1940 U.S. Federal Census of Illinois in Nemaha County, Nemaha, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Nemaha County > 1940 Census of Illinois in Nemaha County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AeschlimanA Cborn about 1880
AeschlimanEdna born about 1909
AeschlimanGlenn born about 1933
AeschlimanHelen born about 1923
AeschlimanKenneth born about 1932
AeschlimanOpal born about 1914
AeschlimanRose born about 1883
AeschlimanRuby born about 1920
AeschlimanRuth born about 1911
AlexanderAlice born about 1913
AlexanderGary born about 1936
AlexanderGlenn born about 1908
AlexanderMarilyn born about 1934
AllenBlanche born about 1877
AllenEdwin born about 1873
AllenJoy Dianaborn about 1937
AllenMerna born about 1920
AllenRussell born about 1915
AllenWana born about 1919
AndersonAnna born about 1914
AndersonAnne born about 1882
AndersonErvin born about 1914
AndersonErvin Eborn about 1934
AndersonGary Dborn about 1939
AndersonGeorge born about 1871
AndersonW Tborn about 1897
AndrewsKate born about 1870
AndrewsKatherine born about 1924
AnthonyLida born about 1900
AnthonyS Nborn about 1875
ArcherElina born about 1873
ArcherScott born about 1865
ArmstrongHarold born about 1915
AyersBarbara born about 1939
AyersEdith born about 1880
AyersFrances born about 1910
AyersLois born about 1921
AyersSamuel born about 1879
AyresAnis born about 1925
AyresAudrey born about 1926
AyresDane born about 1904
AyresFrancis born about 1907
AyresJean born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalesAlvus born about 1882
BalesCharles born about 1876
BalesMildred born about 1920
BarnesAzel born about 1869
BarnesChiristel born about 1899
BarnesDelbert born about 1922
BarnesJoyce born about 1926
BarnesLaura Ellenborn about 1870
BarrettMaggie Mayborn about 1880
BarrettMyrtle born about 1881
BarrettThomas born about 1876
BarrettWilliam Fborn about 1874
BeardNelson born about 1908
BeardNora born about 1885
BeardS Hborn about 1877
BernadineMary Sisterborn about 1890
BloomLoran born about 1920
BoedingAloysius born about 1914
BoedingClara born about 1928
BoedingConard born about 1886
BoedingJoe born about 1921
BoedingLambert born about 1924
BoedingMary born about 1887
BoedingMary born about 1926
BoedingSylvester born about 1922
BradleyDonna Leeborn about 1925
BradleyJesse born about 1893
BradleyLila born about 1899
BradleyRay born about 1928
BradneyBonnie born about 1927
BradneyF Sborn about 1881
BroadbentGertrude born about 1880
BroadbentMarion born about 1919
BroadbentValentine born about 1857
BroadbentW Mborn about 1880
BrownCarolyn born about 1935
BrownElectra born about 1899
BrownEverett Zborn about 1895
BrownMarilyn born about 1926
BroxtermanAlbert born about 1909
BroxtermanBernadine born about 1908
BroxtermanDonald born about 1933
BroxtermanGladys born about 1938
BroxtermanThresa born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CannardIda Mayborn about 1888
CannardMadyln born about 1927
CannardWalter born about 1888
CarneyBetty born about 1926
CarneyCecil born about 1899
CarneyFay born about 1928
CarneyJohn born about 1899
CarneyRobert born about 1931
CaseyAnna born about 1900
CaseyCarl Eborn about 1885
CaseyCarroll born about 1925
CaseyCletus Wayneborn about 1925
CaseyEdna Mborn about 1886
