1940 U.S. Federal Census of Richland in Ford County, Ford, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Ford County > 1940 Census of Richland in Ford County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdrainDeloris born about 1934
AdrainDonna born about 1937
AdrainGalen born about 1938
AdrainGilbert born about 1929
AdrainGlenn Cborn about 1896
AdrainGlenn Jr born about 1932
AdrainIra Mborn about 1909
AdrainIris born about 1939
AdrainJune born about 1926
AdrainLouise born about 1931
AdrainNorma Leeborn about 1927
AdrainShirley born about 1936
AndersonBert Hborn about 1896
AndersonBrilla born about 1906
AndersonCarolyn born about 1934

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B Surnames

BaileyAlbert born about 1930
BaileyBillie born about 1934
BaileyBobby born about 1933
BaileyClifford born about 1926
BaileyEthel Bborn about 1896
BaileyF Leeborn about 1900
BaileyFranklin born about 1919
BaileyJoy born about 1926
BaileyLula born about 1922
BaileyNola Fayeborn about 1928
BaileyRobert born about 1924
BaileyShelby Mborn about 1893
BaileyShirley born about 1936
BaileyVirginia born about 1931
BalenClaudean born about 1926
BalenJames born about 1928
BalenLillaha Eborn about 1904
BallBonner Bborn about 1893
BallJanet born about 1935
BallNellie Mborn about 1905
BallNorma Jeanborn about 1926
BarrettBen Hborn about 1896
BarrettBetty born about 1934
BarrettGertrude Dborn about 1902
BarrettHarlon born about 1936
BartonClement Eborn about 1920
BartonGlen Eborn about 1921
BartonMary Vborn about 1894
BartonMelva born about 1923
BartonOscar Mborn about 1896
BartonVirginia born about 1928
BaskettEd Lborn about 1864
BaskettFlorence Aborn about 1910
BaskettGeorge Hborn about 1907
BaskettKay Joborn about 1937
BaskettSharon Raborn about 1940
BatenClaude born about 1900
BeallAnna Kborn about 1917
BeallCharles Eborn about 1884
BeallLona Mborn about 1897
BeallRalph Lborn about 1914
BeesonfElizabeth Iborn about 1892
BeesonfIrene born about 1921
BeesonfMerritt born about 1879
BelknapCharles Jborn about 1855
BennettBerth born about 1883
BennettFannie Bborn about 1881
BlackBetty born about 1923
BlackEsta born about 1933
BlackForrest born about 1928
BlackFrancis born about 1922
BlackG Fernborn about 1901
BlackGary Leeborn about 1938
BlackRalph born about 1925
BlackWilber Fborn about 1895
BlackWilliam born about 1930
BlackburnCallie born about 1921
BlackburnCecil Wborn about 1919
BookHurley born about 1923
BookLynn Fborn about 1890
BookNora born about 1892
BookRuby born about 1918
BoydBetty Louborn about 1923
BoydFrank Gborn about 1895
BoydIrene Mborn about 1896
BrileyBenjamin Fborn about 1919
BrockKenneth Jborn about 1915
BrockMarjorie Lborn about 1923
BrockhausenCharles born about 1913
BrockhausenGus Rborn about 1878
BrockhausenIda born about 1888
BrockhausenOdema born about 1915
BrockhausenPaul born about 1912
BrockhausenRalph born about 1922
BrookChester born about 1926
BrookHenry Wborn about 1892
BrookLillie Wborn about 1894
BrownElmer born about 1938
BrownEvelyn born about 1936
BrownHelen Eborn about 1918
BrownLena born about 1883
BrownSamuel Wborn about 1913
BullockBlanche born about 1887
BullockCharles born about 1889
BurkBernice born about 1903
BurkClyde born about 1891
BurnettBetty Louborn about 1927
BurnettCharles Lborn about 1898
BurnettErma born about 1906
BurnettIrma Jeanborn about 1932
BurnettLaurence born about 1926
BurnsIrene Bborn about 1917
BurnsWilliam Cborn about 1914
BurorettGeraline born about 1927
BurorettGlenn born about 1924
BurorettRoger born about 1933
BurorettWinnetta born about 1906
BurorettWinnie Oborn about 1896

