1940 U.S. Federal Census of Warren, Knox, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Knox County > 1940 Census of Warren

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AchornErnest Jborn about 1869
AhlholmKustaa Wborn about 1899
AhlholmMary born about 1895
AhlholmMaurice Jborn about 1924
AhlholmNorman Wborn about 1935
AhoAlfred Nborn about 1939
AhoArlene Sborn about 1936
AhoDoather Gborn about 1931
AhoLilja Cborn about 1908
AhoNancy Lborn about 1932
AhoWalter Nborn about 1907
AhoWalter Nborn about 1937
AmesBenjamin Aborn about 1881
AndersonBertha Eborn about 1923
AndersonDavid Aborn about 1918
AndersonIda Mborn about 1893
AndersonJames Kborn about 1933
AndersonJohn Gborn about 1907
AndersonMary Sborn about 1867
AndersonMuriel Mborn about 1927
AndersonOnnie Wborn about 1893
AndersonPauline Bborn about 1930
AndersonRobert born about 1929
AndersonWalter Eborn about 1920
AndrewsElla Hborn about 1865
AndrewsHattie Wborn about 1879
AndrewsJane Nborn about 1870
AspeyAnnie born about 1871
AspeyGeorge Aborn about 1896
AspeyHilda Dborn about 1903
AverillClaude Aborn about 1891
AverillIva Mborn about 1892

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B Surnames

BarlowBenjamin Cborn about 1908
BarlowEva Gborn about 1901
BarlowEvangleine Cborn about 1931
BarlowMorgan Sborn about 1934
BarlowRonald Wborn about 1935
BarrettDennison Eborn about 1891
BarrettEdna Aborn about 1893
BarrettEdward Cborn about 1925
BarrettEleanor Nborn about 1879
BarrettFrank Dborn about 1927
BarrettVella Mborn about 1924
BarrettWilliam Lborn about 1878
BarrowsSarah Lborn about 1865
BarrowsWilliam Eborn about 1861
BatchelderHenry Mborn about 1872
BatchelderLangtre Cborn about 1901
BatchelderLouise born about 1878
BazemoreLois Jborn about 1925
BeanDorothy Aborn about 1930
BeanEunice Mborn about 1911
BeanJanet Lborn about 1936
BeanJohn Fborn about 1901
BeanMerrick Fborn about 1932
BeanNannie Mborn about 1865
BeaneBessie Mborn about 1893
BeaneElden Cborn about 1938
BeaneHarry Cborn about 1893
BeleyCeline Vborn about 1884
BeleyMarcel Aborn about 1880
BeleySimone J Cborn about 1913
BennerJudson Eborn about 1863
BennerMary Hborn about 1869
BerryCharles Aborn about 1932
BerryFrank Cborn about 1874
BerryMary Eborn about 1933
BerryMildred Eborn about 1910
BerryRoland Dborn about 1904
BerryWillis Rborn about 1930
BillingsAnn Vborn about 1910
BillingsGeraldine Bborn about 1933
BillingsLittie Dborn about 1893
BillingsLloyud Jborn about 1908
BillingsSidney Pborn about 1903
BlackingtonFlora Nborn about 1891
BlichingtonBerterand Lborn about 1898
BlichingtonLeona born about 1925
BlichingtonPhilip born about 1929
BlichingtonRuth Jborn about 1905
BoggsArlene Bborn about 1934
BoggsEdwin Kborn about 1894
BoggsEdwin Kborn about 1920
BoggsEva Pborn about 1894
BoggsGilbert Aborn about 1929
BoggsHarold Aborn about 1886
BoggsJohn Eborn about 1922
BoggsLeland Eborn about 1913
BoggsLeland Eborn about 1938
BoggsLoradah Jborn about 1893
BoggsLulu Aborn about 1881
BoggsMargaret Eborn about 1911
BoggsMary Jborn about 1931
BoggsOlive Lborn about 1897
BoggsViolet Lborn about 1936
BoggsVirginia Aborn about 1922
BoggsWillard Oborn about 1888
BoggsWillis Eborn about 1923
BornemanHelen Mborn about 1903
BornemanHoward Cborn about 1925
BornemanRaymond Cborn about 1902
BowdenCaroline Fborn about 1923
BowdenCharles Wborn about 1934
BowdenMabel Sborn about 1897
BowdenOtto Hborn about 1896
BowdenOtto Hborn about 1921
BowleyDoris Rborn about 1914
BowleyDouglas Rborn about 1916
BowleyPercy Rborn about 1890
BowleyShirley Eborn about 1895
BridgesGloria Rborn about 1922
BrighamGeorge Eborn about 1866
BrighamMartha Eborn about 1867
BroodmanMyrtle Vborn about 1873
BrownGerald Wborn about 1915
BuckAlice Mborn about 1911
BuckGeorge Aborn about 1911
BucklinAnnie Mborn about 1868
BucklinBernice Nborn about 1894
BucklinFred Rborn about 1919
BucklinLevi Rborn about 1867
BucklinWalter Eborn about 1895
BurgessCaroline Bborn about 1905
BurgessElizabeth Lborn about 1939
BurgessMartha Aborn about 1933
BurgessMary Hborn about 1929
BurgessRichard Wborn about 1925
BurgessWilliam Aborn about 1899
BurnhamAlcoda Sborn about 1886
BurnsEloorus Gborn about 1862
BursiAndrew Hborn about 1875
BurtonEdson born about 1895
ButterAnnie Eborn about 1875
ButterCarrie Aborn about 1890
ButterDelmont Eborn about 1917
ButterElmira Jborn about 1930
ButterFred Mborn about 1878
ButterLinda Lborn about 1918
ButterRichard Wborn about 1926