CaseyWilliam born about 1897
ChilsonEldon born about 1929
ChilsonElmer born about 1934
ChilsonGwendalyn born about 1928
ChilsonLeah Jayborn about 1931
ChilsonMildred born about 1908
ChilsonWalter Jr born about 1905
ChilsonWanda born about 1937
ClarkAlfred Fborn about 1889
ClarkDattie born about 1891
ClarkHellen born about 1873
ClarkJ Aborn about 1865
ClarkJames born about 1926
ClarkMena born about 1920
ClarkNed born about 1928
ClarkRay born about 1891
ClarkTeresa born about 1926
ClarkTheresa born about 1893
ClemensBryan born about 1897
ClemensGeneva born about 1896
ClemensM Hborn about 1901
ClemensMary born about 1874
ClemensMildred born about 1902
ClemensMilton born about 1924
ClemensRix born about 1929
CoeFloyd born about 1919
CoeGlenn born about 1924
CoeLorine born about 1893
CoeNettie born about 1916
CoeRachel born about 1939
CoeRussell born about 1920
ConnerMargaret born about 1919
ConnerMauta born about 1884
ConnerRay Wborn about 1887
CoxBud born about 1922
CoxCharles Williamborn about 1937
CoxCreta Ireneborn about 1924
CoxDorence born about 1905
CoxEdith Mayborn about 1921
CoxElizabeth born about 1890
CoxElton Leeborn about 1928
CoxGladys born about 1934
CoxMary Ellenborn about 1894
CoxMelvin born about 1926
CoxRay born about 1889
CoxRaydine born about 1935
CoxRobert Glennborn about 1934
CoxTallie born about 1891
CoxTerrence Wardborn about 1938
CoxWilma born about 1913
CrandallClara Sborn about 1865
CrandallE Mborn about 1868
CreaganAlma born about 1909
CreaganGayle born about 1935
CreaganRobert born about 1929
CrouseDorothy born about 1911
CrouseLester born about 1911
CrouseMarine born about 1930
CrouseRobert born about 1932
CullerGladys born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabnerRachel Wborn about 1895
DabnerWillie Wborn about 1880
DarstGeorge Wborn about 1859
DerrAudra born about 1894
DerrCarl born about 1930
DerrGlenn born about 1892
DerrLola born about 1926
DixonMelvina born about 1868
DomerCarol Eborn about 1920
DomerFlorence Aborn about 1883
DomerRobin born about 1917
DooleyBenjamin born about 1939
DooleyEdith born about 1906
DooleyV Oborn about 1903
DormanAnnie born about 1884
DormanBlanche born about 1875
DormanElizabeth born about 1853
DormanLilly born about 1874
DuncanLee born about 1917
DuncanMabel born about 1889
DurlandTom born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EisenbarthAlfreda born about 1939
EisenbarthDonald born about 1930
EisenbarthEugene born about 1936
EisenbarthFrances born about 1908
EisenbarthJames born about 1928
EisenbarthJohn born about 1935
EisenbarthLawrence born about 1905
EisenbarthLawrence Jr born about 1925
EisenbarthMary born about 1916
EisenbarthMary Sborn about 1885
EisenbarthNorbert born about 1909
EisenbarthRalph born about 1926
EisenbarthRaymond born about 1915
EisenbarthRonald Leoborn about 1937
EisenbarthVincent born about 1910
EisenbarthViola born about 1902
EisenbarthWilliam born about 1933
EnnekingAl born about 1910
EnnekingDemian born about 1929
EnnekingJoe born about 1878
EnnekingJoe Jr born about 1920
EnnekingKenneth born about 1937
EnnekingMargaret born about 1913
EnnekingMary born about 1886
EnnekingMary born about 1923
EnnekingMary Janeborn about 1940
EnnekingRichard born about 1935
EnnekingRochus born about 1926

