Kansas Minority Records

USA (1,380,571) > Kansas (35,883) > Kansas Minority Records (53)

County Specific Minority Records

Statewide Minority Records

Annuity pay rolls for the Chippewa tribe, 1886-1887, and the Potawatomi tribe, 1888, 1901-1909 FamilySearch Library

Bohemians in central Kansas, 1913-1914, with index FamilySearch Library

Census roll of citizen band of Potawatomi Indians, 1891 : residing in Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Kansas, and elsewhere FamilySearch Library

Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops: 56th-138th USCT Infantry, 1864-1866 Fold3 online

Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops: Artillery Organizations Fold3 online

Germans to America Passenger Data File Archives.com online

Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 Fold3 online

Irish to America Passenger Data File Archives.com online

Italians Immigrating to the United States MyHeritage online

Italians to America Passenger Data File Archives.com online

Japanese-American Internee Records Archives.com online

Probate records, 1859-1914 (Bureau of Indiana Affairs) FamilySearch Library

Russians Immigrating to the United States MyHeritage online

U.S. Civil War Jewish-American Veterans, 1861-1865 Ancestry online

U.S., Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry online

U.S., Evangelical Covenant Church, Swedish American Church Records, 1868-1970 Ancestry online

U.S., Jewish Welfare Board, War Correspondence, 1917-1954 Ancestry online

U.S.: Jewish Names in Selected State Department Files, 1910-1929 Ancestry online

United States Civil War Service Records of Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865 Family Search online

United States Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II, 1942-1946 Family Search online

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