1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairmount in Butler County, Butler, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Butler County > 1940 Census of Fairmount in Butler County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesQ Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AndresAgatha Cborn about 1895
AndresAnna Mborn about 1891
AndresEdwin Hborn about 1926
AndresIrvin Vborn about 1929
AndresJohn Gborn about 1893
AndresMatilda Mborn about 1897
AndresRonald Jborn about 1924
AndresThema Aborn about 1934
AndroesBettie Jborn about 1928
AndroesDorothy Aborn about 1929
AndroesLeslie Eborn about 1924
AndroesMargrete born about 1898
AndroesMary Lborn about 1938
AndroesMelva Kborn about 1935
AndroesPaul Pborn about 1926
AndroesPeter Pborn about 1894
AndroesWilliard Pborn about 1934

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B Surnames

BakerHugh Cborn about 1921
BakerNatalie Aborn about 1930
BakerNelle born about 1900
BakerRobert Eborn about 1923
BakerTom Tborn about 1887
BandeyLous Dborn about 1891
BarkerErnst Gborn about 1910
BarkerJoan born about 1936
BarkerLeroy born about 1939
BarkerSarrah Lborn about 1915
BaumgartnerBessie born about 1890
BaumgartnerHarry Eborn about 1887
BaumgartnerLewis born about 1920
BergAnnie born about 1882
BergCatherine born about 1903
BergJacob born about 1880
BergJohn Jborn about 1905
BergLouise born about 1907
BerganHarry Bborn about 1865
BerganJusting born about 1871
BergenElizabeth W Oborn about 1897
BergenJohn Kborn about 1931
BergenJohn Wborn about 1890
BergenLary Jborn about 1886
BergenLester Dborn about 1933
BergenNorma Eborn about 1929
BergenWilhima Eborn about 1926
BishopMonroe Mborn about 1863
BoydHelen Cborn about 1915
BusenitzArthur born about 1928
BusenitzBernhardt born about 1917
BusenitzDorothy Eborn about 1940
BusenitzEdgar Wborn about 1912
BusenitzElma Eborn about 1918
BusenitzEugene Mborn about 1939
BusenitzJohn Aborn about 1874
BusenitzJustina born about 1886

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C Surnames

ClaasornMartin born about 1861
ClaassenEdith Eborn about 1924
ClaassenErnst Gborn about 1896
ClaassenJustine born about 1899
ClaassenMarian Hborn about 1931
ClaassenVernon Hborn about 1926
CosandNelle Bborn about 1891

D Surnames

DeanAlbert Jborn about 1885
DeanAnnie born about 1879
DeanBernedise Mborn about 1929
DeanKenneth Fborn about 1916
DeckerDennis Wborn about 1939
DeckerGalen Lborn about 1933
DeckerMargarete born about 1913
DeckerOrville Wborn about 1909
DieckAbraham Jborn about 1919
DieckCarl Hborn about 1923
DieckElsie Lborn about 1929
DieckHelene Jborn about 1897
DieckHelene Mborn about 1925
DieckJacob born about 1885
DieckMargerite Rborn about 1931
DumAlbert Jborn about 1928
DumElizabeth Lborn about 1923
DumMay Iborn about 1891
DumVerna Eborn about 1926
DyckAgnes Eborn about 1895
DyckAlbert Jborn about 1915
DyckAnnie born about 1884
DyckBruno Gborn about 1918
DyckDorothea born about 1914
DyckElisebeth Eborn about 1898
DyckElmer Pborn about 1916
DyckEmile born about 1891
DyckFrank born about 1886
DyckFreida born about 1895
DyckGustav Hborn about 1891
DyckHellen Rborn about 1920
DyckHenry Jborn about 1881
DyckHerman born about 1883
DyckHerman Jborn about 1901
DyckIrma Bborn about 1928
DyckJohn born about 1880
DyckJohn Hborn about 1913
DyckJohn Wborn about 1918
DyckKatie born about 1882
DyckLula Aborn about 1919
DyckMarian born about 1915
DyckMarie Wborn about 1863
DyckMartha born about 1893
DyckMarvin Gborn about 1922
DyckNorman Pborn about 1928
DyckRalph Cborn about 1921
DyckThedore Eborn about 1924
DyckVirgina born about 1939
DyckWillis Aborn about 1937

