1940 U.S. Federal Census of Windsor, Cowley, Kansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kansas > Cowley County > 1940 Census of Windsor

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsElla born about 1884
AnkromCleo born about 1923
AnkromDean born about 1900
AnkromJesse Pborn about 1875
AnkromMyrtle born about 1877
AnkromMyrtle born about 1898
AnkromOpal born about 1907
AnkromOwen born about 1904
AnkromRalph born about 1921
AnkromRay born about 1928
AshcraftJames born about 1927
AshcraftMyrtle born about 1908
AshcraftPaul born about 1931
AshcraftRoy born about 1900
AshcraftVedia born about 1939
AshcraftVirgina born about 1926
AshcraftWaneta born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BairDonald born about 1935
BairFrances born about 1937
BairGeorge born about 1933
BairWilma born about 1916
BallinAlvin Earlborn about 1930
BallinDelilah born about 1905
BallinHenry born about 1900
BallinLina Mborn about 1861
BallinNorma Jeanborn about 1928
BankstonGeraldine born about 1926
BankstonJohnie Maeborn about 1889
BargerDavid born about 1899
BargerIvon born about 1931
BargerRay born about 1928
BargerRosa born about 1903
BeamerFaye born about 1921
BeamerForest born about 1918
BeamerMargaret born about 1918
BeamerNoah born about 1881
BeamerVina born about 1886
BeardFannie born about 1881
BeardWill born about 1875
BeelerEvelyn born about 1916
BeelerFloyd born about 1913
BeelerRobert born about 1939
BennettBarbara born about 1915
BennettFred born about 1911
BennettStanley born about 1934
BernandAlva born about 1923
BernandEarl born about 1899
BernandLester born about 1926
BernandVesta born about 1899
BertrandChester born about 1871
BonnellWilliam born about 1880
BoothArelene born about 1935
BoothArthur born about 1936
BoothFlora born about 1912
BoothNancy born about 1939
BoothOran born about 1914
BoothPatricia born about 1937
BoothRichard born about 1940
BoothVelma born about 1909
BoothWard born about 1909
BrandonElijah born about 1858
BransonAlice born about 1898
BransonDe H born about 1890
BransonJack born about 1915
BransonLincoln born about 1921
BransonMary Aliceborn about 1933
BransonRobert born about 1927
BrownAlfred Mborn about 1889
BrownAlfred Raymondborn about 1920
BrownAnnabel born about 1892
BrownBarbara born about 1924
BrownDorothy born about 1916
BrownElton born about 1910
BrownHenry born about 1882
BrownLa Mar born about 1913
BrownLinnea born about 1936
BrownLoretta born about 1940
BrownLynn born about 1935
BrownMary Louborn about 1928
BrownMay born about 1877
BrownOtto born about 1879
BrownValeria born about 1892
BrownWallace born about 1922
BrubakerRoy born about 1877
BruntonBeecher born about 1890
BruntonBeecher Jr born about 1929
BruntonFrank born about 1916
BruntonGlendoris born about 1922
BruntonHerbert born about 1927
BruntonPhyllis born about 1925
BruntonRay born about 1904
BruntonRaymond born about 1919
BruntonRobert born about 1935
BruntonRuth born about 1932
BruntonSusie born about 1895
BruntonWillis born about 1925
BurleyFrances born about 1924

