1940 U.S. Federal Census of Osage in Crawford County, Crawford, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Crawford County > 1940 Census of Osage in Crawford County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AldridgeClarence born about 1908
AlexanderHelen born about 1920
AllenBarbara Louborn about 1938
AllenBernice born about 1915
AllenCarl born about 1925
AllenCarol born about 1940
AllenJesse Jborn about 1886
AllenLoma Jeanborn about 1935
AllenRoy born about 1913
AllenViola born about 1888
AllenWilmer born about 1907
AmendHomer born about 1859
AmosAlfred born about 1914
AmosC Lborn about 1884
AmosDorothy born about 1920
AmosGrace born about 1886
AndrewDonna born about 1923
AndrewElmo born about 1926
AndrewFred born about 1893
AndrewJack born about 1899
AndrewJames Hborn about 1869
AndrewJoe born about 1921
AndrewMabel born about 1900
AndrewMax born about 1929
AndrewMaxine born about 1922
AutemAlice born about 1898
AutemColleen born about 1933
AutemGus born about 1937
AutemGus Jr born about 1892
AutemPauline born about 1931
AutemVeda born about 1935

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B Surnames

BakerGrace born about 1911
BakerJoan born about 1930
BaldwinAllan Rayborn about 1939
BaldwinHarvey born about 1906
BaldwinInez born about 1911
BaldwinIrene born about 1931
BaldwinLynn born about 1933
BaldwinMarjorie born about 1936
BaldwinRalph born about 1937
BaldwinRobert born about 1938
BallEdna Shirleyborn about 1926
BallLaura Fayeborn about 1894
BallMargaret born about 1931
BallMary born about 1921
BallWilliam born about 1895
BarleyFaye born about 1902
BarleyWalter born about 1898
BarrowCalvin born about 1876
BarrowHarold born about 1921
BarrowMary born about 1881
BeeryCharlie born about 1884
BeeryDolly born about 1906
BeeryEvelyn born about 1925
BeeryIddo born about 1893
BeeryJaunita born about 1923
BellLloyd Cborn about 1915
BellMary Eborn about 1916
BenegasEvelyn born about 1922
BenegasNestor born about 1898
BennettFrances born about 1926
BennettJames born about 1929
BennettLester born about 1906
BennettMarion born about 1933
BennettRuth born about 1903
BennettWayne born about 1938
BillingtonCharles born about 1933
BillingtonFloyd born about 1899
BillingtonLawrence born about 1926
BillingtonLelia born about 1902
BlackburnAndrew born about 1877
BlackburnJoe born about 1919
BlackburnLina born about 1886
BlackburnOpal born about 1924
BlackburnOpal Alineborn about 1921
BlackburnRobert born about 1924
BlackburnSaretha born about 1922
BlackwellDean born about 1928
BlackwellJim born about 1899
BlackwellLouis born about 1924
BlackwellMartha born about 1901
BlackwellMary Anneborn about 1929
BlackwellRaymond born about 1921
BlairMaxine Maeborn about 1916
BlairShirley Anneborn about 1937
BlairWilliam born about 1914
BlandAnna Leeborn about 1935
BlandFred born about 1903
BlandFreddie Jr born about 1929
BlandHelen born about 1905
BlandJohn born about 1937
BlandOpal born about 1933
BlandRuth born about 1939
BlandStella born about 1931
BondC Mborn about 1869
BondGerald born about 1933
BondLloyd born about 1897
BondMarjorie born about 1923
BondReta Joe Anneborn about 1937
BondThelder born about 1908
BondVirginia born about 1926
BoorAnna born about 1890
BoorCarl born about 1921
BoorOtis born about 1879
BooreEthel born about 1894
BooreIrene born about 1919
BooreJack born about 1937
BooreJerry born about 1939
BoorePaul born about 1916
BooreRussell born about 1892
BooreWayne born about 1929
BornhauserHattie born about 1866
BoydGoldie born about 1888
BoydMargaret born about 1926
BoydMartha born about 1926
BoydOliver born about 1887
BoydRobert born about 1928
BrintnallAllen born about 1938
BrintnallElmer born about 1919
BrintnallOletha born about 1918
BronsonCarl Richardborn about 1936
BronsonEunice born about 1916
BronsonHarold born about 1909
BronsonHarry born about 1885
BronsonHettie born about 1886
BronsonWylie born about 1930
BurchHenrietta born about 1870
BurchVictor born about 1911
BurkholderEsther born about 1916
BurkholderHarold born about 1909

