1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hayes in Clay County, Clay, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Clay County > 1940 Census of Hayes in Clay County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AlgrenAlbin Tborn about 1890
AlgrenDonald Aborn about 1872
AlgrenEmma Lborn about 1891
AlquistEmery Cborn about 1891
AlquistKate Eborn about 1894
AlquistNeith Eborn about 1925
AlquistWayne Nealborn about 1923
AmcoatsElizabeth born about 1879
AmcoatsPatience born about 1877
AmcoatsSam Bborn about 1870
AndersonBirdie Fborn about 1880
AndersonErnest Oborn about 1911
AndersonHarold Eborn about 1917
AndersonRoy Mborn about 1920
AveryEllen Lborn about 1928
AveryFrancis Lborn about 1899
AveryMarilyn Jborn about 1938
AveryNelda Jborn about 1932
AveryRalph Lborn about 1926
AveryTwila Mborn about 1901

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B Surnames

BaerLydia born about 1871
BarcklayAnna Iborn about 1917
BarcklayBetty Marieborn about 1937
BarcklayLyle Bborn about 1913
BeckmanM Lutherborn about 1885
BeckmanMatilda born about 1888
BenjaminMary Lowborn about 1933
BiglerCalvin Aborn about 1925
BiglerDarlene born about 1934
BiglerEmma Mborn about 1895
BiglerIone born about 1929
BiglerJacob Eborn about 1918
BiglerJames Eborn about 1891
BiglerMyrna born about 1917
BiglerR Tomborn about 1896
BiglerRaymond born about 1926
BiglerViola born about 1895
BiglerWarren Dborn about 1920
BowersMabel born about 1890
BowersMilo born about 1887
BrayDorothy Jborn about 1935
BrayLetha Lborn about 1913
BrayMary Jborn about 1936
BrennerAugust born about 1866
BrennerCatherine born about 1908
BrennerLily born about 1891
BrennerLouise born about 1866
BrennerOtto born about 1892
BrennerPauline born about 1898
BrodenAndrew born about 1916
BrodenEdward born about 1928
BrodenElla born about 1889
BrodenOrville Cborn about 1923
BrodenWilliam Aborn about 1878
BryanEdith Mborn about 1888
BryanMarshall Cborn about 1912
BryanNevin born about 1940
BryanNyla Mborn about 1938
BryanThelma born about 1917
BuckellAmanda born about 1901
BuckellElsine Nborn about 1922
BuckellFloyd Tborn about 1896
BuckellPaul Eborn about 1930
BuckellRonald Tborn about 1928
BuckellWaldo Dborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CarlsonAmy Mborn about 1914
CarlsonF Leroyborn about 1912
CarlsonGustaf Eborn about 1886
CarlsonHenry Tborn about 1883
CarlsonHilda Cborn about 1872
CarlsonIrene Hborn about 1913
CarlsonMarjorie Mborn about 1918
CarlsonMartha born about 1862
CarlsonMinnie Vborn about 1891
CarlsonWibber Jborn about 1910
CarterJohn born about 1895
CasperBetty Jeanborn about 1926
CasperBlanche born about 1890
CasperJohn born about 1923
CasperWilliam born about 1888

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D Surnames

DennisB Ivadellborn about 1931
DennisFrank Hborn about 1891
DennisOrville Dborn about 1939
DennisViola Mborn about 1898
DobererFredreka born about 1910
DobererHerman born about 1898
DobererLa Von born about 1931
DobererLyle born about 1929
DownCharles born about 1904
DownClara Marieborn about 1925
DownEmma born about 1868
DownMyra born about 1904

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E Surnames

EibertLouise born about 1870
ElsasserEdith born about 1914
ElsasserHerman born about 1905
ElsasserJanie born about 1940
ElsasserPhyllis born about 1933
EvansCardinal Lborn about 1909
EvansClara Iborn about 1910
EvansDixie Jeanborn about 1936
EvansJohn born about 1880
EvansLewis Cborn about 1915
EvansPearl Lborn about 1884
EyeAlbert Hborn about 1885
EyeCarrie Cborn about 1878
EyeDonald Dborn about 1918
EyeLeonard Lborn about 1920
EyeMargie born about 1916

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F Surnames

FletcherAdria born about 1900
FletcherHarold Wborn about 1896
FosdickBertha born about 1873