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C Surnames

CaldriceHenry Dborn about 1894
CaldriceMarion Gborn about 1900
CalerElla Nborn about 1864
CampbellFred Gborn about 1884
CampbellGrace Wborn about 1881
CannellBarbara Mborn about 1921
CannellByron Rborn about 1938
CannellJoseph Hborn about 1912
CannellWilma Aborn about 1939
CargillFrank Bborn about 1868
CargillMary Lborn about 1872
CarrollClifford Bborn about 1905
CarrollDorothy Mborn about 1935
CarrollEdwin Sborn about 1862
CarrollFrances Oborn about 1868
CarrollHelen Fborn about 1932
CarrollLevina Eborn about 1877
CarrollMae Oborn about 1872
CarrollThelbert Pborn about 1874
CarrollThelma Tborn about 1909
CarrollThomas Jborn about 1871
CarterLucille Eborn about 1921
CastnerArnold Gborn about 1913
CastnerChester Jborn about 1868
CastnerCora Eborn about 1868
CastnerDonna Jborn about 1937
CastnerFloyd Rborn about 1901
CastnerLenora Mborn about 1915
CastnerShirley Mborn about 1904
CaterJohn Sborn about 1863
ChapmanClarence Mborn about 1882
ChapmanFlora Nborn about 1907
ChapmanJoseph Kborn about 1939
ChapmanLeland Sborn about 1903
ChapmanLottie Mborn about 1885
ChapmanWilliam Eborn about 1927
ChicoyneErma born about 1916
ClarkArthur Jborn about 1876
ClarkClarion Fborn about 1878
ClarkErastus Bborn about 1870
ClarkMerrill Bborn about 1919
ClarkNancy Lborn about 1886
CoburnCharles Sborn about 1853
CoburnRita Pborn about 1887
CodyEverta born about 1877
CoffinKatherine Lborn about 1917
CoganAllen Hborn about 1904
CoganAnn born about 1907
CoganAnnette born about 1933
CoganBeverly born about 1926
CoganEugene born about 1924
CoganEva Aborn about 1900
CoganJill born about 1929
CoganLuie Jborn about 1927
CoganNorman born about 1923
CoganRae born about 1934
CoganRobert Jborn about 1883
ColburnGrace Cborn about 1904
ColburnLois Mborn about 1934
ColburnNeil Cborn about 1932
ColburnRaye Eborn about 1936
ComeryStela born about 1883
ConantCharles Eborn about 1932
ConantCharles Hborn about 1889
ConantDorothy Eborn about 1938
ConantJennie Mborn about 1892
ConantJoseph Kborn about 1883
ConantMyrtie Sborn about 1901
ConantNettie born about 1934
ConnellAndrew Fborn about 1916
ConnellJohn Kborn about 1877
CookAlice Aborn about 1866
CopelandAlice Sborn about 1880
CopelandCharles Jborn about 1870
CopelandElsie Mborn about 1857
CopelandLaura Eborn about 1877
CopelandLeslie Sborn about 1876
CopelandMarilla Cborn about 1858
CopelandNettie Eborn about 1877
CopelandOscar Aborn about 1874
CornellReta Mborn about 1915
CornellRichard Aborn about 1937
CornellRobert Bborn about 1914
CornellRobert Bborn about 1935
CounceGeorge Eborn about 1867
CousinsAnita Lborn about 1936
CousinsEthel Mborn about 1916
CousinsKenneth Rborn about 1914
CousinsLaura Aborn about 1933
CousinsLe Roy Kborn about 1939
CousinsLenard Jborn about 1909
CousinsMarjorie Aborn about 1938
CousinsVera Mborn about 1915
CousinsVirginia born about 1936
CousinsVirginia Mborn about 1936
CrawfordNiven born about 1860
CreamerElla Eborn about 1881
CreamerMary Lborn about 1883
CreamerMaynard Oborn about 1878
CreamerRuth Mborn about 1903
CreamerWayland Aborn about 1870
CrockettJohn Hborn about 1929
CrockettLuella Mborn about 1907
CrockettMarie Aborn about 1926
CrockettMaurice Cborn about 1903
CrockettRalph Bborn about 1896
CrockettRalph Eborn about 1931
CumminghamElla Eborn about 1882
CumminghamEverett Mborn about 1875
CunninghamGrace Cborn about 1881
CunninghamMaurice Mborn about 1887
CushmanWinfield Nborn about 1876
CuttingRosa Eborn about 1875

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D Surnames

DamonDoris Wborn about 1900
DamonPerley Rborn about 1894
DavisBenjamin Lborn about 1887
DavisBernice born about 1905
DavisCarrie Aborn about 1893
DavisEdward Aborn about 1884
DavisEdward Cborn about 1921
DavisElla Sborn about 1885
DavisFlorence Mborn about 1888
DavisFrank Lborn about 1874
DavisHarold Wborn about 1890
DavisJohn Eborn about 1884
DavisLaura Mborn about 1871
DavisLula Bborn about 1882
DavisMary Jborn about 1885
DavisMaurice Eborn about 1905
DavisNellie Eborn about 1880
DavisRalph Wborn about 1863
DayJennie Jborn about 1877
DeanJohn Kborn about 1870
DeanMay Eborn about 1874
DelanoCynthia Lborn about 1939
DelanoEva Aborn about 1893
DelanoWalter Aborn about 1906
DemuthAlbert Wborn about 1871
DemuthFannie Pborn about 1876
DeveberHerbert Wborn about 1913
DeveberPauline Hborn about 1914
DeveberPeter Hborn about 1940
DillawayAbbie Eborn about 1876
DillawayCharles Fborn about 1878
DillawayMary born about 1914
DillawayPaul Hborn about 1909
DobbinsWilliam born about 1894
DolhamCharles Bborn about 1908
DolhamCharles Bborn about 1934
DolhamEdna Rborn about 1912
DolhamLeatrice Jborn about 1931
DolhamSarah Fborn about 1871
DowGeorge Rborn about 1910
DowMabel born about 1872
DrewettBertha Kborn about 1905
DrewettHarold Jborn about 1900
DunlorLe Roy Cborn about 1939
DurginEugene Fborn about 1872
DurginViola Eborn about 1877
DurrellJames Lborn about 1937
DurrellJohn Eborn about 1906
DurrellLillian Lborn about 1929
DurrellWinnie Eborn about 1904
DyerFred Cborn about 1875
DyerRose Aborn about 1882

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E Surnames

EaglesMaude Pborn about 1883
EastmanBetsey Jborn about 1861
EatonFred Rborn about 1882
EatonRosalina Eborn about 1905
EmersonMattie Wborn about 1866
EmersonRaychel born about 1898
EmmonsElizabeth born about 1920
EmmonsHelen Bborn about 1880
EmmonsHerbert Aborn about 1876
EngleyAustin Aborn about 1890
EricksonAllen Fborn about 1926
EricksonCarl Bborn about 1925
EricksonCharles Gborn about 1879
EricksonElizabeth Mborn about 1937
EricksonEllen Mborn about 1939
EricksonEnoch born about 1865
EricksonFrank born about 1866
EricksonFrank Wborn about 1893
EricksonLaura Eborn about 1929
EricksonLemipi Eborn about 1901
EricksonNancy Bborn about 1889
EricksonParker Rborn about 1935
ErkkilaArel born about 1873
ErkkilaHilda born about 1876
ErkkilaReino born about 1921
ErkkilaWilfred Jborn about 1916
EugleyNewell Wborn about 1874
EugleySadie Hborn about 1888

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F Surnames

FarringtonLeslie Eborn about 1905
FarringtonOlga Cborn about 1901
FarrisDonald Kborn about 1907
FarrisKenneth Lborn about 1933
FarrisLester Dborn about 1936
FarrisMarion Eborn about 1932
FarrisMary Lborn about 1928
FarrisThelma Lborn about 1908
FernandesJohn born about 1901
FernandesRuth Eborn about 1909
FeylerFlorence Hborn about 1917
FeylerWalter Aborn about 1908
FishLewis Sborn about 1901
FishMerrill Lborn about 1928
FishSylvia Mborn about 1896
FitchCharles born about 1856
FoggCharles Eborn about 1939
FoggCharles Hborn about 1898
FoggDonald Eborn about 1936
FoggFrancis Lborn about 1907
FoggFrank Wborn about 1934
FoggGilbert Wborn about 1928
FoggJohn Sborn about 1916
FoggMary Rborn about 1929
FoggStanley Aborn about 1932
FoggWilliam Hborn about 1933
FosterCharles Eborn about 1878
FosterEthel Iborn about 1878
FowleWilliam Eborn about 1876
FrenchAlzell Cborn about 1897
FrenchGlenice Eborn about 1924
FrenchHenrietta born about 1868
FrenchLester Aborn about 1891
FrenchLula Eborn about 1888
FrenchMarion Hborn about 1900
FrenchMuriel Rborn about 1919
FrenchStuart Hborn about 1921
FullerAmy Eborn about 1862
FullertonJohn Lborn about 1870