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C Surnames

CarrEliza born about 1869
CarrStephen born about 1866
ClarkVelma born about 1910
CloverBeulah born about 1902
CloverBryan born about 1897
CloverCharley born about 1871
CloverEdith born about 1904
CloverLillian born about 1894
CloverMary born about 1870
CloverMary Mborn about 1873
CloverPaul born about 1905
CloverRuth born about 1922
ColeIone born about 1922
ColeIrene born about 1922
ColeMarion born about 1890
ColeVirgina born about 1899
CookAlvin born about 1891
CookAndrew Jborn about 1862
CookBeth born about 1911
CookBetty born about 1898
CookDonald born about 1932
CookEdith born about 1873
CookFrank born about 1889
CookLee born about 1938
CookLena born about 1895
CookMarion born about 1906
CookSylvia born about 1933
CraftAlfred born about 1886
CraftBill born about 1924
CraftCorine born about 1892
CraftEarnest born about 1891
CraftIsaiah born about 1854
CraftJames born about 1921
CraftJane born about 1862
CraftMabel born about 1887
CraftMargie born about 1929
CraftNelle born about 1897
CraftNorman born about 1884
CraftViolet born about 1922
CranstonGary born about 1939
CranstonLoretta born about 1909
CranstonMarvin Rborn about 1934
CranstonWayne born about 1907
CraufordPaul born about 1914
CrowleyBuford born about 1937
CrowleyDevota born about 1916
CrowleyLoretta born about 1939
CrowleyWinfield Bborn about 1912
CullumberMaurice born about 1920
CullumbesBerkley born about 1928
CullumbesCleo born about 1921
CullumbesGeraldine born about 1924
CullumbesMildred born about 1902
CullumbesWilliam born about 1896

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D Surnames

DanielsAldine born about 1918
DanielsAmos born about 1907
DanielsMaggie born about 1877
DanielsReese born about 1868
DavisDella born about 1885
DavisSam born about 1875
DawsonJohn born about 1881
DeloneyRamon born about 1907
DisengerBessie born about 1893
DisengerLois born about 1918
DisengerRay Sborn about 1888
DowdyIrma born about 1916
DowdyLenard born about 1915
DuyerEdward born about 1880
DuyerFlora born about 1885
DwyerArchie born about 1899
DwyerElsie born about 1900
DwyerEmery born about 1924
DwyerEugene born about 1930
DwyerGeorge born about 1854
DwyerJoyn born about 1885
DwyerTilda born about 1888

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E Surnames

EdwardsGlen born about 1885
EdwardsLorna born about 1926
EdwardsRuth born about 1895

F Surnames

FerrisAbraham born about 1862
FerrisBelle born about 1873
FerrisJames born about 1872
FerrisJessie born about 1871
FerrisWillie born about 1881
FinneyAbraham born about 1865
FinneyEmeline born about 1864
FitzgeroldEffie born about 1882
FitzgeroldJoe Cborn about 1879
FoxEdward born about 1886
FoxGeorge Wborn about 1930
FoxGertrude born about 1920
FoxLizzie Bborn about 1896
FranceEarl born about 1903
FranceJohn born about 1876
FranceLauria born about 1880
FranceThelma born about 1907
FrieyChristin born about 1912
FrieyVan born about 1899
FrommEarl born about 1885
FrommGladys born about 1913
FrommGordon born about 1891
FrommHenry born about 1860
FrommHenry born about 1939
FrommLeva born about 1882
FrommOpal born about 1916
FrommRichard born about 1938
FrommSudia born about 1894
FrommTed born about 1914

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G Surnames

GarleyBelle born about 1883
GarleyHarry born about 1872
GarretsonJoan born about 1939
GarretsonLester born about 1910
GarretsonThelma born about 1917
GarrettsonFrank born about 1923
GarrettsonHarry born about 1879
GarrettsonLaura born about 1890
GatelyAlbert Eborn about 1904
GatelyAlma born about 1913
GatelyJuanita born about 1930
GattonEaster born about 1913
GattonKenneth born about 1911
GattonVesta born about 1905
GoddardElla born about 1892
GoddardPearl born about 1888
GoodrickArthur born about 1895
GoodrickBetty Jeanborn about 1924
GoodrickClara born about 1902
GoodrickEleanor born about 1930
GoodrickJames Arthurborn about 1935
GrahamDoris born about 1908
GrahamMattie born about 1879
GrahamThomas born about 1880
GreenAlice born about 1922
GreenAudra born about 1922
GreenBlanch born about 1900
GreenRonald born about 1934
GreenWill Jborn about 1887
GroomArthur born about 1882
GroomHarry Leeborn about 1918
GroomMable born about 1884