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F Surnames

FallowellC Rborn about 1880
FallowellWinnie born about 1884
FarleyE Aborn about 1885
FarleyGerald born about 1916
FarleyJames born about 1922
FarleyLennie born about 1893
FarleyMadeline born about 1928
FawlerClement born about 1866
FawlerKatherine born about 1870
ForgyFrances born about 1913
ForgySherman born about 1938
ForgyThomas born about 1909
FrakesGlenn Doyleborn about 1923
FransLaura born about 1914
FredericksonAlice born about 1912
FredericksonBertha Eborn about 1882
FredericksonCharles born about 1907
FredericksonFloyd born about 1918
FredericksonFred Aborn about 1884
FredericksonHellen born about 1920
FredericksonRuth born about 1917
FrellAnna born about 1922
FrellClarence born about 1919
FrellKenneth born about 1925
FrellOrpha born about 1890
FurstIda Maeborn about 1919
FurstPaul born about 1917
FurstPaul born about 1938

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G Surnames

GabbertAlice born about 1914
GabbertFrancis Aborn about 1914
GabbertGale Leeborn about 1939
GallaherEllen born about 1917
GallianClarence born about 1883
GallianHoward born about 1910
GallianRoscoe born about 1903
GentryDonald born about 1924
GraffaAnna born about 1869
GraffaFred born about 1891
GreeneViola born about 1847
GriffisGary born about 1938
GriffisGrace born about 1905
GriffisW Cborn about 1904
GriffisWilma born about 1934
GrigsbyBetty Joborn about 1937
GrigsbyClaude born about 1873
GrigsbyKeith born about 1898
GrigsbyLila born about 1920
GrigsbyMable born about 1874
GrigsbySandra Maryborn about 1886
GroverLucy Cborn about 1853

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H Surnames

HamAlice born about 1908
HannummFrank born about 1899
HannummLola born about 1900
HannummPatricia born about 1933
HaverkampAlma born about 1922
HaverkampFrank born about 1872
HaverkampJoe born about 1913
HaverkampMary born about 1875
HaverkampRose born about 1914
HawkinsAgnes born about 1921
HawkinsDonald born about 1913
HawkinsKay Fborn about 1935
HeinenJacob born about 1909
HeinenMarie born about 1914
HeinenMary Annborn about 1936
HeiserBernice born about 1916
HeiserGlenn born about 1914
HicksGeorge born about 1919
HicksLucile born about 1921
HienenSummer born about 1919
HilbertBeverly born about 1929
HilbertC Aborn about 1870
HilbertLester born about 1906
HilbertMildred born about 1907
HilbertNettie Jborn about 1873
HillRuth born about 1907
HillWillard born about 1905
HillaryMary Sisterborn about 1902
HolsappleAlice born about 1917
HolsappleElsa born about 1868
HolsappleGlenn born about 1913
HolsappleGracie Leeborn about 1938
HolsappleHelen born about 1939
HolsappleIra born about 1864
HolsappleJohn Lborn about 1890
HolsappleLarene born about 1916
HolsappleLarry born about 1939
HolsappleLola born about 1915
HolsappleRuth born about 1896
HolsappleRuth born about 1921
HolsappleUrbin born about 1911
HolthausDolores born about 1936
HolthausGeraldine born about 1938
HolthausJoseph born about 1906
HolthausMildred born about 1917
HolthausRichard born about 1939
HoppeAnna born about 1880
HoppeEric born about 1872
HoppeMilton born about 1912
HorwathGeorge born about 1900
HorwathGeorgianna born about 1936
HorwathMary born about 1901
HubbardFrancis born about 1904
HubbardMary born about 1870
HunninghakeDonald born about 1934
HunninghakeHenry born about 1907
HunninghakeLeroy born about 1937
HunninghakeMary born about 1914
HutflesAugusta born about 1913
HutflesCalleta born about 1938
HutflesCarol born about 1936
HutflesElden born about 1931
HutflesErnest born about 1907
HutflesGerald born about 1939
HutflesGeraldine born about 1934
HutflesJohn Henryborn about 1935
HutflesMarceline born about 1933
HutflesMargaret born about 1904
HutflesW Jborn about 1903
HybskmannJ Mborn about 1875
HybskmannNattie Eborn about 1877
HybskmannOpal born about 1903
HybskmannVance born about 1903

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J Surnames

JeannentArthur born about 1899
JeannentArthur Jr born about 1923
JeannentEldon born about 1925
JeannentFinn born about 1901
JefferyClark born about 1928
JefferyEdward born about 1935
JefferyGilbert born about 1902
JefferyGrace born about 1900
JefferyHerbet born about 1932
JeromeKenneth born about 1938
JeromeLorrie born about 1917
JeromeMarilyn born about 1936
JeromeMary born about 1919
JeromeRichard born about 1939
JohnsonEdwina born about 1909
JohnsonGay born about 1936
JohnsonGlenn born about 1931
JohnsonMarril born about 1934
JordenCharlie born about 1872
JordenLillie born about 1874