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G Surnames

GammonAlton Jborn about 1938
GammonAustin Eborn about 1904
GammonAvis Mborn about 1935
GammonEarl Wborn about 1932
GammonEdwin Eborn about 1906
GammonHazel Mborn about 1913
GammonHelen Jborn about 1914
GammonIrven Aborn about 1912
GammonLeonard Dborn about 1878
GammonMildred Eborn about 1907
GammonOlga Lborn about 1936
GammonPhilip Aborn about 1934
GammonRose Mborn about 1877
GammonSadie Eborn about 1935
GarnettJudson Bborn about 1900
GarnettSusie Cborn about 1893
GdrdonBertha Aborn about 1867
GdrdonWillis Kborn about 1863
GephartJohn Tborn about 1927
GephartMargery Bborn about 1907
GordonAlice Mborn about 1865
GordonEleda Mborn about 1893
GordonHarry Mborn about 1889
GordonHelen Fborn about 1907
GordonLewis Mborn about 1886
GordonMernie Mborn about 1889
GordonRalph Eborn about 1934
GordonRichard Jborn about 1936
GouldGuilford Dborn about 1854
GracieClara Eborn about 1861
GracieMary Aborn about 1898
GracieWilliam Lborn about 1882
GrantClara Vborn about 1883
GrayAlice Fborn about 1898
GrayAlice Rborn about 1910
GrayArlene Lborn about 1936
GrayDaniel Dborn about 1923
GrayDouglas Eborn about 1918
GrayEdith Gborn about 1871
GrayEllis Sborn about 1864
GrayGeorge Eborn about 1890
GrayMildred Cborn about 1890
GreenoughAngeline Aborn about 1884
GreyAlfred Pborn about 1866
GreyHelen Tborn about 1870
GriffinAlice Mborn about 1931
GriffinArlene Mborn about 1918
GriffinEarl Lborn about 1915
GriffinEthel Mborn about 1894
GriffinMartha Eborn about 1929

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H Surnames

HaekkenenMinnie born about 1892
HaekkenenPeter born about 1893
HahnGertrude Mborn about 1879
HahnHariet Vborn about 1879
HahnJoseph Wborn about 1872
HahnMaurice Sborn about 1887
HahnSusie Mborn about 1884
HakalaFrank born about 1878
HaleyNestor born about 1882
HallAgnes Mborn about 1885
HallArthur Eborn about 1893
HallBlanche Mborn about 1898
HallChester born about 1864
HallJoan born about 1930
HallRoyal Rborn about 1876
HallRuth Aborn about 1893
HallWillard Eborn about 1885
HalliganJames Bborn about 1931
HalliganJoyce Lborn about 1929
HalliganMary Eborn about 1906
HalliganMichael Jborn about 1899
HardingBenjamin Jborn about 1875
HardingElizabeth Mborn about 1939
HardingIna Cborn about 1889
HardingLouise Vborn about 1937
HardingOrin Eborn about 1912
HardingPaul Eborn about 1939
HardingShirley Lborn about 1917
HartBertha Eborn about 1894
HartDexter Dborn about 1866
HartLucy Mborn about 1869
HartRaymond Fborn about 1916
HartingBeverly Pborn about 1917
HartingGladys Tborn about 1896
HartingRaymond Dborn about 1924
HartingRobert Eborn about 1932
HartwellThomas Eborn about 1884
HaskellAnnett Sborn about 1922
HaskellDianna Mborn about 1892
HaskellGloria Dborn about 1927
HaskellMadeline Mborn about 1924
HaskellSamuel Fborn about 1886
HastingsEda Bborn about 1870
HastingsEverett Sborn about 1863
HawkinsJames Wborn about 1865
HealEmily born about 1890
HealHenry Jborn about 1877
HeathGloria Mborn about 1938
HeathMarie Eborn about 1916
HeathReginald Fborn about 1934
HeathWilliam Aborn about 1903
HeivestoJack born about 1886
HelinCharles Aborn about 1886
HelinMalia born about 1885
HendricksonEino Aborn about 1906
HendricksonJohn Aborn about 1882
HendricsonArthur born about 1901
HillAlbert Eborn about 1917
HillAlice Cborn about 1911
HillArnold Dborn about 1937
HillCharles born about 1849
HillDavid Jborn about 1907
HillDavid Wborn about 1871
HillEdwin born about 1931
HillElina born about 1873
HillFreda Jborn about 1936
HillJennie Eborn about 1886
HillNulo Jborn about 1919
HillOscar born about 1882
HillReino Fborn about 1921
HillSylvia Eborn about 1931
HillsBessie Mborn about 1881
HillsHazel Lborn about 1905
HillsJoyce Tborn about 1928
HillsMarguerite Kborn about 1918
HillsVictor Kborn about 1917
HillsVirgil Eborn about 1893
HiltAnsel Mborn about 1863
HiltRosa Aborn about 1874
HiltonHelen Mborn about 1877
HiltonLettie Gborn about 1894
HiltonPerl Sborn about 1890
HodgkinsEllen born about 1853
HolmbergErik Oborn about 1896
HolmbergEster Sborn about 1897
HoltAlbion Aborn about 1881
HoltMattie Lborn about 1877
HooperEthel Mborn about 1897
HooperIsaac Bborn about 1895
HooperRobert Pborn about 1934
HopkinsEarl Lborn about 1888
HopkinsFrank Aborn about 1865
HopkinsLenora Fborn about 1898
HorkiIda Wborn about 1894
HorkiOnni Jborn about 1892
HowardElva Eborn about 1868
HowardHerman Cborn about 1893
HowlandGeorge Lborn about 1879
HoytEffie Lborn about 1890
HoytFred Rborn about 1885
HubbardDorothy Fborn about 1919
HuntleyTheresa Mborn about 1925
HylerMerritt Hborn about 1914
HylerRuth Lborn about 1914
HyslerCharles Sborn about 1875
HyslerEffie Mborn about 1880

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J Surnames

JaatinenAlbin born about 1887
JaatinenIda born about 1891
JamesonAlma Lborn about 1876
JamesonNettie Aborn about 1871
JaskillaWilliam born about 1895
JenkinsConstance Mborn about 1922
JenkinsJames Aborn about 1932
JenkinsJane Mborn about 1899
JenkinsJohn Jborn about 1895
JenkinsJohn Rborn about 1924
JewellBetty Lborn about 1935
JonesChristine Eborn about 1924
JonesEdna Eborn about 1894
JonesFlora Wborn about 1874
JonesLilias born about 1869
JonesLovere Mborn about 1894
JuraAlli Gborn about 1907
JuraErlond born about 1903
JuraJohn Aborn about 1931
JuuraAndrew Aborn about 1894
JuuraFanny Nborn about 1894