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C Surnames

CamblinCharles Cborn about 1868
CamblinEmily Lborn about 1872
CampbellLorraine born about 1920
CarnsHelen born about 1903
CarnsJoe Anneborn about 1931
CarnsLeslie born about 1861
CarnsMarie born about 1907
CarnsOrpha born about 1875
CarnsRalph born about 1903
CarnsRaymond born about 1891
CarnsSahara born about 1866
CarnsWilliam Aborn about 1869
CastelloEllen born about 1877
CastelloJohn born about 1873
CircleEdmund born about 1917
CircleEveritt born about 1875
CircleFannie born about 1878
CircleMaurine born about 1918
ClarkeCarrol born about 1899
ClarkeGeorge born about 1921
ClarkePaul born about 1925
ClawsonGrover born about 1885
ClawsonMellisa born about 1861
ClawsonMerle born about 1926
ClaytonCarl born about 1931
ClaytonCarrol born about 1932
ClaytonClaude born about 1933
ClaytonHattie born about 1902
ClaytonLee born about 1897
ClaytonShirley Juneborn about 1939
ClaytonVenita Maeborn about 1935
ClugstonArthur born about 1898
ClugstonBetty Roseborn about 1939
ClugstonBill born about 1924
ClugstonCharlene born about 1931
ClugstonDonald born about 1932
ClugstonHarold born about 1900
ClugstonJeanette born about 1922
ClugstonLeo Fayeborn about 1927
ClugstonNora born about 1902
ClugstonRolland born about 1927
ClugstonRose born about 1898
ClugstonValjean born about 1924
CollierHarry Cborn about 1887
CollierLa Verna born about 1919
CollierMary born about 1895
CollierPrudence born about 1858
CombsDavid born about 1915
CombsJohn born about 1924
ConleyCharles born about 1912
ConleyDona Lavonneborn about 1919
ConleyElizabeth born about 1936
ConleyJesse born about 1909
ConleyOpal born about 1925
ConleyRuth Annborn about 1932
ConleyWilliam Bborn about 1889
ConleyWilmer born about 1895
CookHugh born about 1890
CookJames Iborn about 1905
CookJennie born about 1895
CookMadge born about 1926
CookMary born about 1902
CopasMary Fborn about 1870
CopperEliza born about 1878
CopperO Pborn about 1880
CranstonAgnes born about 1876
CranstonJames born about 1877
CranstonMinnie born about 1877
CranstonSterling born about 1868
CrawfordFred born about 1885
CrawfordFred Jr born about 1918
CrawfordGoldie born about 1885

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D Surnames

DarlandSusie Annborn about 1876
DarlandWm Sborn about 1868
DavidsonChas Hborn about 1882
DavidsonCora born about 1886
DavisArthur born about 1917
DavisBetty Louborn about 1930
DavisBeulah born about 1918
DavisElla born about 1893
DavisHugh born about 1889
DavisLeonard born about 1926
DavisMargaret born about 1894
DavisMarjorie born about 1927
DavisMarvella born about 1932
DavisOnetta born about 1924
DavisRoy born about 1913
DavisWalter born about 1891
DeillAnna Bborn about 1904
DeillBarton Jr born about 1895
DeillBernice Eborn about 1900
DeillByron Alfredborn about 1924
DeillGail Cborn about 1876
DeillGrace Elizabethborn about 1920
DeillInez Virginiaborn about 1922
DeillMax Eborn about 1893
DeillWm Robertborn about 1932
DelappVerbena born about 1862
DelappWilliam Hborn about 1856
DemossAnna born about 1871
DiehlBarton born about 1865
DixonCecil born about 1890
DixonGeorgia born about 1923
DixonHal born about 1894
DixonJohn born about 1926
DixonMae born about 1905
DixonVirla born about 1894
DunlopBilly born about 1925
DunlopElwood A Jrborn about 1918
DunlopElwood Mborn about 1876
DunlopJosephine born about 1884
DunlopLily Anneborn about 1892
DunlopMary Eborn about 1867
DunlopMary Lucilleborn about 1926
DunlopOra born about 1901
DunlopOtis born about 1901
DunlopWilliam born about 1925
DunnAmbrosia born about 1872