G Surnames

GerardyFrank Cborn about 1878
GerardyH Daleborn about 1912
GerardyMaude born about 1883
GerardyVera Mborn about 1919
GerrietsAlbert Jborn about 1920
GerrietsEmma born about 1891
GerrietsJohn born about 1924
GerrietsLouise born about 1930
GerrietsTheodore Jborn about 1923
GilbertAllan Iborn about 1916
GilbertCharles Aborn about 1913
GilbertElsie Mborn about 1881
GilbertEttie Aborn about 1891
GilbertGeorge Iborn about 1880
GilbertHarry Iborn about 1889
GoecklerDonald Bborn about 1935
GoecklerElla Marieborn about 1898
GoecklerFred born about 1890
GoecklerRuth Mborn about 1903
GoecklerW Blaineborn about 1933
GoecklerWilliam born about 1889
GoodinNorma Janeborn about 1922
GrammerEarl born about 1898
GrammerJoyce Aborn about 1934
GrammerMary Dborn about 1900
GreenwoldJohn born about 1876
GreenwoldLeroy born about 1924
GreenwoldLizzie born about 1878
GreenwoldMerton born about 1916
GreerDavid born about 1915
GreerMarjorie born about 1917
GreerMary Ellenborn about 1938
GreerMerl born about 1939
GreerRamona Jborn about 1936
GrummerAlfred born about 1891
GrummerFrances Mborn about 1903
GrummerFrank Aborn about 1926
GrummerLarry Leeborn about 1938
GrummerRamona born about 1930

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H Surnames

HammalFrank Eborn about 1870
HammalJennie born about 1872
HansonAda Mborn about 1886
HansonAlbert Lborn about 1880
HasperLoren born about 1912
HeathClifford Mborn about 1908
HeathDonald Eborn about 1928
HeathHazel Bborn about 1909
HeathMarshall Lborn about 1938
HedblomAlfred born about 1873
HedlundFred born about 1897
HedlundGertrude born about 1905
HedlundHilma born about 1895
HeerAnna Mborn about 1894
HeerChris born about 1885
HeerEverette Cborn about 1919
HeerJacob Rborn about 1889
HeerKatherine born about 1886
HodelHenry born about 1880
HodelJacob born about 1877
HodelLizzie Hborn about 1883
HolladayLewis Mborn about 1891
HolladayLola Fborn about 1891

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J Surnames

JamesBert Fborn about 1887
JamesGrace Fborn about 1884
JamesWilliam Hborn about 1881
JohnsonBonneta Raeborn about 1933
JohnsonCarrie born about 1864
JohnsonClifford born about 1912
JohnsonElsie Fborn about 1887
JohnsonEmanuel Sborn about 1864
JohnsonFred Dborn about 1882
JohnsonVerl Sborn about 1919
JohnsonWilma Tborn about 1913
JohnstonEllen born about 1906
JohnstonGloria Lynnborn about 1933
JohnstonJessie Mborn about 1887
JohnstonJo Wirtborn about 1887
JohnstonNewman born about 1909

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K Surnames

KleinAlbert Wborn about 1898
KleinEdith Mborn about 1917

L Surnames

LarsonEmalyn Aborn about 1933
LarsonEster Aborn about 1905
LarsonJoyce Eborn about 1935
LarsonRobert Tborn about 1931
LarsonWilbur Fborn about 1904
LeonardFlora born about 1876
LeonardJohn Wborn about 1871

M Surnames

MackAvis born about 1911
MackDella Mborn about 1881
MackPlumer Wborn about 1874
MannMrs Grace born about 1854
MarshallBruce born about 1939
MarshallDorothy born about 1911
MarshallOrris born about 1910
MatsonDan born about 1890
MatsonElma Aborn about 1891
MatsonGrace born about 1920
MeredithEulah Maeborn about 1916
MeredithJoe Eborn about 1917
MillerGeorge Gborn about 1873
MillerGrace Rborn about 1888
MillerSadie born about 1877
MitchellBeulah Mborn about 1924
MitchellElsie Mborn about 1892
MitchellJames born about 1882
MitchellRobert Dborn about 1917
MooreDora Mayborn about 1870
MooreJames Bborn about 1871
MooreLeah born about 1906
MorrisClara Aborn about 1881
MorrisJohn Hborn about 1879

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N Surnames

NelsonJulia Aborn about 1879
NelsonLe Roy Wborn about 1914
NelsonMarguerite Maeborn about 1920
NelsonNels born about 1882
NordstromEdward born about 1903
NordstromIda born about 1875
NordstromMarie born about 1917
NorthEdward born about 1886
NovakAdolph Wborn about 1896
NovakAnna Eborn about 1933
NovakBenedict Jborn about 1899
NovakBertha born about 1894
NovakCharles born about 1930
NovakClara born about 1903
NovakEdward Bborn about 1940
NovakGeorge born about 1923
NovakLouise born about 1931
NovakMargaret Rborn about 1938
NovakPaul born about 1926
NovakRose Marieborn about 1928
NovakWilliam born about 1925
NybergArvilla Lborn about 1905
NybergEdwin Oborn about 1900
NybergReynold Lborn about 1928

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O Surnames

OetingerDonald born about 1918
OetingerMuriel born about 1919

P Surnames

PetersonAlbert Tborn about 1870
PetersonCarl born about 1877
PetersonDavid born about 1872
PfileEthel Hborn about 1886
PfileWilliam Lborn about 1886
PlizenmaierBonnie Dborn about 1930
PlizenmaierCarl Hborn about 1901
PlizenmaierFrederick Eborn about 1940
PlizenmaierJessie Wborn about 1903
PlizenmaierJo Anneborn about 1931
PlizenmaierMarie Eborn about 1903
PlizenmaierMary Eborn about 1925
PlizenmaierMaxine Mborn about 1925
PlizenmaierPaul Eborn about 1933
PlizenmaierPhyliss Aborn about 1935
PlizenmaierShirley Jborn about 1937
PlizenmaierStanley Rborn about 1933
PlizenmaierW Harveyborn about 1930
PlizenmaierWilliam born about 1900
PrattMiss Low born about 1873
PrattNate born about 1877