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K Surnames

KaartinenMatti Aborn about 1879
KajanderAimo born about 1909
KajanderAlma born about 1909
KajanderJohn Aborn about 1879
KajanderMinnie Hborn about 1879
KallochAustin Kborn about 1870
KallochEmma Kborn about 1871
KallochMartha Wborn about 1866
KallochWilliam Lborn about 1936
KallockEdwin Jborn about 1849
KallockMary Eborn about 1865
KeagueAddie Mborn about 1867
KeagueBertha Dborn about 1884
KeagueEdwin Cborn about 1866
KellettCharles Aborn about 1881
KennistonAlfred Wborn about 1934
KennistonAlice Lborn about 1931
KennistonElizabeth Mborn about 1925
KennistonFred Mborn about 1877
KennistonGary Wborn about 1931
KennistonGeorge Pborn about 1902
KennistonHerbert Lborn about 1881
KennistonHoward Mborn about 1907
KennistonJanet Lborn about 1939
KennistonJennie Lborn about 1905
KennistonMarjorie Mborn about 1910
KennistonMyra Mborn about 1889
KigelCharles born about 1915
KigelElsa E Aborn about 1914
KilpelainenKorvo Kborn about 1883
KilpelainenLydia born about 1887
KivinenRichard born about 1888
KnightAlice Mborn about 1873
KnightFred born about 1865
KoashAndrew born about 1884
KolhonenAmanda born about 1890
KolhonenMartin born about 1890
KollockRuby Bborn about 1891
KollockSherbourne Bborn about 1881
KoskinenJohn Rborn about 1881

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L Surnames

LaddElla Fborn about 1885
LahdiMaria Mborn about 1860
LahtoAnnie Rborn about 1913
LaihoHarry Jborn about 1928
LaihoUuno Jborn about 1898
LaihoVieno Hborn about 1894
LampinenAili Jborn about 1927
LampinenEino Hborn about 1913
LampinenGertrude Eborn about 1923
LampinenHelmi Sborn about 1921
LampinenHjamler born about 1884
LampinenJulia Cborn about 1919
LaneAdelbert Cborn about 1926
LaneGertrude Jborn about 1888
LaneJohn Nborn about 1900
LaneJohn Nborn about 1924
LaneKenneth born about 1931
LaneMarian born about 1933
LaneMarjorie born about 1932
LaneMary Cborn about 1900
LaneRoberta Lborn about 1926
LaneWalter Hborn about 1880
LaneWalter Hborn about 1932
LawrenceCharles Eborn about 1870
LawrenceHattie Nborn about 1902
LeachBoyd Wborn about 1881
LeavittGrace Lborn about 1879
LeavittWalter Cborn about 1877
LehtenIda Mborn about 1874
LehtenJohn born about 1877
LehtoAltti born about 1895
LehtoEdna born about 1927
LehtoOlga born about 1892
LehtoSisko born about 1921
LeinoEino Eborn about 1905
LeinoHilda Jborn about 1914
LeinoLydia Aborn about 1884
LeinoPhyllis Aborn about 1934
LennoxRuth Eborn about 1911
LeonardAdella Lborn about 1892
LeonardEdward born about 1898
LeonardEdward Cborn about 1925
LeonardGeorge born about 1879
LeonardHarriet Gborn about 1889
LeonardJoseph born about 1883
LeonardJoseph born about 1920
LeonardMargaret Mborn about 1915
LermondGeorge Aborn about 1881
LermondGrace Lborn about 1884
LermondNorman Wborn about 1862
LewisElla Pborn about 1859
LewisEmma Lborn about 1876
LibbyCharles Bborn about 1866
LibbyGeorge Eborn about 1850
LibbyHollis Mborn about 1885
LibbyInez Tborn about 1870
LibbyJerry Hborn about 1869
LibbyJulia Lborn about 1871
LibbyLulu Fborn about 1877
LibbyMary Eborn about 1867
LibbyOliver Bborn about 1875
LindseyLillian Aborn about 1912
LindseyMaurice Eborn about 1909
LindseyMaxine Lborn about 1933
LittlehaleCaroline Mborn about 1935
LittlehaleCharles born about 1871
LittlehaleGrace Cborn about 1938
LittlehaleJennie Dborn about 1913
LittlehaleRobert Lborn about 1933
LittlehaleWilliam Cborn about 1904
LongJennie Mborn about 1916
LongRonald Cborn about 1939
LordJudson Pborn about 1913
LovejoyBessie Lborn about 1921
LovejoyCharles Tborn about 1917
LudwickMary Aborn about 1927
LuleLilja Eborn about 1897
LuleTheodore born about 1923
LynchWilliam Jborn about 1878