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E Surnames

EdlerCharles born about 1890
EdlerEmma born about 1870
EdlerJacob born about 1859
EdminstonSahara born about 1853
EgbertClaude born about 1910
EgbertClaudine born about 1938
EgbertHazel born about 1908
EgbertMarvin born about 1934
EvansCharles Hborn about 1910
EvansGary Leeborn about 1938
EvansIda Mayborn about 1886
EvansIro born about 1893
EvansJesse Gborn about 1886
EvansRichard Deanborn about 1929
EvansW Fborn about 1908
ExleyBell Cborn about 1887
ExleyIra born about 1879

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F Surnames

FagerBernard born about 1923
FagerCatherine born about 1935
FagerClara Maeborn about 1921
FagerHelen born about 1931
FagerHubert born about 1926
FagerJames born about 1927
FagerMarie born about 1898
FagerMyrl born about 1938
FagerRichard born about 1934
FagerRoy born about 1896
FagerTherese born about 1932
FancherW Bborn about 1862
FawcettRobert Rborn about 1885
FlahertyBernice born about 1920
FlahertyMattie born about 1876
FlahertyPaul born about 1919
FlahertyWilliam born about 1874
FrisbieGlen born about 1907
FrisbieHelen born about 1918
FrisbieRalph born about 1939
FrisbieWayne born about 1937
FunkLorraine born about 1922

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G Surnames

GalleherHattie born about 1882
GalleherWard born about 1880
GalleherWilliam born about 1875
GarrisonErnest born about 1916
GarrisonEsther born about 1922
GarrisonEunice born about 1918
GarrisonGlen born about 1921
GarrisonHarry born about 1920
GarrisonJ Eborn about 1877
GarrisonLouis born about 1914
GarrisonMinerva born about 1869
GarveyElva Mborn about 1871
GibsonGladys Mborn about 1903
GibsonHarold Wayneborn about 1935
GilbertAnna born about 1867
GilbertHenry born about 1897
GordonFern born about 1902
GraceyRuth born about 1872
GraceyW Hborn about 1869
GraffBernice born about 1915
GraffForest born about 1913
GraffMary born about 1905
GraffMavis Marieborn about 1938
GraffNancie Gborn about 1873
GrandleAura born about 1879
GrandleEffie born about 1884
GrandleFrank born about 1877
GrandleGeorge born about 1876
GrandleHerman born about 1923
GrandleJesse Miltonborn about 1879
GrandleNeva born about 1922
GrandlePaul born about 1914
GrandleStella born about 1886
GrantEtta born about 1909
GrantGrace born about 1884
GrantHelen born about 1934
GrantJesse Kborn about 1883
GrantLloyd born about 1908
GraverBert born about 1890
GraverDeane born about 1924
GraverDorothy born about 1923
GraverDoyle born about 1899
GraverElizabeth born about 1899
GraverMartha born about 1894
GraverRoy Neilborn about 1921
GraverWesley Thaneborn about 1925
GreenAlbert Henryborn about 1872
GreenCharlie born about 1895
GreenCora Estherborn about 1909
GreenCordie born about 1895
GreenGoldie born about 1921
GreenInger born about 1883
GreenJaunita born about 1916
GreenJohnie born about 1929
GreenLester born about 1919
GreenLillian born about 1912
GreenLouie born about 1882
GreenRosa Belleborn about 1884
GreenTom born about 1917
GreggAddison born about 1863
GreggFrances born about 1872
GrossLloyd Rborn about 1892
GrossMattie Rborn about 1870
GrossMildred born about 1895
GroverJacob born about 1866
GroverMary born about 1865