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E Surnames

EilertJohn Wborn about 1862
EilertLeroy Jborn about 1912
EilertSadie Sborn about 1871
EllabelleTaylor born about 1918
EllabelleWinona Mborn about 1915
EndresEdward Fborn about 1912
EntzAlbert Aborn about 1914
EntzFredia Eborn about 1914
EppFrank Mborn about 1918
EppGladdis born about 1918
EppJaen born about 1912
EppJohn Nborn about 1915
EppJon Gborn about 1936
EppPeter Wborn about 1907
EppVerna born about 1918
EsauClarie Cborn about 1894
EsauEdward born about 1888
EsauElbert Eborn about 1926
EsauHarrold Jborn about 1917
EsauPaul Gborn about 1928
EsauVictor Jborn about 1920
EwertHenry Aborn about 1880
EwertHerman Eborn about 1884
EwertIrvin born about 1919
EwertLindy born about 1921
EwertMargrate born about 1885
EwertSusie born about 1884

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F Surnames

FastBertha born about 1889
FastHenry Gborn about 1877
FastMarie Eborn about 1917
FastMartha Gborn about 1921
FielderBertha born about 1887
FielderErnst Jborn about 1891
FielderRoy Eborn about 1919
FisherAlfred Wborn about 1903
FisherDarrell Dborn about 1939
FisherElsie Hborn about 1900
FisherMary Aborn about 1869
FisherRuth Eborn about 1912
FordKeith Vborn about 1930
FordKenneth Lborn about 1927
FrerkingAnita Rborn about 1929
FrerkingDonna Mborn about 1932
FrerkingHarrold Jborn about 1937
FrerkingHarrold Tborn about 1903
FrerkingMary Aborn about 1907

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G Surnames

GaizerKatherine born about 1909
GaizerMurell born about 1936
GaizerVernon Jborn about 1909
GronawAgnes Mborn about 1933
GronawAnnie Tborn about 1913
GronawDorthy Mborn about 1912
GronawFrank born about 1873
GronawHenry Aborn about 1905
GronawHenry A Jrborn about 1935
GronawJohn Jborn about 1903
GronawRosie born about 1879

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H Surnames

HalcombDorothy Gborn about 1911
HalcombThomas Mborn about 1934
HalcombWill born about 1905
HamiltonEarl born about 1881
HamiltonPearl born about 1881
HarderAnna born about 1863
HarderEmma born about 1889
HarmsAlbert born about 1899
HarmsEmma born about 1901
HarmsHenry Cborn about 1873
HarmsPeter born about 1870
HarmsWillis Rborn about 1923
HeathSarrah born about 1885
HinzCarrey Lborn about 1939
HinzEdward Wborn about 1881
HinzGlenn Aborn about 1936
HinzGlenn Eborn about 1906
HinzMildred born about 1911
HinzMondo Wborn about 1908
HinzNellie born about 1887
HinzViola Mborn about 1912
HinzWyane Eborn about 1938
HoehnArthur born about 1913
HoehnEdrie Lborn about 1937
HoehnLena born about 1915
HoehnMyron Dborn about 1939
HoehnWaldon Gborn about 1938
HostetterArt Dborn about 1887
HostetterEmerson Nborn about 1885

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J Surnames

JanzenAgatha Mborn about 1875
JanzenDoris Hborn about 1940
JanzenEdna Mborn about 1939
JanzenElla Eborn about 1915
JanzenHelene Aborn about 1899
JanzenHerman Jborn about 1934
JanzenJohn Pborn about 1901
JongenCharls Wborn about 1921
JongenEster Mborn about 1914
JongenLawrence Jborn about 1918
JongenMetta Eborn about 1893
JongenWilliam Cborn about 1887