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C Surnames

CampbellDaniel Sborn about 1863
ClapperDennis born about 1937
ClapperEarl born about 1936
ClapperLedrn* Jborn about 1908
ClapperNicholas born about 1939
ClapperShirley Annborn about 1932
ClapperWava Lborn about 1907
ClarkFlorence Mborn about 1881
ClarkTom Aborn about 1869
CookAlvin Bborn about 1865
CookArthur Mborn about 1915
CookBuford born about 1920
CookD?lires born about 1936
CookDoris born about 1937
CookEllen Jborn about 1867
CookFaye born about 1917
CookHenrietta Aborn about 1894
CookLester Mborn about 1892
CraneCecil Hborn about 1903
CraneCornelis born about 1904
CreeveyAudrey Eborn about 1906
CreeveyHalers* born about 1930
CreeveyJames born about 1935
CreeveyJames Lborn about 1910

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D Surnames

DavisBarbara Mborn about 1906
DavisByron Dborn about 1928
DavisCarole born about 1937
DavisCharline born about 1935
DavisChristine born about 1928
DavisDonald born about 1924
DavisE Frankborn about 1891
DavisEvlyn Gborn about 1917
DavisFrank Jr born about 1918
DavisG La Verneborn about 1906
DavisHarold born about 1928
DavisHomer Aborn about 1916
DavisIley Cborn about 1908
DavisLillian born about 1899
DavisMary born about 1922
DavisMattie Eborn about 1892
DavisMinnie Sborn about 1896
DavisRobert born about 1931
DavisRufus Eborn about 1886
DavisThomas Mborn about 1887
DawesArin Lborn about 1897
DawesLois born about 1897
DayClarence Eborn about 1910
DayRobert born about 1938
DayRuth born about 1916
DayZona born about 1937
DellingerAttie Vborn about 1905
DellingerDamon born about 1935
DellingerEffie Joanborn about 1933
DellingerGeorge Eborn about 1899
DellingerGeorge Jr born about 1927
DellingerIva Ellenborn about 1930
DellingerJoy Cecilborn about 1937
DellingerLarry born about 1938
DellingerMontford born about 1928
DirksAnna Aborn about 1915
DirksEarl Jr born about 1906
DirksElma born about 1913
DirksElmer Eborn about 1912
DirksErwin Aborn about 1915
DirksEsther Mborn about 1912
DirksHarold born about 1922
DirksHenry Fborn about 1877
DirksLa Donna born about 1939
DirksLewis Hborn about 1904
DirksMeta born about 1881
DirksRuth born about 1933
DitgesBernard born about 1919
DitgesHenry Hborn about 1884
DitgesLena Mborn about 1890
DitgesLucille born about 1923
DitgesWilliam born about 1926
DunnanBeulah born about 1908
DunnanCarolyn born about 1939
DunnanNeville born about 1929
DunnanNeville Lborn about 1903
DunnanPatricia born about 1934

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E Surnames

EatingerLouisa born about 1862
EdwardsClarabelle born about 1877
EnlowLowell born about 1913
EnsmingerFloyd Lborn about 1924
EnsmingerMartha born about 1885
EvarteBetty Jeanborn about 1927