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H Surnames

HallFrances born about 1878
HallRobert born about 1898
HallSherman born about 1867
HamblinAlbert born about 1895
HamblinDave born about 1866
HamblinGladys born about 1898
HamblinLaura Anneborn about 1871
HamiltonGertrude born about 1880
HamiltonJames Fborn about 1879
HammondsCharles born about 1893
HammondsDarrel born about 1931
HammondsDwayne born about 1933
HammondsRichard born about 1924
HammondsSusie born about 1896
HammondsWinona born about 1920
HankinsGeorge born about 1867
HannaAva born about 1904
HannaEarlyene born about 1929
HannaIdora Leeborn about 1927
HannaJohn born about 1897
HannaJohn Richardborn about 1938
HansonAlma born about 1879
HarissJannie born about 1892
HarissJohn Eborn about 1884
HarissMaxine born about 1916
HarleyFaye born about 1888
HarleyW R Drborn about 1886
HarrisCharles Eugeneborn about 1940
HarrisDonald Deanborn about 1938
HarrisJohn Richardborn about 1936
HarrisJohn Jr born about 1914
HarrisRuby born about 1913
HemkenGoldie Annborn about 1937
HemkenMyrtle born about 1900
HemkenMyrtle Janeborn about 1923
HemkenWilliam born about 1904
HendricksDoris born about 1905
HeryfordAnna Eborn about 1866
HeryfordS Hborn about 1860
HeskethFrank born about 1933
HessEsther born about 1903
HessEvart born about 1901
HessMardell born about 1924
HickmanClint born about 1900
HickmanMay born about 1903
HighbargainJaunita Ireneborn about 1938
HighbargainLowell Melvinborn about 1939
HighbargainMarguerite born about 1913
HighbargainRoy Cborn about 1884
HighlandH Mborn about 1892
HighlandZella Aborn about 1891
HillerGerald born about 1909
HillerJohn born about 1934
HillerKerin born about 1938
HillerLeota born about 1913
HobsonAlan born about 1939
HobsonVenus born about 1915
HobsonWayne born about 1914
HogbenJohn born about 1864
HogbenNattie born about 1873
HolcombCharles born about 1918
HoltmanJohn Normanborn about 1940
HoltmanLillie born about 1916
HoltmanMonroe born about 1916
HornadyCharles born about 1888
HornadyEtta born about 1889
HouseweartHelen born about 1892
HouseweartKarl born about 1906
HouseweartMary born about 1913
HouseweartO Lborn about 1873
HoustonAl born about 1878
HoustonClara born about 1879
HoustonIra born about 1911
HullRuth born about 1868
HushArlene born about 1928
HushClifford born about 1920
HushElla born about 1896
HushJames born about 1932
HushMell born about 1884

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I Surnames

IrwinJoe Annborn about 1935
IrwinLola born about 1912
IrwinRaymond born about 1913

J Surnames

JacksonGeo Raymondborn about 1885
JacksonKenneth born about 1916
JacksonLorraine born about 1890
JacksonRaymond born about 1911
JacksonVetra born about 1910
JacksonVivian born about 1921
JessupEthel born about 1881
JessupWilliam born about 1876
JohnsonCharles Wborn about 1876
JohnsonEllen born about 1880
JonesCarl Eugeneborn about 1933
JonesEmerson born about 1908
JonesGeorge Williamborn about 1930
JonesH Lborn about 1902
JonesHenrietta born about 1909
JonesJohn Leroyborn about 1935
JonesLouise born about 1912
JonesLynm born about 1930
JonesMarie born about 1888
JonesR Rborn about 1883
JonesRobert Emersonborn about 1932
JonesShirley born about 1928
JonesWayne Leonborn about 1937
JordanA Lborn about 1874

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K Surnames

KaysLeonard born about 1900
KaysMyrtle born about 1899
KaysPrecilla Annborn about 1929
KelleyBobbie Jeneborn about 1934
KelleyClaude Eugeneborn about 1915
KelleyMaxine Carrieborn about 1911
KennedyCarey Mborn about 1887
KennedyWm Sborn about 1879
KernickAlta born about 1918
KernickCharlotte Sueborn about 1939
KernickEdward Leeborn about 1938
KernickJames born about 1871
KernickLaurie Wborn about 1871
KernickMelva Morrisborn about 1936
KernickWm Melvinborn about 1915
KessupGladys born about 1912
KessupLuther born about 1903
KimbroughBeulah born about 1885
KimbroughBilly born about 1916
KingAbigail born about 1874
KingBetty Annborn about 1929
KingEugene born about 1924
KingEverett born about 1891
KingFlora Louiseborn about 1925
KingOllie born about 1893
KingRobert Eselborn about 1927
KingRobert Lborn about 1870
KingRoy born about 1921
KingShirley Anneborn about 1935
KirbyGordon born about 1920
KirbyMeivel born about 1914
KirkBertha Lborn about 1909
KirkGlenn Hborn about 1909
KirkHarold Sborn about 1929
KirkLloyd Sborn about 1933
KrauterEtta born about 1883
KrauterLouis Cborn about 1883
KrauterPaul born about 1927
KrauterPearl born about 1915