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K Surnames

KaftonAlta Hborn about 1917
KaftonJulia Aborn about 1940
KaftonSylvester Eborn about 1915
KeenanJames born about 1889
KennellFern Mborn about 1922
KennellWilliam born about 1916
KlassenAnna born about 1922
KlassenBessie born about 1929
KlassenGeorge born about 1920
KlassenGerhard Jborn about 1888
KlassenHelma born about 1923
KlassenPeter born about 1925
KlassenSara Pborn about 1891
KlassenWanda born about 1931
KlickAudnee born about 1907
KlickClifford L Oborn about 1908
KlickCliford Jr born about 1926
KlickDonald Eborn about 1935
KlickRobert Dborn about 1928
KliewerArthur Gborn about 1888
KoehnIvan born about 1917
KoehnVerna born about 1918

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L Surnames

LambertBrice Fborn about 1914
LambertElmer Dborn about 1882
LambertHattie Lborn about 1883
LambertLucile Mborn about 1925
LambertMildred Iborn about 1914
LambertWilliam Bborn about 1938
LangenggerDavid Lborn about 1934
LangenggerEvelen Gborn about 1932
LangenggerEveline Rborn about 1905
LangenggerFred Eborn about 1903
LangenggerFredrick E Jrborn about 1940
LangenggerIda Oborn about 1937
LangleyArbie Tborn about 1896
LangleyIda Eborn about 1901
LangleyIda Lborn about 1923
LangleyMarjorie Lborn about 1926
LangleyRodger Bborn about 1928
LangleyRussell Aborn about 1934
LeggittEdith Mborn about 1920
LoefflerAgnes born about 1888
LoefflerAlbert born about 1923
LoefflerFred Aborn about 1892
LoefflerJohn Fborn about 1887
LoefflerKatie born about 1886
LoefflerMartha born about 1925
LongJohn born about 1895
LongRonald born about 1918
LongVelma Wborn about 1921

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M Surnames

MatliestWilliam born about 1874
McDanielsFloyd Jborn about 1898
McDanielsMarian Aborn about 1909
McFaddenAlma Bborn about 1896
McFaddenJoe Bborn about 1881
McNeillMary born about 1907
McNeillPatrick Fborn about 1933
McNeillRobert Lborn about 1931
MillerJohn born about 1916
MitchellFannie Lborn about 1866
MitchellObadih born about 1857
MooreA born about 1891
MooreJaspe Bborn about 1875
MooreNora Wborn about 1875
MooreRuth Eborn about 1896
MooreSarrah Jborn about 1852

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N Surnames

NellansBrodie born about 1887
NellansJoan Mborn about 1896
NellansJohn Cborn about 1885
NellansJudson Jborn about 1889
NeuenschwanderWandoe Rborn about 1860

O Surnames

OlenbergerHelen born about 1919
OlenbergerJohn Cborn about 1893
OlenbergerLewis Sborn about 1919
OlenbergerSarah born about 1896

P Surnames

PattonEthel Mborn about 1922
PaulsonBoyd Jborn about 1926
PaulsonChalmer Pborn about 1915
PaulsonHubert Lborn about 1931
PaulsonJennett Lborn about 1938
PaulsonLillian born about 1888
PaulsonMadalyne Lborn about 1914
PaulsonMarjorie Lborn about 1917
PaulsonMurl Jborn about 1930
PaulsonVirgile Eborn about 1916
PennerAlice Mborn about 1934
PennerErick born about 1901
PennerFrieda born about 1908
PennerGladdis Mborn about 1934
PennerIrvin Rborn about 1940
PennerWalter Aborn about 1932
PetersonCarl born about 1889
PetersonEdna born about 1920
PorterAgnes Eborn about 1935
PorterAgnes Mborn about 1894
PorterBerniece Fborn about 1924
PorterCarl Hborn about 1893
PorterCarmilla Jborn about 1928
PorterEathel Iborn about 1922
PorterElden Cborn about 1925
PorterJoy Lborn about 1930
PorterMarvin Lborn about 1932
PorterWyane Vborn about 1933

