Union Parish LA Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Louisiana (21,428) > Union Parish (421)

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Union Parish Records by City/Town

Bernice Genealogy (41)
Downsville Genealogy (24)
Farmerville Genealogy (76)
Lillie Genealogy (6)
Linville Genealogy (9)

Marion Genealogy (35)
Ouachita City Genealogy (5)
Point Genealogy (9)
Spearsville Genealogy (21)
Truxno Genealogy (6)

Overview of Union Parish Records

  • Union Parish was created in 1839 from Ouachita Parish.
  • Birth and death records from 1911 to the present can be obtained from the Louisiana Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics .
  • The Union Parish Clerk has marriage records starting in 1839, divorce and probate records starting in 1839, and court records starting in 1839.
  • Online indexes and images of some of the above records can be found by using the links on this site.