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R Surnames

RickDonald born about 1926
RickDonna Jeanborn about 1929
RickFlorence born about 1909
RickMilo Gborn about 1895
RickPhyllis born about 1933
RickRuth born about 1900
RickWilliam born about 1904
RobinsonEdith born about 1900
RookEmma Aborn about 1875
RookGeorge Wborn about 1869
RowlandHarold Tborn about 1909
RowlandLucius Eborn about 1877
RowlandMargaret Wborn about 1881
RundleCarrie Kborn about 1883
RundleClifford Jborn about 1915
RundleEdward born about 1919
RundleElizabeth Aborn about 1880
RundleFrank Eborn about 1884
RundleHarlan Hborn about 1939
RundleHomer Lborn about 1911
RundleJohn Sborn about 1877
RundleJulia Aborn about 1910
RundleLinda Leeborn about 1936
RundleLyndon Hborn about 1910
RundleMildred Iborn about 1913
RundleMyrtle Iborn about 1881
RundleNellie Eborn about 1883
RundleNeola Gborn about 1912
RundleRobert Hborn about 1917
RundleT Herbertborn about 1882
RundleWilliam Hborn about 1879

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S Surnames

SewellHelen Dborn about 1883
SewellOttis Vborn about 1872
SimmittErnest Jborn about 1870
SimmittGeorgia Aborn about 1911
SimmittMaggie Bborn about 1875
SpreerHerman born about 1876
SpreerTheda born about 1887
SpurrierAlbert Cborn about 1882
SpurrierEdman Tborn about 1919
SpurrierFurron born about 1893
SpurrierGayland Le Royborn about 1934
SpurrierHerbert Lborn about 1915
SpurrierJoe Eborn about 1932
SpurrierK Virgilborn about 1897
SpurrierM Rayborn about 1922
SpurrierMarshall Eborn about 1896
SpurrierOlivia born about 1891
SpurrierSara Aborn about 1882
SwanbergHarold Bborn about 1912
SwanbergJohn Aborn about 1878
SwanbergMellie Mborn about 1883
SwanburgBetty Jborn about 1926
SwanburgClara Eborn about 1898
SwanburgEvelyn Rborn about 1925
SwanburgHarley Wborn about 1897

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T Surnames

TeirsShirley Sueborn about 1930
ThomasAlice Eborn about 1884
ThomasAnna born about 1861
ThomasEdith Sborn about 1904
ThomasGarfield Bborn about 1882
ThomasHenry Wborn about 1934
ThomasPaul Eborn about 1918
ThomasRose Annborn about 1935
ThomasRuth Aborn about 1921
ThomasWilliam Kborn about 1901
ThorntonClarence born about 1894
ThorntonEdith Vborn about 1869
ThorntonEdna born about 1895
ThorntonElmer born about 1909
ThorntonEva born about 1918
ThorntonGrace born about 1890
ThorntonHerbert born about 1869
ThorntonMargaret born about 1874
ThorntonNellie born about 1866
ThorntonRalph born about 1891
ThorntonRobert Eborn about 1921
ThorntonWilbur Jborn about 1918

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V Surnames

VanhoveEdith Fborn about 1899
VanhoveWilliam born about 1891
VanhoveWilmer Dborn about 1927
VolenC Eborn about 1875
VolenEugenie Vborn about 1884
VolenJeanette Hborn about 1912
VolenMeryl Oborn about 1920
VolenRudolph Cborn about 1908
VolenWendell Eborn about 1912

W Surnames

WalkerBernita Mborn about 1917
WalkerDuane Eborn about 1939
WalkerH Eldonborn about 1917
WattsCarrie born about 1873
WeidmanClara born about 1902
WeidmanClarence Eborn about 1899
WeidmanClarence Juniorborn about 1931
WeidmanHenry Eborn about 1867
WeidmanWarren Lborn about 1925
WeissAlta Mborn about 1898
WeissFlorine Eborn about 1924
WeissHenry Lborn about 1898
WeissNorman Lborn about 1928
WilderAllen Lborn about 1934
WilderE Aborn about 1897
WilderJames Eborn about 1925
WilkensEdna born about 1920
WoodDonnis Jborn about 1932
WoodFrances Jborn about 1915
WoodJune Eborn about 1920
WoodsJames Gborn about 1881
WoodsPearl Mborn about 1889

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Y Surnames

YoungDessie Fborn about 1895
YoungHerman Fborn about 1896
YoungKathleen Jborn about 1929
YoungLa Vone Mborn about 1918
YoungMartin Pborn about 1934
YoungOrvin Rborn about 1936

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