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Q Surnames

QuenzerAlbert Hborn about 1914
QuenzerFloyd Nborn about 1939
QuenzerGeorge Cborn about 1911
QuenzerMartha Aborn about 1913
QuenzerOlga Eborn about 1917
QuenzerRaymond born about 1940

R Surnames

RegierAgnes born about 1908
RegierAlfred Hborn about 1908
RegierAllen Dborn about 1938
RegierAnnie born about 1872
RegierAnnie Aborn about 1889
RegierAnnis born about 1893
RegierBernhard Pborn about 1880
RegierBernhard Rborn about 1893
RegierCarol born about 1937
RegierCornelis Rborn about 1878
RegierDonald Rborn about 1939
RegierDonice Iborn about 1939
RegierEdward Bborn about 1901
RegierEldon Aborn about 1940
RegierElizabeth born about 1887
RegierEmelia Aborn about 1877
RegierFremont Aborn about 1936
RegierHenry Rborn about 1886
RegierHoward Mborn about 1931
RegierIone Mborn about 1909
RegierJ Williamborn about 1917
RegierJohn Lborn about 1880
RegierJoyce Lborn about 1939
RegierJustine Eborn about 1907
RegierLois Rborn about 1939
RegierLouvina Mborn about 1934
RegierMargrate born about 1890
RegierMildred Mborn about 1924
RegierMonroe Eborn about 1928
RegierOlga Eborn about 1912
RegierOtto Sborn about 1926
RegierPaul Aborn about 1921
RegierPhilip Jborn about 1915
RegierRachel born about 1914
RegierRobert Gborn about 1919
RegierVerna born about 1917
RegierWalter Eborn about 1922
RegierWilliard Hborn about 1911
RegiesElmer Gborn about 1920
RegiesElsie born about 1891
RegiesGustav Wborn about 1891
RegiesMarie Hborn about 1929
RegiesVerna Aborn about 1925
RegiesViola Cborn about 1923
ReidGeorge Wborn about 1883
ReidJohn Eborn about 1926
ReidKatie born about 1892
ReidLuella born about 1925
ReidReberta Aborn about 1932
RicordEarl Eborn about 1918
RobertsElmer Bborn about 1915
RothermellGeorge Hborn about 1909
RothermellMarie Eborn about 1863
RothermellWilliam born about 1860
RutschmanArthur Lborn about 1925
RutschmanDelores Aborn about 1933
RutschmanFloyd Rborn about 1938
RutschmanFreda born about 1898
RutschmanJohn Aborn about 1879
RutschmanMarlin Kborn about 1936
RutschmanVera born about 1916
RutschmanVivian Aborn about 1927
RutschmanWaldon Dborn about 1902

