Ashfield Genealogy (in Franklin County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Franklin County (1,879) > Ashfield (91)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Ashfield are also found through the Franklin County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records Tax Records

Ashfield Birth Records

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Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1843-1856 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1857-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths,1896-1988 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages, Deaths and Town Records, 1763-1876 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, 1896-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1750-1895 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1912-1960 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Massachusetts vital records : Ashfield, 1750-1895 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Town and vital records, 1750-1916 [Ashfield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Ashfield Cemetery Records

Ashfield Plain Cemetery Billion Graves online

Baptist Corner Cemetery Find a Grave online

Beldingville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Briar Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Burnett Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Guilford Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Northwest Cemetery Find a Grave online

Plain Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint John's Church Find a Grave online

South Ashfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Spruce Corner Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ashfield Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Ashfield, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Ashfield Church Records

Historical address read in St. John's church, Ashfield, Mass. Genealogy Gophers online

Ashfield City Directories

Ashfield City Directories (1913 & 1916) Massachusetts State Library

Ashfield Court Records

Valuations, 1817-1850 FamilySearch Library

Ashfield Death Records

Filter By Year:

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1843-1856 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1857-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths,1896-1988 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages, Deaths and Town Records, 1763-1876 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1750-1895 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1912-1960 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Deaths, 1750-1895 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Deaths, 1896-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Deaths 1886: Ashfield Genealogy Trails online

Massachusetts vital records : Ashfield, 1750-1895 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Town and vital records, 1750-1916 [Ashfield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Ashfield Histories and Genealogies

First ladies from Ashfield's history : an account of the lives of Remember Ellis Smith, Lydia Hall Miles, and Dora Knowlton Ranous FamilySearch Library

Historical sketches of the times and men in Ashfield, Mass., during the Revolutionary War FamilySearch Library

Historical sketches of the times and men in Ashfield, Mass., during the Revolutionary War LDS Genealogy online

Historical sketches of the times and men in Ashfield, Mass., during the Revolutionary War Internet Archive online

History of the town of Ashfield FamilySearch Library

History of the town of Ashfield : Franklin County, Massachusetts : from its settlement in 1742 to 1910 Ancestry online

History of the town of Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts : from its settlement in 1742 to 1910 FamilySearch Library

History of the town of Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts from its settlement in 1742 to 1910 LDS Genealogy online

History of the town of Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts from its settlement in 1742 to 1910 Internet Archive online

History of the town of Ashfield, Mass. Ancestry online

History of the town of Ashfield, Mass. : Vol. I FamilySearch Library

Ashfield Land Records

Proprietors' records, 1736-1808 FamilySearch Library

Ashfield Marriage Records

Filter By Year:

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1843-1856 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1857-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages and Deaths,1896-1988 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Births, Marriages, Deaths and Town Records, 1763-1876 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1750-1895 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1912-1960 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Index to Marriages, 1896-1911 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Marriage 1764-1788: Ashfield Genealogy Trails online

Massachusetts Marriages 1633-1850 Ancestry online

Massachusetts vital records : Ashfield, 1750-1895 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Town and vital records, 1750-1916 [Ashfield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Ashfield Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Ashfield Military Records

Historical sketches of the times and men in Ashfield, Mass. during the Revolutionary War Ancestry online

Ashfield Miscellaneous Records

Ashfield Births, Marriages, Deaths and Town Records, 1763-1876 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Ashfield Town Records, 1750-1857 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Library records, 1815-1866 FamilySearch Library

Proceedings of town meetings, 1762-1854 FamilySearch Library

Town financial records, 1813-1879 [Ashfield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Ashfield Newspapers and Obituaries

Ashfield News (1976) Boston Public Library

The Ashfield News 2000-2007, 2009-2020 Small Town Papers online

Ashfield School Records

Sanderson Academy - Bell Yearbook (Ashfield, MA), 1940 E Yearbook online

Sanderson Academy yearbook, 1940, 1948, 1965 Classmates online

Sanderson Academy yearbook, 1940, 1948, 1965 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Sanderson Academy yearbooks, 1940, 1948, 1965 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Ashfield Tax Records

Ashfield Tax Valuations 1780 Massachusetts State Library

Ashfield Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Ashfield Tax Valuations 1810 Massachusetts State Library

Ashfield Tax Valuations 1811 Massachusetts State Library

Tax lists: Ashfield: 1766, 1772, 1793 Genealogy Trails online

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