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L Surnames

LaneAlma born about 1892
LaneClaude born about 1889
LaneElda born about 1911
LaneWyman born about 1922
LauckManley born about 1886
LauckMargaret born about 1893
LongAlvin born about 1904
LongAndrew born about 1877
LongClayton born about 1931
LongDavid born about 1939
LongEverett born about 1906
LongHarold Deanborn about 1933
LongKenneth born about 1936
LongLizzie born about 1880
LongLulu born about 1907
LongMargaret born about 1905
LongMartha born about 1934
LongMerle born about 1928
LongPauline born about 1939
LongRobert born about 1932
LongWayne born about 1929

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M Surnames

MahaffeyJoseph born about 1868
MahaffeyJoseph Wmborn about 1899
MahaffeyLola born about 1902
MahaffeyOnie born about 1877
MansfieldFrank Tborn about 1884
MansfieldOlive Jborn about 1885
MarchbanksAlva born about 1906
MarchbanksMerle born about 1927
MarchbanksPatsie Ruthborn about 1928
MarchbanksStella born about 1907
MartinLawrence born about 1907
MartinoAlex born about 1919
MartinoJoe Anneborn about 1939
MartinoMaretta born about 1923
MasonFrank Eborn about 1866
MasonLaura Bborn about 1867
MattoxCarl Lborn about 1920
McCalisterLetha Fayborn about 1923
McCalisterLorene born about 1929
McCaslinLee born about 1926
McCaslinMax born about 1920
McCaslinPearl born about 1892
McCaslinWilliam born about 1893
McCloudJames born about 1864
McCloudMary Mayborn about 1871
McElwainAnna Mayborn about 1935
McElwainCleo Pborn about 1915
McElwainElmer born about 1881
McElwainFrancis Mborn about 1910
McElwainMarion Patriciaborn about 1936
McElwainMervin Le Royborn about 1939
McElwainRosa Mayborn about 1886
McElwainWm Rayborn about 1932
McGowanPaul born about 1916
McGowanWilma born about 1920
McGownClyde born about 1892
McGownDonald born about 1934
McGownElizabeth born about 1893
McGownEugene born about 1922
McGownGenevieve born about 1930
McGownMurlin born about 1924
McGownRosalie born about 1927
McMahonJessie born about 1885
McMahonThomas born about 1886
McWilliamsBessie born about 1903
McWilliamsCharles born about 1895
McWilliamsEmery born about 1926
McWilliamsLaura born about 1922
McWilliamsMazel born about 1896
McWilliamsWm born about 1898
MechlingAnna Maeborn about 1937
MechlingDelbert born about 1931
MechlingDicie Cborn about 1908
MechlingDonald born about 1939
MechlingFrances born about 1909
MechlingHarry born about 1892
MechlingJames Cborn about 1873
MechlingLulu born about 1893
MechlingMary Marthaborn about 1926
MechlingMay born about 1875
MecklingEdith born about 1905
MecklingEly born about 1903
MecklingJames Leroyborn about 1939
MerrillLottie Aborn about 1866
MerrittClyde Lborn about 1891
MilliardFrances born about 1924
MilliardGoldie born about 1895
MilliardHarold born about 1934
MilliardKenneth born about 1894
MilliardLela born about 1904
MilliardLeslie born about 1900
MilliardLola Leeborn about 1932
MilliardVirginia born about 1927
MishlerElizabeth born about 1928
MishlerJames born about 1885
MishlerJames born about 1917
MishlerLeona born about 1924
MishlerLouis born about 1922
MishlerNellie born about 1887
MishlerSahara born about 1919
MobleyArthur born about 1891
MobleyEthel born about 1902
MobleyGuy born about 1901
MobleyHelen born about 1901
MockFloyd born about 1901
MockIva born about 1901
MockLeon born about 1926
MockOnida born about 1930
MockRaymond born about 1923
MohlerArlene born about 1930
MohlerEldon born about 1927
MohlerEsther born about 1932
MohlerJohn born about 1896
MohlerLota born about 1896
MohlerVera born about 1937
MorganCarl Eugeneborn about 1937
MorganJoseph Wmborn about 1912
MorganSahara Aliceborn about 1914
MorganThomas Wborn about 1863
MorrisMartha born about 1878
MorrisonDonald Deanborn about 1927
MorrisonEarl born about 1890
MorrisonHelen born about 1894
MorrisonJaunita born about 1925
MorrisonRuth born about 1923
MorrisonWallace born about 1935
MouldsMary born about 1886
MullenArthur born about 1891
MullenDona Sueborn about 1931
MullenGale born about 1926
MullenGloriadene born about 1929
MullenJane born about 1896
MullenJane born about 1922
MullenJohn born about 1898
MullenMargaret born about 1898
MullenWayne born about 1923
MullinCharles Jborn about 1867
MullinMary Eborn about 1872
MyersAlleela born about 1930
MyersCarl Kborn about 1898
MyersCarl Jr born about 1935
MyersDonald born about 1939
MyersFrancis born about 1939
MyersGladys born about 1907
MyersMarion born about 1932
MyersRalph born about 1937

