1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sugar Creek, Miami, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Miami County > 1940 Census of Sugar Creek

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlaGarry Leeborn about 1937
AlaJohn born about 1890
AlaMaybelle born about 1897
AlaWalter born about 1924
AllenArista Dborn about 1896
AllenC Edwardborn about 1900
AllenC Eugeneborn about 1925
AllenClifford born about 1905
AllenD Lborn about 1923
AllenDale Rborn about 1896
AllenGarrel Eborn about 1927
AllenGeorge Williamborn about 1927
AllenJessie born about 1920
AllenJohn born about 1896
AllenKathryn Eborn about 1904
AllenMarchie born about 1925
AllenMyrtle born about 1916
AllenRuth born about 1930
AllenStella born about 1898
AllenStella Mayborn about 1928
AllenWard Mborn about 1924
AndersonBeatrice born about 1896
AndersonRay born about 1896
AndersonRobert born about 1929
AtwoodCharles born about 1896
AtwoodCharles Wborn about 1928
AtwoodE Mayborn about 1871
AtwoodFred Aborn about 1865
AtwoodGrace born about 1897

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B Surnames

BartlesBeulah born about 1909
BartlesCharles born about 1878
BartlesGlenn born about 1908
BartlesGlenns Mayborn about 1937
BartlesMarion born about 1880
BeckmanLisle born about 1911
BeckmanLucille born about 1917
BensonAnnabelle born about 1913
BensonEdwin born about 1911
BensonEdwin Jr born about 1937
BeuschelAlfred born about 1896
BeuschelLorenz born about 1924
BeuschelMary born about 1898
BeuschelP Kborn about 1870
BinkleyEdith born about 1896
BinkleyIrven Aborn about 1897
BinkleyLaura Franceborn about 1923
BlackAnna born about 1877
BlackDale born about 1911
BlackLester born about 1907
BodenhamerBessie born about 1894
BodenhamerDale born about 1895
BodenhamerDora born about 1866
BodenhamerHoward Gborn about 1931
BodenhamerMargaret Ruthborn about 1936
BrewerArthur born about 1930
BrewerBert born about 1898
BrewerEthel born about 1913
BrewerGeneva born about 1900
BrewerLuther born about 1930
BrewerMarion born about 1926
BrewerMaxine born about 1935
BrewerOveta born about 1933
BrewerSalina born about 1937
BrewerVelma born about 1939
BrewerVirgil born about 1924
BrewerW Hborn about 1868
BrewerW J Juniorborn about 1916
BrownCora Mborn about 1885
BrownDewitt Mborn about 1884
BurrisBertha born about 1891
BurrisEarnest born about 1896
BursonCharles born about 1891
BursonEliza born about 1861
BursonJessie born about 1880
BursonWilliam Eborn about 1883
ButtsBernice born about 1914
ButtsCarl born about 1911
ButtsCarl Eugeneborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CheasbroDavid born about 1929
CheasbroDella born about 1908
CheasbroDorothy born about 1930
CheasbroEarnest born about 1897
CheasbroRaymond born about 1934
ConleyLouis Marieborn about 1931
ConleyMarie born about 1910
ConleyRobert born about 1906
CourtneyDoris Jborn about 1927
CourtneyJoe Iborn about 1895
CourtneyNadine Eborn about 1929
CourtneyOloe Eborn about 1896
CrawfordBertie born about 1882
CrawfordBlain born about 1880
CreagerAnnie born about 1874
CreagerMinnie born about 1908
CreagerRoy born about 1902
CreagerWayne born about 1928

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D Surnames

DakinBertha born about 1905
DakinFred born about 1902
DakinJohn Rborn about 1925
DakinShirley Jeanborn about 1928
DawsonBonnie born about 1925
DawsonDonald Deanborn about 1931
DawsonHomar born about 1894
DawsonJuanita born about 1904
DawsonRuth born about 1922
DeshazerDonna Sueborn about 1935
DeshazerEva Ireneborn about 1936
DeshazerInez Fernborn about 1933
DeshazerLawrence Eborn about 1927
DeshazerLillie born about 1910
DeshazerRoy born about 1899
DorothyDorothy born about 1930
DoverDalton born about 1907
DoverViola born about 1875
DowdenCharles born about 1879
DressenetoferJ Rborn about 1928
DressenetoferJohn born about 1881
DressenetoferJoseph born about 1929
DressenetoferMaude born about 1899
DurrettGideon Wborn about 1885

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E Surnames

EndicottBeulah Pearlborn about 1935
EndicottDaisy born about 1883
EndicottHoward Eborn about 1896
EndicottMary Eborn about 1925
EndicottMay born about 1897
EndicottOrin Chesterborn about 1929
EndicottRaymond born about 1925
EndicottRuth born about 1927
EndicottThomas born about 1921
EndicottThomas Wborn about 1879
EnglishPauline born about 1920

