Kennebec County ME Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Kennebec County (1,506) > Kennebec County Newspapers and Obituaries (150)

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Maine Newspapers and Obituaries (1,106) > Kennebec County Newspapers and Obituaries (150)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Kennebec County are also on the Maine Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Augusta Newspapers and Obituaries

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1855 marriages in Maine as copied from Drews rural intelligencer, published weekly at Augusta, Maine ; and 1855 deaths in Maine as copied from Drews rural intelligencer, published weekly at Augusta, Maine WorldCat

Age 01/06/1832 to 08/29/1861 Genealogy Bank online

Appeal to the Democracy 08/07/1838 to 09/14/1844 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Kennebec Journal 1870-1975 online

Daily Kennebec Journal 1870-1975 online

Daily Kennebec Journal 1872-87, 1889, 1895, 1903, 1915 and 1939 (Augusta, Maine) Ancestry online

Daily Kennebec Journalᅠ(1870-1976) Newspaper Archive online

Daily Kennebec journal. (Augusta, Me.) (from Jan. 1, 1870 to Dec. 31, 1894) Chronicling America online

Gospel Banner 07/25/1835 to 10/07/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Herald of Liberty 02/13/1810 to 09/02/1815 Genealogy Bank online

Index of selected obituaries : Kennebec Journal 1825-1854, Oxford Observer 1826-1828, Oxford Democrat 1833-1855 WorldCat

Kennebec Gazette 09/11/1801 to 07/31/1805 Genealogy Bank online

Kennebec Journal / Kennebec Journal Sunday 11/14/2003 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Kennebec Journal 01/07/1841 to 01/07/1864 Genealogy Bank online

Kennebec Journal 1825-1913 online

Kennebec Journal 1972 and 1975-77 (Augusta, Maine) Ancestry online

Kennebec Journal 1975-2023 online

Kennebec Journalᅠ(1972-1977) Newspaper Archive online

Maine Farmer 01/04/1844 to 12/30/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Maine Patriot and State Gazette 11/07/1827 to 12/29/1830 Genealogy Bank online

Marriage and Death Notices, 1858-1910 : Newspaper Clippings from the Portland Transcript, the Dirigo Rural, the Maine Farmer, and Bangor Weekly Commercial FamilySearch Library online

Gardiner Newspapers and Obituaries

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Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle 01/05/1827 to 04/11/1834 Genealogy Bank online

Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle 1827-1834 Gardiner Public Library online

Cold Water Fountain 1844-1845 Gardiner Public Library online

Cold Water Fountain and Gardiner News Letter 1847-1848 Gardiner Public Library online

Daily Reporter Journal 1893-1913 Gardiner Public Library online

Fountain and Journal 1850-1853 Gardiner Public Library online

Gardiner Home Journal 1858-1892 Gardiner Public Library online

Gardiner Independent 1900-1902 Gardiner Public Library online

Gardiner Journal 1918-1930 Gardiner Public Library online

Gardiner Ledger and Farmer's Journal 03/03/1843 to 06/09/1843 Genealogy Bank online

Kennebec Reporter 1866-1891 Gardiner Public Library online

Maine Rural 02/19/1859 to 04/21/1860 Genealogy Bank online

Northern Home Journal 1854-1858 Gardiner Public Library online

Reporter Journal 1893-1913 Gardiner Public Library online

Hallowell Newspapers and Obituaries

Manchester Newspapers and Obituaries

Rome Newspapers and Obituaries

Waterville Newspapers and Obituaries

Winthrop Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Kennebec County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Augusta: Age. (Augusta, Me.) 1831-1860s

Augusta: Age. (Augusta, Me.) 1837-1860s

Augusta: Augusta Courier and Workingmen's Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1831-1832

Augusta: Augusta Patriot. (Augusta, Me.) 1817-1810s

Augusta: Daily Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1868-1869

Augusta: Daughters of America. (Augusta, Me.) 1886-1894

Augusta: Drew's Rural Intelligencer. (Augusta, Me.) 1855-1858

Augusta: Edes' Kennebec Gazette. (Augusta, Me.) 1801-1803

Augusta: Gospel Banner and Maine Christian Pilot. (Augusta, Me.) 1836-1842

Augusta: Gospel Banner and Universalists' Family Monitor. (Augusta, Me.) 1835-1836

Augusta: Gospel Banner. (Augusta, Me.) 1842-1897

Augusta: Hearth and Home. (Augusta, Me.) 1880s-1933

Augusta: Herald of Liberty. (Augusta, District of Me., State of Mass.) 1810-1815

Augusta: Home Farm. (Augusta, Me.) 1880-1887

Augusta: Kennebec Gazette. (Augusta, Me.) 1803-1810

Augusta: Kennebec Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1825-1913

Augusta: Kennebec Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1841-1864

Augusta: Kennebec Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1864-1867

Augusta: Kennebec Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1975-Current

Augusta: Kennebeck Intelligencer. (Augusta, Me.) 1795-1800

Augusta: Maine Farmer [Electronic Resource]. (Augusta, Me.) 1844-1924

Augusta: Maine Farmer [Microform]. (Augusta, Me.) 1844-1924

Augusta: Maine Farmer. (Augusta, Me.) 1844-1924

Augusta: Maine Patriot and State Gazette. (Augusta, Me.) 1827-1831

Augusta: Maine Standard. (Augusta, Me.) 1867-1881

Augusta: Maine Temperance Gazette. (Augusta [Me.) 1838-1841

Augusta: Maine Temperance Herald. (Augusta, Me.) 1830s-1830s

Augusta: National Democrat. (Augusta, Me.) 1878-1879

Augusta: Tri-Weekly Journal. (Augusta, Me.) 1835-1840

Augusta: Voice of the People. (Augusta [Me.]) 1838-1844

Clinton: Clinton Advertiser. (Clinton, Me.) 1876-1909

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer [Electronic Resource]. (Gardiner, Me.) 1835-1836

