1940 U.S. Federal Census of Odell, Harper, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Harper County > 1940 Census of Odell

A SurnamesG SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesQ Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

ApplebyIda born about 1867
AveryAnna born about 1884
AveryClyde Wborn about 1881
AveryJessie Cborn about 1913
AveryVivian born about 1919
AyresCharles Rborn about 1916
AyresGoldie Mayborn about 1919
AyresH Rborn about 1877
AyresLouise Hborn about 1887

B Surnames

BarbeeJohn born about 1854
BarbeeLula Fborn about 1878
BellanyArlin Jborn about 1912
BellanyDaisy Mborn about 1884
BellanyDelma born about 1914
BellanyEthel Mborn about 1917
BellanyJereld Lborn about 1931
BellanyL Wborn about 1872
BellanyNannie born about 1885
BellanyOwen Wborn about 1914
BellanyW Dborn about 1879
BlakeMartha Cborn about 1856
BlanchatAlfred Lborn about 1918
BlanchatEarl Eborn about 1929
BlanchatGeorge Eborn about 1903
BlanchatHelen Vborn about 1939
BlanchatJ Pborn about 1866
BlanchatKenneth Jborn about 1927
BlanchatMary Aborn about 1875
BlanchatMary Aliceborn about 1931
BlanchatVirginia born about 1898
BlandAudrey Pborn about 1922
BlandEmma Mborn about 1895
BlandGeneva born about 1918
BlandW Rborn about 1891
BlandWildora Mborn about 1916
BlubaughA Fborn about 1892
BlubaughE Jborn about 1895
BlubaughLaura Cborn about 1911
BlubaughMarcella born about 1921
BlubaughPatricia born about 1939
BlubaughRalph Mborn about 1918
BlubaughRoss born about 1894
BlubaughVernon Rborn about 1939
BotkinDale Eborn about 1930
BotkinDonald Wborn about 1937
BotkinF Eborn about 1898
BotkinHazel Mborn about 1906
BotkinJohn Wborn about 1927
BrouhardElizabeth Annborn about 1938
BrouhardJoe Aborn about 1908
BrouhardJoe Jr born about 1936
BrouhardJon Wayneborn about 1939
BrouhardPearl Mborn about 1917
BruceLillian born about 1855
BrungardtAmelia born about 1906
BrungardtClifford born about 1929
BrungardtFred P Cborn about 1896
BryantFifa Mborn about 1908
BryantGayle Lborn about 1939
BryantNadeen Nborn about 1929
BryantRalph Vborn about 1906
BurdgeBernard born about 1927
BurdgeRobert born about 1925
BurkeCharles Rborn about 1884
BurkeMary Hborn about 1880
BurksGertrude born about 1878
BurksRichard Hborn about 1877
BurtonA Dborn about 1899
BurtonFreda born about 1905

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C Surnames

ChevrauxDorene Gborn about 1915
ChevrauxJohn Jborn about 1881
ChevrauxLeroy Eborn about 1918
ChevrauxMary Eborn about 1886
ClarkBlanche Mborn about 1923
ClarkElla born about 1886
ClarkH Lborn about 1880
ClaytonAnetha Annborn about 1939
ClaytonLoraine born about 1914
ClaytonWilliam Gborn about 1906
CleousEdna Lborn about 1892
CleousO Nborn about 1876
CleousOpal Fborn about 1922
CleousOrie Wborn about 1918
CopeRobert Lborn about 1893
CoslettGlen born about 1909
CoslettKenneth born about 1931
CoslettLoretta born about 1938
CoslettRuth born about 1909
CoslettVerle born about 1929
CoslettWilla Oborn about 1933
CrumC Fborn about 1892
CrumDelmar born about 1931
CrumGeorge Dborn about 1862
CrumGerald born about 1937
CrumHarold born about 1937
CrumHazel Mborn about 1902
CrumLouise born about 1929
CrumMarlin born about 1926
CrumMildred born about 1932
CrumRalph born about 1934
CrumRoy born about 1928
CrumWayne born about 1935