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K Surnames

KempinFlora born about 1881
KempinFred born about 1887
KempinHenry born about 1883
KempinLula born about 1891
KemplayBertha born about 1886
KemplayDorthea born about 1903
KemplayEverett born about 1894
KemplayFrank born about 1894
KemplayGalda born about 1904
KemplayJohn born about 1883
KemplayMary born about 1866
KemplayOliver Rborn about 1901
KemplayRichard born about 1866
KemplaySynthia born about 1868
KernsBessie born about 1897
KernsCora born about 1874
KernsWm Hborn about 1896
KoelzerAndrew born about 1934
KoelzerAnn born about 1936
KoelzerAnna born about 1901
KoelzerClara born about 1925
KoelzerDorothy born about 1938
KoelzerLawrence born about 1895
KoelzerLorene born about 1931
KoelzerMelvin born about 1933
KoelzerRita born about 1927
KoelzerSilvester born about 1940
KorteAdrian born about 1931
KorteAlberta born about 1938
KorteMarion born about 1934
KorteRay born about 1901
KorteRogatia born about 1928
KorteTheresa born about 1908
KralHarley born about 1928
KralHerman born about 1906
KralJosie born about 1908
KralMarilyn born about 1940
KralRobert born about 1936
KramesRay born about 1911

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L Surnames

LandgonCharles born about 1900
LewisC Aborn about 1864
LightbodyCharles born about 1865
LightbodySusan born about 1867
LittleDonald born about 1912
LittleDonald Jr born about 1936
LittleHelen born about 1913
LittleKay born about 1938
LittleRex born about 1934
LivingoodElla born about 1875
LivingoodIsrael born about 1858
LuekingAugusta born about 1900
LuekingFrancis born about 1930
LuekingMary Louborn about 1931
LuekingPhil born about 1898
LuekingRichard born about 1929
LuekingRita Mayborn about 1936
LuekingRosemary born about 1933
LuickAlice born about 1879
LuickGeorge Pborn about 1878

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M Surnames

MalcomLenna Lborn about 1884
MalcomW Bborn about 1882
MasseyMable born about 1910
MasseyMary Oliveborn about 1929
MasseySherman born about 1902
MasseyWalter born about 1932
MathisJ I Jrborn about 1905
MayerGeorge born about 1890
MayerPaul born about 1903
McAfertyMilburn born about 1905
McAfertyMinnie born about 1865
McAfertyNathaniel born about 1861
McAfertyNettie born about 1886
McCabeEthal born about 1895
McCabeHarry born about 1887
McCabeMarlin born about 1922
McCabeMax born about 1922
McCashinR Dborn about 1881
McCowKate Lborn about 1868
McCullyGerald born about 1925
McCullyGertrude born about 1897
McCullyJames born about 1895
McCullyRobert born about 1926
McCullyTressie born about 1921
McCurdyJohn born about 1856
McDanielIda born about 1884
McDanielT Nborn about 1863
McDougalChinera* born about 1880
McDougalDavid born about 1900
McDougalDuane born about 1928
McDougalGary born about 1934
McDougalJohn born about 1862
McDougalLester born about 1905
McDougalMona born about 1927
McDougalOpal born about 1907
McDougalRex born about 1931
McDougalRobert born about 1933
McQuireLillian born about 1880
McQuirePaul born about 1887
MelcherClarence born about 1909
MelcherDarrell Deanborn about 1937
MelcherEvelyn born about 1916
MelcherFred born about 1877
MelcherKenneth born about 1935
MelcherRichard Tborn about 1939
MentheEmile born about 1878
MentheFlorence born about 1925
MentheMarcell born about 1929
MilesMable born about 1884
MilesO Aborn about 1880
MillerArnold born about 1918
MillerArva born about 1880
MillerBert Jr born about 1929
MillerBertrann born about 1879
MillerClara born about 1881
MillerDalphia born about 1900
MillerElizabeth born about 1879
MillerErnest born about 1920
MillerFrancis born about 1927
MillerHarold born about 1931
MillerIdarmon born about 1907
MillerLeroy born about 1939
MillerLucille born about 1920
MillerNorma born about 1922
MillsEdison born about 1922
MillsEtta Bborn about 1863
MillsF Lborn about 1884
MilnerAlvin Gborn about 1939
MilnerCharles born about 1895
MilnerCharles Eborn about 1932
MilnerEldon born about 1938
MilnerEmma born about 1908
MilnerEmma Mayborn about 1930
MilnerFrank born about 1891
MilnerRobert born about 1936
MolineuxMorris born about 1912
MolineuxPhyllis born about 1915
MooreMary born about 1856
MoyerAlice born about 1920
MoyerEdith born about 1936
MoyerEugene born about 1888
MoyerKatherine born about 1892
MurphyByron Rborn about 1923
MurphyFloyd born about 1901
MurphyHellen born about 1902
MurtaughMarjorie born about 1916

