1940 U.S. Federal Census of Coldwater, Comanche, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Comanche County > 1940 Census of Coldwater

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHarry born about 1885
AllderdiceBurdie born about 1883
AllderdiceC Eborn about 1885
AllderdiceElisa born about 1892
AllderdiceElizabeth born about 1893
AllderdiceHelen born about 1920
AllderdiceJack born about 1918
AllderdiceJames born about 1891
AllderdiceVictor born about 1895
AllenJack born about 1934
AllenJerry born about 1931
AllenJoe born about 1937
AllenRenous born about 1909
AllenRuth born about 1912
AllisonFloyd born about 1916
AndersonFred born about 1904
AndersonMarcia Joeborn about 1928
AndersonMargo Janborn about 1935
AndersonMartha born about 1907
AndersonMary Janeborn about 1931
AndersonMona Jeanborn about 1932
AnspaughEsther born about 1899
AnspaughMargaret born about 1927
AnspaughMarion born about 1898
AnspaughRex born about 1930
AnspaughWillene born about 1921
ArnoldB Fborn about 1880
ArnoldCalvin Cborn about 1923
ArnoldEllen Maeborn about 1920
ArnoldMabel Aborn about 1888
AtterberryBill Jborn about 1881
AtterberryMaude born about 1882
AtterburyGlenice born about 1938
AtterburyGlenn born about 1915
AtterburyLois born about 1939
AtterburyMary born about 1860
AtterburyTressie born about 1913
AveryAda born about 1912
AveryDorothy born about 1882
AveryWilliam Hborn about 1882
AveryWilliam Jr born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaberClaytonn Hborn about 1913
BaberSarah Belleborn about 1919
BaesslerTheodore Cborn about 1874
BaileyLeulla born about 1912
BaileyLois Ritaborn about 1939
BaileyWilliam Hborn about 1904
BainHattie born about 1874
BainJohn born about 1912
BainOtto born about 1887
BakerAlice Pborn about 1912
BakerChester born about 1912
BakerFrancis Hborn about 1938
BakerJany born about 1882
Baltzell born about 1917
Baltzell born about 1938
BaltzellWilliam born about 1914
BandyGranville born about 1913
BandyHenry born about 1920
BandyMauda born about 1891
BandyRobert born about 1923
BardonteMabel born about 1890
BardotBuddy Monroeborn about 1938
BardotClarence born about 1917
BardotNellie born about 1913
BarlonA Eborn about 1876
BarlonJohn Pborn about 1907
BarlonMildred born about 1907
BarlonMrs born about 1873
BarnesBennetted born about 1923
BarnesCora born about 1886
BarnesJack born about 1920
BarnesMildred born about 1892
BarnesNadine born about 1919
BarnesNat Gborn about 1873
BarnhartRalph born about 1907
BarnhartRalph Jr born about 1936
BarnhartThelma born about 1907
BattsJay Tborn about 1874
BattsJohn born about 1901
BattsMabel born about 1878
BattsMary born about 1920
BattsMyrtle born about 1888
BattsNellie born about 1878
BattsRuth born about 1907
BeanAlice born about 1906
BeanCecil born about 1910
BeanDe Lose born about 1906
BeanInez Rborn about 1912
BeanIrene born about 1879
BeanJewell born about 1914
BeanLoretta born about 1939
BeanRichard Wborn about 1939
BeanRoger Lborn about 1937
BeanRoy Oborn about 1912
BebbGertrude born about 1880
BebbThomas born about 1874
BebbVictor born about 1923
BebbVirgil born about 1924
BeebeArthur born about 1934
BeebeDelbert born about 1936
BeebeGeorge born about 1902
BeebeHarry born about 1932
BeebeHiram born about 1897
BeebeJerry born about 1932
BeebeLee born about 1935
BeebeLillian born about 1914
BeebeSylvia born about 1870
BeeneyClaude born about 1901
BeeneyJosie born about 1903
BeeneyKenneth born about 1905
BeeneyKenneth Leeborn about 1932
BeeneyL Hborn about 1857
BeeneyMajorie born about 1923
BellRuth born about 1900
BerleyHarbaugh Gborn about 1914
BerleyJanice born about 1939
BerleyMary Cborn about 1912
BerleyPattie born about 1937
BetzerBetty born about 1927
BetzerDonald born about 1922
BetzerDorothy born about 1925
BetzerFrank born about 1879
BetzerLorena born about 1884
BetzerLucille born about 1903
BetzerMary born about 1930
BetzerWilford born about 1901
BetzerWilima born about 1928
BibbCharlie born about 1910
BibbDoris born about 1912
BirdRobert born about 1905
BlackardBarbara Cborn about 1938
BlackardClyde born about 1911
BlackardDonna Jborn about 1936
BlackardDoris born about 1921
BlackardGrace born about 1886
BlackardLester born about 1918
BlackardMabel Rborn about 1913
BlackardRonnie Kayborn about 1940
BlackardSusan Ireneborn about 1939
BlackardThelma born about 1914
BlackardVerner Kborn about 1876
BlackardVernon born about 1909
BlakleyArlene born about 1903
BlessGlen born about 1913
BlessGlen Jr born about 1939
BlessShirley born about 1938
BlessVirginia born about 1922
BlissAmelia born about 1889
BlissDonald born about 1909
BlissJohn Fborn about 1880
BlissKenneth born about 1926
BlissLoren born about 1924
BlissMajorie born about 1928
BlissMay born about 1913
BlissRoberta born about 1931
BlissWilma Jeanborn about 1933
BoisseauBettie Sborn about 1883
BoisseauMargarete Bborn about 1924
BoisseauMyra born about 1922
BoisseauRoy R Jrborn about 1919
BoisseauRoy Wborn about 1879
BoisseauRuth Eborn about 1917
BoothBill born about 1878
BoothDonald born about 1909
BoothFred born about 1918
BoothJames born about 1873
BoothLilli born about 1886
BoothRacheal born about 1910
BoshellBeth born about 1889
BoshellCharles born about 1918
BoshellClara born about 1885
BoshellFern born about 1927
BoshellJames Pborn about 1884
BoshellLew born about 1881
BoshellMarjorie born about 1927
BoshellPhyllis born about 1925
BoshellRussell born about 1923
BosleyEthel born about 1884
BosleyJohn born about 1868
BosleyJohn Wborn about 1868
BotoroffBernard born about 1909
BotoroffNellie born about 1910
BotoroffPattie born about 1931
BoydJoan born about 1936
BoydLila Leeborn about 1931
BoydLulu born about 1908
BoydQ Fborn about 1901
BralyHugh born about 1880
BrandtClara Eborn about 1882
BrandtHenry Lborn about 1879
BratcherByron born about 1918
BratcherDonald born about 1923
BratcherLois born about 1896
BrewerEdith born about 1912
BrewerSharon Annaborn about 1937
BrewerWillard born about 1909
BrownBetty born about 1930
BrownDoris born about 1934
BrownEarnest born about 1901
BrownEarnest born about 1932
BrownHorace born about 1900
BrownMamie born about 1910
BrownMartha born about 1871
BrownMartha born about 1916
BrumbaughBetsy born about 1939
BrumbaughHazel born about 1903
BrumbaughWilliam born about 1900
BrumbaughWilliam Jr born about 1930
BuhlBarbara Jborn about 1940
BuhlKenneth Eborn about 1933
BuhlLeland Lborn about 1934
BuhlOswald Fborn about 1913
BuhlPearl Gborn about 1912
BuhlRaymond Gborn about 1938
BuleyAllen Lborn about 1889
BuleyEllen Mborn about 1925
BuleyFrances Mborn about 1904
BuleyLynn born about 1899
BuleyMyrtle Aborn about 1891
BuleyRoss Pborn about 1927
BuleyWoodrow Rborn about 1914