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D Surnames

DavisElmer Rborn about 1907
DavisNaomi Iborn about 1933
DavisRuth Eborn about 1916
DentCarolee Eborn about 1921
DentGeorge Eborn about 1919
DentGolda born about 1897
DentLloyd Eborn about 1893
DentLloyd E Jrborn about 1932
DentRuby Eborn about 1923
DrouhardAlbert Pborn about 1872
DrouhardAlbert Jr born about 1916
DrouhardAlta Aborn about 1919
DrouhardArthur born about 1920
DrouhardBula Mborn about 1893
DrouhardCarol born about 1937
DrouhardCordia Dborn about 1893
DrouhardCornel Rborn about 1928
DrouhardDaniel Dborn about 1926
DrouhardDonald born about 1932
DrouhardEdward born about 1918
DrouhardEdward Fborn about 1885
DrouhardEleanor born about 1932
DrouhardEugene Hborn about 1918
DrouhardEuna Dellborn about 1924
DrouhardFranis born about 1918
DrouhardGene born about 1886
DrouhardHelen Lborn about 1921
DrouhardJuanita Mborn about 1928
DrouhardLeo Fborn about 1904
DrouhardLeon born about 1938
DrouhardLouis born about 1906
DrouhardLoyd Vborn about 1922
DrouhardLucy Iborn about 1884
DrouhardMarquerite born about 1908
DrouhardNorbert born about 1925
DrouhardRaymond born about 1936
DrouhardRichard born about 1934
DrouhardVelma Lborn about 1907
DrouhardWilliam Aborn about 1923
DrumrightLucille Mborn about 1920
DrumrightWayne born about 1915

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E Surnames

ElartonHarriet born about 1933
ElartonHarry born about 1887
ElartonLola born about 1899
ErnestCharles Lborn about 1895
ErnestCurk Mborn about 1898
ErnestDorothy Dborn about 1933
ErnestEsther born about 1901
ErnestJohn born about 1883
ErnestMichael Cborn about 1925
ErnestPearl Bborn about 1904
ErnestRachael Sborn about 1855
ErnestRichard Eborn about 1939
ErnestRobert Dborn about 1939

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F Surnames

FallotAugust born about 1852
FellHarry Cborn about 1902
FellJames born about 1899
FellJames Dborn about 1932
FellNettie born about 1898
FisherLeslie Cborn about 1876
FreemanCarl Deanborn about 1934
FreemanDonald Lborn about 1927
FreemanDonna Geanborn about 1932
FreemanJames born about 1925
FreemanJess Oborn about 1898
FreemanMarcelle born about 1923
FreemanMary Annborn about 1935
FreemanMonte Wborn about 1929
FreemanOliver Jborn about 1892
FreemanRelna Mborn about 1905
FreemanRose Mborn about 1900
FultonElizabeth born about 1881

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G Surnames

GatesGary Kborn about 1938
GatesInez Lborn about 1904
GatesKimball Wborn about 1904
GhereCarl Rborn about 1938
GhereClyde Wborn about 1935
GhereHoward Dborn about 1930
GhereInez Mborn about 1902
GhereLeonard Rborn about 1932
GhereRaymond Gborn about 1934
GhereRussell Jborn about 1899
GravesFrank born about 1901
GravesGeneva born about 1914
GravesJ Dborn about 1869
GravesMary born about 1875
GreveJosephine born about 1901
GreveRobert born about 1930
GreveW Jborn about 1901
GreveWilliam Hborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HallmanErna Mborn about 1896
HallmanFred Cborn about 1885
HamonPaul born about 1898
HarrisDorotha Mborn about 1929
HarrisErnest Wborn about 1897
HarrisJeanie Iborn about 1927
HarrisMaxine Jborn about 1936
HarrisMyrtle Iborn about 1897
HortonSue Fborn about 1858
HortonW Hborn about 1887
HowellDale Rborn about 1931
HowellEvelyn Mborn about 1911
HowellJohn Dborn about 1934
HowellMary Juneborn about 1930
HowellRoy born about 1908
HumbertBessie born about 1887
HumbertHarold born about 1933
HumbertHomer born about 1884
HumbertThelma born about 1908
HumbertWendell born about 1907
HutchinsonEdgar Oborn about 1875
HutchinsonMary Leeborn about 1878