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N Surnames

NalandBetty born about 1885
NalandMarion born about 1883
NelsonAnn Leeborn about 1929
NelsonC Mborn about 1895
NelsonFay born about 1923
NelsonGlenn born about 1918
NelsonJanie born about 1920
NelsonMarilene born about 1927
NelsonRobert Nialborn about 1938
NelsonSammy Joeborn about 1937
NelsonVera born about 1901
NiellEmma born about 1853
Nightingale born about 1916
NightingaleA Bborn about 1881
NightingaleClara born about 1909
NightingaleElmer born about 1882
NightingaleFred born about 1883
NightingaleGlenn born about 1916
NightingaleLloyd born about 1912
NightingaleMaggie born about 1885
NightingaleMarie born about 1882
NightingaleMaud born about 1880
NightingaleMildred born about 1920
NightingaleNellie born about 1884
NightingaleRex born about 1924
NoahErnest Sborn about 1892
NoahMable Cborn about 1896
NoahWalter born about 1869
NoelAda born about 1912
NoelEssie Kborn about 1878
NoelGenendulyne born about 1915
NoelMarcellus born about 1873
NoelMarine born about 1923
NoelMelvin born about 1915
NoelRonald born about 1936

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O Surnames

OdellCharles born about 1882
OdellSigrid born about 1882
OziasKarl born about 1896
OziasOlive Aborn about 1897
OziasWyane born about 1923

P Surnames

PalsonChristian born about 1930
PalsonDreta Mayborn about 1932
PalsonEllie born about 1892
PalsonJaunita born about 1912
PayneCharlie Lborn about 1860
PayneEdwina born about 1883
PayneIra born about 1881
PayneJenny born about 1858
PayneLucy born about 1861

Q Surnames

QuinnBetty Jeanborn about 1931
QuinnJames born about 1938
QuinnJohn born about 1905
QuinnJohn Jr born about 1933
QuinnLela born about 1907
QuinnPaul Deanborn about 1937
QuinnRobert born about 1935
QuinnStanley Daleborn about 1933

R Surnames

RaglinGladys born about 1915
RainleyFlora born about 1904
RainleyFranklin Eborn about 1926
RainleyJohn born about 1897
RainleyJohn Wborn about 1923
RandelBess born about 1906
RandelGwendalin born about 1919
RandelJessie born about 1889
RandelJohn Fborn about 1862
RandelRaymond born about 1920
RandelRichard born about 1920
RandelSarah Cborn about 1862
RandelWorth born about 1922
RasmusMary born about 1877
RathmannAlvin born about 1936
RathmannBarney born about 1912
RathmannBessie born about 1914
RathmannElda born about 1920
RathmannHarold born about 1939
RathmannHenry born about 1908
RathmannJames born about 1938
ReeceDonald born about 1929
ReeceRaymond born about 1927
ReinhartEphrain born about 1924
ReinhartJ Oborn about 1888
ReinhartOliver Dborn about 1926
RempeAgnes born about 1911
RempeJohney born about 1939
RempeLeonard born about 1932
RempeMelita born about 1936
RempeWilliam born about 1905
RethmanAgnes born about 1882
RethmanBenedict born about 1923
RethmanJoe Jr born about 1917
RethmanJoseph born about 1877
RetteleBernadine born about 1915
RetteleNate born about 1910
RiechertAndrew born about 1918
RiechertDorothy born about 1931
RiechertHelen born about 1922
RiechertHerbert born about 1920
RiechertJohn born about 1881
RiechertMary born about 1926
RiechertRaymond born about 1929
RiechertThresa born about 1888
RifferFloyd Iiborn about 1939
RifferGladys born about 1906
RifferLloyd born about 1902
RifferMarilyn born about 1930
RifferVivian Leeborn about 1927
RobbinsCharles born about 1861
RobinsonDora Lborn about 1866
RobinsonJohn Gborn about 1896
RottinghausAgnes born about 1899
RottinghausAlbert born about 1920
RottinghausBernard born about 1922
RottinghausClarence born about 1924
RottinghausDorothy born about 1940
RottinghausEdwin born about 1930
RottinghausFrancis born about 1937
RottinghausFrank born about 1900
RottinghausHelen born about 1932
RottinghausHenry born about 1893
RottinghausJoan born about 1934
RottinghausJoe born about 1894
RottinghausLucile born about 1939
RottinghausMagdalin born about 1901
RottinghausMargaret born about 1935
RottinghausMarie born about 1909
RottinghausMartha born about 1935
RottinghausMary born about 1931
RottinghausMary Aborn about 1939
RottinghausNorbert born about 1928
RottinghausRaymond born about 1937
RottinghausRita born about 1926
RottinghausRose born about 1934
RottinghausVeronica born about 1932
RottinghausVincent born about 1922
RussAlice born about 1924
RussGeorge born about 1886
RussIrene born about 1917
RussPauline born about 1894

