Cumberland County ME Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Cumberland County (2,426) > Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries (281)

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Maine Newspapers and Obituaries (1,106) > Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries (281)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Cumberland County are also on the Maine Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Bridgton Brunswick Cape Elizabeth Cumberland Deering Falmouth Freeport Gorham Gray Harpswell New Gloucester North Yarmouth Portland Scarborough South Harpswell South Portland Westbrook Yarmouth

Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Bridgton Newspapers and Obituaries

Bridgton News 1953-1989 Bridgton Public Library online

Bridgton Reporter, 1858-1863 Digital Maine online

Bridgton Sentinel, 1863-1864 Digital Maine online

Bridgton Weekly News 1870-1871 Bridgton Public Library online

The Bridgton News 1871-1922, 1926-1952, 1988-2013 Bridgton Public Library online

Brunswick Newspapers and Obituaries

Cape Elizabeth Newspapers and Obituaries

Cumberland Newspapers and Obituaries

North Yarmouth records, 1730-1898 FamilySearch Library

Falmouth Newspapers and Obituaries

Gray Newspapers and Obituaries

Harpswell Newspapers and Obituaries

New Gloucester Newspapers and Obituaries

North Yarmouth Newspapers and Obituaries

Portland Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

American Patriot 05/20/1825 to 11/15/1828 Genealogy Bank online

Campaign Argus 08/31/1855 to 08/26/1858 Genealogy Bank online

Casco Bay Weekly, 1988 to 2004 Portland Public Library online

Casco Bay breeze 07/30/1903 to 09/06/1917 Genealogy Bank online

Christian Mirror 07/13/1822 to 12/30/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Christian Pilot 07/19/1832 to 07/10/1834 Genealogy Bank online

Cumberland Gazette 07/20/1786 to 12/26/1791 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Argus 1844-1848 online

Daily Argus 1844-1848 online

Daily Eastern Argus 08/05/1837 to 03/17/1888 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Eastern Argus 1841-1844 online

Daily Eastern Argus 1841-1844 online

Daily Eastern Argus 1863-1886 online

Daily Eastern Argus 1863-1886 online

Eastern Argus 09/30/1824 to 12/30/1835 Genealogy Bank online

Eastern Argus 1824-1843 online

Eastern Argus 1835-1841 online

Eastern Argus 1835-1841 online

Eastern Argus 1848-1863 online

Eastern Argus 1848-1863 online

Eastern Farmer, and Journal of News 01/06/1842 to 12/22/1842 Genealogy Bank online

Eastern Herald 01/02/1792 to 12/27/1802 Genealogy Bank online

Evening Express 1887-1905 online

Evening Express 1887-1905 online

Evening Express 1971-1991 online

Freeman's Friend 09/19/1807 to 06/09/1810 Genealogy Bank online

Gazette 04/16/1798 to 12/30/1828 Genealogy Bank online

Gazette 1798-1799 online

Gazette 1798-1799 online

Herald of Gospel Liberty 04/27/1810 to 06/21/1811 Genealogy Bank online

Historical & Genealogical Section Daily Eastern Argus, Portland, Maine : June 1911-Feb. 1912 FamilySearch Library

Independent Statesman 07/14/1821 to 05/06/1825 Genealogy Bank online

Index To Portland Newspapers, 1785-1835 FamilySearch Library

Jeffersonian 02/24/1834 to 07/25/1836 Genealogy Bank online

Jenks Portland gazette, 1799-1805 Newspaper Archive online

Jenks' Portland Gazette 1803-1805 online

Jenks' Portland Gazette. Maine Advertiser 1802-1803 online

Jenks' Portland Gazette. and Maine Advertiser 1803-1803 online

Jenks' Portland gazette. Maine advertiser. (Portland, Me.) (from Sept. 27, 1802 to July 4, 1803) Chronicling America online

Jenks' Portland gazette. and Maine advertiser. (Portland, Me.) (from July 11, 1803 to Oct. 24, 1803) Chronicling America online

