Jefferson Genealogy (in Frederick County, MD)

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Frederick County (1,334) > Jefferson (16)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Jefferson are also found through the Frederick County and Maryland pages.

Jefferson Cemetery Records

Chunn Ridgley Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Culler Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Easterday Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jefferson Reformed Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jefferson Union Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jefferson United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lakin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Names from the past : a compilation of the reading of tombstones in the Old Union Cemetery, The Jefferson United Church of Christ (Old Reformed) Cemetery and St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, Jefferson, Frederick County, Maryland FamilySearch Library

Names from the past : a compilation of the reading of tombstones in the Old Union Cemetery, the Jefferson United Church of Christ (Old Reformed) Cemetery and St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, Jefferson, Frederick County, Maryland WorldCat

Saint Pauls Lutheran Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shaff Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sunnyside United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jefferson Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Jefferson, Maryland LDS Genealogy online

Jefferson Church Records

A listing of the members of the Jefferson United Church of Christ, 1823 to September 1997 FamilySearch Library

A listing of the members of the Jefferson United Church of Christ, 1823 to September 1997 WorldCat

Pastoral records of the Jefferson and Feagaville Lutheran parishes of Frederick County, Maryland, 1850-1998 : includes Burkittsville 1850-1856; St. Matthews on the Manor 1850-1886; St. Paul's, Jefferson 1850-1945; Mt. Zion, Feagaville 1850-1998; St. Luke's, Feagaville 1885-1998 FamilySearch Library

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