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S Surnames

SageElse Dayborn about 1905
SageEugene born about 1929
SageHarry Iborn about 1905
SandraAda born about 1876
SauresHenry born about 1873
SavagoAgnes born about 1916
SavagoEugene born about 1934
SavagoFrancis born about 1910
SavagoGary Deanborn about 1937
SavagoJackie Leeborn about 1938
SavagoShirley Annborn about 1933
SchleifHarold born about 1915
SchleifHarold Jr born about 1939
SchleifHelen born about 1918
SchmitsLillian born about 1915
SchmitsPete born about 1909
SchoolerAlice born about 1909
SchoolerGeneruth born about 1931
SchoolerGilbert born about 1906
SchoolerHarold born about 1928
SextroCharles born about 1921
ShafferAlvira born about 1915
ShafferCarol born about 1935
ShafferGeorge Jborn about 1913
ShampsonBessie born about 1891
ShampsonJim born about 1869
ShappardDonna born about 1915
ShappardRussel born about 1910
ShappardSamuel born about 1938
SheffenClark Hborn about 1853
ShererOtt born about 1886
SherrerEster born about 1891
SherrerGlenn born about 1928
SherrerHenry born about 1893
SherrerWilliam born about 1923
SimmonsBert born about 1912
SimmonsGerald born about 1938
SimmonsMarcenia born about 1917
SmithArthur born about 1876
SmithKattie born about 1866
SpauldingBrenda Leeborn about
SpauldingHarold born about 1916
SpauldingJenet born about 1938
SpauldingJimmie born about 1918
SpillettBert born about 1903
SpillettDarwin born about 1937
SpillettHilda born about 1900
StalcupAlma Oborn about 1889
StalcupElmer born about 1915
StalcupElton born about 1912
StalcupGlen born about 1933
StalcupKenneth born about 1932
StalcupLawrence born about 1923
StalcupLeonard born about 1917
StalcupS Eborn about 1881
StaldtDorothy born about 1910
StaldtE Dborn about 1909
StaldtElla born about 1875
StaldtJohn born about 1873
StaldtKa Delborn about 1935
StaldtLloyd born about 1910
StaldtVeda born about 1916
StallbaumerDarline born about 1936
StallbaumerDonald born about 1932
StallbaumerElizabeth born about 1906
StallbaumerElmer born about 1898
StallbaumerErvin born about 1932
StallbaumerEster born about 1939
StallbaumerGalen born about 1934
StallbaumerGary Leeborn about 1936
StallbaumerJailler* born about 1938
StallbaumerJames born about 1939
StallbaumerJohn born about 1936
StallbaumerJosephine born about 1907
StallbaumerKatine born about 1937
StallbaumerLester born about 1938
StallbaumerLucile born about 1934
StallbaumerMary born about 1913
StallbaumerMary born about 1939
StallbaumerMary Annborn about 1930
StallbaumerMelvin born about 1908
StallbaumerPatricia born about 1930
StallbaumerS Vborn about 1906
StanfferElla born about 1872
SteckDaisy born about 1879
SteckEarl born about 1897
SteckLila born about 1897
SteckMichael born about 1870
SteeleMildred born about 1916
SteeleRalph born about 1919
SteinlageEdwin born about 1902
SteinlageEmmet born about 1937
SteinlageFrancis born about 1916
SteinlageFrank born about 1915
SteinlageGalen born about 1934
SteinlageGladys born about 1940
SteinlageHenry Wborn about 1913
SteinlageJ Fborn about 1909
SteinlageJoan born about 1933
SteinlageKenneth born about 1939
SteinlageLucina born about 1938
SteinlageMary born about 1906
SteinlageMelvin born about 1938
StewartEugene born about 1923
StrongOliver born about 1875
SwanErnest Lborn about 1878
SwanGrace born about 1881