Jenks's Portland Gazette 1799-1802 online

Jenks's Portland gazette. (Portland [Me.]) 1799-1802 (from April 29, 1799 to Sept. 20, 1802) Chronicling America online

Maine Sunday Telegram 03/06/1994 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Maine Sunday Telegram 2010-2013 online

Maine Wesleyan Journal 05/10/1832 to 09/09/1837 Genealogy Bank online

Marriage and Death Notices, 1858-1910 : Newspaper Clippings from the Portland Transcript, the Dirigo Rural, the Maine Farmer, and Bangor Weekly Commercial FamilySearch Library online

Oriental Trumpet 12/15/1796 to 11/05/1800 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Advertiser 01/03/1824 to 12/29/1840 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Casco Bay Breezeᅠ(1903-1917) Newspaper Archive online

Portland Courier and Mechanic and Farmer's Advocate 03/25/1832 to 06/22/1833 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Daily Advertiser 10/08/1833 to 08/23/1898 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Daily Advertiser 1861-1861 online

Portland Daily Press 06/23/1862 to 02/28/1901 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Daily Press 1862-1901 online

Portland Daily Press, 1862-1901 Digital Maine online

Portland Daily Pressᅠ(1862-1901) Newspaper Archive online

Portland Evening Express 1925-1971 online

Portland Evening Express 1925-1971 online

Portland Evening Express and Daily Advertiser 1912-1925 online

Portland Evening Express and Daily Advertiser 1912-1925 online

Portland Forecaster 2004-2023 online

Portland Gazette 1805-1805 online

Portland Gazette 1818-1824 online

Portland Gazette And Maine Advertiserᅠ(1810-1814) Newspaper Archive online

Portland Gazette and Maine Advertiser 1805-1818 online

Portland Phoenix 12/06/2007 to 03/14/2013 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Press Herald 03/01/1994 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Portland Press Herald 1922-2023 online

Portland Press Herald 1947-51 (Portland, Maine) Ancestry online

Portland Press Heraldᅠ(1947-1951) Newspaper Archive online

Portland Price-current 09/28/1861 to 01/25/1868 Genealogy Bank online

Portland Sunday Telegram 1899-1925 online

Portland Sunday Telegram 1947-49 (Portland, Maine) Ancestry online

Portland Sunday Telegram and Sunday Press Herald 1947-50 (Portland, Maine) Ancestry online

Portland Sunday Telegram and Sunday Press Heraldᅠ(1947-1950) Newspaper Archive online

Portland Sunday Times 1899-1899 online

Portland Weekly Advertiser 10/12/1830 to 01/30/1864 Genealogy Bank online

Portland advertiser & gazette of Maine : marriages, deaths, and news, November 1838-May 1839 WorldCat

Portland daily press (Portland, Me.) (from June 23, 1862 to Feb. 28, 1901) MyHeritage online

Portland gazette 04/07/1818 to 05/11/1819 Genealogy Bank online

Portland gazette and Maine advertiser. (Portland, Me.) (from July 23, 1805 to March 7, 1814) Chronicling America online

Portland gazette. (Portland, Me.) (from March 18, 1805 to July 16, 1805) Chronicling America online

Six Towns Times, 1892-1894, 1902-1912, 1915-1916 Google News Archive online

Spirit of '40 07/08/1840 to 10/28/1840 Genealogy Bank online

Spirit of '40 1840-1840 online

Sunday Telegram 1891-1898 online

The Portland Gazetteᅠ(1819-1824) Newspaper Archive online

The Portland daily press. (Portland, Me.) (from June 23, 1862 to Feb. 28, 1901) Chronicling America online

The Portland gazette. (Portland, Me.) (from May 18, 1819 to Sept. 21, 1824) Chronicling America online

The gazette. (Portland, Me.) (from April 16, 1798 to April 22, 1799) Chronicling America online

Voice from the Belfry 08/17/1860 to 10/02/1860 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly Eastern Argus 09/08/1803 to 12/30/1880 Genealogy Bank online

