East Baton Rouge Parish LA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Louisiana (21,428) > East Baton Rouge Parish (696) > East Baton Rouge Parish County Newspapers and Obituaries (139)

USA (1,380,571) > Louisiana (21,428) > Louisiana Newspapers and Obituaries (2,583) > East Baton Rouge Parish Newspapers and Obituaries (139)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to East Baton Rouge Parish are also on the Louisiana Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Baker Baton Rouge Port Hudson Zachary

East Baton Rouge Parish Newspapers and Obituaries

Newspapers.com Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online

Newspapers.com Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Baker Newspapers and Obituaries

Baker News 1973-1974 Newspapers.com online

Baker News 1973-1974 Newspapers.com online

Baton Rouge Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

1991-1992 Obituary Index of Baton Rouge, Louisiana FamilySearch Library

1991-1992 obituary index of Baton Rouge, Louisiana WorldCat

Advocate 01/01/1986 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Advocate 07/19/1925 to 12/31/2018 Genealogy Bank online

Advocate Extra 10/09/2014 to 02/12/2015 Genealogy Bank online

Baton Rouge Community Leader 1979-1982 East Baton Rouge Parish Library online

Baton Rouge Gazetteᅠ(1837-1853) Newspaper Archive online

Baton Rouge News Leader 1971-1973 East Baton Rouge Parish Library online

Baton Rouge Post 1937-1938 Newspapers.com online

Baton Rouge Tri Weekly Gazette Cometᅠ(1865-1869) Newspaper Archive online

Baton Rouge Tri-Weekly Gazette and Comet 1856-1873 Newspapers.com online

Baton Rouge Weekly Messenger = Messager Hebdomadaire de Baton-Rouge 06/21/1826 to 12/06/1826 Genealogy Bank online

Baton Rouge tri-Weekly gazette & comet (Baton Rouge, La.) (from July 1, 1865 to June 10, 1869) MyHeritage online

Baton Rouge tri-weekly gazette & comet 06/10/1837 to 06/10/1869 Genealogy Bank online

Baton Rouge tri-weekly gazette & comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from July 1, 1865 to June 10, 1869) Chronicling America online

Baton-Rouge Gazette 06/05/1819 to 11/20/1866 Genealogy Bank online

Baton-Rouge Gazette 1819-1853 Newspapers.com online

Baton-Rouge gazette (Baton-Rouge, La.) (from June 10, 1837 to Jan. 29, 1853) MyHeritage online

Baton-Rouge gazette. (Baton-Rouge, La.) (from June 10, 1837 to Jan. 29, 1853) Chronicling America online

Capital City Sun 1933-1934 Newspapers.com online

Community Leader 1982-1989 East Baton Rouge Parish Library online

Daily Advocate 01/02/1854 to 10/31/1906 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Comet 1852-1855 Newspapers.com online

Daily Gazette And Cometᅠ(1860-1860) Newspaper Archive online

Daily Gazette and Comet 1852-1860 Newspapers.com online

Daily State 08/01/1906 to 07/16/1910 Genealogy Bank online

Daily comet (baton rouge, la.) (from sept. 1, 1852 to feb. 2, 1856) MyHeritage online

Daily comet 09/01/1852 to 02/02/1856 Genealogy Bank online

Daily gazette and comet (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Jan. 3, 1860 to Dec. 29, 1860) MyHeritage online

Daily gazette and comet 01/03/1860 to 12/29/1860 Genealogy Bank online

Daily gazette and comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Jan. 3, 1860 to Dec. 29, 1860) Chronicling America online

Genealogical Abstracts from the Baton Rouge Advocate 1845-1859 FamilySearch Library

Genealogical abstracts from the Baton Rouge advocate, 1845-1859 WorldCat

Gris Gris 1973-1979 East Baton Rouge Parish Library online

Harding Field Echelon 1942-1945 Newspapers.com online

Istrouma News 1933-1933 Newspapers.com online

Louisiana Capitolian 02/08/1879 to 12/31/1881 Genealogy Bank online

Louisiana Capitolian 1879-1881 Newspapers.com online

Louisiana Capitolianᅠ(1879-1881) Newspaper Archive online

Louisiana capitolian (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Feb. 8, 1879 to Dec. 31, 1881) MyHeritage online

Louisiana capitolian. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Feb. 8, 1879 to Dec. 31, 1881) Chronicling America online

Morning Comet 1856-1856 Newspapers.com online

Morning comet (baton rouge, la.) (from feb. 5, 1856 to dec. 27, 1856) MyHeritage online

Morning comet 02/05/1856 to 12/27/1856 Genealogy Bank online

News Leader 1955-1969 Newspapers.com online

News Leader 1968-1971 East Baton Rouge Parish Library online

North Baton Rouge Journal 1947-1951 Newspapers.com online

North Baton Rouge Journal 1947-1951 Newspapers.com online

North Baton Rouge Journal 1969-1973 Newspapers.com online

North Baton Rouge Journal 1969-1973 Newspapers.com online

Observer 1900-1900 Newspapers.com online

State Times Advocate 01/01/1909 to 10/02/1991 Genealogy Bank online

State-Times 01/01/1986 to 10/02/1991 Genealogy Bank online

The Catholic Commentator, 8 February 1963 - 3 June 2022 The Catholic News Archive online