F Surnames

FaulknerAvis Dborn about 1912
FaulknerBernard Iborn about 1905
FaulknerHarold born about 1931
FaulknerVernon born about 1935
FentonHadie born about 1881
FinkbeinerArther born about 1904
FinkbeinerBetty born about 1931
FinkbeinerElaine born about 1933
FinkbeinerElnor Lborn about 1909
FinkbeinerGlayds born about 1939
FisherCatherine born about 1892
FisherS Glennborn about 1887
FlinnAlfred Rborn about 1940
FlinnArthur Rborn about 1919
FlinnHelen Mborn about 1921
FooteCharles Wborn about 1932
FooteLilla Maeborn about 1905
FooteLuther born about 1906
FooteMary Charleneborn about 1934
FowlerCherry born about 1929
FowlerL Frederick Jrborn about 1935
FowlerLeslie Fborn about 1903
FowlerRuth Cborn about 1904
FowlerSara Feborn about 1931
FranklinFlossie Eborn about 1897
FranklinForest Lborn about 1933
FranklinKarl Lewisborn about 1927
FranklinRalph Earlborn about 1926
FranklinRay Tborn about 1930
FranklinRoy Jborn about 1930
FrazierBertha born about 1920
FrazierWilliam Jr born about 1918
FreenmanHerman born about 1890
FreenmanRosa born about 1899
FreshwaterIra Gborn about 1887
FreshwaterPaulette born about 1926
FreshwaterRaissa born about 1899
FullerFrank Gborn about 1875
FullerMargarette born about 1877
FullertonDelia Oborn about 1884
FullertonFord Aborn about 1907
FullertonJames Rborn about 1873
FullertonKenneth Gborn about 1914
FullertonLouise born about 1932
FullertonMary Jeanborn about 1923
FullertonNola Kborn about 1911
FullertonPearl born about 1884
FullertonVelma Mborn about 1920
FunkVan Lborn about 1878
FurseDwight Eborn about 1911
FurseMildred born about 1915

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G Surnames

GardnerDaisy born about 1930
GardnerErnest born about 1938
GardnerFrank born about 1933
GardnerGladys Mborn about 1909
GardnerLawrence Eborn about 1907
GardnerRose born about 1936
GardnerViola born about 1935
GarrisonBetty born about 1923
GarrisonGrace Dborn about 1888
GarrisonLeonard born about 1885
GarrisonRex born about 1925
GaskillFloyd Cborn about 1895
GaskillFloyde Jr born about 1922
GaskillNona born about 1900
GaskillVera born about 1920
GauntGarnie Gborn about 1872
GauntJohn Wborn about 1878
GerberDoris Mayborn about 1939
GerberEdd Vborn about 1892
GerberElizabeth Rborn about 1895
GerberJeanette born about 1931
GerberJoan born about 1925
GerberMarvin born about 1918
GerberMary Leaborn about 1929
GerberRichard born about 1920
GerberRobert born about 1923
GloverDale born about 1929
GloverEdward born about 1928
GloverEllis Earlborn about 1934
GloverEtta born about 1932
GloverIvan born about 1923
GloverJessie Fborn about 1903
GloverLois Marieborn about 1926
GloverSpencer born about 1892
GloverWilma Fayeborn about 1936
GoffDonald Eborn about 1912
GoffFannie Eborn about 1865
GoffFrank Hborn about 1902
GreekDarell born about 1930
GreekEarl Kborn about 1903
GreekEva Mborn about 1908
GreekKenneth born about 1928
GreekLavona born about 1938
GremEdith Rborn about 1915
GremGelennas born about 1931
GremGerald born about 1934
GremThurman Lborn about 1910