BurkhallAlma born about 1911
BurkhallBonnie Jborn about 1935
BurkhallCarl Eborn about 1935
BurkhallDenny Lborn about 1939
BurkhallEvelyn Aborn about 1937
BurkhallFrances Gborn about 1910
BurkhallFrancis Jborn about 1903
BurkhallRoy Cborn about 1909
BurkhallWayne Fborn about 1931
BurnettArdinell born about 1903
BurnettDonald born about 1929
BurnettRobert born about 1926
BurtChase Wborn about 1894
BurtChase Wborn about 1922
BurtHarriet Cborn about 1936
BurtJames Kborn about 1929
BurtJohn Cborn about 1925
BurtMary Eborn about 1898
BurtonEsther born about 1907
BurtonHoward born about 1912
BurtonRoberta born about 1913
BurtonVictor born about 1908
ButcherDarleen born about 1926
ButcherElzora born about 1895
ButcherFreda born about 1921
ButcherLenore born about 1871
ButcherMerle born about 1899
ButcherMerle Jr born about 1924
ButcherNorman born about 1923
ButcherRuth born about 1900
ButcherWard Hborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalesDoris born about 1910
CalesRoy Wborn about 1915
CallahanBessie Cborn about 1877
CallahanW Eborn about 1877
CalterWillard born about 1918
CampbellChester Aborn about 1887
CampbellKathrine born about 1924
CampbellMaggy born about 1889
CampbellMarie born about 1889
CarletonMary born about 1904
CarlisleEllwood born about 1924
CarlisleElva born about 1925
CarlisleGlen born about 1927
CarlisleMyra born about 1922
CarlisleTacy born about 1898
CarmanDorothy born about 1915
CarterFlorence born about 1903
CarterWanda born about 1926
CarterWilliam born about 1902
CaseClifford Iborn about 1919
CasleyFlorence born about 1931
CasleyFoy born about 1895
CasleyMabel born about 1907
CasleyRoger born about 1936
CaufieldGenevieve born about 1926
CaufieldHarry Jr born about 1922
CaufieldJacqueline born about 1934
CaufieldLouise born about 1898
CaywoodCharles born about 1939
CaywoodJames born about 1930
CaywoodMary born about 1909
CaywoodStanley born about 1933
ChadwickC Hborn about 1867
ChadwickWife born about 1877
ChambersAdrian born about 1897
ChambersBill born about 1921
ChambersBobby born about 1928
ChambersDe Lee born about 1931
ChambersLucille born about 1899
ChamnessJessie born about 1909
ChamnessMabel born about 1878
ChilcoteJ Dborn about 1918
ClandGrace born about 1886
ClandHarry Bborn about 1878
ClarkAllen Wborn about 1930
ClarkArthur born about 1867
ClarkCharity born about 1930
ClarkD Wborn about 1894
ClarkDale born about 1911
ClarkDonna Lborn about 1932
ClarkElgora Mborn about 1938
ClarkJessie Iborn about 1885
ClarkLucille born about 1912
ClarkMax born about 1933
ClarkMyra Lborn about 1929
ClarkNellie Jborn about 1890
ClarkOlin Aborn about 1910
ClarkRomana born about 1939
ClarkShirley Cborn about 1936
ClarkSusie Eborn about 1892
ClarkVelda born about 1915
ClineAnna born about 1876
ClineClarence Wborn about 1876
ClineDorothy born about 1930
ClineGary born about 1939
ClineJames born about 1875
ClineJames Jr born about 1917
ClineJessie born about 1920
ClineKathleen born about 1932
ClineKenneth born about 1905
ClineLeroy born about 1912
ClineMartha born about 1916
ClineMinerva born about 1878
ClineNellie born about 1907
ClineRaymond born about 1915
ClineRichard born about 1928
ClineWanita born about 1916
CobbIvan Oborn about 1938
CobbJoel Cborn about 1935
CobbNoami Lborn about 1919
CobbOra Oborn about 1912
ColesClarence born about 1881
ColesLloyd born about 1916
ColesRuby born about 1917
ColesWinefred born about 1881
Cook born about 1912
Cook born about 1939
CookHarrison born about 1891
CookJune born about 1933
CookNaomi born about 1905
CookWarren born about 1908
CooperAnna born about 1871
CooperAsa born about 1897
CooperDavid Vborn about 1891
CooperFlorence born about 1906
CoppleDewight born about 1917
CoppleGrace born about 1888
CoppleJames born about 1880
CoppleJoyce born about 1917
CosbyM Mborn about 1863
CowanLelah born about 1879
CowanM Dborn about 1877
CowanMax born about 1917
CowanRose Merleborn about 1904
CoxAlbert Bborn about 1922
CoxSallie born about 1886
CoxWilliam Mborn about 1886
CozadClaude born about 1886
CozadVerna born about 1884
CrawfordBonita Jborn about 1936
CrawfordDonald Rborn about 1932
CrawfordEd Tborn about 1895
CrawfordLeona Mborn about 1900
CrawfordRomana Lborn about 1929
CroweBilly Gborn about 1932
CroweClyde Wborn about 1910
CroweEvens Fborn about 1914
CroweGeorge Cborn about 1913
CroweGuy Wborn about 1883
CroweJerry Dborn about 1935
CroweMary Aborn about 1886
CroweMary Annaborn about 1929
CroweRonald Gborn about 1937
CroweWalter Gsborn about 1925
CullinsL T Jrborn about 1923
CullinsLyman Tborn about 1893
CullinsMaxine born about 1922
CullinsNorma born about 1931
CullinsRonald born about 1927
CulpJohn born about 1909
CulpLucina born about 1909
CulpMargaret born about 1930
CulpMary born about 1934
CummingClair born about 1917
CummingFerhn born about 1919
CummingGrace born about 1886
CunningsFrank born about 1882
CurrierVinita born about 1908
CurterHazel born about 1908
CurterJanice born about 1936
CurterMerle born about 1934
CurterOscar born about 1905
CurterVelma born about 1927
CurthraeClara born about 1862
CurthraeEthelbert Gborn about 1859

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleChester born about 1923
DaleChet Wborn about 1891
DaleDonald born about 1924
DaleDorsey born about 1894
DaleEdina born about 1887
DaleJames Eborn about 1884
DaleJeanne born about 1924
DaleMargarette born about 1916
DaleRichard born about 1913
DanielsGwenn Annborn about 1929
DanielsHarold born about 1908
DanielsJerry born about 1936
DanielsMary born about 1909
DanielsRobert born about 1927
DanielsSherry born about 1932
DanielsonBetty Oborn about 1875
DarnellFrankie born about 1876
DarrachJoe born about 1884
DarrachVerna born about 1886
DarrochCathryn born about 1894
DarrochDonna born about 1928
DarrochGeorgia Mborn about 1892
DarrochPatsy born about 1932
DarrochWill Wborn about 1890
DarronIsabell Mborn about 1921
DarronLee Eborn about 1885
DarronNettie born about 1890
DavisPauline born about 1904
DawEd Aborn about 1906
DawGertrude born about 1907
DawLois born about 1930
DawMajorie born about 1928
DebeorGeorge born about 1912
DeewallElla born about 1869
DeewallPauline born about 1921
DejerldJacquiline born about 1929
DelpMarie born about 1919
DemuthBeulah born about 1902
DemuthClarence born about 1897
DemuthFrancis born about 1934
DenneyCarrol Aborn about 1931
DenneyIva Cborn about 1894
DenneyLynn Aborn about 1927
DenneyWill Gborn about 1892
DeublerWm born about 1854
DeyoeBilly Lborn about 1935
DeyoeCharles Wborn about 1933
DeyoeDonald Mborn about 1937
DeyoeDora Leeborn about 1936
DeyoeEugene Rborn about 1938
DeyoeFred born about 1923
DeyoeGeorge born about 1939
DeyoeGrover Cborn about 1902
DeyoeHubert Aborn about 1932