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H Surnames

HammerAlice born about 1898
HammerGale born about 1939
HammerGilson born about 1896
HancockHarold born about 1909
HancockMarilyn born about 1935
HancockMarjorie born about 1910
HancockMarvin born about 1934
HarlanEsther born about 1894
HarlanPhyllis born about 1923
HarlanWilliam born about 1888
HarrisAldine born about 1921
HarrisEdith born about 1888
HarrisGeneva born about 1923
HarrisLois born about 1895
HarrisMargaret born about 1863
HarrisRoy born about 1887
HarrisonElmer born about 1918
HawleyBlanch born about 1938
HawleyElsie born about 1907
HawleyEthel born about 1896
HawleyEthel born about 1909
HawleyFitzhugh born about 1899
HawleyJinks born about 1899
HawleyLenard born about 1928
HawleyLloyd born about 1930
HawleyLois born about 1919
HawleyLorna Louborn about 1939
HawleyLuther born about 1889
HawleyRuth born about 1933
HawleySherley born about 1934
HegberDelores born about 1899
HegberElizabeth born about 1922
HegberJay Lborn about 1890
HegberJaynell born about 1935
HegberMattie Rborn about 1868
HendricksonAudra born about 1920
HendricksonBeverly Juneborn about 1937
HendricksonCecil born about 1909
HendricksonCharles born about 1876
HendricksonDale born about 1921
HendricksonDonald Wayneborn about 1935
HendricksonDorothy born about 1927
HendricksonJune born about 1925
HendricksonLyle born about 1915
HendricksonMayme born about 1911
HendricksonTreva Goilborn about 1937
HerringtonJohn born about 1919
HiattEffie Mborn about 1877
HiattLewis born about 1877
HiattMarvel born about 1918
HillAlice born about 1935
HillClark born about 1939
HillHomer born about 1908
HillLucille born about 1911
HillNeva born about 1934
HillierArmond born about 1940
HillierDolly born about 1906
HillierDot born about 1922
HillierFred born about 1875
HillierJohn born about 1919
HillierLillie born about 1881
HillierMelvin born about 1933
HillierSidney born about 1908
HillierWalter born about 1877
HolmanCarl born about 1903
HolmanRuth Jborn about 1897
HoltAlfred Aborn about 1880
HoltHarriet born about 1883
HornerMaragaret born about 1887
HornerRosyln born about 1880
HoveyEdmund born about 1894
HoveyEmma born about 1899
HoveyGrace born about 1897
HoveyHicks Jborn about 1876
HoveyHobert born about 1925
HoveyHubert born about 1900
HoveyKenneth born about 1929
HoveyLoraine born about 1927
HoveyMartha born about 1863
HoveyPearl born about 1907
HoveyRobert born about 1932
HowleyCarl born about 1937
HowleyDorothy born about 1935
HowleyEllis Wayneborn about 1930
HowleyGladys born about 1905
HowleyPearl born about 1904
HowleyRaymond born about 1939
HoylandRoy Eborn about 1885

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J Surnames

JohnsonCarl born about 1879
JohnsonDarrell born about 1938
JohnsonEyra born about 1903
JohnsonJames born about 1937
JohnsonLe Royce born about 1939
JohnsonMable born about 1880
JohnsonRoma born about 1912
JonesAnna born about 1890
JonesBernice born about 1925
JonesJames born about 1893
JonesMary Ruthborn about 1917
JonesRichard born about 1926

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K Surnames

KelsoMargaret born about 1861
KelsoRuby born about 1902
KelsoTavis born about 1922
KelsoWayne born about 1898
KesterWilliam born about 1918
KielhornCharles Pborn about 1933
KielhornEarl born about 1903
KielhornEmil Cborn about 1876
KielhornJeanette born about 1902
KielhornJohn born about 1934
KielhornMartha born about 1878
KingsburyLuella born about 1912
KingsburyRalph born about 1904
KingsbwiyCharles born about 1869
KyserDean born about 1919
KyserLewis born about 1878
KyserMyrtle born about 1879