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer [Microform]. (Gardiner, Me.) 1835-1836

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle [Electronic Resource]. (Gardiner, Me.) 1827-1834

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle [Microform]. (Gardiner, Me.) 1827-1834

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle. (Gardiner, Me.) 1827-1834

Gardiner: Christian Intelligencer. (Gardiner, Me.) 1835-1836

Gardiner: Cold Water Fountain. (Gardiner, Me.) 1844-1846

Gardiner: David's Sling. (Gardiner, Me.) 1845-1846

Gardiner: Eastern Chronicle. (Gardiner [Me.]) 1824-1827

Gardiner: Fountain and Journal. (Gardiner, Me.) 1850-1853

Gardiner: Gardiner Home Journal. Volume (Gardiner, Me.) 1858-1892

Gardiner: Gardiner Ledger and Farmer's Journal. (Gardiner, Me.) 1842-1843

Gardiner: Gardiner Spectator. (Gardiner, Me.) 1839-1842

Gardiner: Kennebec Reporter. (Gardiner, Me.) 1866-1892

Gardiner: Kennebec Transcript. (Gardiner, Me.) 1850-1840s

Gardiner: Maine Rural. (Gardiner, Me.) 1859-1860

Gardiner: Northern Home Journal. (Gardiner, Me.) 1854-1858

Gardiner: Rural Intelligencer. (Gardiner, Me.) 1858-1859

Hallowell: American Advocate & General Advertiser [Microform]. (Hallowell, Me.) 1821-1825

Hallowell: American Advocate & General Advertiser. (Hallowell, Me.) 1821-1825

Hallowell: American Advocate [Microform]. (Hallowell, Me.) 1810-1814

Hallowell: American Advocate [Microform]. (Hallowell, Me.) 1825-1835

Hallowell: American Advocate and Kennebec Advertiser. (Hallowell, District of Me., State of Mass.) 1814-1821

Hallowell: American Advocate, and Kennebec Advertiser [Microform]. (Hallowell, Me.) 1814-1821

Hallowell: American Advocate. (Hallowell, Me.) 1810-1814

Hallowell: American Advocate. (Hallowell, Me.) 1825-1835

Hallowell: Eastern Examiner. (Hallowell, Me.) 1874-1875

Hallowell: Eastern Star. (Hallowell, Me.) 1794-1795

Hallowell: Free Soil Republican. (Hallowell, Me.) 1848-1849

Hallowell: Hallowell Gazette and Maine Cultivator. (Hallowell, Me.) 1850-1853

Hallowell: Hallowell Gazette. (Hallowell, Me.) 1814-1827

Hallowell: Hallowell Gazette. Volume (Hallowell, Me.) 1853-1871

Hallowell: Hallowell Register. (Hallowell, Me.) 1878-1889

Hallowell: Kennebec Courier. (Hallowell, Me.) 1861-1860s

Hallowell: Kennebec Gazette. (Hallowell, Me.) 1800-1801

Hallowell: Kennebecker. (Hallowell [Me.]) 1829-1830

Hallowell: Liberty Standard. (Hallowell, Me.) 1841-1848

Hallowell: Maine Cultivator and Hallowell Gazette. (Hallowell, Me.) 1846-1850

Hallowell: Maine Cultivator and Hallowell Weekly Gazette. (Hallowell, Me.) 1840-1846

Hallowell: Maine Cultivator and Weekly Gazette. (Hallowell, Me.) 1839-1840

Hallowell: Maine Free Press. (Hallowell, Me.) 1831-1835

Hallowell: Tocsin. Volume (Hallowell, Me.) 1795-1797

Waterville: Eastern Mail. (Waterville, Me.) 1847-1863

Waterville: Kennebec Democrat. (Waterville, Me.) 1880s-1888

Waterville: Morning Sentinel. (Waterville, Me.) 1996-Current

Waterville: Waterville Evening Mail. (Waterville, Me.) 1896-1907

Waterville: Waterville Intelligencer. (Waterville, Me.) 1823-1828

Waterville: Waterville Mail. (Waterville, Me.) 1863-1906

Waterville: Waterville Morning Sentinel. (Waterville, Me.) 1904-1961

Waterville: Waterville Sentinel. (Waterville, Me.) 1880-1904

Waterville: Watervillonian. (Waterville, Me.) 1841-1842

Waterville: Yankee Blade. (Waterville, Me.) 1842-1895

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Journal of the Useful Arts [Electronic Resource]. (Winthrop, Me.) 1833-1842

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Journal of the Useful Arts [Microform]. (Winthrop, Me.) 1833-1842

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Journal of the Useful Arts. (Winthrop, Me.) 1833-1842

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Mechanic's Advocate [Electronic Resource]. (Winthrop, Me.) 1842-1843

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Mechanic's Advocate [Microform]. (Winthrop, Me.) 1842-1843

Winthrop: Maine Farmer and Mechanic's Advocate. (Winthrop, Me.) 1842-1843

Winthrop: Winthrop Bulletin. (Winthrop, Me.) 1867-1869

Winthrop: Winthrop Gazette and Rural Intelligencer. (Winthrop, Me.) 1866-1860s

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