DeyoeIva Vborn about 1906
DeyoeJim born about 1930
DeyoeLoicnda Mayborn about 1900
DeyoeLora Sueborn about 1934
DeyoeMildred Eborn about 1926
DeyoeRichard Iborn about 1927
DeyoeWalter Eborn about 1905
DiemartBeverly Jeanborn about 1936
DiemartClyde born about 1911
DiemartDonald Robertborn about 1939
DiemartLena born about 1911
DodsonC Wborn about 1909
DodsonFrank born about 1875
DodsonJean born about 1874
DodsonLouise born about 1912
DodsonSarah born about 1845
DoranBen born about 1881
DoranMary born about 1893
DoranOpal born about 1919
DouglasLista born about 1907
DouglassWayne born about 1904
DrakeGerald born about 1918
DrakeNellie born about 1921
DreyerBert born about 1900
DreyerVivian born about 1902
DunlapIla Fayeborn about 1929
DunlapNora born about 1910
DunlapPaul born about 1918
DunlapRonald Deanborn about 1935
DunlapVelda born about 1916
DykesBetty born about 1925
DykesEmma born about 1884
DykesFern born about 1917
DykesKit Hborn about 1882
DykesMajorie born about 1924
DykesWarren born about 1922
DykesWiley Pborn about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonMabel born about 1895
EatonMax born about 1919
EckertAlvin born about 1917
EhrlichElizabeth born about 1886
EhrlichKarl Aborn about 1924
EhrlichKarl Jborn about 1886
ElliotCorda born about 1890
ElliotIvan born about 1932
ElliotWilliam born about 1889
EllisAnna Hborn about 1915
EllisHarold Wborn about 1910
EllisLarry Lborn about 1939
EllisMary born about 1902
EllisMaude born about 1892
EllisMytle Hborn about 1888
EllisNaomi Rborn about 1912
EllisRoy Wborn about 1886
EmerickLavinia born about 1883
EmerickOlliver Cborn about 1900
EmersonCalvin born about 1926
EmersonEmma born about 1885
EmersonLon born about 1876
EmersonLonnie born about 1916
EnglandCharles Lborn about 1889
EnglandFrances born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FerrinMarie born about 1898
FerrinRoberta born about 1925
FerrinWalter born about 1897
FinneyLee born about 1898
FishFred born about 1884
FishJane born about 1927
FishMay Vborn about 1884
FleenerGeneva born about 1908
FleenerPhillip born about 1927
FleenerRichard born about 1928
FlemingAmilla born about 1922
FlemingCarl born about 1902
FlemingCarl Ervinborn about 1929
FlemingCharles born about 1927
FlemingClara born about 1894
FlemingClara born about 1912
FlemingCoila born about 1925
FlemingEarl born about 1910
FlemingEdward born about 1880
FlemingFloyd born about 1911
FlemingIda born about 1876
FlemingJames born about 1938
FlemingJaunita born about 1925
FlemingLeon born about 1932
FlemingLeslie born about 1900
FlemingLouise born about 1919
FlemingMatilda Eborn about 1887
FlemingPatricia born about 1934
FlemingRaymond born about 1937
FlemingSam born about 1878
FlemingWalter born about 1931
FlemingWilliam born about 1917
ForceMarion born about 1916
ForeeEffie born about 1886
ForeeLucille born about 1908
ForstJoe Gborn about 1870
ForstOpal born about 1914
ForstSarah born about 1872
FoxRoy born about 1884
FrazierCarlyle born about 1907
FrazierDenton born about 1934
FrazierDon born about 1938
FrazierE Eborn about 1865
FrazierHebere born about 1879
FrazierHugh born about 1936
FrazierLucille born about 1910
FrazierMargaret born about 1937
FrazierSue born about 1936
FredrickFloyd born about 1905
FredrickMamie born about 1873
FredrickViolet born about 1911
FreemanDonald born about 1932
FreemanHoward born about 1888
FreemanMarjorie born about 1922
FreemanMeridith born about 1918
FreemanPauline born about 1913
FreemanVada born about 1927
FreemanVinetta born about 1925
FreemanWarren born about 1924
FreemanWayne born about 1930
FridleyCora born about 1867
FriemanBernard born about 1928
FriemanCharles born about 1931
FriemanEmma born about 1927
FriemanNellie born about 1903
FriemanNobel Rborn about 1904
FriemanRussel born about 1924
FrostBill born about 1931
FrostBurley born about 1928
FrostEmma born about 1907
FrostHelen born about 1934
FrostShedvay born about 1937
FryBarbara Kayborn about 1935
FryClarice Eborn about 1910
FryCorol Jeanborn about 1931
FryLester Pborn about 1901
FryLester P Jrborn about 1939
FryMartha Jborn about 1930
FryPauline Eborn about 1933
FunkLawson M Mborn about 1873

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G Surnames

GageHazel born about 1915
GageMaurice born about 1910
GardRuby born about 1913
GarmanEdwin born about 1932
GarrettNaomi born about 1901
GatesBetty Louborn about 1928
GatesBeulah Mborn about 1930
GatesGibor Gborn about 1931
GatesHazel Dborn about 1899
GatesJesse Mborn about 1897
GatesLeta Aborn about 1898
GatesMarjorie Wborn about 1925
GatesMelvin Lborn about 1938
GatesMilo Mborn about 1935
GatesVerla Maeborn about 1925
GatesVictor Eborn about 1900
GerbertEllen born about 1900
GerbertMary born about 1878
GerbertPearl born about 1903
GerbertRobert Lborn about 1871
GiffithFrank born about 1913
GiffithRalph born about 1895
GiffordHomer Eborn about 1909
GiffordL Jborn about 1875
GiffordRoxanna born about 1914
GiffordSarah born about 1939
GiffordThelma born about 1910
GilchristLois born about 1929
GilchristRacheal born about 1896
GilchristRobert born about 1922
GilchristS Jborn about 1890
GilchristTavela Faeborn about 1924
GilesRuth born about 1920
GilletClarence Aborn about 1928
GilletEllan Kborn about 1893
GilletFrances Cborn about 1925
GilletIrene Kborn about 1922
GilletTheodore Cborn about 1876
GlasonClara born about 1901
GlasonMaggie born about 1914
GlasonRobert born about 1901
GlasscockGeorge Wborn about 1868
GlasscockStella born about 1868
GoodaleArthur born about 1889
GoodaleJeande born about 1926
GoodalePearl born about 1896
GoodanLee born about 1876
GormanAmy born about 1937
GormanDuane born about 1934
GormanFrancis born about 1911
GormanMartha born about 1939
GormanMillard born about 1902
GormanRex born about 1929
GossettEthel born about 1894
GossettPaul born about 1893
GossettPhyllis born about 1920
GrayAnna born about 1879
GrayArlie born about 1912
GrayEarnestine born about 1912
GrayLewis born about 1879
GreggEdward born about 1904
GreggFrancis born about 1908
GreggNancy Kayborn about 1935
GriffithBert born about 1882
GriffithBetty born about 1931
GriffithChas Aborn about 1874
GriffithClara born about 1865
GriffithEdith born about 1908
GriffithJ Mborn about 1856
GriffithJoe born about 1903
GriffithJoe Jr born about 1928
GriffithLena Mborn about 1890
GrumellEmma born about 1859
GugerThomas born about 1865
GuizloFerrel born about 1894
GuizloJohn born about 1925
GuizloPaul born about 1929
GusemanFlossie born about 1893
GusemanJim born about 1917
GusemanRex born about 1919
GusemenEllen born about 1868
GussSarah born about 1862
GuyerMary born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadgesElla born about 1873