Yankee Advertiser 01/09/1828 to 07/09/1828 Genealogy Bank online

Zion's Advocate 11/11/1828 to 03/28/1877 Genealogy Bank online

Scarborough Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Cumberland County 2009-2009 Scarborough Public Library online

Current 2001-2016 Scarborough Public Library online

Forecaster 2002-2003 Scarborough Public Library online

Scarborough Leader 04/05/2012 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Scarborough Leader 1995-2018 Scarborough Public Library online

Scarborough News Review 1978-1979 Scarborough Public Library online

South Portland Cape Elizabeth Sentry Scarborough Leader 2014-2014 Scarborough Public Library online

Southern Forecaster 2003-2018 Scarborough Public Library online

Sun Times 1989-1993 Scarborough Public Library online

South Harpswell Newspapers and Obituaries

South Portland Newspapers and Obituaries

Westbrook Newspapers and Obituaries

Yarmouth Newspapers and Obituaries

North Yarmouth records, 1730-1898 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Cumberland County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Bridgton: Bridgton News. (Bridgton, Me.) 1871-Current

Bridgton: Bridgton Reporter. (Bridgton, Me.) 1858-1863

Bridgton: Bridgton Weekly News. (Bridgton, Me.) 1870-1871

Brunswick: Advocate of Freedom. (Brunswick, Me.) 1838-1841

Brunswick: Androscoggin Free Press. (Brunswick, Me.) 1828-1830

Brunswick: Baptist Herald. (Brunswick [Me.]) 1828-1829

Brunswick: Brunswick Journal. (Brunswick, Me.) 1830-1832

Brunswick: Brunswick Record. (Brunswick, Me.) 1902-1967

Brunswick: Brunswick Telegraph. (Brunswick, Me.) 1853-1903

Brunswick: Brunswicker. (Brunswick, Me.) 1842-1844

Brunswick: Daily Maine State Muster Roll. (Brunswick, Me.) 1876-1870s

Brunswick: Eastern Galaxy & B. Herald. (Brunswick, Me.) 1829-1830

Brunswick: Forester, and Brunswick & Topsham Messenger. (Brunswick [Me.]) 1845-1846

Brunswick: Maine Baptist Herald. (Brunswick, Me.) 1824-1828

Brunswick: Maine Intelligencer [Microform]. (Brunswick, Me.) 1820-1821

Brunswick: Maine Intelligencer. (Brunswick, Me.) 1820-1821

Brunswick: Pejepscot Journal. (Brunswick, Me.) 1846-1847

Brunswick: Times Record. (Brunswick, Me.) 1967-Current

Cape Elizabeth: Coast Watch. (Cape Elizabeth, Me.) 1895-1916

Deering: Deering News and Enterprise. (Deering, Me.) 1898-1905

Deering: Deering News. (Deering, Me.) 1891-1898

Falmouth: Cumberland Gazette [Microform]. (Falmouth [Me.]) 1786-1791

Falmouth: Cumberland Gazette. (Falmouth [Me.]) 1786-1791

Falmouth: Falmouth Gazette and Weekly Advertiser. (Falmouth [Me.]) 1785-1786

Freeport: Maine Indian Newsletter [Microform]. (Freeport, Me. ;) 1966-Current

Freeport: Sentinel. (Freeport, Me.) 1889-1892

Gorham: Gorham Times. (Gorham, Me.) 1995-Current

Portland: Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1868-1870

Portland: Alfred Advocate. (Portland, Me.) 1915-1916

Portland: American Citizen. (Portland, Me.) 1875-1876

Portland: American Patriot. (Portland [Me.]) 1825-1828

Portland: Biz. (Portland, Me.) 1994-Current

Portland: Boston Weekly Messenger. (Boston) 1815-1832

Portland: Bridgton Record. (Portland, Me.) 1915-1916

Portland: Central Square Times. (Portland, Me.) 1991-Current

Portland: Christian Mirror. (Portland, Me.) 1822-1899

Portland: City Item. (Portland, Me.) 1879-1882

Portland: Daily American. (Portland, Me.) 1842-1844

Portland: Daily Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1844-1848

Portland: Daily Courier. (Portland, Me.) 1829-1840

Portland: Daily Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1841-1844

Portland: Daily Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1863-1921

Portland: Daily Evening Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1834-1839