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H Surnames

HaasKatheen born about 1921
HahnBelle born about 1906
HahnCharles born about 1891
HahnDanny born about 1936
HahnDonald born about 1928
HahnDoris born about 1933
HahnFern born about 1929
HallRuby born about 1901
HamitonDonna Jeanborn about 1924
HamitonHazel Lborn about 1898
HamitonK Deanborn about 1920
HamitonW Zarleyborn about 1894
HandleyFlether Dborn about 1916
HandleyIrene born about 1919
HandleyJanet born about 1937
HarperGeorge Gborn about 1887
HarperStella Mborn about 1890
HarrisConelia Eborn about 1866
HartmanJames born about 1870
HartmanLinette born about 1876
HenthornErma born about 1920
HenthornFred Lborn about 1879
HenthornFredrick born about 1923
HenthornJessie Oborn about 1885
HeronemusFreda born about 1920
HeyerEd Gborn about 1888
HeyerElla born about 1887
HeyerRuby born about 1923
HeyerVernita born about 1915
HiettDolly Lborn about 1915
HiettRobert born about 1931
HolbrookA Eloiseborn about 1877
HolbrookJohn Wborn about 1867
HollardArthur Eborn about 1913
HollardDonald Lborn about 1937
HollardDwight Wborn about 1901
HollardEdith Dborn about 1901
HollardLois Oborn about 1916
HollingworthAlpha born about 1897
HollingworthMax born about 1922
HollingworthRoy born about 1890
HortmanGrace Mborn about 1912
HortmanHarold Cborn about 1909

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J Surnames

JacksonJohn Tborn about 1884
JacksonMary Sborn about 1881
JamesBonnie Leeborn about 1930
JamesGladys Pborn about 1909
JamesMyrl Lborn about 1907
JamesMyrlen Rayborn about 1934
JawisFrancis born about 1869
JohnsonEdna born about 1911
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1903
JohnstonElton Lborn about 1917
JohnstonJerry Jborn about 1934
JohnstonKate Jborn about 1915
JohnstonShirley born about 1937
JonesDonnley Dborn about 1939
JonesDorothy Mborn about 1916
JonesEva Iborn about 1910
JonesGeorge Aborn about 1909
JonesHomer Hborn about 1914
JonesJoyce born about 1931
JonesPeggy born about 1929
JonesStanley born about 1934
JonesSylvia Annborn about 1937
JoyStephen Gborn about 1881

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K Surnames

KingEthel Lborn about 1904
KingLeo born about 1902
KingLeroy born about 1934
KingVera born about 1924
KnoeflerHarriet Aborn about 1879
KnoeflerHenry Wborn about 1881
KregerGrace Cborn about 1902
KregerHarry born about 1928
KregerHerny Jborn about 1898
KregerJimmy Leeborn about 1932
KregerMarvin born about 1937
KregerMelvin born about 1937
KregerRobert born about 1929

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L Surnames

LambrightAlbert born about 1895
LambrightBeatrice Jborn about 1897
LambrightBetty born about 1936
LambrightEd Vborn about 1905
LambrightEletha born about 1929
LambrightNorma Jeonborn about 1923
LambrightNorval born about 1924
LambrightPatty born about 1931
LambrightVelda Eborn about 1911
LamkeCharles Hborn about 1886
LamkeDorothy Eborn about 1929
LawsonDoris Jeanborn about 1935
LawsonMarvin born about 1937
LawsonOlif Kborn about 1909
LawsonRetha Loisborn about 1939
LawsonRosalie born about 1934
LawsonWinifred born about 1911
LeeEileen born about 1919
LeeJohn Eborn about 1939
LeeJohn Lborn about 1917
LembrightDoris born about 1931
LembrightJoleen born about 1938
LembrightRuth Mborn about 1911
LembrightWilliam Lborn about 1908
LewisBurton Gborn about 1919
LierleBetty born about 1926
LierleCecil Cborn about 1903
LierleIda Leeborn about 1928
LierlePearl born about 1927
LierleVera Hborn about 1905
LighterCarolyn Mborn about 1926
LighterCurt Nborn about 1890
LighterDonald Eborn about 1918
LighterEleanor Iborn about 1895
LighterJoe born about 1923
LighterWillis Dborn about 1928
LochmanEvalyn Lborn about 1913
LochmanJohn Hborn about 1915