HadgesWilliam Pborn about 1868
HadleyButler Dborn about 1894
HadleyCurtis born about 1921
HadleyEdith Aborn about 1890
HadleyEnos born about 1931
HadleyGerald Rborn about 1932
HadleyGloyd born about 1899
HadleyGurney Tborn about 1891
HadleyIva Dborn about 1901
HadleyLeonard born about 1903
HadleyMartha Jborn about 1924
HadleyMary born about 1903
HadleyNadine born about 1936
HadleyNorman born about 1923
HagenJesse Rborn about 1928
HagenJimmy Lborn about 1934
HagenKenneth Rborn about 1926
HagenLena Dborn about 1908
HagenRichard Jborn about 1937
HagenRoy born about 1904
HagenViolet Eborn about 1933
HagenVirgil Wborn about 1931
HalcombCherry born about 1914
HalcombMaude born about 1878
HalcombTom born about 1910
HalcombTom C Jrborn about 1936
HalcombWilliam Lborn about 1938
HaleHelen born about 1937
HaleLawrence born about 1915
HaleMarie born about 1917
HallBonita Jborn about 1905
HallDisey born about 1884
HallJune born about 1923
HallLovedrain Dborn about 1901
HallowayBarbara born about 1932
HallowayBernice born about 1902
HallowayEdwin born about 1928
HallowayFrank born about 1899
HallowayMildred born about 1933
HandyAnna born about 1859
HansonClaude born about 1907
HansonClaude Leeborn about 1938
HansonMay born about 1908
HarboughBetty born about 1920
HardestyDorothy born about 1914
HardestyEdwin born about 1909
HardestyLarry born about 1934
HardingBessie born about 1896
HarkleroadAlice born about 1928
HarkleroadAlta born about 1902
HarkleroadGlen born about 1930
HarkleroadJoseph born about 1895
HarmanWard Bborn about 1926
HarpKathleen born about 1928
HarpNorma born about 1906
HarpRobert born about 1900
HarpRobertjr born about 1925
HarperEdward born about 1898
HarperEdward born about 1939
HarperEmma born about 1901
HarrisCarol Annborn about 1939
HarrisEarnest born about 1912
HarrisMayme born about 1882
HarrisRegina born about 1910
HarrisRiley Dborn about 1877
HarrisRoy Cborn about 1907
HarrowEual born about 1904
HarrowEual Jr born about 1926
HarrowFrancis born about 1906
HarstBuddy born about 1931
HarstEffie born about 1908
HarstHarry born about 1907
HearldsonGeorge born about 1877
HearldsonMyrlte born about 1879
HechtA Hborn about 1889
HechtAlvin born about 1922
HechtBobby born about 1928
HechtClifford born about 1917
HechtHedvig born about 1890
HechtHenry born about 1880
HechtHulda born about 1892
HechtJarman born about 1916
HechtJim born about 1916
HechtJohn born about 1920
HechtLee born about 1924
HechtLulu born about 1919
HechtMaude born about 1894
HechtMyrace born about 1921
HechtRoy born about 1927
HechtRuben born about 1895
HechtScott born about 1923
HechtVictor born about 1915
HechtVictor Cborn about 1935
HeftBetty Jborn about 1927
HeftBill Aborn about 1895
HeftBobbie Wborn about 1925
HeftHelen Lborn about 1923
HeftInetta born about 1866
HeftJ Eborn about 1865
HeftJack Bborn about 1921
HeftJessie Rborn about 1895
HeikeArnold born about 1910
HeikeGordon born about 1932
HeikeMildred born about 1910
HeltonGeorge Hborn about 1877
HeltonMyrlte born about 1885
HendersonClifford born about 1917
HendersonMarrion born about 1925
HendersonMaxine born about 1920
Herd??? born about 1924
HerdAlberta Lborn about 1908
HerdB Jborn about 1893
HerdBertha born about 1890
HerdBessie born about 1896
HerdBetty born about 1921
HerdBonny Jborn about 1933
HerdClinton Hborn about 1900
HerdDewayne Lborn about 1922
HerdDicky Dborn about 1938
HerdEdwin born about 1879
HerdElsie born about 1896
HerdEugene born about 1926
HerdGeorge Rborn about 1890
HerdGeorge Rborn about 1938
HerdHarman Gborn about 1915
HerdHazel born about 1904
HerdHira Jborn about 1924
HerdHoward born about 1923
HerdJames Wborn about 1920
HerdJames Jr born about 1916
HerdJerry Mborn about 1933
HerdJerry Rborn about 1939
HerdJimmy Rborn about 1935
HerdJoanne Bborn about 1928
HerdJock Dborn about 1930
HerdJohn Bellieborn about 1927
HerdJohn Tborn about 1895
HerdLarry Gborn about 1936
HerdLemuell born about 1923
HerdLennis Eborn about 1907
HerdLeona born about 1933
HerdLetha Oborn about 1903
HerdLoren Gborn about 1905
HerdLouellen born about 1920
HerdMargarete Sborn about 1923
HerdMary Mborn about 1917
HerdMarylan born about 1936
HerdMaxine born about 1916
HerdMolly Lborn about 1931
HerdMydtle born about 1883
HerdMyron Dborn about 1927
HerdNami born about 1929
HerdVirginia born about 1921
HerdWarren Alenborn about 1939
HewattBerman born about 1893
HewattGeneva born about 1905
HewattLawrence born about 1933
HewattMary Eborn about 1938
HickmanJane born about 1885
HickmanThelma born about 1923
HightowerLuke born about 1875
HillAvis Annborn about 1934
HillCarrie Rborn about 1906
HillJesse born about 1901
HimmoBertram born about 1922
HimmoHosea born about 1901
HimmoJessie born about 1901
HimmoWayne born about 1929
HinesChester Iborn about 1889
HinesL Royborn about 1933
HinesMerl born about 1902
HinesRichard born about 1935
HitchcockFrank born about 1869
HitchcockJane born about 1864
HoffmanBryan born about 1901
HoffmanChas Wborn about 1854
HollandAda born about 1886
HollandAnna born about 1871
HollandLewis born about 1894
HolmesCarrie born about 1878
HolmesSophia born about 1855
HooferBillie born about 1928
HooferBonita born about 1933
HooferLaverne born about 1929
HooferZoe born about 1902
HowardD Eborn about 1866
HowardMary Jborn about 1866
HuchBonnie Kayborn about 1936
HuchGeorge born about 1893
HuchHelen Jborn about 1932
HuchSara Rborn about 1906
HuckDorothy born about 1929
HuckJake born about 1891
HuckNettie born about 1895
HuckelbridgeArthur born about 1871
HuckelbridgeBertha born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesFrancis Sborn about 1920
JamesMary Eborn about 1873
JamesWalter born about 1872
JaquinsGeorge Wborn about 1939
JaquinsJack born about 1908
JaquinsJaclyn born about 1936
JaquinsRuby born about 1908
JarnaginBell Gborn about 1880
JarnaginBessie born about 1907
JarnaginByron Bborn about 1928
JarnaginCongar Jborn about 1903
JarnaginEdith born about 1904
JarnaginGary born about 1938
JarnaginJeralene born about 1930
JarnaginJoyce born about 1935
JarnaginMaurice Sborn about 1934
JarnaginMelba Jborn about 1935
JarnaginNell Mborn about 1912
JarnaginNorman Dborn about 1924
JarnaginPatsy Aborn about 1932
JarnaginRay Tborn about 1909
JarnaginRichard born about 1906
JarniganHenry Tborn about 1878
JarniganRena born about 1877
JefferiesJaunita born about 1916
JellisionAnis Mborn about 1893
JellisionLela Fborn about 1922
JellisionTom Gborn about 1916
JellisionWyatt Bborn about 1891
JemmingsAlbert born about 1897
JemmingsBertha born about 1900
JenkinsAgness born about 1915
JenkinsAlice born about 1898
JenkinsBillie born about 1926
JenkinsDoris born about 1930
JenkinsElmer Eborn about 1886