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N Surnames

NairnJaunita born about 1911
NairnJunior born about 1932
NairnL Aborn about 1907
NairnLeo born about 1936
NairnZalphe born about 1908
NeherD Pborn about 1865
NeherDorothy born about 1903
NeherEdna born about 1901
NeherGeraldine born about 1929
NeherHarold born about 1927
NeherLillian born about 1931
NeherMary born about 1867
NeherMeda born about 1878
NeherRaymond born about 1925
NeherRuben born about 1903
NeherSahara born about 1882
NelsonArchie Mayborn about 1936
NelsonClare born about 1894
NelsonElmer Earlborn about 1930
NelsonEvelyn born about 1932
NelsonGoldie Mayborn about 1935
NelsonPearl born about 1931
NicholsonCharles born about 1893
NicholsonMay born about 1886
NicholsonTheodore Vborn about 1900
NicholsonVada born about 1902
NorrisAmos Dborn about 1885
NorrisBarton born about 1905
NorrisLola born about 1902
NorrisSadie born about 1888
NuttAmanda born about 1903
NuttAnnabelle born about 1933
NuttBesse born about 1907
NuttBetty Joeborn about 1939
NuttBilly Maxborn about 1937
NuttCharles born about 1933
NuttClayton born about 1929
NuttDorothy Fernborn about 1931
NuttErnest born about 1920
NuttEveritt born about 1906
NuttJaunita born about 1922
NuttLew born about 1895
NuttMelvin born about 1923
NuttRose Marieborn about 1928

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O Surnames

OremJosie born about 1922
OverlyEdna born about 1891
OverlyOtis born about 1891

P Surnames

PageCharlene born about 1931
PageFrank born about 1927
PageNina born about 1906
PageTom born about 1929
PageVerna born about 1905
PainterCarey born about 1904
PainterClayton born about 1930
PainterHelen born about 1925
PainterHelen Lorreneborn about 1923
PainterHenry born about 1902
PainterJohn Lborn about 1898
PainterMargaret Aliceborn about 1936
PainterMary Elizabethborn about 1899
PainterPhyllis Anneborn about 1934
PainterShirley Dianeborn about 1939
ParkerCharles born about 1901
ParkerGeraldine born about 1908
ParkerLee Royborn about 1929
ParsoneBarton born about 1895
ParsoneElla born about 1892
ParsoneMargaret born about 1924
ParsonsAgnes born about 1909
ParsonsBarbara born about 1936
ParsonsBetty born about 1931
ParsonsCharles born about 1911
ParsonsDelores born about 1874
ParsonsDonna born about 1930
ParsonsFrancis born about 1904
ParsonsFrench born about 1872
ParsonsJoe born about 1902
ParsonsLeon born about 1933
ParsonsLeslie Jayborn about 1904
ParsonsLyle born about 1930
ParsonsRay born about 1904
ParsonsRobert born about 1932
ParsonsThelma born about 1909
PasoneAlice born about 1916
PasoneHomer born about 1905
PatrickKenneth born about 1913
PatrickMadeline born about 1916
PatrickWilma born about 1938
PenceAlvah born about 1896
PenceElla Jeanneborn about 1924
PenceEvelyn Marieborn about 1920
PenceMyrtle Marieborn about 1898
PenceWayne born about 1927
PercyArthur born about 1893
PercyFloyd born about 1918
PercyMarie born about 1896
PerrineMaude born about 1880
PerryCharles born about 1892
PerryMary born about 1896
PerryMaxine born about 1921
PiersonDora Eborn about 1896
PiersonIsac Kborn about 1888
PiersonVirgil born about 1924
PoolAlbert born about 1892
PoolBuell born about 1921
PoolColleen born about 1928
PoolHelen born about 1923
PoolMeleta born about 1889
PoolMurlin born about 1926
PriceKatherine born about 1869
PurkeyBeatrice Lillianborn about 1910

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Q Surnames

QuiranAnna born about 1880
QuiranJohn born about 1881
QuiranMargaret born about 1923
QuiranRodger born about 1919