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J Surnames

JessephBetty Jborn about 1934
JessephClarence Rborn about 1930
JessephDonald Dborn about 1936
JessephGladys Bborn about 1904
JessephGrace Fborn about 1928
JessephLester Pborn about 1901
JessephRussel Wborn about 1933
JohnsonEugene born about 1924
JonesAgnes born about 1881
JonesEddward born about 1900
JonesOscar born about 1876
JordanBeverle Mborn about 1924
JordanJohanah Hborn about 1864
JordanJohn Dborn about 1928
JordanMildred Mborn about 1897
JordanNeal Oborn about 1897
JurgensJohn born about 1899
JurgensJunia Oborn about 1913
JurgensWanda Mborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KeimigAuguste Sborn about 1887
KenneallyDaniel born about 1884
KerstEdith born about 1886
KerstHardy Hborn about 1883
KerstHarriet Cborn about 1869
KerstWm born about 1883
KimberlinMilo Mborn about 1912
KimberlinViola Fborn about 1914
KoehlerAlice Mborn about 1939
KoehlerAnna Mborn about 1914
KoehlerDolores Mborn about 1937
KoehlerJuliana Kborn about 1935
KoehlerLawerence Tborn about 1910

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L Surnames

LagreeCharles Wborn about 1878
LagreeHerldon born about 1915
LagreeMartha born about 1879
LaphamIda Mborn about 1872
LaphamJohn Eborn about 1863
LintErnest Jborn about 1885
LintHarriet Lborn about 1918
LintLota Eborn about 1887
LintRobert Lborn about 1926
LottEileen born about 1928
LottElphia Aborn about 1888
LottFrank Iborn about 1878
LottInez Eborn about 1926
LottJames Bborn about 1918
LottJohn Fborn about 1919
LottMary Vborn about 1921
LottPatricia Fborn about 1930
LottRobert Dborn about 1923
LottRosaleen born about 1928
LuebkePearl born about 1882
LuebkeWilliam born about 1881
LynchLester Cborn about 1909
LynchWinfred Hborn about 1908

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M Surnames

MackeyAlan Jborn about 1939
MackeyBarbara Lborn about 1938
MackeyBetty Leeborn about 1937
MackeyDonald Mborn about 1933
MackeyEdward Oborn about 1927
MackeyJerry Joeborn about 1931
MackeyJerry M Oborn about 1892
MackeyJoan Mborn about 1928
MackeyStalla Eborn about 1904
MattAda born about 1886
MattR Wborn about 1880
McDanielA Sborn about 1869
McDanielGrace Eborn about 1881
McDanielJohn born about 1903
McDanielOmar born about 1916
McDanielPaul Pborn about 1914
MidlamC Aborn about 1880
MontgomeryBetty Jborn about 1926
MontgomeryCharles Eborn about 1921
MontgomeryDella born about 1876
MontgomeryDoris Mborn about 1932
MontgomeryGeorgia Rborn about 1935
MontgomeryLucy born about 1901
MontgomeryMabel Vborn about 1900
MontgomeryPete Hborn about 1899
MontgomeryPete Jr born about 1923
MonyhonEmma born about 1872
MooreRetta Mborn about 1891
MooreRobert Cborn about 1886
MoretzA Jborn about 1880
MoretzEugene born about 1925
MoretzJoseph Aborn about 1924
MoretzMary born about 1920
MoritzGeorge Aborn about 1875
MoritzKatie Mborn about 1882
MottLella Nborn about 1865
MottNellie Mborn about 1901
MottNora Mborn about 1907