JenkinsGladys born about 1923
JenkinsHelen born about 1922
JenkinsJohn born about 1925
JenkinsMaxine born about 1923
JenkinsMelvele born about 1920
JenkinsMinmie born about 1899
JenkinsShirley born about 1887
JohnstonCharlotte born about 1923
JohnstonMarie born about 1892
JohnstonWalter born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeaslingDale born about 1904
KeaslingDonald born about 1935
KeaslingDonna born about 1935
KeaslingIrene born about 1904
KeaslingJames born about 1929
KeaslingJoyce born about 1933
KeleyHoward born about 1920
KelleyLeona born about 1926
KelleyLester born about 1921
KelleyLula born about 1928
KelleyMary born about 1888
KelleyRobert born about 1932
KelloggEdna born about 1918
KelloggMary Lborn about 1937
KerstetterBlanche Eborn about 1916
KerstetterBoy Eborn about 1911
KerstetterDonald Eborn about 1938
KerstetterEd Wborn about 1880
KerstetterMinnie Mborn about 1878
KerstetterRex Dborn about 1939
KettelBarbara born about 1937
KettelDonald born about 1934
KettelJohn born about 1910
KettelThelma born about 1915
KimpleFrank Aborn about 1871
KimpleGenevieve born about 1911
KimpleHarry born about 1884
KimpleKate born about 1865
KimpleMary Mborn about 1920
KinerJohn born about 1862
KinerMelissa born about 1864
KingAlmada born about 1870
KingDarline born about 1931
KingHelen born about 1902
KingN Dborn about 1893
KingNeva born about 1924
KingRichard born about 1933
KirkAnna born about 1866
KirkCarrie born about 1865
KirkRobert born about 1861
KlenisnuthElla born about 1934
KlenisnuthFred born about 1906
KlenisnuthMyrtle born about 1913
KlingensmithBessie Aborn about 1908
KlingensmithHarry Vborn about 1882
KlingensmithMildred Rborn about 1932
KlingensmithShirley Aborn about 1936
KlingensmithSyble Rborn about 1928
KlingensmithWalter Jborn about 1930
KopkeAda born about 1925
KopkeCharles born about 1923
KopkeEarl born about 1930
KopkeHerbert Hborn about 1889
KopkeJennie born about 1895
KorffNettie born about 1872
KorffRobert Cborn about 1876
KreeseCalla Lborn about 1897
KreeseCarl Eborn about 1925
KreeseDorothy Mborn about 1937
KreeseIvan Rborn about 1927
KreeseMelvin Rborn about 1922
KreeseOpel Iborn about 1928
KreeseRobert Rborn about 1892
KreeseVerna Mborn about 1929
KroppEvan Mborn about 1896
KroppHarvey Hborn about 1889
KroppMarla Hborn about 1922
KroppPaul Vborn about 1924
KroppRuth Vborn about 1919
KroppWayne Tborn about 1930
KurzJacob born about 1863
KurzRosa born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertVesta born about 1919
LandAllen born about 1912
LandAllen Jr born about 1935
LandDorothy born about 1905
LandIrene born about 1931
LandJames born about 1902
LandJohnnie born about 1938
LandMargaret born about 1930
LandMyrtle Cleoborn about 1916
LandersBlanche born about 1889
LandersO Dborn about 1885
LarkinHarold born about 1939
LarkinMelba born about 1938
LarkinMelvin born about 1916
LarkinMildred born about 1920
LarkinWilma born about 1939
LeeNorman born about 1910
LeeVerna born about 1921
LeesHazel Iborn about 1892
LeesPatricia born about 1930
LeesRobert Lborn about 1892
LeesRobert T Jrborn about 1925
LeesRodney born about 1928
LeesTheron Rborn about 1930
LemkeyHarry Jborn about 1909
LeonardMary born about 1875
LewisJack born about 1926
LewisJim born about 1936
LewisPatricia born about 1928
LewisWilma born about 1905
LiggettHarry born about 1897
LiggettMargaret born about 1912
LindsayCecil Cborn about 1921
LindsayEffie Mborn about 1883
LindsayFrank Bborn about 1906
LindsayGay Hborn about 1910
LindsayJim Hborn about 1877
LindsayJimmy Bborn about 1931
LindsayMary Hborn about 1908
LindsayMary Lborn about 1878
LindsayMaxine Aborn about 1932
LindsayTom Gborn about 1882
LittrellAuthur Pborn about 1917
LittrellCharlotte Cborn about 1936
LittrellDorothy Dborn about 1918
LittrellJanice Lborn about 1938
LittrellRuth born about 1940
LockasAnna born about 1907
LockasBobby born about 1933
LockasCora born about 1930
LockasHarry born about 1892
LohrdingCurtis Eborn about 1933
LohrdingDona Fborn about 1932
LohrdingEsther Rborn about 1936
LohrdingKathryn Mborn about 1934
LohrdingLaura Hborn about 1909
LohrdingRaymond Jborn about 1905
LouschCarol Mborn about 1938
LouschGeneva born about 1908
LouschJohn Cborn about 1908
LouschLoma Gborn about 1933
LouschRichard Wborn about 1935
LouschRoger Jborn about 1939
LouschRonald Iborn about 1929
LoweJohn Jr born about 1890
LoweWalter born about 1880
LyonsGardiner born about 1890
LyonsLillian born about 1890
LytleAmy born about 1892
LytleLowell born about 1915
LytleThelma born about 1919
LytleVirginia born about 1925
LytleWilber born about 1920
LytleWilliam born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MahanChester born about 1898
MahanHelen born about 1902
MahanThomas born about 1928
MangelsIrvan Rborn about 1890
MangelsMezetta Mborn about 1927
MangelsOliver Wborn about 1923
MangelsRuby Gborn about 1889
MarkDale Rborn about 1901
MarkGlenn Jborn about 1928
MarkPatricia Daleborn about 1937
MarkR Woodsborn about 1923
MarkRuth Eborn about 1901
MarleyCecil Iborn about 1916
MarleyClyde Tborn about 1912
MarleyEmma Cborn about 1886
MarleyGeraldine born about 1932
MarleyHarvey Rborn about 1882
MarleyStanley Kborn about 1940
MarleyTheresa Wborn about 1918
MarleyWilhelmina born about 1909
MathiasW Mborn about 1871
McCauleyClarence Fborn about 1879
McCauleyMartha Fborn about 1884
McCayCarrie Mborn about 1875
McCayEffie born about 1903
McCayJames Sr born about 1856
McCollumAlberta born about 1880
McCollumGeorge born about 1883
McDonaldBeulah born about 1887
McDonaldFred born about 1890
McDonaldGeo born about 1876
McDonaldMay born about 1879
McDowellBobby Deanborn about 1937
McDowellEva Louborn about 1935
McDowellLee born about 1913
McDowellNorma Jenaborn about 1937
McIutgieClyde born about 1939
McIutgieEvelyn born about 1917
McIutgieRay Wborn about 1897
McIutireMaurice born about 1909
McIutireMax Lborn about 1939
McIutireThelma born about 1909
McKinnyFloy born about 1918
McLaughlinBruce born about 1893
McLaughlinDarlene born about 1931
McLaughlinMaxine born about 1920
McLaughlinNora born about 1894
McLaughlinThorene born about 1923
McLaughlinWayne born about 1928
McLaughlinWilma born about 1922
McMillanBowers born about 1914
McMillanGarth born about 1881
McMillanJoe born about 1918
McMillanMay born about 1882
McMillinAlice born about 1909
McMillinDonald born about 1930
McMillinFrank born about 1905
McMillinKathleen born about 1934
McMillinKermit born about 1938
McNeilFredrick born about 1932
McNeilGeorge born about 1907
McNeilGeorge Jr born about 1928
McNeilGeorgena born about 1908
McNeilJessie Annborn about 1927
McNeilPatricia born about 1930
McQutireHerman born about 1909
