USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Somerset County (583) > Somerset County Newspapers and Obituaries (51)
USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Maryland Newspapers and Obituaries (2,998) > Somerset County Newspapers and Obituaries (51)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Somerset County are also on the Maryland Newspapers and Obituaries page.
Countywide | Crisfield | Ewell | Marion | Princess Anne | Rhodes Point | Tylerton |
Marriages & Deaths of the Lower Delmarva, 1835-1840 : from the Newspapers of Dorchester, Somerset and Worcester Counties FamilySearch Library
Maryland's eastern shore during the Civil War : the home front, local events from the Easton gazette and Kent news FamilySearch Library
Crisfield Newspapers and ObituariesFilter By Year:
Crisfield Express 1987 Maryland State Archives
Crisfield Leader 1872-1903 Maryland State Archives
Crisfield Post 1935-1947 Maryland State Archives
Crisfield Post and the Somerset News 1947 Maryland State Archives
Crisfield Times 01/03/2007 to Current Genealogy Bank
Crisfield Times 1889 Maryland State Archives
Peninsula Press 1947 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Republican 1904 Maryland State Archives
The Crisfield Post, 1935-1936, 1955-1959 Somerset County Library System
The Crisfield Times, 1907-1985 (selections0 Somerset County Library System
Ewell Newspapers and ObituariesMarion Newspapers and ObituariesEastern Shore Republican 1928 Maryland State Archives
Princess Anne Newspapers and ObituariesFilter By Year:
Crisfield Express 1987 Maryland State Archives
Eastern Shore Republican 1928 Maryland State Archives
Herald 1838 Maryland State Archives
Marylander 1881-1898 Maryland State Archives
Marylander and Herald 1898-1984 Maryland State Archives
Marylander and Herald, 1912-1913, 1915-1921 Historical Eastern Shore Newspapers
Marylander and Herald, 1912-1984 (selections) Somerset County Library System
People's Press 1836-1838 Maryland State Archives
Somerset County Express 1986 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Herald 1838 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Herald 1861-1898 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Herald 1985 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Herald, 1840-1844 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Herald, 1987-2004 Somerset County Library System
Somerset Iris and Messenger of Truth 1828-1829 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Journal 1897 Maryland State Archives
Somerset News 1925-1947 Maryland State Archives
Somerset Union 1856 Maryland State Archives
The Village Herald, 1816, 1827-1840 Historical Eastern Shore Newspapers
The Village Herald, 1827-1840 Somerset County Library System
True Marylander 1866-1881 Maryland State Archives
Village Herald 1827-1838 Maryland State Archives
Village Herald 1828-1851 Worcester County Library
Rhodes Point Newspapers and ObituariesTylerton Newspapers and Obituaries |
Offline Newspapers for Somerset CountyAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Crisfield: Crisfield Index. (Crisfield, Md) 1872-1873 Crisfield: Crisfield Leader. (Crisfield, Md.) 1872-1903 Crisfield: Crisfield Post. (Crisfield, Md.) 1935-1947 Crisfield: Crisfield Times. (Crisfield, Md.) 1891-Current Princess Anne: Marylander and Herald. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1898-1984 Princess Anne: People's Press. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1836-1838 Princess Anne: Somerset Herald. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1861-1898 Princess Anne: Somerset Herald. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1985-Current Princess Anne: Somerset Iris and Messenger of Truth. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1828-1829 Princess Anne: Somerset News. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1925-1947 Princess Anne: True Marylander. (Princess Anne, Md.) 1866-1881 Princess Anne: Village Herald. (Princess-Anne, Md.) 1827-1838 |