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M Surnames

MallowBernice Oborn about 1919
MallowJerry born about 1936
MallowVernon Rborn about 1914
MarineAndy Jborn about 1854
MartinDonald Eborn about 1939
MartinEarl born about 1890
MartinFranklin Dborn about 1937
MartinGeneva Wborn about 1910
MasseyBlanche born about 1893
MasseyClyde Cborn about 1891
MasseyEunice born about 1921
MasseyJoan born about 1932
MaupinCecil born about 1908
MaupinCecil Jr born about 1934
MaupinHelen born about 1911
MaupinMarion born about 1929
MayrathHarry Mborn about 1882
MayrathKatherine born about 1883
McComasHarold Eborn about 1906
McComasRuth born about 1907
McElroyCorabelle born about 1928
McElroyLydia Lborn about 1884
McElroyMelvin Wborn about 1876
McGreogerChas Eborn about 1863
McKenneyBetty born about 1928
McKenneyBeulah born about 1924
McKenneyGeorge born about 1926
McKenneyPearl born about 1900
McKenneyWilliam born about 1895
MellotEileen born about 1924
MellotLawrence born about 1929
MenkeElizabeth born about 1873
MillerAnnalia born about 1924
MillerBeulah Oborn about 1897
MillerCharles born about 1931
MillerCynthia born about 1929
MillerElaine born about 1939
MillerLouis Mborn about 1893
MillerLouise born about 1921
MillerNancy Janeborn about 1934
MonroeFlossie Jborn about 1890
MonroeWilliam Hborn about 1890
MoodyDelbert Rborn about 1903
MoodyLucy born about 1903
MoodyMary Arlineborn about 1935
MoodyWanda Ruthborn about 1929
MyersDorothy Eborn about 1916
MyersRoland Hborn about 1913
MyresBenney Fborn about 1906
MyresKatherine Hborn about 1919

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N Surnames

NewbyJosie Aborn about 1886
NewbyLeroy born about 1928
NewbyRoy Dborn about 1884
NicholsLevi Aborn about 1919
NolderE Lewisborn about 1880
NolderFlora Bborn about 1881
NolderHomer born about 1919

O Surnames

ObenhaussBonnie Maeborn about 1924
ObenhaussErnest Cborn about 1881
ObenhaussLydia Sborn about 1889

P Surnames

PageBetty Juneborn about 1937
PageEffie born about 1932
PageGeorgia born about 1931
PageGrace Eborn about 1907
PageLilla born about 1934
PageNevada born about 1939
PageWilliam Fborn about 1929
PageWilliam Mborn about 1871
PappenEarl born about 1911
PappenMabel born about 1908
PatridgeAda Mborn about 1898
PatridgeAnita born about 1922
PatridgeJimmie born about 1933
PatridgeKenneth born about 1925
PatridgeRay Oborn about 1889
PebblesFrank Jborn about 1864
PebblesMaude Jborn about 1873
PeirceAnna Mborn about 1861
PeirceBlanche born about 1892
PeirceHarry Lborn about 1888
PfliegerDoris born about 1930
PfliegerEverett born about 1894
PfliegerEverett Jr born about 1929
PfliegerFrances Iborn about 1909
PfliegerJohn Hborn about 1888
PhillisBetty born about 1930
PhillisClara Eborn about 1903
PhillisEstel born about 1928
PhillisRoy Cborn about 1901
PippittJohn Fborn about 1908
PippittMary Eborn about 1912
PippittVirginia Annborn about 1939
PitmanJaunita born about 1927
PitmanJohn Bborn about 1884
PitmanWoody Hborn about 1884
PittmanShelly born about 1881
PittsForrest born about 1923
PotterSibble born about 1878
PotterSilas Sborn about 1877
PryorAnna born about 1875