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M Surnames

MacdonaldCora Aborn about 1856
MacdonaldJohn Sborn about 1866
MankAddie Eborn about 1892
MankAlbert Cborn about 1895
MankAlbert Lborn about 1918
MankBurleigh Eborn about 1890
MankBurleigh Eborn about 1927
MankCharles Wborn about 1870
MankClifford Lborn about 1885
MankDelora Eborn about 1901
MankDonald Sborn about 1914
MankFloyd Rborn about 1929
MankGertrude Aborn about 1917
MankGordon Vborn about 1939
MankHarlow Mborn about 1930
MankIsaac Aborn about 1877
MankIza Mborn about 1880
MankJennie Mborn about 1918
MankKatherine Sborn about 1919
MankLlewellyn born about 1855
MankMadyln Aborn about 1920
MankVenon Aborn about 1917
MarksGeorge Wborn about 1872
MarrAugusta Vborn about 1896
MarrBarbara Lborn about 1932
MarrDorothy Jborn about 1893
MarrHenry Aborn about 1890
MarrHenry Lborn about 1925
MarrKathelne Wborn about 1934
MarrRobert Aborn about 1936
MarshallJohn Wborn about 1888
MarshallMinerva Eborn about 1898
MarshallRose Fborn about 1856
MartinCarroll Fborn about 1929
MartinFaye Aborn about 1928
MartinGeorge Aborn about 1892
MartinGilbert Lborn about 1937
MartinHerbert Gborn about 1935
MartinHoward Wborn about 1924
MartinPatrice Vborn about 1930
MartinRobert Hborn about 1926
MartinVeda Aborn about 1899
MathewsAlice Mborn about 1873
MathewsFred Eborn about 1867
MathewsGeorgia Aborn about 1856
MatsonCunard Mborn about 1917
MatsonEino born about 1913
MatsonMatt Lborn about 1863
MatsonRosa born about 1887
MatsonSam born about 1888
MatsonWilliam Eborn about 1922
MatthewsInez Mborn about 1877
MatthewsJoan Mborn about 1937
MatthewsJohn born about 1922
MatthewsJohn Dborn about 1900
MatthewsLillian Kborn about 1910
MaxeyCharles Wborn about 1900
MaxeyDoris Jborn about 1901
MaxeyEdward Cborn about 1928
MaxeyF Bryntonborn about 1910
MaxeyHelen Mborn about 1908
MaxeyHoward Eborn about 1925
MaxeyJoan Lborn about 1932
MaxeyKathryn Fborn about 1923
MaxeyLloyd Sborn about 1920
McCallumKena born about 1876
McCallumMary born about 1881
McDougallAlice Pborn about 1879
McDougallJames born about 1870
McIntyreAlbert Vborn about 1879
McIntyreBertha Mborn about 1922
McIntyreBlanche Cborn about 1882
McIntyreCharles Sborn about 1875
McIntyreCheester Eborn about 1875
McIntyreJames Eborn about 1925
McIntyreMinnie Aborn about 1887
McIntyreRodney Kborn about 1872
McIntyreViolet Aborn about 1878
McKellarFlora Sborn about 1899
McKellarParker Mborn about 1902
McKellarRobert Pborn about 1936
McKellerCharles Wborn about 1874
McKellerIva Bborn about 1877
McKinleyNatalie Eborn about 1929
McManusJames Lborn about 1880
McManusLottie Bborn about 1882
MellinEllis born about 1874
MellinIna born about 1887
MellinPaul Rborn about 1932
MellinVeikko Eborn about 1914
MerrifieldErnest Pborn about 1892
MerrillA Gertrudeborn about 1910
MerrillBlaine Pborn about 1909
MerrillDana Eborn about 1939
MerrillDianne Eborn about 1935
MerrillJean Eborn about 1933
MeserveyBertha Bborn about 1889
MeserveyClifton Wborn about 1915
MeserveyJohn Rborn about 1887
MesserAnita Eborn about 1907
MesserDale Eborn about 1932
MesserRonald Rborn about 1902
MesserTobey Lborn about 1939
MetcalfIbra Eborn about 1903
MillerBowdoin Fborn about 1923
MillerEarle Rborn about 1899
MillerFannie Aborn about 1887
MillerFannie Hborn about 1874
MillerFred Lborn about 1885
MillerGranville Gborn about 1931
MillerHazel Gborn about 1895
MillerMarguerite Kborn about 1908
MillerMerle Hborn about 1901
MillerRalph Aborn about 1893
MillerTessie Cborn about 1937
MillsJesse Aborn about 1880
MillsMabel Jborn about 1875
MinerHenry Lborn about 1890
MinerRuth Eborn about 1896
MoodyAnnie Sborn about 1851
MoodyCatherine Pborn about 1899
MoodyClement Tborn about 1874
MoodyLowell Rborn about 1900
MoodyLowell Rborn about 1924
MoodyPatricia Aborn about 1929
MoodySadie Bborn about 1885
MoodyVirginia Lborn about 1924
MoodyWillis Aborn about 1881
MoonAlma Eborn about 1928
MoonAugusta Mborn about 1901
MoonHerbert born about 1931
MoonPendleton Hborn about 1916
MooreBetty Jborn about 1928
MooreCharlotte Iborn about 1925
MooreEarle Pborn about 1929
MooreEdna Mborn about 1901
MooreElla Rborn about 1907
MooreErle Pborn about 1896
MooreHarold Pborn about 1924
MooreMary Aborn about 1907
MooreNelson Eborn about 1874
MoorePercy Aborn about 1903
MooreWilder Eborn about 1902
MunseyElizabeth Jborn about 1864
MurphyDavid Mborn about 1934
MurphyKenneth Oborn about 1937
MurphyRuby Aborn about 1899
MurphySimon Dborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashEdna Lborn about 1889
NewbertAbbie Jborn about 1864
NewbertGeorge Eborn about 1861
NewbertRoscoa Lborn about 1863
NiemiAnnie Hborn about 1932
NiemiEster Jborn about 1923
NiemiEva Dborn about 1932
NiemiIda born about 1890
NiemiIda born about 1891
NiemiWilliam born about 1888
NorwoodAddie Mborn about 1878
NorwoodAdelbert Kborn about 1930
NorwoodAdelbert Tborn about 1874
NorwoodAlbert Eborn about 1939
NorwoodAnna Mborn about 1920
NorwoodAvis Nborn about 1902
NorwoodDelphina Aborn about 1926
NorwoodEmma Aborn about 1875
NorwoodFaith Eborn about 1937
NorwoodHelen Mborn about 1903
NorwoodHoward Lborn about 1899
NorwoodLe Roy Hborn about 1901
NorwoodLois Mborn about 1928
NorwoodMary Eborn about 1930
NorwoodRalph Lborn about 1913
NorwoodSally Eborn about 1936
NorwoodSamuel Eborn about 1879
NutterEvabelle born about 1908
NutterHerbert Rborn about 1897
NutterMargaret Lborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienFlorence Bborn about 1880
OdenJohn born about 1897
OhtonenEster born about 1904
OhtonenJoe Vborn about 1894
OhtonenLilza born about 1926
OrbetonNellie Bborn about 1878
OrdwayAlbert Jborn about 1879
OrdwayPearl born about 1883
OrffDorothy Eborn about 1920
OrneMarcellus Pborn about 1881
OrneMary Cborn about 1888
OverlockAlbert born about 1938
OverlockBernys born about 1929
OverlockCarolyn born about 1939
OverlockCharles Rborn about 1895
OverlockCharles Rborn about 1928
OverlockCleveland Dborn about 1879
OverlockClifford Aborn about 1884
OverlockClinton Wborn about 1881
OverlockCornelius Eborn about 1877