McQutireMyrtle born about 1910
McQutireOlive born about 1920
McQutireVirgil born about 1920
MeadowsAnna born about 1897
MeadowsEugene born about 1921
MeadowsKenneth born about 1923
MeadowsMyrel born about 1929
MeliaDoris born about 1910
MeliaGerald born about 1938
MeliaLeory born about 1908
MeliaShirley born about 1934
MetzgerAugust born about 1865
MetzgerAugust Jr born about 1915
MetzgerCarl born about 1935
MetzgerDarwyn born about 1937
MetzgerDorothy born about 1908
MetzgerElmer born about 1905
MetzgerElmer born about 1935
MetzgerFrank born about 1918
MetzgerLucy born about 1862
MetzkerFrancis born about 1888
MetzkerWilliam born about 1874
MichaelsonArvilla Mborn about 1917
MichaelsonHarold Eborn about 1911
MichaelsonHarold Jr Fborn about 1939
MilhonBill born about 1937
MilhonCecil born about 1917
MilhonMarjorie born about 1936
MilhonMary born about 1919
MillsDoma Oliveborn about 1939
MillsLattie born about 1918
MillsLeslie born about 1911
MisenhelterCelesta born about 1919
MisenhelterClara born about 1901
MisenhelterDessie born about 1901
MisenhelterWinifield born about 1887
MoberlyHenry Gborn about 1865
MoberlyIva Lborn about 1871
MooreFayette born about 1918
MooreMel Jr born about 1919
MoorehouseLewis born about 1907
MoorehouseMary born about 1908
MorrisAubry born about 1893
MorrisHazel born about 1897
MorrisMadeline born about 1917
MorrisNola born about 1924
MortonIda Mborn about 1886
MortonJerldine born about 1923
MortonNadine born about 1925
MortonWarren Pborn about 1875
MuhlenbruchJanneta born about 1916
MurphyAugust born about
MurphyEileen born about 1931
MurphyH Lborn about 1904
MurphyHazel born about 1906
MurphyKate born about 1896
MurphyLewis born about 1932
MurphyPatsy born about 1931
MurrayAgness born about 1900
MurrayAgness Annborn about 1930
MurrayDan born about 1928
MurrayEarnest Rborn about 1919
MurrayJames born about 1890
MurrayMarry Eborn about 1896
MurrayWilliam Oborn about 1892
MurrayWilliam Jr born about 1926
MurryAlma born about 1906
MurryBetty Jeanborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewtonCarol Annborn about 1939
NewtonCecil born about 1921
NewtonEmery born about 1898
NewtonHarold born about 1915
NewtonMajorie born about 1917
NicholasAlmond born about 1905
NicholasCharles born about 1933
NicholasDonald born about 1921
NicholasLillie born about 1879
NicholasMarie born about 1907
NicholasRobert born about 1926
NicholasWalter Gborn about 1873
NielsonAnna born about 1904
NielsonCharles born about 1905
NielsonLars born about 1861
NielsonLester born about 1908
NokesGail born about 1935
NokesIcle born about 1908
NokesMartha born about 1879
NokesMilton born about 1903
NokesRussell born about 1933
NoonkesterClarence born about 1916
NoonkesterEarnest born about 1938
NoonkesterLoma born about 1940
NoonkesterRuth born about 1922
NunnemacherEula born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObanionCharles born about 1868
OllerClarence born about 1918
OrrE Lborn about 1901
OrrKate born about 1900
OrrWanda Louborn about 1930
OrrWilana born about 1926
OsbournEva born about 1880
OsbournOwen born about 1877
OsmanSarah born about 1872
OverstreetLulo born about 1875
OverstreetS Eborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalteroJoan born about 1930
PalteroL Hborn about 1900
PalteroRobert born about 1924
PalteroViola born about 1899
PapperdBessie born about 1896
PapperdDonald born about 1927
PapperdRoger born about 1922
PapperdVernon born about 1895
ParcelClair Kborn about 1922
ParcelDonald Dborn about 1937
ParcelLouise born about 1924
ParcelLucy Mborn about 1897
ParcelMelvin Cborn about 1890
ParcelRaymond Eborn about 1894
ParcelWinfred Eborn about 1895
ParsonAusta Lborn about 1877
ParsonStella born about 1888
ParsonWilliam born about 1914
PearsonWilber Bborn about 1889
PepperdJay born about 1912
PepperdOleta born about 1913
PhebusEyman born about 1877
PhebusFlora born about 1877
PhebusRobet born about 1918
PoerEileen born about 1927
PoerJames born about 1931
PoerLeta born about 1895
PoerMargaret born about 1923
PoerOwen Mborn about 1898
PoerThomas born about 1925
PoundsByron born about 1939
PoundsChrista born about 1898
PoundsClara born about 1874
PoundsE Eborn about 1875
PoundsIvor born about 1906
PoundsIvor Jr born about 1927
PoundsJay born about 1899
PoundsMable Vborn about 1910
PoundsNadine born about 1933
PowellAnna born about 1881
PriceAmy born about 1875
PriceRice born about 1869
PurcellAnnie born about 1885
PurcellArla born about 1920
PurcellBen Rborn about 1906
PurcellEllen born about 1937
PurcellGeneva born about 1907
PurcellHelen born about 1933
PurcellMort born about 1875
PurcellRalph born about 1935
PurcellRay born about 1931
PurcellRoy born about 1929
PuringtonAnna born about 1889
PuringtonHazel born about
PuringtonPark born about 1925
PuringtonZelma Deeborn about 1928
PyeattBill Russellborn about 1931
PyeattElsie Leeborn about 1927
PyeattMay Juneborn about 1938
PyeattMyrtle Mborn about 1908
PyeattRex Jamesborn about 1929
PyeattWilliam Eborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaehrH Eborn about 1877
RamseyPearl born about 1887
RathbunAneta Juneborn about 1936
RathbunCarl born about 1909
RathbunEdward born about 1888
RathbunEthel born about 1888
ReasonH Eborn about 1898
ReasonJealdine born about 1928
ReasonKenneth born about 1924
ReasonWanda born about 1926
ReissJacob Jr born about 1874
ReplogleFrancis born about 1912
ReplogleH Aborn about 1873
ReplogleMary born about 1880
ReplogleMax born about 1917
RessellFrocter born about 1894
RessellMary born about 1901
RichAnidia Jborn about 1916
RichBillie Jborn about 1939
RichCharlotte born about 1899
RichDick Hborn about 1867
RichHorace born about 1897
RichLloyd Jborn about 1913
RichMargaret Joeborn about 1921
RichMyrel Jborn about 1935
RichZoe born about 1867
RicharsonMadelene born about 1922
RidgeClara born about 1880
RinerBill Wborn about 1889
RinerBillie Jborn about 1929
RinerGeorge Tborn about 1921
RinerGladys Mborn about 1926
RinerIda Mborn about 1923
RinerNevan Nborn about 1915
RinerRichard Sborn about 1935
RinerRuby Lborn about 1889
RinerTeddy Rborn about 1927
RinerVelorius born about 1924
RingFrances born about 1934
RingHelen Mborn about 1916
RingLavren Dborn about 1905
RobbinsAlice Mborn about 1930
RobbinsAnita born about 1934
RobbinsBollie Aborn about 1903
RobbinsCarl Eborn about 1926
RobbinsEphraim born about 1902
RobbinsErnest Rborn about 1918
RobbinsFlorine born about 1892
RobbinsFred born about 1891
RobbinsGeneva born about 1906
RobbinsHela Wborn about 1922
RobbinsLawrence born about 1911
RobbinsLawrence Jr born about 1937
RobbinsMyrtle born about 1875
RobbinsWilliam born about 1862
RobbinsonBill Wborn about 1923
RobbinsonCatherine born about 1887