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F Surnames

FosbergAlfrieda born about 1939
FosbergBeulah Pearlborn about 1929
FosbergCarl born about 1895
FosbergPearl born about 1903

G Surnames

GelabertEdna born about 1909
GelabertVernon born about 1907
GilloglyAlice Marieborn about 1938
GilloglyAudra Fernborn about 1931
GilloglyC Jborn about 1935
GilloglyCleveland born about 1885
GilloglyEula born about 1915
GilloglyFloyd born about 1912
GilloglyGeorge Dborn about 1906
GilloglyGlenda born about 1918
GilloglyHarold born about 1910
GilloglyHoward born about 1940
GilloglyKatherine Lborn about 1909
GilloglyLester born about 1912
GilloglyMabel born about 1916
GilloglyMartha born about 1913
GoldnerMary Eborn about 1886
GoodCharles Eborn about 1925
GoodCharles Fborn about 1883
GoodFreda born about 1903
GoodJohn Eborn about 1932
GoodMargaret Annborn about 1929
GoodMelba Dborn about 1927
GunnelsDana Marieborn about 1940
GunnelsDora born about 1913
GunnelsFrances Dborn about 1882
GunnelsHarry born about 1911
GunnelsKenneth Wborn about 1923
GunnelsMary Annborn about 1868
GunnelsSamuel Jborn about 1876
GunnelsStanley born about 1935

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H Surnames

HardawayJames Eborn about 1869
HartmanAnna Marieborn about 1937
HartmanCharles born about 1904
HartmanEthel born about 1908
HartmanJ Eborn about 1932
HartmanJane Ellenborn about 1934
HartmanMargaret Janborn about 1938
HartmanMary Jr born about 1935
HejdukGeorgia born about 1914
HejdukJames born about 1933
HejdukJim born about 1904
HejdukLillie Marieborn about 1938
HejdukRaymond born about 1935
HendricksAlfred born about 1901
HendricksMary born about 1901
HewittAnna born about 1896
HewittCharlotte born about 1940
HewittClyde born about 1917
HewittDona Mayborn about 1932
HewittEugene born about 1925
HewittFaye born about 1910
HewittGrant born about 1869
HewittHerman born about 1904
HewittJohn born about 1933
HewittMary Evaborn about 1880
HewittMorris born about 1894
HewittMorris Juniorborn about 1929
HewittT Pborn about 1870
HewittWarren born about 1931
HillHerbert Eborn about 1879
HillSarah born about 1883
HiltonAda born about 1908
HiltonOrville born about 1907
HiltonShirley Ireneborn about 1938
HittleLucille born about 1921
HittleMary Louiseborn about 1929
HittleMay born about 1896
HittleTroy born about 1895
HoaglanEmma Darlenborn about 1936
HoaglanHarold born about 1914
HoaglanJuanita born about 1916
HogueAnnabelle born about 1905
HogueCharles Rborn about 1901
HogueJoan born about 1928
HogueMary Janeborn about 1926
HopkinsAmy born about 1887
HopkinsBernice born about 1914
HopkinsEdmond born about 1911
HopkinsHenry born about 1880
HopkinsIlla Mayborn about 1923
HowesRoy born about 1892
HustonAmbrose born about 1891
HustonInez born about 1897
HustonLavon born about 1920
HustonMarine born about 1923
HustonShirley born about 1930

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J Surnames

JacksonAlma born about 1897
JacksonArchie Fborn about 1894
JacksonC Mborn about 1893
JacksonEdna born about 1897
JacksonElizabeth born about 1886
JacksonJ Cborn about 1928
JacksonJames born about 1924
JacksonJames Dborn about 1867
JacksonLois born about 1918
JacksonLottie born about 1870
JacksonPete Jborn about 1882
JacksonThurman Eborn about 1919
JacksonVelma born about 1928
JohnsonJeff Eborn about 1886
JohnsonMay born about 1885
JohnsonOtis born about 1917
JonesEva born about 1882
JonesHoward Eborn about 1922
JonesLeo born about 1921
JonesRalph born about 1909

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K Surnames

KearnsCarl Elmerborn about 1929
KearnsClaude born about 1931
KearnsElmer born about 1904
KearnsKenneth Eborn about 1940
KearnsLouise born about 1898
KetchamKate born about 1863
KetchamMarsh born about 1861
KotwitzAlfreda born about 1935
KotwitzAlmeda born about 1913
KotwitzGeorge Fborn about 1904
KotwitzGeorge Wborn about 1938
KuhnFlorence Cborn about 1867
KuhnOscar born about 1868
KuhnWalter born about 1905