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O Surnames

OberyFrances born about 1893
OberyLawrence born about 1889
OliverDaniel Fborn about 1905
OliverDaniel F Jrborn about 1922
OliverEdith Gborn about 1885
OliverJames Lborn about 1935
OliverMargaret Kborn about 1906
OliverPaul Pborn about 1879
OliverRodney Wborn about 1932
OlivierCharles Eborn about 1932
OlivierFrancois Oborn about 1929
OlivierGeorgiana Mborn about 1925
OlivierHelen Rborn about 1927
OlivierVeronica born about 1898
OsborneMary Kborn about 1909
OsborneMary Kathrynborn about 1935
OsborneRalph Leeborn about 1939
OsborneShrley Annborn about 1933
OsborneWalter Hborn about 1891
OsborneWalter Howardborn about 1934

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P Surnames

PhillippeMargaret born about 1921
PhillippeRichard born about 1926

Q Surnames

QuickBryan born about 1897

R Surnames

RhodesBlanche born about 1879
RhodesDonald Lborn about 1932
RobinsonEdward Wborn about 1906
RobinsonEmma born about 1908
RobinsonWilliam Lytleborn about 1939
RobsonCharlotte born about 1913
RobsonHarold Vborn about 1911
RobsonRose Mborn about 1938
RobsonWilliam Lborn about 1937
RoeJay Tborn about 1920
RoeRex Jborn about 1921
RoeRobert Lborn about 1919
RoeRoena Sborn about 1922
RoeSwanhild born about 1894
RoeThomas Gborn about 1870
RossHerbert Eborn about 1862
RowanJanie born about 1891

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S Surnames

SchonEverett Hborn about 1911
SchonHiram born about 1880
SchonJohn Jborn about 1886
SchonKatie born about 1890
SchonVinita born about 1910
ShippenCatherine Nborn about 1936
ShippenFrances Mborn about 1910
ShippenWilliam Gborn about 1939
ShippenWilliam Hborn about 1908
ShoreBernice born about 1918
ShoreClifford born about 1914
SimmonsJohn born about 1866
SimpsonVictoria born about 1878
SisterEdna born about 1922
SisterFloria born about 1903
SisterUrban born about 1912
SmithhislerA Eborn about 1869
SmithhislerAnn Mborn about 1932
SmithhislerClarence born about 1912
SmithhislerEleanor born about 1927
SmithhislerInfant born about 1940
SmithhislerLeo Bborn about 1900
SmithhislerLillian Rborn about 1898
SmithhislerLouis Sborn about 1906
SmithhislerMartin born about 1933
SmithhislerMary Eborn about 1935
SmithhislerMary Fborn about 1869
SmithhislerMary Vborn about 1860
SmithhislerWilliam Lborn about 1936
SmithhislerYvonne Lborn about 1940
StraderAnne Louiseborn about 1937
StraderCarl born about 1935
StraderJames born about 1927
StraderKenieth born about 1938
StraderRobert born about 1933
StraderRussell Lborn about 1894
StraderZelma born about 1906
SuterAlbert Jborn about 1891
SuterAlbert Jr born about 1937
SuterAnthony Jborn about 1917
SuterEvelyn Mborn about 1923
SuterLawrence Aborn about 1933
SuterMargaret born about 1897
SuterMerle Fborn about 1921
SuterWalter Hborn about 1919

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W Surnames

WallsJ Hborn about 1868
WedmanDaniel born about 1917
WedmanDorothy Bborn about 1903
WedmanJoseph Mborn about 1905
WedmanLeonard Joborn about 1928
WedmanMargaret Rborn about 1936
WedmanMary Hborn about 1917
WedmanRoger Jborn about 1931
WedmanThomas Wborn about 1930
WempinAngie born about 1884
WempinK Eborn about 1878
WhiteArlie born about 1916
WhiteRuby born about 1894
WhiteRuth Mborn about 1922
WhiteVelma born about 1916
WilliamsL Bborn about 1878
WilliamsNell Fborn about 1877
WohlfordGeorge Aborn about 1876
WohlfordNettie Eborn about 1876
WulfCarmen Cborn about 1938
WulfCarol Eborn about 1934
WulfEdward Eborn about 1889
WulfEsther born about 1899
WulfKarleton Bborn about 1922
WulfSheldon Lborn about 1929
WulfThornton Eborn about 1926
WulfWalden Fborn about 1920

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