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T Surnames

TalbottLem born about 1874
TalleyFred born about 1886
TalleyMorris born about 1920
TalleyNola born about 1926
TalleyWilma born about 1898
ThomasAda born about 1877
ThompsonDale born about 1933
ThompsonDean born about 1938
ThompsonDonald born about 1935
ThompsonDorothy born about 1927
ThompsonElmer born about 1929
ThompsonJoe born about 1905
ThompsonLarry born about 1940
ThompsonLula born about 1909
ThompsonWilliam born about 1931
ThornberryAnna born about 1869
ThornberryErastus born about 1871
TinklinRosy born about 1888
TinklinRufus born about 1874
TinklinRussel born about 1921
TinklinViolet born about 1904
TinklinWanda born about 1935
TinklinWilma born about 1929
TomlinsonBoyd born about 1914
TomlinsonDonald born about 1892
TomlinsonJohn Wborn about 1880
TomlinsonRuth born about 1910
TomlinsonVinnie Mayborn about 1882
TomlinsonVirginia born about 1938

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V Surnames

VernonBertha born about 1880
VernonErma born about 1916
VernonNewton Lborn about 1870
VernonWalter born about 1913
VogtClarence born about 1882
VogtMary Annborn about 1928
VondenkampAnna born about 1902
VondenkampClem born about 1895

W Surnames

WaltersAlice born about 1916
WaltersBesse born about 1886
WaltersDorothy born about 1934
WaltersEdith born about 1935
WaltersElizabeth born about 1911
WaltersFred born about 1912
WaltersHillan born about 1939
WaltersJohn born about 1924
WaltersLila born about 1937
WaltersMary born about 1936
WaltersMinnie born about 1870
WaltersRobert born about 1929
WaltersWillie born about 1907
WardAgnes born about 1902
WardAudrey born about 1926
WardDorothia born about 1917
WardEldora born about 1928
WardFloyd born about 1897
WardHarry born about 1901
WardHillan born about 1896
WardMary Eborn about 1921
WardRaymond born about 1922
WardRobert Leeborn about 1929
WardWilbur born about 1912
WatkinsMinnie born about 1877
WesselAlbert born about 1919
WesselAndrew born about 1924
WesselElizabeth born about 1885
WesselEtha born about 1888
WesselFrancis born about 1929
WesselFrank born about 1884
WesselGeorge born about 1926
WesselHerbert Wborn about 1870
WesselRita born about 1921
WeyerEd born about 1885
WhitakerPleney born about 1879
WilhartC Rborn about 1888
WilhartMay born about 1896
WilhartNorma born about 1937
WilliamElsie born about 1881
WilliamN Rborn about 1876
WilliamsClara born about 1851
WillsA Sborn about 1861
WillsLouise born about 1876
WiltzAndrew born about 1910
WiltzGerald born about 1936
WiltzJanice Mayborn about 1939
WiltzMary born about 1913
WinklerAgnes born about 1900
WinklerGerald born about 1929
WinklerLeo born about 1896
WinklerMary Janeborn about 1939
WinklerRaymond born about 1934
WinklerRita born about 1923
WinklerWilliam born about 1883
WinklerZella born about 1890
WinklerZita born about 1923
WisselHenry born about 1909
WisselMary born about 1916
WoodsworthBernice born about 1898
WoodsworthPeggy Aborn about 1934

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Z Surnames

ZelekeDick born about 1905

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