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L Surnames

LawrenceEarl Loydborn about 1938
LawrenceEdward born about 1889
LawrenceJauneata born about 1917
LawrenceLoyd born about 1914
LawrenceMary Aborn about 1896
LawrenceRobert born about 1922
LedgerwoodBilly born about 1923
LedgerwoodGladys born about 1895
LedgerwoodHayes born about 1890
LedgerwoodIleen born about 1920
LedgerwoodJames born about 1925
LeeBlanche born about 1901
LeeFrancis born about 1902
LeeMarilyn born about 1928
LevickAnne born about 1915
LogsdonAlice born about 1906
LogsdonAlvin born about 1899
LogsdonBertha born about 1872
LogsdonMartha Jeanborn about 1925
LogsdonMaxine born about 1932
LoveMary Louiseborn about 1938
LovePaul A Mayborn about 1939
LundyAmil born about 1928
LundyClayton born about 1896
LundyCleta born about 1921
LundyEvertt born about 1893
LundyHoward born about 1892
LundyLucille born about 1898
LundyMadeline born about 1899
LundyMelba born about 1927
LundyNorma born about 1923
LundyRachel Cborn about 1865
LundyRobert Lborn about 1865
LundyWiniford born about 1925
LurdyFreddie born about 1926
LykeCharles born about 1909
LykeCharles Rogerborn about 1939
LykeRuth Annborn about 1917

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M Surnames

MahanBennie born about 1899
MahanGeorge Wborn about 1871
MahanMaydie born about 1888
MatthesDaniel born about 1857
MatthesElizabeth born about 1860
MayoAlcene born about 1861
McChesneyHarry born about 1896
McChesneyJoe born about 1928
McChesneyMae born about 1903
McClureBertha Eborn about 1884
McClureRalph Le Royborn about 1920
McClureWilliam born about 1884
MendenhallCarrie born about 1895
MendenhallHarriet born about 1868
MendenhallMiles born about 1861
MillerAlpha born about 1890
MillerAudine born about 1918
MillerEdmund born about 1912
MillerGeorge Le Royborn about 1923
MillerHazel born about 1913
MillerHenry born about 1891
MillerMary born about 1885
MillerVeva born about 1885
MillsEarnest born about 1896
MillsLena born about 1896
MillsShirley born about 1935
MooreFrank born about 1858
MooreHarvey born about 1903
MooreJoana born about 1870
MossVirgil born about 1916
MoyerFlora born about 1876
MoyerGeorge Fborn about 1874
MuellerDoris born about 1936
MuellerEdward born about 1926
MuellerHarley born about 1902
MuellerJennie born about 1897
MuellerRuth born about 1928

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N Surnames

NaugleBellie Leaborn about 1928
NaugleMinnie born about 1887
NaugleSilas born about 1897
NeedhamBirtie born about 1882
NeedhamCharles born about 1889
NeedhamRaymond born about 1928
NelsonBurma Leeborn about 1927
NelsonDora born about 1907
NelsonDuane born about 1930
NelsonMorris born about 1903
NelsonSewell born about 1938
NewmanBoyd born about 1929
NewmanCharley born about 1891
NewmanNadine born about 1924
NewmanPernie born about 1896
NobleAlice born about 1919
NobleDoris Jeanborn about 1937
NobleMike born about 1912
NobleRobert born about 1939

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O Surnames

OdanielsBen Fborn about 1892
OdanielsCharles born about 1937
OdanielsDonald born about 1933
OdanielsEva born about 1904
OdanielsGerald born about 1930
OrbinsonCharley born about 1881
OrbinsonEdna born about 1919
OrbinsonMable born about 1931
OrbinsonMary Eborn about 1896
OrbinsonOpal born about 1921
OrbinsonRebeceo born about 1860
OrermanFlorence born about 1874
OrermanWilbor born about 1878

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P Surnames

ParsonsElma born about 1912
ParsonsMary Carolynborn about 1939
ParsonsPaul born about 1912
PatterElsie born about 1917
PeningerBertha born about 1929
PeningerJohn born about 1934
PeningerLela born about 1931
PeningerNina born about 1927
PeningerRay Eborn about 1894
PeningerTheo born about 1903
PickensBenny born about 1930
PickensElwin born about 1913
PickensLevi born about 1871
PickensLewis born about 1924
PickensLois born about 1923
PickensPhyllis born about 1932
PickensRuby born about 1897
PickensRuth Aborn about 1872
PickensRuth Aliceborn about 1939
PickensSam born about 1900
PickensShirley born about 1939
PickensVirgina born about 1921
PointerBetty Joanborn about 1935
PointerCarl born about 1907
PointerCarl Wayneborn about 1933
PriceChauncy born about 1917
PriceMary Kahtrynborn about 1921