R Surnames

RaginsEva born about 1887
RaginsJoe born about 1887
RaybornBobby born about 1924
RaybornCora born about 1884
RedfernElbert born about 1909
RedfernMabel born about 1919
ReichArthur born about 1887
ReichEdna born about 1884
RhorbaughRobert born about 1890
RiggsAnn born about 1936
RiggsBessie born about 1886
RiggsCecil Ellisborn about 1925
RiggsCharles Paulborn about 1936
RiggsClayton Leeborn about 1929
RiggsDon Jborn about 1894
RiggsDonald Earlborn about 1921
RiggsGertrude born about 1901
RiggsJ Eborn about 1882
RiggsMadine born about 1919
RiggsRay born about 1916
RisleyBuren Wileyborn about 1922
RisleyMilia born about 1895
RisleyRalph Edwardborn about 1925
RisleyWiley born about 1890
RobbinsLee born about 1883
RobbinsMargaret born about 1881
RockefellerFrancis born about 1925
RockefellerFrank born about 1899
RockefellerJack born about 1929
RockefellerLouis born about 1900
RogersArthur Iborn about 1892
RogersLouis born about 1925
RogersLucie born about 1900
RogersRebecca born about 1853
RoseDarrell born about 1939
RoseFloyd Arthurborn about 1925
RoseG Aborn about 1884
RoseGeorge Aborn about 1928
RoseGlen Axleyborn about 1932
RoseHarry born about 1916
RoseHarry Jr born about 1938
RoseRose born about 1890
RoseRoy Leeborn about 1921
RoseWinona born about 1918
RossAlexander born about 1925
RossAnna born about 1889
RossGoldie born about 1928
RossHenry Irvenborn about 1888
RossThomas Earlborn about 1881
RubyMargaret Rborn about 1884
RubyW Hborn about 1882
RupertCarl born about 1922
RupertClyde Mborn about 1897
RupertDean born about 1919
RupertRuby Lborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampBertha born about 1886
SampCharles born about 1884
SampEvelyn born about 1914
SampGeorge born about 1880
SampIda born about 1895
SampMila Annborn about 1937
SampRalph born about 1911
SampSandra Sueborn about 1940
SandersGeorge Hborn about 1875
SandersIda Mborn about 1867
SartinBetty Joeborn about 1937
SartinE Eborn about 1901
SartinMarguerite born about 1912
SayersOllie Nborn about 1878
SchwarzBuford born about 1925
SchwarzLouis born about 1883
SchwarzMargaret born about 1887
SchwarzValeria born about 1921
ScottFlora born about 1876
ScottGranville born about 1866
ShafferDale born about 1918
ShafferJean born about 1921
ShafferJess born about 1883
ShafferLeanora born about 1883
ShafferMarjorie born about 1919
ShanholtzerArthur born about 1907
ShanholtzerBilly born about 1936
ShanholtzerCharles born about 1934
ShanholtzerElla born about 1907
ShanholtzerNorma Jeanborn about 1930
ShanholtzerRoberta born about 1932
SharpElla born about 1880
SheltonCharles Eborn about 1917
SheltonEvelyn born about 1939
SheltonFlossie born about 1918
SheltonKenneth born about 1937
ShidelerDaniel born about 1878
ShidelerEmma born about 1879
ShidelerGladys born about 1903
ShigleyGladys born about 1902
ShigleyR Hborn about 1902
ShipmanCharles born about 1938
ShipmanGeneva born about 1914
ShipmanLyle born about 1912
ShirlyEunice born about 1892
ShirlyWm born about 1889
SlaparFrank born about 1903
SlaparFrank Miltonborn about 1930
SlaparMarilyn Louiseborn about 1934
SlaparRobert Earlborn about 1928
SlaparStephania born about 1906
SmithCora Bborn about 1865
SmithInfant born about 1940
SmithLoren Jborn about 1903
SmithLoren Jamesborn about 1932
SmithMargaret born about 1911
SmithRaymond Lynnborn about 1935
SniderCharles born about 1862
SniderEsther born about 1897
SniderFlorence born about 1870
SnowFred born about 1891
SnowLoren born about 1912
SnowTressa born about 1895
SpillmanAbbie born about 1881
SpillmanElmer Oborn about 1874
StevensHelen born about 1939
StevensHoward born about 1918
StevensLucille born about 1919
StewartBonita born about 1935
StewartCorene born about 1934
StewartDonna Leeborn about 1927
StewartDorothy born about 1912
StewartGlen born about 1907
StewartGoldie born about 1894
StewartLester born about 1892
StewartLoretta Mayborn about 1930
StewartStanley born about 1918
StewartVera born about 1922
StithAnna born about 1908
StithPatricia born about 1937
StithWilliam born about 1878
StithWilliam Leroyborn about 1940
StockerBetty Louborn about 1928
StockerByron Daleborn about 1933
StockerHoward born about 1902
StockerJoe Anneborn about 1936
StockerJohn born about 1900
StockerMusie born about 1906
StockerTrueman born about 1925
StockerViola born about 1904
StottsClaude born about 1880
StottsEmma born about 1886
StottsGordon born about 1921
StottsMary Aliceborn about 1930
StottsOscar born about 1894
StottsPearl born about 1896
StottsRaymond born about 1919
StouttFrank born about 1888
StratheAgnes Oborn about 1903
StratheC F Aborn about 1864
StratheCarl Fborn about 1897
StratheCaroline Mborn about 1865
StropeJ Eborn about 1878
StutterdMarian Eborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TelckMartha Ileneborn about 1932
TelckRuth born about 1912
ThiemeArmand born about 1881
ThiemeHadasa born about 1870
ThiesingCecile born about 1914
ThiesingDonald Glenborn about 1936
ThiesingGertrude born about 1922
ThiesingGlen born about 1912
ThiesingMay born about 1872
ThiesingMyrtle born about 1903
ThiesingRalph born about 1899
ThiesingW Rborn about 1885
TownsendMarion Joe Anneborn about 1938
TownsendPauline born about 1916
TownsendRobert Eborn about 1918
TrabeveEstella born about 1869
TrabeveLucius born about 1904
TrabeveW Bborn about 1855
TridleE Wborn about 1856
TridleMabel born about 1898
TroopHoward born about 1918
TroopLeona born about 1921
TurkingtonFrank born about 1896
TurkingtonJohn born about 1924
TurkingtonMary born about 1899
TurkingtonMary Ellenborn about 1926
TurkingtonRaymond Leeborn about 1927
TurkingtonRobert Scottborn about 1929
TurneyAnnie born about 1870
TurneyGlen born about 1899
TurneyJasper born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlbrichFern Mborn about 1915
UlbrichWalter Eborn about 1914
UleryHenry born about 1866
UleryOla born about 1870
UlreyClyde born about 1923
UlreyEli born about 1893
UlreyFlossie born about 1895