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R Surnames

RailingGeorge Wborn about 1870
RailingMary Eborn about 1867
RatzlaffAnnie born about 1896
RatzlaffJ Raymondborn about 1925
RatzlaffJoe born about 1896
RileyAlice born about 1906
RileyCharles Fborn about 1937
RileyChester Aborn about 1909
RileyEsta Louborn about 1928
RileyFarol Eborn about 1908
RileyFlora Eborn about 1879
RileyFlorance born about 1917
RileyFlorence born about 1911
RileyGoldie born about 1908
RileyKatherine born about 1931
RileyLarry Deanborn about 1933
RileyLawrence Cborn about 1911
RileyPatrice born about 1926
RileyPercy Oborn about 1900
RileySantra Sueborn about 1938
RobbsAlice born about 1919
RobbsEvelyn born about 1931
RobbsJesse born about 1928
RobbsSamuel born about 1925
RobbsWilliam Mborn about 1897
RodriguezJone born about 1917
RoseleyArthur Eborn about 1877
RothAlwilda Mborn about 1926
RothChester Dborn about 1918
RothChester Wborn about 1877
RothDonald Lborn about 1923
RothEugene born about 1915
RothIsaac Dborn about 1913
RothMaude Cborn about 1883
RothVerl Rborn about 1921
RothWebster Tborn about 1904
RoyseGeorge Rborn about 1870
RoyseMay Cborn about 1871
RyderCharles Bborn about 1933
RyderCharles Eborn about 1894
RyderLattie Oborn about 1895

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S Surnames

SandersBessie Mborn about 1903
SandersCecil born about 1923
SandersHoward born about 1895
SartenPauline born about 1911
SartenRobert born about 1904
SartenRoselie born about 1929
SchallJack Jr born about 1894
SchallMaude Lborn about 1870
SchallWilliam Eborn about 1902
SchneweisAlbert born about 1904
SchneweisCatherine born about 1906
SchneweisJo Annborn about 1934
SchneweisRobert born about 1939
SchneweisVernon born about 1930
SchultzNaomi Eborn about 1911
SchultzTheodore Eborn about 1907
SharfeFrank Hborn about 1901
SharfeFrank H Jrborn about 1934
SharfeJennette Rborn about 1904
ShearonFrances born about 1923
ShearonLilla Dborn about 1888
ShearonNathan born about 1927
ShearonVirginia born about 1924
ShedonEthel Sborn about 1912
ShedonFred Hborn about 1882
ShedonJames Dborn about 1918
ShedonLacy Cborn about 1887
ShedonRalph Eborn about 1912
ShiraCharles born about 1928
ShiraDonald born about 1923
ShiraEdith Eborn about 1897
ShiraGilbert Eborn about 1885
ShiraHughie born about 1924
ShiraLawell Rborn about 1896
ShiraMarjorie born about 1927
ShiraMary Cborn about 1854
ShiraMina born about 1890
ShiraTom Aborn about 1881
ShriverMonte born about 1903
ShriverVelma born about 1911
SimmonsAlta born about 1919
SimmonsVern Wborn about 1914
SinclainBobbie Jayborn about 1936
SinclainCarol Sueborn about 1939
SinclainDonna Leeborn about 1931
SinclainEstlen Aborn about 1914
SinclainHardin born about 1908
SinclainJoleen born about 1934
SinclainPhillip born about 1933
SmithEarl C Jrborn about 1939
SmithEarle Cborn about 1885
SmithElizabeth Lborn about 1929
SmithGeorge Aborn about 1866
SmithMussetta Fborn about 1906
SmithPatsy Cborn about 1933
SmithThomas Wborn about 1926
SmyresGary born about 1939
SmyresGlenn Wborn about 1918
SmyresLarry born about 1937
SmyresLeona born about 1919
SnowDorothy Sborn about 1915
SnowLee Mborn about 1914
SnyderWilliam born about 1875
StancliffBetty Joanborn about 1931
StancliffDonna Marieborn about 1939
StancliffGlenn Dborn about 1898
StancliffHenrietta born about 1904
StautBarbara born about 1931
StautEmma Jeanborn about 1929
StautJune born about 1908
StautThomas Rborn about 1903
StautThomas R Jrborn about 1936
StauthAndrew born about 1924
StauthEthel Cborn about 1896
StauthLawrence born about 1922
StauthTom born about 1884
StauthTommy born about 1926
SteeleDorthy Gborn about 1913
SteeleEd Lborn about 1874
SteeleElma Bborn about 1911
SumAlbert Mborn about 1872
SumSusie Bborn about 1875
SuttonCharley born about 1901
SuttonElmer born about 1897
SuttonElnaeda born about 1872
SuttonGeorge Wborn about 1872