RobbinsonGeo Wborn about 1884
RobertsGeneva born about 1896
RobertsW Lborn about 1872
RobertsWilma Jeanborn about 1926
RobinsonCarl Jborn about 1924
RobinsonDon born about 1916
RobinsonFrances Mborn about 1928
RobinsonMable born about 1890
RobinsonTom Bborn about 1887
RoehrAlfred born about 1909
RoehrBetty born about 1930
RoehrBeverly born about 1933
RoehrMary born about 1937
RoehrNellie born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SailorHelen born about 1921
SailorLewis born about 1877
SailorMaude born about 1878
SandburgHoward born about 1916
SandburgRuth born about 1915
SandersArthur born about 1886
SandersBill born about 1914
SandersDaniel born about 1920
SandersGrace born about 1893
SandersRobert born about 1926
SandersSusie born about 1917
SandersWalter born about 1922
SandersWilma born about 1939
SattlerDonald born about 1924
SattlerJack born about 1926
SattlerJennie born about 1904
SattlerJohn Jr born about 1902
SchenkEunice born about 1907
SchenkFred Jborn about 1864
SchenkFredrick born about 1929
SchenkJohn born about 1902
SchenkMary Sborn about 1863
SchenkRex Wayneborn about 1935
Scholle??? born about 1936
ScholleAnna Bborn about 1904
ScholleBertha born about 1931
ScholleEd born about 1902
ScholleFrank born about 1933
ScholleFred Hborn about 1899
ScholleGeorge born about 1904
ScholleJ Pborn about 1924
ScholleNorma Gborn about 1926
SchollePatsy born about 1936
ScholleRuth born about 1909
ScholleShirley Annborn about 1939
ScholleViolet Mborn about 1906
SchoolsDave Jborn about 1897
SchoolsDorothy Mborn about 1927
SchoolsIvan Gborn about 1937
SchoolsJame Dborn about 1933
SchoolsMary Lborn about 1930
SchoolsVelma born about 1902
SchrackEdward born about 1908
SchrackJanet Kayborn about 1940
SchrackLyla born about 1910
SchraderCora born about 1882
SchrockMildred born about 1898
SchroderFred born about 1867
SchulzEdith born about 1905
SchulzHerman born about 1903
SchumacherCarrie born about 1907
SchumacherRoy Aborn about 1904
ScottAlbert Eborn about 1905
SeelyAgnes Kborn about 1908
SeelyArline Aborn about 1936
SeelyJames Rborn about 1939
SeidelAlbert born about 1918
SeidelThela born about 1922
SerutonMaragaret Hborn about 1861
SevarnerAlva born about 1899
SevarnerAlva Jborn about 1922
SevarnerLaurie Kborn about 1937
SevarnerThelma born about 1902
SeyfritArthur born about 1924
SeyfritDoris born about 1926
SeyfritGladys born about 1896
SeyfritHarold born about 1928
SeyfritKarl born about 1926
SeyfritLouis born about 1891
SeyfritMajorie born about 1922
SeyfritMargaret born about 1901
SeyfritMorene born about 1930
SeyfritValentine born about 1897
ShelleyMaude Lborn about 1880
ShelleyRobert A Jborn about 1875
ShermanBarbara Iborn about 1939
ShermanChester Lborn about 1925
ShermanClaude Rborn about 1923
ShermanClayton Dborn about 1925
ShermanElizabeth born about 1917
ShermanJoan born about 1927
ShermanJune Eborn about 1927
ShermanNorman Dborn about 1932
ShermanOtto Rborn about 1899
ShimerB Cborn about 1872
ShimerJohn born about 1877
ShimerMartha born about 1884
ShippClarence born about 1900
ShippLelah born about 1914
ShiremanDonald Dborn about 1907
ShiremanThelma Mborn about 1908
ShoyLeander born about 1854
ShultzAlice born about 1879
ShultzBetty born about 1921
ShultzJohn born about 1878
ShultzRaymond born about 1919
SimsAlice born about 1892
SimsClaude born about 1890
SimsEric born about 1914
SinkleWilliam Hborn about 1855
SixAndy Jborn about 1892
SixAnna born about 1862
SixEarl born about 1914
SixFaye born about 1919
SixMarie born about 1926
SixMina born about 1896
SmailJ Eborn about 1876
SmalleyMyrtle born about 1880
SmithAlta born about 1917
SmithBonnie Mborn about 1937
SmithCarl born about 1928
SmithClarence Cborn about 1924
SmithClifford Cborn about 1897
SmithDarrell born about 1916
SmithEdith born about 1919
SmithEmma born about 1884
SmithForest born about 1926
SmithFreeman Bborn about 1914
SmithJewel born about 1908
SmithJohn Kborn about 1922
SmithLeon born about 1939
SmithMarianne born about 1935
SmithOpal born about 1901
SmithTheodore born about 1921
SmithWinifred born about 1912
SmithWinifred Lborn about 1886
SmithZoe born about 1924
SooterBetty born about 1924
SooterBlanche born about 1898
SooterDorothy born about 1933
SooterEarl born about 1894
SooterEarl Jr born about 1918
SooterGeorge born about 1922
SooterHeneretta born about 1917
SooterJ Dborn about 1935
SooterJack born about 1928
SooterJessie born about 1901
SooterLoretta born about 1938
SooterRay born about 1897
SooterW Dborn about 1915
SooterWanda born about 1930
SooterWeltha born about 1926
SouthW Jborn about 1872
SparksAndrew born about 1875
StahlBillie born about 1940
StahlBobby born about 1934
StahlFrank born about 1911
StahlLena born about 1915
StahlMaude born about 1881
StarkDonita born about 1921
StarkVictor born about 1920
SteadmanBarbara born about 1938
SteadmanDora born about 1899
SteadmanLevi Fborn about 1904
SteadmanPhyllis born about 1926
StellDorothy born about 1919
StellEd born about 1911
StephensGrant born about
StephensHelen born about 1901
StevensonBert born about 1886
StevensonMattie born about 1884
StewartGeorge born about 1877
StewartJane born about 1920
StewartMary Leeborn about 1923
StewartRuth born about 1895
StokerEula born about 1912
StokerGeraldine born about 1928
StokerSidney born about 1904
SunderlandMaude born about 1882
SundgrenEvah Lborn about 1915
SundgrenFlossie born about 1921
SundgrenGeorge born about 1917
SundgrenPaul Aborn about 1909
SundgrenRosalie born about 1914
SwanerMollie born about 1868
SwarnerAgnes born about 1902
SwarnerVertis Jborn about 1902
SwarnerWinona Maeborn about 1927
SwisherJames born about 1934
SwisherJohn born about 1939
SwisherMarie born about 1909
SwisherMartin born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarrFrank Cborn about 1923
TarrMabel Mborn about 1900
TarrOliver Sborn about 1900
TarrVirginia Mborn about 1927
TaylorBetty Janeborn about 1932
TaylorBillie born about 1897
TaylorGordon born about 1915
TaylorJerry born about 1935
TaylorJuanita born about 1906
TaylorMarie born about 1879
TaylorMarie born about 1907
TaylorMary born about 1880
TaylorMax born about 1939
TaylorMelvin born about 1906
TaylorMerlin born about 1908
TaylorOscar born about 1881
TaylorSpencer born about 1901
TaylorZillie Lauborn about 1930
TerrilEllen born about 1936
TerrilMamie born about 1905
ThomasAlberta Mborn about 1914
ThomasCecil Rborn about 1908
ThomasCecil R Jrborn about 1935
ThomasDorothy Lborn about 1933
ThomasEarl Cborn about 1930
ThomasEunice Lborn about 1918
ThomasForrest Hborn about 1917
ThomasFrances Lborn about 1911
ThomasGerald Lborn about 1937
ThomasGeraldine Lborn about 1937
ThomasHarley Aborn about 1915