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L Surnames

LarkeyAndrew born about 1871
LarkeyDaisy born about 1881
LaughlinClark born about 1919
LaughlinEffie born about 1891
LaughlinJessie born about 1921
LaughlinNorma Fayeborn about 1926
LaughlinRalph born about 1887
LeeBonnie Fborn about 1914
LeeChelsea Joyborn about 1937
LeeClayton Hborn about 1903
LeeFrances born about 1913
LeeGladys Ileneborn about 1939
LeeHarold Raymondborn about 1933
LeeLewis Nicholsborn about 1933
LeeMylo born about 1910
LeeMylo Eugeneborn about 1931
LeeNaomi Jeanborn about 1935
LeeRichard Wayneborn about 1939
LekeWayne born about 1926
LongBertha born about 1887
LongClarence Eborn about 1882
LongClarence Jr born about 1913
LongDora born about 1872
LongEleanor born about 1927
LongGeorge born about 1929
LongGuy born about 1894
LongGuylene born about 1935
LongIda born about 1899
LongLannes Lborn about 1892
LongNadine born about 1928
LongNettie Cborn about 1888
LongRosco Dborn about 1920
LoweEmma born about 1875
LoweJames Lborn about 1868
LoweJane born about 1916

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M Surnames

MaschlerAlice born about 1938
MaschlerHelen born about 1915
MaschlerJoan born about 1933
MaschlerJoe born about 1908
MaschlerMary Helenborn about 1935
MaschlerPhyllis born about 1936
MasonerElmer Kborn about 1892
MasonerFaye born about 1903
MasonerNellie born about 1934
MasonerThomas born about 1933
MastersonClara Eborn about 1882
MastersonJohn Dborn about 1874
McCammonAda born about 1937
McCammonElizabeth born about 1939
McCammonIsham born about 1936
McCammonTom born about 1892
McCammonViola born about 1913
McCoyBernice born about 1927
McCoyCarol Leeborn about 1940
McCoyClarence born about 1911
McCoyDonnaleen born about 1935
McCoyEugene born about 1929
McCoyGerald born about 1925
McCoyHazel born about 1916
McCoyJames Aborn about 1869
McCoyRuth born about 1904
McCoyUrsie born about 1897
McDonaldLouis born about 1890
McDonaldLucille born about 1922
McDonaldViola Gborn about 1889
McMullenAgnes born about 1893
McMullenJohn born about 1895
MeadeElizabeth born about 1867
MeadeEsther born about 1914
MeadeFrances born about 1875
MendenhallHarold born about 1906
MendenhallIllene born about 1931
MendenhallMaxine born about 1929
MendenhallRuby born about 1908
MettlerDewey born about 1897
MettlerGeorge Wborn about 1890
MettlerGeorge Williamborn about 1935
MettlerGladys born about 1898
MettlerHazel born about 1896
MettlerRichard born about 1927
MettlerWilma Jeanneborn about 1926
MillaEmma born about 1870
MillaWalter born about 1865
MillerArchie Dborn about 1890
MillerCarrie born about 1891
MillerEarl Wayneborn about 1931
MillerHazel born about 1915
MillerLucille born about 1912
MillsArthur born about 1925
MillsBernice born about 1932
MillsDonald born about 1930
MillsEmma born about 1928
MillsLonnie Dborn about 1897
MillsTaylor born about 1923
MillsWelda born about 1899
MillsWinnie born about 1921
MooreEvelyn born about 1915
MooreM Lborn about 1891
MooreMaude born about 1893
MooreOrville Eborn about 1892
MooreSylvia born about 1890
MorrisonBarbara born about 1894
MorrisonClaude Fborn about 1884
MorrisonJohn Jr born about 1926
MorrisonLois born about 1924
MusicElsie born about 1908
MusicKeithel born about 1932
MusicKenneth born about 1935
MusicLila Jeanborn about 1939
MusicMaxine born about 1930
MusicPaul born about 1906
MusicPauline born about 1929

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N Surnames

NelsonArthur Tborn about 1891
NelsonBillie born about 1925
NelsonDale born about 1931
NelsonDonald born about 1936
NelsonFlo born about 1897
NelsonHoward born about 1922
NelsonKenneth born about 1932
NelsonLoretta born about 1940
NelsonMabel born about 1911
NelsonS Cborn about 1899
NelsonWayne born about 1927
NewtonEdgar born about 1886
NicholsClayton born about 1859
NicholsEunice Eborn about 1903
NicholsHelen Iborn about 1927
NicholsLila Lborn about 1925
NicholsMarjorie born about 1920
NicholsMartha born about 1871
NicholsOmar Mborn about 1901