W Surnames

WadkinsLucretia born about 1883
WadkinsRalph born about 1905
WalkerDon born about 1881
WalkerFloyd born about 1922
WalkerMaude born about 1881
WaltersJohn born about 1870
WaltersPeter born about 1863
WaltersSynthia born about 1875
WamsleyLeonard born about 1890
WamsleyMabel born about 1889
WasemGrace born about 1926
WasemLena born about 1892
WasemWalter Iborn about 1891
WatkinsCleo born about 1909
WatkinsHarold born about 1910
WatkinsMary Louborn about 1933
WelchFlorence born about 1888
WelchHoward born about 1871
WelchJohn Hborn about 1886
WelchLee born about 1899
WelchMamie born about 1901
WelchRosetta born about 1871
WhiteVirgil Rborn about 1873
WilbornJames born about 1920
WilbornRichard Rborn about 1888
WilbornSylvia born about 1895
WingerArchibald born about 1879
WingerIva born about 1887
WingerRichard born about 1923
WinterrowdLloyd born about 1905
WinterrowdRuth born about 1905
WitherspoonHazel born about 1903
WitherspoonLacy born about 1887
WitherspoonThomas born about 1924
WolfeAnn Cborn about 1904
WolfeC Rborn about 1894
WolfeConrad Deeborn about 1935
WolfeDorothy Annborn about 1932
WolfeLillie Bborn about 1873
WolfeWilliam Hborn about 1868
WylieJames born about 1918
WylieLeah born about 1909
WylieMarriott born about 1923
WylieSusie born about 1886
WylieVernice born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeibertBernice born about 1907
ZeibertBeverly Annborn about 1935
ZeibertEleanor Agnesborn about 1937
ZeibertJohn Cborn about 1903
ZimmermanEulalia born about 1896
ZimmermanGrant born about 1891
ZimmermanLuther born about 1923
ZimmermanRay born about 1926

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