Portland: Daily Evening News. (Portland [Me.]) 1850-1851

Portland: Downing Gazette. (Portland, Me.) 1834-1836

Portland: Eastern Argus, Revived. (Portland, Me.) 1839-1841

Portland: Eastern Argus. (Portland [Me.]) 1824-1844

Portland: Eastern Argus. (Portland, Mass. [Me.]) 1803-1863

Portland: Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1835-1841

Portland: Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1848-1863

Portland: Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1848-1888

Portland: Eastern Farmer, and Journal of News. (Portland, Me.) 1842-1843

Portland: Eastern Herald [Microform]. (Portland [Me.]) 1792-1796

Portland: Eastern Herald and Gazette of Maine. Volume (Portland [Me.]) 1796-1800

Portland: Eastern Herald. (Portland, District of Me., Mass.) 1792-1796

Portland: Eclectic. (Portland, Me.) 1850-1853

Portland: Evening Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1832-1833

Portland: Evening Courier. (Portland, Me.) 1860-1862

Portland: Evening Express. (Portland, Me.) 1882-1909

Portland: Evening Express. (Portland, Me.) 1971-1991

Portland: Gazette of Maine. (Portland [Me.]) 1790-1796

Portland: Gazette of Maine. (Portland, Me.) 1825-1829

Portland: Gazette. (Portland, Me.) 1798-1799

Portland: Independent Statesman & Maine Republican. (Portland, Me.) 1822-1825

Portland: Independent Statesman. (Portland, Me.) 1821-1822

Portland: Jenks' Portland Gazette. (Portland, Me.) 1803-1805

Portland: Jenks' Portland Gazette. Maine Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1802-1803

Portland: Jenks's Portland Gazette. (Portland [Me.]) 1799-1802

Portland: Journal and Inquirer. (Portland, Me.) 1855-1857

Portland: Maine Evangelist. (Portland, Me.) 1856-1862

Portland: Maine Expositor. (Portland [Me.) 1852-1856

Portland: Maine Issue. (Portland, Me.) 1976-1978

Portland: Maine State Press. (Portland, Me.) 1862-1910s

Portland: Maine Temp'rance Gazette and Washingtonian Herald. (Portland [Me.]) 1841-1842

Portland: Maine Temperance Journal and Inquirer. (Portland, Me.) 1857-1858

Portland: Maine Temperance Journal. (Portland, Me.) 1854-1855

Portland: Maine Temperance Journal. (Portland, Me.) 1858-1860

Portland: Maine Washingtonian Journal and Temperance Herald. (Portland, Me.) 1842-1843

Portland: Monitor. (Portland, Me.) 1871-1872

Portland: Morning News. (Portland, Me.) 1880-1881

Portland: Munjoy Hill Observer. ([Portland, Me.]) 1980-Current

Portland: Narragansett Sun. (Portland, Me.) 1892-1916

Portland: New Era-Leader. (Portland, Me.) 1879-1880

Portland: New Era. (Portland, Me.) 1877-1879

Portland: Oriental Trumpet, Or, the Town and Country Gazette. (Portland (District of Maine)) 1798-1800

Portland: Our Paper. (Portland, Maine) 1983-1992

Portland: Portland Advertiser and Gazette of Maine. (Portland, Me.) 1829-1841

Portland: Portland Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1823-1829

Portland: Portland Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1841-1843

Portland: Portland Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1866-1867

Portland: Portland Advertiser. Volume (Portland [Me.]) 1841-1863

Portland: Portland Bulletin. (Portland, Me.) 1842-1847

Portland: Portland Business Journal. (Portland, Me.) 1987-1988

Portland: Portland Courier. (Portland [Me.]) 1837-1840

Portland: Portland Daily Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1842-1846