OverlockDonald Dborn about 1928
OverlockDoris Aborn about 1902
OverlockDorothy Mborn about 1917
OverlockEdna Bborn about 1884
OverlockEster Mborn about 1934
OverlockFrank Eborn about 1930
OverlockGolda Mborn about 1894
OverlockHarold Cborn about 1918
OverlockHelen Bborn about 1895
OverlockInah Cborn about 1888
OverlockJeanette born about 1924
OverlockRichard Nborn about 1932
OverlockRufus Rborn about 1877
OverlockRussell born about 1934
OverlockTheodore Rborn about 1930
OverlockWilliam Fborn about 1890
OxtonCarl Bborn about 1913
OxtonEdmund Vborn about 1876
OxtonElizabeth Lborn about 1921
OxtonLee Bsborn about 1919
OxtonPaulo Aborn about 1924
OxtonSusie Mborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardBeniah born about 1888
PackardGladys born about 1902
PackardRobert born about 1895
ParkardClara Bborn about 1874
ParkardLeslie Aborn about 1871
ParreaultBertha Aborn about 1916
ParreaultLouis Aborn about 1913
PartridgeLaura Fborn about 1898
PartridgeWilliam Fborn about 1893
PatridgeGail Dborn about 1936
PaysonCaroline Mborn about 1935
PaysonElaine Jborn about 1934
PaysonElva Jborn about 1902
PaysonErnest Jborn about 1902
PaysonErnest Jborn about 1922
PaysonEvelyn Oborn about 1910
PaysonFaye Lborn about 1933
PaysonLlewellyn Lborn about 1925
PaysonMerrill Wborn about 1910
PaysonPhyllis Lborn about 1932
PaysonRaymond Mborn about 1888
PaysonThursa Mborn about 1920
PaysonVirgil Tborn about 1881
PaysonWillaim Lborn about 1937
PeabodyAlbert Eborn about 1874
PeabodyArthur Cborn about 1879
PeabodyBlanche Vborn about 1905
PeabodyClarence Fborn about 1902
PeabodyEugene Fborn about 1927
PeabodyFlora Cborn about 1880
PeabodyInza Eborn about 1939
PeabodyKatheryn Jborn about 1919
PeabodyLealand Cborn about 1907
PeabodyLewall Eborn about 1936
PeabodyMabel Mborn about 1907
PeabodyNorman Lborn about 1933
PeabodyOlive Aborn about 1886
PeaseCharles Aborn about 1880
PeaseEarle Nborn about 1929
PeaseHarold Cborn about 1927
PeaseHazel Aborn about 1902
PeaseKenneth Gborn about 1913
PeaseLe Roy Bborn about 1932
PeaseMartha born about 1918
PeaseMary Vborn about 1879
PeasePhilip Mborn about 1935
PeasePhyllis Mborn about 1935
PeaseRuth Mborn about 1931
PeaseVera Pborn about 1934
PeaseWallis Dborn about 1892
PellicaniBartholomew Jborn about 1914
PellicaniJoseph Bborn about 1937
PellicaniMarianne born about 1936
PellicaniPauline Sborn about 1917
PerkinsCorinne Hborn about 1904
PerkinsEmerson Oborn about 1857
PerkinsEmerson Wborn about 1898
PerkinsJoseph Fborn about 1900
PerryArthur Cborn about 1863
PerryArthur Lborn about 1895
PerryBarbara Vborn about 1929
PerryBenjamin Rborn about 1907
PerryBenjamin Rborn about 1927
PerryBertha Jborn about 1909
PerryCarl Rborn about 1921
PerryErnest Lborn about 1930
PerryEva Wborn about 1878
PerryIra Eborn about 1892
PerryJeannette Lborn about 1927
PerryLetitia Rborn about 1868
PerryLorraine Nborn about 1936
PerryLucille Hborn about 1932
PerryPhyllis Rborn about 1922
PerryRuth Mborn about 1898
PerryWalter Rborn about 1919
PerryWillie Aborn about 1933
PetersFranklin Lborn about 1918
PetersFred Gborn about 1919
PetersGrace Aborn about 1895
PetersSidney Cborn about 1930
PetersWillard Jborn about 1883
PetersWilliam Fborn about 1888
PhilbrooksCarolyn Sborn about 1937
PhilbrooksJanet Rborn about 1934
PhilbrooksLeland Oborn about 1899
PhilbrooksRaymond Wborn about 1929
PhilbrooksRuth Aborn about 1899
PhilbrooksVaughn born about 1927
PierceKatherine Jborn about 1939
PiercePearl Vborn about 1917
PinneFrank Wborn about 1889
PiperAlice Kborn about 1909
PostAnnie Bborn about 1883
PostHarvey Dborn about 1887
PostRilda Aborn about 1857
PuolakkaJohn Aborn about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandallJosie Eborn about 1873
RandallLyman Bborn about 1876
RanquistDoris born about 1904
RanquistGeorge Aborn about 1900
RanquistMarilyn Rborn about 1926
RanquistNorma Jborn about 1932
RanquistVernon Gborn about 1928
ReynoldsMary Fborn about 1869
ReynoldsOwen Jborn about 1869
RinesMina Mborn about 1880
RingCharles Hborn about 1884
RingEthel Aborn about 1935
RingEthel Hborn about 1886
RingGertrude Mborn about 1911
RingGladys Mborn about 1913
RingHarvell born about 1919
RingHerbert Wborn about 1934
RingPriscilla Mborn about 1938
RingRoger Eborn about 1937
RingWilliam Hborn about 1903
RiuttaAntto Jborn about 1895
RiuttaEila Eborn about 1928
RiuttaEini Eborn about 1932
RiuttaElvi Eborn about 1922
RiuttaHilma born about 1899
RobbinsFlora Aborn about 1869
RobbinsJoseph Nborn about 1893
RobinsonAnita Mborn about 1932
RobinsonArnold Pborn about 1917
RobinsonAthleen Eborn about 1919
RobinsonAvard Pborn about 1920
RobinsonBryan Sborn about 1901
RobinsonCharles Wborn about 1868
RobinsonClifford Wborn about 1896
RobinsonEarle Rborn about 1891
RobinsonEdith Cborn about 1884
RobinsonElizabeth Bborn about 1877
RobinsonElizabeth Jborn about 1930
RobinsonElsie Aborn about 1916
RobinsonEva Bborn about 1893
RobinsonEvelyn Kborn about 1880
RobinsonFoster Hborn about 1933
RobinsonGary Aborn about 1940
RobinsonHattie Mborn about 1862
RobinsonJeannette Cborn about 1905
RobinsonJohn Bborn about 1884
RobinsonLaura Gborn about 1888
RobinsonLewis Mborn about 1914
RobinsonLizzie Mborn about 1870
RobinsonMilton Lborn about 1901
RobinsonNathalee Gborn about 1915
RobinsonOlive Jborn about 1929
RobinsonPhilip Eborn about 1936
RobinsonPhyllis Eborn about 1901
RobinsonRalph Bborn about 1898
RobinsonRegina Mborn about 1899
RobinsonSelden Dborn about 1886
RobinsonStanley Mborn about 1923
RobinsonValerie Gborn about 1937
RobinsonVerna Oborn about 1923
RobinsonWilliam Hborn about 1885
RobinsonWoobury Cborn about 1920
RogersAnnie Aborn about 1908
RogersDonna Aborn about 1937
RogersGeorge Wborn about 1907
RohesMahalie Hborn about 1878
RohesVesper Aborn about 1874
RoweFrank Dborn about 1882
RoweGertrude Uborn about 1882
RoyerMarie Eborn about 1922
RoyerRowley Eborn about 1917
RussellBarbara Jborn about 1917
RussellErmina Rborn about 1866
RussellGretchen Lborn about 1940
RussellIlda Aborn about 1866
RussellRobert Pborn about 1912