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S Surnames

SambertBernyse born about 1917
SambertHubert born about 1914
SchmidtAndrew Aborn about 1885
SchmidtArnold Lborn about 1918
SchmidtEmelie born about 1885
SchmidtEmil Dborn about 1895
SchmidtEthel Fborn about 1915
SchmidtHenry Bborn about 1896
SchmidtIrvin Hborn about 1922
SchmidtJanie Hborn about 1888
SchmidtLoren born about 1932
SchmidtLydia born about 1902
SchmidtMarie born about 1856
SchmidtPauline Lborn about 1918
SchmidtRuth Mborn about 1931
SchmidtThelma Bborn about 1925
SchroderDorothy Mborn about 1920
SchroderIda born about 1890
SchroderMildred Fborn about 1923
ScrivnerBettie Jborn about 1926
ScrivnerClyde Oborn about 1920
ScrivnerEdna Mborn about 1900
ScrivnerGuy Pborn about 1894
ScrivnerHarry Fborn about 1905
ScrivnerHazel Hborn about 1924
ScrivnerLottie Pborn about 1894
ScrivnerMargrete Mborn about 1922
ScrivnerMax Cborn about 1926
ScrivnerOrelene Lborn about 1914
ScrivnerWalker Jborn about 1889
ScrivnerWilliam Rborn about 1920
SeeneyBelle Iborn about 1894
SeeneyDanial Gborn about 1892
SeeneyEdna Pborn about 1937
SeeneyRaymond Eborn about 1918
SeeneyRuth Hborn about 1926
SeeneyVirginia Lborn about 1932
SeeneyWannita Jborn about 1930
SicklebowerCharlie born about 1867
SoobyBeverly Jborn about 1931
SoobyCarroll Kborn about 1935
SoobyChlayton Hborn about 1909
SoobyDonald Wborn about 1904
SoobyIrene Nborn about 1907
SoobyJacquelyn Jborn about 1937
SoobyJudith Lborn about 1938
SoobyMyrtile born about 1877
SoobyThelma born about 1903
SpanglerFern Lborn about 1929
SpanglerFrank Wborn about 1919
SpanglerGeorge Lborn about 1913
SpanglerHarrold Lborn about 1927
SpanglerHarry Lborn about 1931
SpanglerJoe Bborn about 1903
SpanglerLewis Fborn about 1879
SpanglerLillie Mborn about 1884
SpanglerLucile Mborn about 1927
SpanglerMurle Hborn about 1911
SpanglerRobert Jborn about 1937
SpanglerRosie Mborn about 1934
SpanglerVevia Eborn about 1910
StephensCharls Hborn about 1885
StephensGeorge Mborn about 1927
StephensJulia Bborn about 1888
StephensRobert Rborn about 1926
StephensRuth Eborn about 1932
SwinehartBertha Lborn about 1927
SwinehartLillie Eborn about 1901
SwinehartSam Tborn about 1885

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T Surnames

ThiessenHenry Aborn about 1911
ThiessenMargrate born about 1914
TopezJann Mborn about 1901
TranzJustina born about 1894
TranzLawrence born about 1926

V Surnames

VothJohn born about 1859
VothKatherina born about 1856

W Surnames

WaltersAllan Rborn about 1905
WaltersMaud born about 1872
WebsterGlenn Lborn about 1938
WebsterGrace Eborn about 1910
WebsterJames Dborn about 1932
WebsterKeith Hborn about 1937
WebsterKeneth Lborn about 1935
WebsterRalph Hborn about 1898
WedelEdith Hborn about 1915
WedelStanley Gborn about 1915
WiebAlfred Hborn about 1916
WiebHedwig born about 1916
WiebeAgathe born about 1903
WiebeBernhard Hborn about 1909
WiebeBettie Jborn about 1926
WiebeDelbert Gborn about 1935
WiebeDelmer Dborn about 1935
WiebeDonald Rborn about 1924
WiebeElvin Rborn about 1932
WiebeEmil Hborn about 1894
WiebeEster Mborn about 1901
WiebeEvelen Rborn about 1929
WiebeFrancis Rborn about 1935
WiebeGerhard born about 1871
WiebeHarrold Dborn about 1936
WiebeHenry Mborn about 1897
WiebeHubert Rborn about 1929
WiebeJacob Hborn about 1902
WiebeKenneth Cborn about 1933
WiebeLeo Hborn about 1924
WiebeLoyd Hborn about 1931
WiebeMargaret born about 1896
WiebeMargareta Hborn about 1915
WiebeMargarete born about 1862
WiebeMarian Cborn about 1938
WiebeMarie born about 1883
WiebeMarie Aborn about 1897
WiebeMarvin Hborn about 1927
WiebeNeoma born about 1930
WiebeOlga Mborn about 1921
WiebePhylis Aborn about 1937
WiebeTiena born about 1898
WiebeWilliam Bborn about 1900

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