Hartford Genealogy (in Lyon County, KS)

USA (1,380,571) > Kansas (35,883) > Lyon County (890) > Hartford (50)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Hartford are also found through the Lyon County and Kansas pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Death Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries

Hartford Birth Records

Index, Hartford times : Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas, 1946-1950 (Indexes births, marriage and death notices along with other items of genealogical interest.) Genealogy Gophers online

Hartford Cemetery Records

Catholic Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Lena Valley Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Mary Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Marys Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hartford Census Records

City Census for Hartford 1919, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961 (included in Kansas City and County Census Records) Ancestry online

Federal Census of 1940, Hartford, Kansas LDS Genealogy online

Hartford Death Records

Index, Hartford news (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) May 8, 1890-August 26, 1898 WorldCat

Index, Hartford news (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) May 8, 1890-December 28, 1891 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times : Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas, 1946-1950 (Indexes births, marriage and death notices along with other items of genealogical interest.) Genealogy Gophers online

Hartford Marriage Records

Index, Hartford times : Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas, 1946-1950 (Indexes births, marriage and death notices along with other items of genealogical interest.) Genealogy Gophers online

Hartford Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

An Index To the Hartford (Ks) Call, Oct. 17, 1879-Apr. 17, 1891 FamilySearch Library

An index to the Hartford (Ks) call August 1, 1884 - July 29, 1887 WorldCat

An index to the Hartford (Ks) call August 5, 1887 - April 17, 1891 WorldCat

An index to the Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) August 3, 1900-May 8, 1903 WorldCat

An index to the Neosho Valley times, Hartford, Kansas, 2 Sep 1898-27 Jul 1900 WorldCat

Hartford Call 1879-1883 Newspapers.com online

Hartford Call 1879-1891 Newspapers.com online

Hartford News 1890-1898 Newspapers.com online

Hartford Times 1895-1925 Newspapers.com online

Hartford Weekly Call 1879-1891 Newspapers.com online

Hartford Weekly Call 1883-1891 Newspapers.com online

Index, Hartford news (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) May 8, 1890-August 26, 1898 WorldCat

Index, Hartford news (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) May 8, 1890-December 28, 1891 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), April 20, 1928-December 26, 1930 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), August 18, 1933-July 31, 1936 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), August 2, 1940-December 28, 1945 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), August 7, 1936-July 26, 1940 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), January 2, 1931-August 11, 1933 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), January 4, 1946-July 14, 1950. WorldCat

Index, Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), July 10, 1925-April 13, 1928 WorldCat

Index, Hartford times : Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas, 1946-1950 (Indexes births, marriage and death notices along with other items of genealogical interest.) Genealogy Gophers online

Index, Neosho Valley times & Hartford news (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas) May 15, 1903-March 16, 1906 WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), January 15, 1909-October 27, 1911 WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), June 19, 1914-October 31, 1919. WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), March 23, 1906-January 8, 1909 WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), November 11, 1911-June 12, 1914. WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), November 7, 1919-October 27, 1922. WorldCat

Index, Neosho Valley times : Hartford, Lyon, Kansas August 3, 1900-October 27, 1922 FamilySearch Library

Index, Neosho Valley times and Hartford times (Hartford, Lyon County, Kansas), November 5, 1922-July 3, 1925 WorldCat

Offline Newspapers for Hartford

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Hartford Call. (Hartford, Kan.) 1879-1883

Hartford Call. (Hartford, Kan.) 1887-1891

Hartford Enterprise. (Hartford, Kan.) 1877-1880

Hartford Herald. (Hartford, Kan.) 1972-Current

Hartford News. (Hartford, Kan.) 1890-1898

Hartford Times. (Hartford, Kan.) 1923-1969

Hartford Weekly Call. (Hartford, Kan.) 1883-1887

Neosho Valley Times and Hartford News. (Hartford, Kan.) 1898-1903

Neosho Valley Times. (Hartford, Kan.) 1895-1898

Neosho Valley Times. (Hartford, Kan.) 1903-1923

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