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S Surnames

SalomakKatri born about 1888
SalomakNestor Nborn about 1892
SanbornAlice Eborn about 1900
SanbornCarrie Eborn about 1930
SanbornDonald Lborn about 1922
SanbornDoris Mborn about 1928
SanbornFloyd Fborn about 1927
SanbornHerbert Eborn about 1920
SanbornMarguerite Aborn about 1924
SanbornMaynard Lborn about 1936
SanbornWillard Dborn about 1892
SanbornWilliam Eborn about 1939
SaundersAvis Mborn about 1898
SaundersCharles Aborn about 1889
SaundersClyde Eborn about 1924
SavageEzra Jborn about 1889
SavageNancy Mborn about 1891
SawyerElsey born about 1899
SawyerEvelyn Eborn about 1910
SawyerHarold Dborn about 1876
SawyerMargaret Aborn about 1890
SeaveyLaura Eborn about 1864
ShawLilian Sborn about 1873
SheldonAlfred born about 1868
SheldonEarl Fborn about 1909
SheldonEmma Bborn about 1908
SidendparjerWilliam Fborn about 1873
SidensparkerJohn Sborn about 1877
SidensparkerMaurice Wborn about 1882
SilonenFins Vborn about 1888
SilonenIlona born about 1886
SimmonsAlvah Gborn about 1898
SimmonsAlzada Lborn about 1899
SimmonsBlanche Eborn about 1886
SimmonsBurdean Vborn about 1893
SimmonsCharles A Gborn about 1866
SimmonsDorothy born about 1927
SimmonsDorothy Eborn about 1923
SimmonsEarline Sborn about 1936
SimmonsElla Mborn about 1918
SimmonsEmery Fborn about 1908
SimmonsFlora born about 1923
SimmonsFred Lborn about 1861
SimmonsGeorge Rborn about 1931
SimmonsGethro Jborn about 1863
SimmonsGlendon Eborn about 1932
SimmonsGrace born about 1904
SimmonsGrace Lborn about 1894
SimmonsHerbert Oborn about 1893
SimmonsHerbert Oborn about 1929
SimmonsIda Mborn about 1866
SimmonsIrene Bborn about 1924
SimmonsLena Fborn about 1905
SimmonsLillian Lborn about 1894
SimmonsLloyd Gborn about 1897
SimmonsPhilip born about 1926
SimmonsPhillip Wborn about 1904
SimmonsRobert Gborn about 1859
SimmonsSherman Gborn about 1925
SimmonsWilliam Rborn about 1885
SimpsonCharles Hborn about 1889
SimpsonCharles Hborn about 1923
SimpsonEthela Mborn about 1926
SimpsonFreda Jborn about 1921
SimpsonGuy Oborn about 1920
SimpsonLucy Aborn about 1886
SingletonAlice Eborn about 1864
SlomakiHilma born about 1888
SlomakiVictor born about 1879
SmithCarrie Rborn about 1891
SmithDana Hborn about 1889
SmithDana Hborn about 1918
SmithDana Heywoodborn about 1889
SmithDorothy Eborn about 1915
SmithEarl Bborn about 1906
SmithEmily Lborn about 1932
SmithEster Wborn about 1933
SmithEvelyn Dborn about 1925
SmithJoan born about 1926
SmithLe Roy Hborn about 1890
SmithLina Mborn about 1898
SmithMalcolm Eborn about 1936
SmithNellie Lborn about 1922
SmithPatricia Aborn about 1940
SmithPhyllis Mborn about 1927
SmithRoscoe Hborn about 1885
SmithRussell Fborn about 1923
SmithThomas born about 1868
SnowAustin G Pborn about 1869
SnowEugene born about 1937
SnowRuby Aborn about 1882
SomesMadeline Bborn about 1919
SomesRonald Kborn about 1903
SpearAda Fborn about 1911
SpearAda Lborn about 1877
SpearAlvah Eborn about 1897
SpearAnne Lborn about 1874
SpearBertha Jborn about 1908
SpearCarl born about 1918
SpearClara born about 1873
SpearClifford Aborn about 1879
SpearClifford Mborn about 1880
SpearEdith Fborn about 1882
SpearForrest Eborn about 1886
SpearFrances Hborn about 1874
SpearHannah Nborn about 1856
SpearHarlan Sborn about 1919
SpearHilliard Rborn about 1911
SpearIrvin Cborn about 1906
SpearJasper Aborn about 1922
SpearLester Cborn about 1915
SpearMargaret Eborn about 1901
SpearNatalie Aborn about 1927
SpearRebecca Sborn about 1876
SpearWesley Eborn about 1894
SpearWilber Dborn about 1870
StackhouseAlison Nborn about 1922
StackhouseMay Jborn about 1898
StackhouseSterling Wborn about 1924
StackhouseWilliam Sborn about 1890
StahlAnnie Sborn about 1858
StahlFrank born about 1859
StanfordAdelle Gborn about 1895
StanfordWilliam born about 1876
StaplesRuby Jborn about 1901
StarrettAlena Lborn about 1903
StarrettAnna Vborn about 1877
StarrettAnnie Lborn about 1870
StarrettArthur Eborn about 1901
StarrettBenjamin Eborn about 1888
StarrettBertha Aborn about 1891
StarrettBreulah Mborn about 1912
StarrettCharles Eborn about 1873
StarrettCharles Eborn about 1912
StarrettChristine Jborn about 1917
StarrettCurtis Cborn about 1878
StarrettDouglas Gborn about 1916
StarrettElbert Lborn about 1894
StarrettElizabeth Lborn about 1882
StarrettElla Aborn about 1882
StarrettElwin Jborn about 1910
StarrettErnest Gborn about 1883
StarrettErnest Lborn about 1924
StarrettEster Lborn about 1887
StarrettFred Aborn about 1883
StarrettGeorge Wborn about 1885
StarrettGertrude Cborn about 1883
StarrettHazel Sborn about 1892
StarrettHenrietta Lborn about 1919
StarrettHenry Vborn about 1869
StarrettHenry Wborn about 1871
StarrettHollis Gborn about 1888
StarrettIrene Sborn about 1908
StarrettJennie Lborn about 1889
StarrettKatherine Vborn about 1919
StarrettKatie Fborn about 1864
StarrettKenneth Fborn about 1938
StarrettLaura Mborn about 1876
StarrettLottie Eborn about 1878
StarrettLucy Eborn about 1882
StarrettMarion Eborn about 1934
StarrettMildred Bborn about 1909
StarrettOscar Eborn about 1873
StarrettRoland Aborn about 1904
StarrettRuby Fborn about 1923
StarrettRussell Aborn about 1933
StarrettRuth Lborn about 1924
StarrettSelma Jborn about 1914
StarrettVirginia Rborn about 1923
StarrettWalter Gborn about 1908
StarrettWayne Bborn about 1926
StclairEda born about 1875
StenforEdla born about 1873
StenforHermon born about 1879
StevensGeorge Eborn about 1890
StevensJames Wborn about 1885
StevensLuella Bborn about 1884
StevensRena Rborn about 1895
StevensWilliam Lborn about 1887
StickneyAbbie Jborn about 1876
StickneyJane Aborn about 1855
StickneyJoseph Hborn about 1880
StorerBertha Eborn about 1880
StorerCharles Eborn about 1875
StorerEdward Hborn about 1854
StudleyBewlah Aborn about 1885
StudleyLeslie Cborn about 1872
StudleyMartha Lborn about 1881
StudleyWendell Aborn about 1886
SwiftHarry Aborn about 1884

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T Surnames

TarrFannie Aborn about 1876
TarrSamuel Eborn about 1874
TeagueBernard Oborn about 1894
TeagueGeorge Gborn about 1858
TeagueHattie Eborn about 1872
TeagueIsa Aborn about 1886
TeagueJohn Lborn about 1871
TeagueRoger Eborn about 1916
TeirilaHilma Jborn about 1877
TeirilaMattie Nborn about 1874
ThayerDana Fborn about 1915
ThayerDana Lborn about 1938
ThayerDorothy Mborn about 1915
ThayerElisah Eborn about 1869
ThayerFrances Gborn about 1911
ThayerJosie Bborn about 1875
ThayerLamont Rborn about 1899
TherreJohn Pborn about 1882
ThomasEarl Bborn about 1891
ThomasElizabeth Mborn about 1870
ThomasHerbert Kborn about 1887
ThomasMary Bborn about 1880
ThompsonBessie Eborn about 1896
ThompsonHelen Rborn about 1919
ThompsonHenry Fborn about 1893
ThompsonKatherine Aborn about 1921
ThorneAlberta Aborn about 1904
ThorneLuella Eborn about 1931
ThorneWilliam Eborn about 1897
ToftAlbena Fborn about 1907
ToftEdwin Wborn about 1900
ToftElizabeth Jborn about 1925
ToftFrank Eborn about 1935
ToftJessie Mborn about 1924
ToftPriscilla Mborn about 1928
TolmanBaxter Hborn about 1922
TolmanClarence Bborn about 1880
TolmanCurtis Mborn about 1925
TolmanEdric Hborn about 1915
TolmanEugene Bborn about 1918
TolmanLuellyn Fborn about 1891
TolmanMargaret Mborn about 1891
TolmanNathaniel Rborn about 1929
TolmanPhylis Lborn about 1931
TolmanWesley Mborn about 1913
TroneCharles Yborn about 1917
TroneChisie Eborn about 1893
TroneMary Eborn about 1920