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T Surnames

TackleyEdna Sborn about 1894
TackleyWilliam Sborn about 1890
TaylorSidney Fborn about 1882
ThomasAlice born about 1933
ThomasBilly Leeborn about 1939
ThomasEugene born about 1929
ThomasFloyd born about 1930
ThomasGlenn Eborn about 1906
ThomasIrene born about 1927
ThomasLouvina born about 1903
ThomassonJames Fborn about 1876
ThomassonKatherine born about 1884
TownsdinEdith born about 1910
TownsdinLoren Kborn about 1937
TownsdinLoren Wborn about 1900
TrayerElsie born about 1921
TrayerJerry Lborn about 1881
TrayerMary born about 1891
TrayerOra born about 1911
TrentJohn Aborn about 1914
TrentRose born about 1919
TurleyBetty born about 1922
TurleyBillie born about 1927
TurleyEllen born about 1925
TurleyElmer Dborn about 1902
TurleySusie born about 1904

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U Surnames

UmstotClara Bborn about 1872

V Surnames

VaugerPeter born about 1915
VogelClarence born about 1913

W Surnames

WalkerChas born about 1890
WalkerDonald born about 1924
WalkerErlene born about 1919
WalkerSusie Mborn about 1895
WardlawChester born about 1936
WardlawClark born about 1935
WardlawEsther Lborn about 1907
WardlawGuy Wborn about 1901
WassonClifford born about 1922
WassonGlenice born about 1931
WassonJune born about 1927
WassonLaverne born about 1924
WassonMarie born about 1930
WassonOrpha Mborn about 1901
WegeAnnie Fborn about 1888
WegeRobert Wborn about 1882
WestBernice Iborn about 1915
WestDenny Bborn about 1912
WestDonald Dborn about 1937
WestSandra Sueborn about 1935
WhitakerEllen born about 1865
WhitakerJohn born about 1867
WidupBillie born about 1939
WidupGeraldine born about 1916
WidupHanson born about 1911
WilkersonArthur Jborn about 1923
WilkersonCharles Wborn about 1878
WilkersonMary Aborn about 1878
WilliamsCarl Fborn about 1899
WilliamsCharles Eborn about 1927
WilliamsEtta born about 1870
WilliamsJohn born about 1862
WilliamsLydia born about 1886
WilliamsMartha Aborn about 1899
WilliamsRussel Lborn about 1929
WilsonDonald Eborn about 1922
WilsonGertrude born about 1923
WilsonRowena born about 1924
WithrowGarvin Pborn about 1915
WithrowLella born about 1917
WyattForrest Rborn about 1895
WyattJoe Hborn about 1868
WyattOrpha Oborn about 1900
WyattSara Aborn about 1873

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Y Surnames

YoungerAgnes born about 1929
YoungerAndrew born about 1887
YoungerClara born about 1891
YoungerKatherine born about 1925

Z Surnames

ZielkeAmilia born about 1936
ZielkeAnna Hborn about 1902
ZielkeArnold Eborn about 1922
ZielkeBertha born about 1928
ZielkeDavid born about 1899
ZielkeDonald Dborn about 1932
ZielkeEd born about 1917
ZielkeEdwin born about 1931
ZielkeHarry Eborn about 1919
ZielkeHelen born about 1918
ZielkeIda Iborn about 1892
ZielkeIrene born about 1925
ZielkeJohn born about 1889
ZielkeRosie born about 1934
ZielkeRuby Aliceborn about 1928
ZimmersonEmma Eborn about 1875
ZimmersonJohn Eborn about 1873

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