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R Surnames

RamageClarence born about 1889
RamageJack born about 1922
RankinDuana born about 1939
RankinDuane born about 1934
RankinRichard born about 1910
RankinRuby Aborn about 1912
ReedCarmeita born about 1938
ReedIlda born about 1920
ReedLerie born about 1912
ReedRonald Wayneborn about 1940
RichBessie born about 1907
RichDewey born about 1901
RichDorothy born about 1928
RichEarl born about 1926
RichGlen born about 1925
RichPaul born about 1930
RichardsonMinta born about 1880
RichardsonWill born about 1880
RobertsonRichard born about 1918
RobinsonMary Eborn about 1859
RobinsonOra Dborn about 1887
RossDonald born about 1925
RossJesse born about 1884
RossMary Mborn about 1892
RossRosella born about 1885
RossVirgil born about 1878
RyanDaniel born about 1872
RyanIvy born about 1876
RyanMarie born about 1901
RyanPatricia born about 1931

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S Surnames

SawyerJack born about 1935
SchoolingBula born about 1892
SchoolingWilliam born about 1896
ShawJohn born about 1916
ShawNadine born about 1918
SheetsA Willaborn about 1872
SheetsRoss born about 1876
SheetsStella born about 1884
SheetsThomas born about 1872
ShestoAbbbie born about 1882
ShestoGuy born about 1880
SickeH Leeborn about 1862
SmithChristina born about 1893
SmithClay born about 1890
SouthardEverett born about 1923
SouthardOpha born about 1892
SouthardWilbur born about 1897
SpharJewell born about 1939
SpharMathe born about 1905
SpharRalph born about 1905
SpharVerla born about 1928
StorinsA Hankborn about 1877
SturmClarence born about 1936
SturmFrances born about 1913
SturmNellie born about 1916
SturmSandra born about 1938
SummerJunior born about 1924
SuttonDon born about 1902
SuttonJack born about 1925
SuttonMabel born about 1903
SuttonMaxine born about 1923

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T Surnames

TaylorAlma Jeanborn about 1935
TaylorBetty Annborn about 1937
TaylorMary born about 1914
TaylorTheo born about 1909
TerrellClarence born about 1920
TerrellMargaret born about 1920
TharpClyde born about 1905
TharpGeorge born about 1922
TharpMary Eborn about 1884
TharpMilo born about 1880
TreadwayClyde born about 1892
TreadwayDaniel born about 1929
TreadwayIva born about 1895
TreadwayRichard born about 1931

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V Surnames

VansickleHazel born about 1917
VansickleHenry born about 1879
VansickleInes born about 1888
VansickleWilbur born about 1920

W Surnames

WadeCharlotte born about 1932
WadeCora born about 1895
WadeDrayphue born about 1899
WadeMartha born about 1923
WadeMilton born about 1924
WadeRobert born about 1926
WallElmer born about 1890
WallMary born about 1890
WallRandol born about 1934
WatkinsonElsie born about 1897
WatkinsonMarvin born about 1894
WelcoxBessie born about 1887
WeldyDale born about 1937
WeldyFlorence born about 1902
WeldyWayne born about 1895
WestbrookGladys born about 1912
WestbrookQuinton born about 1912
WestbrookWawneta born about 1938
WhitbeckBeulah born about 1929
WhitbeckFrances born about 1925
WhitbeckHarry born about 1889
WhitbeckHarry born about 1927
WhitbeckMarie born about 1921
WhitbeckOpal born about 1895
WhitbeckPearl born about 1923
WhitbeckRichard born about 1931
WhitemanHarland born about 1910
WilgusElla born about 1871
WoodsLenard born about 1904
WoodsMae Louiseborn about 1909
WrightEvertt born about 1918
WrightGladys born about 1921
WrightSam Tborn about 1884

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Y Surnames

YinglingBertha born about 1931

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