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V Surnames

ValesClayton Aborn about 1923
ValesEleanor Jborn about 1927
ValesKenneth Cborn about 1895
ValesOlive Cborn about 1905
ValesRussell Sborn about 1925
VinalAddie Lborn about 1870
VinalJosef Sborn about 1914
VinalJoseph Nborn about 1851
VinalNettie Sborn about 1882
VinalSidney Wborn about 1871
VinalWillis Rborn about 1888

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W Surnames

WadeCatherine Mborn about 1866
WadeJanet Pborn about 1921
WadsworthCharles Aborn about 1923
WadsworthEvelyn Mborn about 1913
WadsworthHattie Rborn about 1891
WadsworthJoyce Lborn about 1933
WadsworthJulia Aborn about 1935
WadsworthKenneth Pborn about 1911
WadsworthSamuel Pborn about 1891
WaisanenHenry Jborn about 1896
WaisanenHenry Oborn about 1934
WaisanenLaina Jborn about 1897
WalkerEmma Bborn about 1863
WalkerGeorge Wborn about 1863
WalkerJessie Mborn about 1872
WalkerMary Gborn about 1870
WalkerRobert born about 1866
WallaceChester Rborn about 1900
WallaceElsie Jborn about 1901
WallaceMarion Eborn about 1922
WallaceRita Aborn about 1909
WallaceVernal Cborn about 1924
WalterAlice Rborn about 1866
WaltzClarence Wborn about 1910
WaltzHerbert Wborn about 1861
WaltzLizzie Hborn about 1868
WardMary Cborn about 1850
WattsAlden Mborn about 1913
WattsAnnie Eborn about 1876
WattsFred Pborn about 1885
WattsHenry Hborn about 1892
WattsJack Lborn about 1938
WattsJessie Lborn about 1900
WattsJulia Vborn about 1880
WattsMartha Lborn about 1865
WattsMaurice Hborn about 1904
WattsMaynard Wborn about 1888
WattsMinnie Rborn about 1926
WattsMinnie Vborn about 1861
WattsPaul Rborn about 1933
WattsSilas Aborn about 1876
WeaverFlorence Mborn about 1892
WeaverGertrude born about 1897
WeaverHarold Jborn about 1918
WeaverHerbert Gborn about 1917
WeaverHerbert Sborn about 1888
WeaverLeslie Eborn about 1919
WeaverSellie Mborn about 1860
WebbCharles Aborn about 1868
WebbMabel Cborn about 1870
WebelElle Sborn about 1901
WebelFred Wborn about 1905
WellingtonCharles Sborn about 1863
WhiteAlbert Wborn about 1886
WhiteDavid Wborn about 1924
WhiteEdna Bborn about 1891
WhiteMarshall Tborn about 1915
WhiteMildred Sborn about 1912
WhitneyCharles Hborn about 1882
WhitneyClara Pborn about 1858
WhitneyEdward Hborn about 1879
WhitneyStillman Aborn about 1880
WhitneyWarren Lborn about 1888
WightKendrick Fborn about 1866
WightOrbine Hborn about 1871
WileyAgnes Lborn about 1929
WileyAlford Fborn about 1899
WileyArnold born about 1935
WileyAustin Jborn about 1893
WileyCarlton Wborn about 1940
WileyClayton Aborn about 1937
WileyDoris Mborn about 1906
WileyEdgar Lborn about 1914
WileyEdna Mborn about 1908
WileyEthel Lborn about 1928
WileyFlora Aborn about 1936
WileyGeorge Lborn about 1932
WileyKatheryn Jborn about 1916
WileyLeola Mborn about 1918
WileyLindley Gborn about 1915
WileyMarion Kborn about 1928
WileyMarjorie Oborn about 1938
WileyRuth Aborn about 1907
WileyVerna Eborn about 1880
WileyVerna Sborn about 1933
WilliamsArthur Jborn about 1906
WilliamsCharles Rborn about 1899
WilliamsCharles Rborn about 1926
WilliamsChauncey Eborn about 1891
WilliamsClara Eborn about 1911
WilliamsDennis born about 1935
WilliamsEmma Bborn about 1901
WilliamsErmina born about 1867
WilliamsGrace Eborn about 1915
WilliamsNelson Jborn about 1853
WilliamsShirley Jborn about 1940
WilliamsWilliam Wborn about 1917
WilliamsonRuth Aborn about 1938
WilliamsonSenja Eborn about 1910
WilliamsonWalter Fborn about 1904
WillingtonLloyd Cborn about 1923
WillmanEllen Hborn about 1860
WillmanMaurice Lborn about 1889
WilsonAlfred Wborn about 1929
WilsonAndrew born about 1875
WilsonCharles Wborn about 1902
WilsonEdward Cborn about 1925
WilsonMatilda Kborn about 1877
WilsonRuth Cborn about 1905
WincapawAlton Dborn about 1876
WincapawEmma Rborn about 1889
WincapawIda born about 1882
WincapawOliver born about 1869
WinslowLizzie Mborn about 1875
WinslowWinnie Eborn about 1883
WottonArthur Sborn about 1920
WottonEdith Mborn about 1894
WottonEthel Mborn about 1926
WottonEvelyn Lborn about 1928
WottonLeon Dborn about 1891
WottonRobert Dborn about 1916
WylieJennie Eborn about 1877
WylieWillard Aborn about 1870
WyllieAlfred Hborn about 1922
WyllieCaroline Cborn about 1892
WyllieChester Jborn about 1893
WyllieEmma Yborn about 1868
WyllieFrances Rborn about 1878
WyllieFred Hborn about 1867
WyllieGrace Aborn about 1898
WyllieHenry Cborn about 1865
WyllieMary Eborn about 1870
WyllieMaurice Aborn about 1901
WyllieRalph Cborn about 1875
WyllieRobert Oborn about 1929
WyllieSidney Mborn about 1883
WyllieVirginia Aborn about 1923

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Y Surnames

YatesCarrie Eborn about 1879
YatesWilliam Oborn about 1879
YoungArthur Cborn about 1885
YoungCharles Hborn about 1867
YoungEdna Lborn about 1901
YoungElden Jborn about 1931
YoungErnest Aborn about 1892
YoungEsther Jborn about 1904
YoungLaverne Aborn about 1919
YoungLewis born about 1899
YoungLizzie Aborn about 1865
YoungLura Bborn about 1888
YoungRuth Aborn about 1926

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