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P Surnames

PapstAna Bborn about 1889
PapstAugust Jborn about 1885
PascoMinnie born about 1875
PascoRoy born about 1874
PhillipsCarl born about 1880
PhillipsEarl born about 1896
PhillipsInez born about 1897
PhillipsJohn Williamborn about 1935
PhillipsNeva born about 1875
PhillipsReda born about 1895
PhillipsWilson born about 1870
PierceAnna born about 1904
PierceCarrie born about 1875
PierceJohn Wborn about 1873
PoindexterArlie born about 1904
PoindexterHelen born about 1937
PoindexterLois born about 1932
PoindexterWinifred born about 1910

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R Surnames

RainesClifford Lborn about 1904
RainesL Cborn about 1928
RainesLillie born about 1908
RainesRobert Wborn about 1936
ReedL Aborn about 1886
RheaAda born about 1887
RheaCharles born about 1921
RheaHelen born about 1923
RheaJohnnie born about 1885
RickettaDorothy born about 1912
RickettaRamona Deeborn about 1934
RickettaWanda Leeborn about 1938
RickettaWilliam Bborn about 1909
RusselLaura Lborn about 1880
RusselNewton Tborn about 1918
RusselRobert born about 1923
RussellDale Leeborn about 1938
RussellDonald Wborn about 1939
RussellDorothy born about 1915
RussellLaura Louiseborn about 1937
RussellWoodrow born about 1913

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S Surnames

SageJ Dborn about 1877
SchoenenbergerBeulah born about 1908
SchoenenbergerGeorge born about 1908
ShannonCecil Allenborn about 1935
ShannonEmma Jeanborn about 1925
ShannonEmmett born about 1904
ShannonJeff born about 1865
ShannonKate born about 1903
ShannonLorene born about 1926
ShannonMargaret born about 1875
ShuldsLouise born about 1858
SmithCharles Tborn about 1867
SmithEarnest born about 1903
SmithLetha born about 1907
SmithMargaret born about 1891
StansburyClase Leeborn about 1928
StansburyEarl born about 1889
StansburyFred Jayborn about 1929
StansburyNellie born about 1901
StarksEmily Hborn about 1872
StarksH Nborn about 1867
SteenRot Willborn about 1914
StokerBetty born about 1925
StokerCristopher Eborn about 1891
StokerDorothy born about 1928
StokerMary born about 1892
StoweAdis Wborn about 1869
StoweEverett born about 1907
StoweJosephene born about 1870
StoweRayburn born about 1934
StoweVera born about 1909
StrosniderJ Mborn about 1881
SykesFrank born about 1886
SykesMaggie born about 1881

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T Surnames

TerryAudie Leeborn about 1925
TerryJeanette born about 1885
TerryWilliam Aborn about 1882
ThomasBessie born about 1905
ThomasHerbert Edwinborn about 1935
ThomasHerbert Sborn about 1904
ThomasJames born about 1863
ThomasMary Helenborn about 1928
ThomasMildred Eborn about 1933
ThomasSally Cborn about 1877
ThompsonA Gborn about 1881
ThompsonArthur born about 1887
ThompsonLytle born about 1900
ThompsonNellie Aborn about 1888
ToncrayBarbara born about 1935
ToncrayBernard Leeborn about 1937
ToncrayBeryle born about 1914
ToncrayDelbert born about 1910
ToncrayFrances Kayborn about 1940
ToncrayMaxine born about 1933
TrewettDorothy born about 1933
TrewettFanny born about 1908
TrewettFrances born about 1931
TrewettKenneth born about 1900
TrewettKenneth Jr born about 1929

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V Surnames

ValeR Dellborn about 1919
VansvalckCharles born about 1882
VansvalckCharles Wayneborn about 1930
VansvalckGloria Mayborn about 1938
VansvalckIrene born about 1922
VansvalckLoren born about 1927
VansvalckRuth born about 1894

W Surnames

WaymanClade born about 1894
WaymanNora born about 1870
WhaleyWinona born about 1857
WhiteAlice born about 1901
WhiteCharles Vborn about 1895
WhiteMaynard born about 1927
WhiteOsie Daleborn about 1918
WildsOctavus born about 1856
WilliamsSusan born about 1877
WisemanFanny Bborn about 1875
WisemanNorman born about 1919
WisemanWilliam Hborn about 1870
WitterDora Eborn about 1869
WitterElizabeth born about 1895
WitterJohn born about 1867
WitterLeslie born about 1895
WoodsLeo born about 1920
WorthingtonFrank Aborn about 1911
WorthingtonRuth born about 1910

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Z Surnames

ZebertHarry born about 1905
ZebertMabel born about 1902

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