The Daily Cometᅠ(1852-1856) Newspaper Archive online

The Morning Cometᅠ(1856-1856) Newspaper Archive online

The Weekly Cometᅠ(1853-1855) Newspaper Archive online

The Weekly comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from May 29, 1853 to Dec. 30, 1855) Chronicling America online

The daily comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Sept. 1, 1852 to Feb. 2, 1856) Chronicling America online

The morning comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from Feb. 5, 1856 to Dec. 27, 1856) Chronicling America online

Weekly Advocate 12/24/1845 to 10/31/1903 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly Comet 05/29/1853 to 12/30/1855 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly Comet 1853-1855 Newspapers.com online

Weekly Gazette and Comet 1856-1873 Newspapers.com online

Weekly Leader 1952-1952 Newspapers.com online

Weekly Leader 1952-1952 Newspapers.com online

Weekly Morning Comet 1856-1856 Newspapers.com online

Weekly Truth 1884-1885 Newspapers.com online

Weekly comet (Baton Rouge, La.) (from May 29, 1853 to Dec. 30, 1855) MyHeritage online

Woman's Enterprise 1921-1925 Newspapers.com online

Woman's enterprise (Baton Rouge, La.) (from July 22, 1921 to Dec. 15, 1922) MyHeritage online

Woman's enterprise 07/22/1921 to 12/15/1922 Genealogy Bank online

Woman's enterprise. (Baton Rouge, La.) (from July 22, 1921 to Dec. 15, 1922) Chronicling America online

Womans Enterpriseᅠ(1921-1922) Newspaper Archive online

Port Hudson Newspapers and Obituaries

Zachary Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for East Baton Rouge Parish

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Baker: Baker News. (Baker, La.) 1973-1975

Baker: Observer. (Baker, La.) 1958-1989

Baton Rouge: Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1992-Current

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Community Leader. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1977-1982

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Daily Truth. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1900s-1908

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Enterprise. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1976-1982

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge News Leader. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1971-1977

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Post. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1983-2007

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Sunday News. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1919-1921

Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge Times. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1904-1907

Baton Rouge: Baton-Rouge Gazette. (Baton-Rouge, La.) 1819-1856

Baton Rouge: Capital City Sun. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1933-1934

Baton Rouge: Daily Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1854-1865

Baton Rouge: Daily Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1874-1882

Baton Rouge: Daily Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1888-1904

Baton Rouge: Daily Capitolian-Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1882-1888

Baton Rouge: Daily Comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1850-1856

Baton Rouge: Daily Gazette and Comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1856-1860s

Baton Rouge: Daily State-Times. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1908-1910

Baton Rouge: Daily State. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1905-1908

Baton Rouge: Daily Truth. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1890s-1900s

Baton Rouge: Echelon. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1942-1943

Baton Rouge: Freedom. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1933-1935

Baton Rouge: Grand Era. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1870-1877

Baton Rouge: Harding Field Echelon. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1943-1945

Baton Rouge: Journal. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1951-1966

Baton Rouge: Louisiana Capitolian. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1879-1881

Baton Rouge: Morning Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1925-1992

Baton Rouge: Morning Alternate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1973-1970s

Baton Rouge: New Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1908-1913

Baton Rouge: News Leader. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1952-1971

Baton Rouge: North Baton Rouge Journal. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1966-1973

Baton Rouge: North Baton Rouge Journal. ([Baton Rouge, La.]) 1942-1951

Baton Rouge: Observer. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1899-1900

Baton Rouge: Royal Reveille. (Istrouma [I.E. Baton Rouge, La.]) 1941-1942

Baton Rouge: South Baton Rouge Journal. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1989-Current

Baton Rouge: Southeast News. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1987-Current

Baton Rouge: State Times Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1913-1991

Baton Rouge: Tiger-Weekly. ([Baton Rouge, La) 1997-2002

Baton Rouge: Tri-Weekly Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1865-1874

Baton Rouge: Weekly Advocate. (Baton Rouge [La.]) 1855-1882

Baton Rouge: Weekly Capital Item. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1888-1890s

Baton Rouge: Weekly Capitolian-Advocate. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1882-1888

Baton Rouge: Weekly Comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1853-1855

Baton Rouge: Weekly Dispatch. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1883-1884

Baton Rouge: Weekly Gazette and Comet. (Baton Rouge [La.]) 1856-1865

Baton Rouge: Weekly Press. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1980s-Current

Baton Rouge: Weekly Truth. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1882-1908

Port Hudson: Morning Courier. (Port Hudson, La.) 1863-1860s

Port Hudson: Tri-Weekly News. (Port Hudson, La.) 1863-1860s

Zachary: Plainsman-News. (Zachary, La.) 1975-1976

Zachary: Plainsman. (Zachary, La.) 1953-1975

Zachary: Zachary Plainsman-News. (Zachary, La.) 1976-Current

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