Caneyville Genealogy (in Grayson County, KY)

USA (1,380,571) > Kentucky (49,700) > Grayson County (427) > Caneyville (37)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Caneyville are also found through the Grayson County and Kentucky pages.

Caneyville Cemetery Records

Brown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Browns Cemetery Find a Grave online

Byers #1 Cemetery Find a Grave online

Caneyville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Caneyville Church of God of Prophecy Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clagett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cook Cemetery Find a Grave online

Deweese Cemetery Billion Graves online

Deweese Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Elder-Anderson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Elder-Anderson Cemetery Billion Graves online

Fox Run Cemetery Find a Grave online

Frank Embrey Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gary Cemetery Find a Grave online

Goff Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Hopewell Cemetery Find a Grave online

King Cemetery Find a Grave online

Landrum Cemetery Billion Graves online

Lower Bates Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Lower Bates Cemetery Find a Grave online

Miller Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery Billion Graves online

Mudd Cemetery Find a Grave online

Patterson Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Rabbit Flat Cemetery Billion Graves online

Rabbit Flat Cemetery Find a Grave online

Walter Cook Cemetery Find a Grave online

Woosley Cemetery Billion Graves online

Yeaman Cemetery Billion Graves online

Yeaman Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Caneyville Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Caneyville, Kentucky LDS Genealogy online

Caneyville Newspapers and Obituaries

Caneyville News 1918-1919 online

Grayson County News 1905-1905 online

Grayson County News 1919-1924 online

Caneyville School Records

Caneyville High School yearbook, 1950 Classmates online

Caneyville High School yearbook, 1950 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Caneyville High School yearbook, 1950 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

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