Portland: Portland Daily Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1868-1909

Portland: Portland Daily Advertiser. Volume ([Portland, Me.]) 1848-1866

Portland: Portland Daily American. (Portland, Me.) 1844-1845

Portland: Portland Daily Press. (Portland, Me.) 1862-1921

Portland: Portland Eclectic and Northern Home. (Portland, Me.) 1853-1855

Portland: Portland Evening Advertiser. (Portland [Me.]) 1846-1847

Portland: Portland Evening Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1839-1842

Portland: Portland Evening Express and Daily Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1909-1925

Portland: Portland Evening Express. (Portland, Me.) 1925-1971

Portland: Portland Evening Star. (Portland, Me.) 1865-1868

Portland: Portland Gazette, and Maine Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1805-1818

Portland: Portland Gazette. (Portland, Me.) 1818-1824

Portland: Portland Globe. (Portland, Me.) 1881-1898

Portland: Portland Inquirer. (Portland, Me.) 1848-1855

Portland: Portland Phoenix. (Portland, Me.) 1999-Current

Portland: Portland Pleasure Boat. (Portland, Me.) 1847-1864

Portland: Portland Press Herald. (Portland, Me.) 1921-Current

Portland: Portland Price Current. (Portland, Me.) 1864-1884

Portland: Portland Sunday Telegram. (Portland, Me.) 1899-1925

Portland: Portland Sunday Times. (Portland, Me.) 1875-1909

Portland: Portland Transcript and the Northern Pioneer. (Portland [Me.]) 1848-1849

Portland: Portland Transcript. (Portland [Me.) 1837-1848

Portland: Portland Transcript. (Portland [Me.]) 1849-1910

Portland: Portland Tri-Weekly Advertiser. (Portland [Me.]) 1840s-1866

Portland: Portland Tribune. (Portland [Me.) 1841-1845

Portland: Portland Weekly Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1863-1868

Portland: Portland Weekly Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1869-1903

Portland: Portland Weekly Express. (Portland, Me.) 1888-1889

Portland: Portland Weekly Star. (Portland, Me.) 1865-1868

Portland: Russell & George's Eastern Herald & Maine Gazette. (Portland, Me.) 1800-1801

Portland: Six Towns Times Cumberland Globe, Yarmouth Gazette and Freeport Sentinel. (Portland, Me.) 1898-1916

Portland: Six Towns Times. (Portland, Me.) 1892-1898

Portland: State of Maine. (Portland, Me.) 1853-1859

Portland: State. (Portland, Me.) 1872-1873

Portland: Sunday Advertiser. (Portland, Me.) 1867-1868

Portland: Sunday Telegram. (Portland, Me.) 1887-1899

Portland: Tri-Weekly Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1844-1848

Portland: Tribune and Bulletin. (Portland, Me.) 1845-1847

Portland: Umpire. (Portland [Me.]) 1848-1849

Portland: Washingtonian Journal. (Portland, Me.) 1843-1848

Portland: Weekly Eastern Argus. (Portland, Me.) 1863-1921

Portland: Weekly Express. (Portland, Me.) 1889-1899

Portland: Zion's Advocate. (Portland, Me.) 1828-1920

South Harpswell: Casco Bay Breeze. (South Harpswell, Me.) 1901-1917

South Portland: Shipyard News. (South Portland, Me.) 1941-1940s

Westbrook: Chronicle-Gazette. (Westbrook, Me.) 1903-1900s

Westbrook: Westbrook Chronicle and Globe-Star. (Westbrook, Me.) 1900-1902

Westbrook: Westbrook Chronicle. (Westbrook, Me.) 1882-1900

Westbrook: Westbrook Globe-Star. (Westbrook [Me.]) 1894-1900

Westbrook: Westbrook Globe. (Westbrook, Me.) 1893-1894

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