

M Surnames

MachartHarold Lborn about 1925
MachartJoan Rborn about 1932
MachartJoseph born about 1895
MachartTwyla Fborn about 1926
MachartVioal Vborn about 1904
McBrideDewey O Hborn about 1899
McBrideJames Dborn about 1937
McBrideMattie Eborn about 1905
McGeeJames Fborn about 1866
McGeeMary Sborn about 1866

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N Surnames

NoelRoth born about 1929

O Surnames

OrrSarah Aborn about 1871
OrrWilliam Aborn about 1866

P Surnames

PachnerAnnie born about 1922
PachnerBarbara born about 1884
PachnerFrank born about 1875
PachnerLewis born about 1918
PachnerRudolph born about 1909
PaddockDale Hborn about 1909
PaddockElvin Dborn about 1938
PaddockLila Oborn about 1913
PageBertha Eborn about 1892
PageCarl Aborn about 1892
PageIrene Hborn about 1924
PavlicekMildred Cborn about 1918
PavlicekRalph Aborn about 1914
PavlicekRichard Aborn about 1939
PollnowSophie Lborn about 1877

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R Surnames

RailsbackEdward Jborn about 1915
RopertGeorge born about 1889
RopertGrace Eborn about 1893
RuzickaBetty Lborn about 1930
RuzickaBeverly Cborn about 1938
RuzickaEmma born about 1891
RuzickaEsther Eborn about 1918
RuzickaEthel Aborn about 1907
RuzickaGeorge Lborn about 1933
RuzickaJames Hborn about 1907
RuzickaJames Jborn about 1886
RuzickaJoseph born about 1894
RuzickaMary Kborn about 1891
RuzickaPremyal Aborn about 1922
RuzickaViolet Lborn about 1925

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S Surnames

ScottBertha Bborn about 1882
ScottOla born about 1879
ShawEvelyn Rborn about 1926
ShawGlynn Hborn about 1899
ShawLawrene Mborn about 1924
ShawNellie Rborn about 1899
ShawWillard Jborn about 1936
SmickEdith Jborn about 1925
SmickEssie Hborn about 1890
SmickFay Dborn about 1889
SpatyMary Cborn about 1874
SpatyWilliam Hborn about 1867
SpiersBenjamin Fborn about 1936
SpiersFrank Bborn about 1910
SpiersNellie Cborn about 1874
SpiersNellie Jborn about 1935
SpiersRobert Wborn about 1869
SpiersThelma Lborn about 1918
SpiersViolet Lborn about 1933
StillOrin born about 1870

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U Surnames

UrbanFrank born about 1871
UrbanFrederick born about 1918
UrbanLouise born about 1876
UrbanOlivia born about 1920

V Surnames

VavrochClara Gborn about 1894
VavrochJoseph born about 1884
VavrochPauline Eborn about 1921
VernonAlice Jborn about 1907
VernonArchie Wborn about 1926
VernonBaden Eborn about 1880
VernonBert Cborn about 1890
VernonClara born about 1900
VernonClyde Aborn about 1919
VernonDixie Lborn about 1927
VernonEffie Jborn about 1883
VernonJack Eborn about 1928
VernonJoyce Aborn about 1928
VernonKenneth Lborn about 1922
VernonLeslie Cborn about 1884
VernonLoyd Rborn about 1930
VernonMarjorie Mborn about 1933
VernonOwen Fborn about 1905
VernonRalph Rborn about 1931

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W Surnames

WischCarl Wborn about 1915
WischNila Fborn about 1921
WooleyJames Wborn about 1929

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