ThomasLarry Lborn about 1937
ThomasMarry Eborn about 1876
ThomasNyline Tborn about 1936
ThomasRichard Fborn about 1877
ThompsonAnna born about 1887
ThompsonElinor born about 1921
ThompsonElvin born about 1934
ThompsonErle Aborn about 1881
ThompsonGeorge born about 1895
ThompsonGeorge Aliceborn about 1860
ThompsonHarold Lborn about 1893
ThompsonHarry born about 1918
ThompsonHarve Wborn about 1882
ThompsonHebert Hborn about 1918
ThompsonHelen born about 1894
ThompsonIrene born about 1907
ThompsonJames born about 1925
ThompsonJoan born about 1930
ThompsonMary Vborn about 1892
ThompsonNorene born about 1932
ThompsonNorvella born about 1919
ThompsonPatty born about 1932
ThompsonRoland Bborn about 1890
ThompsonShirley born about 1926
ThompsonVictor Jborn about 1930
ThorntonEmma born about 1864
TimmonsCharles Eborn about 1926
TimmonsLeonard born about 1895
TimmonsMable Bborn about 1897
TimmonsMarjorie Eborn about 1933
ToddEmma Hborn about 1857
TomlinDixie Roseborn about 1939
TomlinPaul Eborn about 1915
TomlinRosebell born about 1915
TomlinTex Renaborn about 1940
TomlinThomas Rborn about 1937
TowlesMamie born about 1889
TuckerBonnie Kayborn about 1936
TuckerChristina born about 1916
TuckerEva born about 1890
TuckerKeith born about 1912
TuckerMonroe born about 1891

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U Surnames

UsselmanElida born about 1911
UsselmanGeorge born about 1939
UsselmanIva Leeborn about 1938
UsselmanL Wborn about 1865
UsselmanRoy born about 1891
UsselmanSarah born about 1864
UtzEdward born about 1905
UtzRuth born about 1907

V Surnames

VanceBonnie Jborn about 1931
VanceCoy Cborn about 1890
VanceJack Dborn about 1922
VanceJerry Wborn about 1939
VanceJimmie born about 1935
VanceJoan born about 1929
VanceNora Eborn about 1898
VanceVirginia born about 1925
VaniceMargaret born about 1914
VeatchHarold born about 1924
VeatchTomey born about 1931
VeatchVivian born about 1926
VermillionBetty Joeborn about 1927
VermillionMelba born about 1909
VermillionOrland born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallAlbert born about 1905
WallHarry born about 1912
WallNellie born about 1878
WallaceAnna born about 1883
WallaceBobby born about 1926
WallaceBonnie Iborn about 1937
WallaceDelbert born about 1937
WallaceDonald born about 1939
WallaceGregg born about 1917
WallaceJohn born about 1923
WallaceKathryn born about 1915
WallaceLe Roy Mborn about 1938
WallaceMarion Lborn about 1915
WallaceMildred born about 1922
WallacePauline Aborn about 1918
WallaceVernon born about 1908
WallerHeny born about 1895
WallerLarry born about 1934
WallerLloyd born about 1923
WallerMabel born about 1899
WantlandArmine born about 1914
WantlandCheyl Raeborn about 1937
WantlandSpurgeon born about 1909
WardBillie Gborn about 1935
WardElsie Mborn about 1923
WardFloyd Jborn about 1915
WardLand Aborn about 1916
WardMargaret born about 1874
WardMildred Lborn about 1940
WardPearl Aborn about 1919
WarrenBuck born about 1906
WatsonHarry Eborn about 1929
WatsonHarry Fborn about 1891
WatsonHazel born about 1903
WattsJames born about 1896
WattsMina born about 1876
WaughElizabeth born about 1902
WaughLovella born about 1867
WebberCarl born about 1936
WebberDean born about 1930
WebberDon born about 1926
WebberEddie born about 1895
WebberElmer born about 1916
WebberNeva born about 1931
WebberOpal born about 1924
WebberSelma born about 1895
WebberWayne born about 1934
WeberAlan born about 1939
WeberCharles born about 1937
WeberFrank born about 1911
WeberLaurine born about 1918
WebsterIsaac Lborn about 1882
WegandMyrtle born about 1882
WegandWilliam born about 1865
WellsRaymond born about 1919
WhelpleyClarence Aborn about 1893
WhelpleyDonald Eborn about 1931
WhelpleyElsie born about 1905
WhelpleyRobert Eborn about 1927
WhilAuthor Mborn about 1894
WhilCarie Iborn about 1903
WhilConnie Maeborn about 1929
WhilGase Mborn about 1929
WhiteA Aborn about 1867
WhiteAlice born about 1876
WhiteAnita Mborn about 1939
WhiteAnn born about 1932
WhiteAnna Vborn about 1890
WhiteArthur Jborn about 1889
WhiteBetty born about 1922
WhiteBob born about 1927
WhiteCatharine born about 1929
WhiteDonald born about 1919
WhiteDoris Pborn about 1916
WhiteEthyl Aborn about 1904
WhiteHarry born about 1893
WhiteHester born about 1905
WhiteJack born about 1920
WhiteJimmy born about 1934
WhiteJohn Tborn about 1915
WhiteMae born about 1867
WhiteNeda Bborn about 1928
WhiteNeta Jborn about 1934
WhiteOmer born about 1902
WhiteOrvill Lborn about 1900
WhitePhyllis Iborn about 1922
WhiteRonald Aborn about 1938
WhiteRuby Fborn about 1901
WhiteRuth born about 1900
WhiteVeneda born about 1921
WhiteWallace Mborn about 1914
WhiteWayne born about 1925
WhitmoreNaomi born about 1910
WhitzelBobby born about 1930
WhitzelL Gborn about 1904
WhitzelMildred born about 1910
WhitzelSherrell born about 1938
WiemertEd born about 1872
WiemertKate born about 1878
WilkersonElsie born about 1883
WilkersonHarry born about 1883
WilkersonJack born about 1906
WilkersonLeola born about 1911
WilkinsLeo born about 1910
WilkinsVera born about 1918
WillardEugene born about 1885
WillardMabel born about 1885
WillardThomas born about 1918
WillardVictor born about 1920
WilliamsDave born about 1908
WilliamsDonald born about 1939
WilliamsDussie born about 1868
WilliamsGeorge born about 1880
WilliamsJim Cborn about 1872
WilliamsLiberty Bborn about 1905
WilliamsLucy born about 1916
WilliamsRuth born about 1908
WilliamsWilliam born about 1893
WilsonLaura Mborn about 1869
WilsonMark Hborn about 1864
WimmerHarold born about 1917
WimmerRuth born about 1917
WincklerEtta born about 1864
WincklerFred born about 1892
WittersJane born about 1855
WoodBasil Sborn about 1901
WoodBobby born about 1927
WoodDonald born about 1921
WoodDouglas born about 1939
WoodForest Leeborn about 1929
WoodGladys born about 1906
WoodLeona born about 1897
WoodRosann born about 1935
WoodShirley born about 1932
WrightBeatrice born about 1921
WrightBetty born about 1940
WrightLeslie born about 1919
WrightLillian born about 1920
WrightRaymond born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesSam born about 1869
YoungBen born about 1928
YoungBert born about 1900
YoungBobby born about 1931
YoungEdna born about 1905
YoungGlenda born about 1935
YoungInez born about 1938
YoungJack born about 1931
YoungLeona born about 1926
YoungLucille born about 1915
YoungLucy born about 1874
YounkerDennie born about 1868
YounkerJake born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZerbyJohn Hborn about 1862
ZerbyMartha Wborn about 1894
ZerbyMartin Lborn about 1889
ZimmermanErvin born about 1921
ZimmermanFred born about 1878
ZimmermanLeona born about 1900

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