Lafayette County MO Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,379,301) > Missouri (46,583) > Lafayette County (478) > Lafayette County Newspapers and Obituaries (95)

USA (1,379,301) > Missouri (46,583) > Missouri Newspapers and Obituaries (6,927) > Lafayette County Newspapers and Obituaries (95)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Lafayette County are also on the Missouri Newspapers and Obituaries page.


Lafayette County Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Lafayette County, Missouri : ... deaths reported in & chronological index to selected articles from ... WorldCat

Lafayette County, Missouri : deaths reported in & chronological index to selected articles: selections 3 January 1891-26 December 1913 FamilySearch Library

Lafayette County, Missouri Obituaries, 1891-1920 Ancestry online Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

The Intelligencer 1887-1891 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

The Weekly Caucasian 1866-1875 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

The Weekly Intelligencer 1891-1901 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

Concordia Newspapers and Obituaries

Concordian 1898-1956 online

Higginsville Newspapers and Obituaries

Lexington Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Daily Intelligencer 1909-1909 online

Harry of the West 05/03/1844 to 10/18/1844 Genealogy Bank online

Harry of the West 1844-1844 online

Intelligencer (lexington, mo.) (from april 16, 1887 to feb. 14, 1891) MyHeritage online

Intelligencer 01/10/1872 to 12/29/1922 Genealogy Bank online

Lexington Advertiser 1930-1930 online

Lexington Appeal 1847-1848 online

Lexington Express 1900-1900 online

Lexington Herald 1894-1894 online

Lexington Intelligencer 1872-1922 online

Lexington Missouri Valley Register 1866-1869 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

Lexington Weekly Express 10/24/1840 to 11/30/1853 Genealogy Bank online

Lexington Weekly Express 1856-1856 online

Lexington Weekly Intelligencer 1872-1887 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

Lexington Weekly intelligencer (Lexington, Mo.) (from Jan. 10, 1872 to April 9, 1887) MyHeritage online

Lexington intelligencer (Lexington, Mo.) (from April 13, 1901 to Dec. 29, 1922) MyHeritage online

Lexington weekly intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) (from Jan. 10, 1872 to April 9, 1887) Chronicling America online

Lexingtonian 1915-1915 online

Missouri Thalbote 08/26/1876 to 09/02/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Missouri Thalbote 1915-1915 online

Missouri Valley Register 1866-1869 online

The Lexington Intelligencer 1901-1922 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project online

The Lexington intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) (from April 13, 1901 to Dec. 29, 1922) Chronicling America online

The intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) (from April 16, 1887 to Feb. 14, 1891) Chronicling America online

The weekly Caucasian. (Lexington, Lafayette County, Mo.) (from April 25, 1866 to Aug. 14, 1875) Chronicling America online

The weekly intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) (from Feb. 21, 1891 to April 6, 1901) Chronicling America online

Weekly Caucasian (Lexington, Lafayette County, Mo.) (from April 25, 1866 to Aug. 14, 1875) MyHeritage online

Weekly Caucasian 04/25/1866 to 08/14/1875 and 03/13/1884 to 03/01/1888 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly Caucasian 1866-1875 online

Weekly intelligencer (Lexington, Mo.) (from Feb. 21, 1891 to April 6, 1901) MyHeritage online

Odessa Newspapers and Obituaries

Daily Herald 1884-1884 online

Waverly Newspapers and Obituaries

Wellington Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Lafayette County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Alma: Alma Courier. (Alma, Mo.) 1937-1941

Concordia: Concordian. (Concordia, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1893-Current

Corder: Corder Journal. (Corder, Mo.) 1909-1961

Higginsville: Advance. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1885-1908

Higginsville: Higginsville Advance. (Higginsville, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1908-Current

Higginsville: Higginsville Democrat. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1888-1890

Higginsville: Higginsville Jeffersonian. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1907-1945

Higginsville: Lafayette Leader. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1890s-1901

Higginsville: Leader. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1888-1890s

Higginsville: Leader. (Higginsville, Mo.) 1901-1906

Lexington: American Citizen. (Lexington, Mo.) 1855-1857

Lexington: Daily Intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) 1888-1943

Lexington: Intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) 1887-1891

Lexington: Lexington Advertiser-News. (Lexington, Mo.) 1932-1980

Lexington: Lexington Advertiser. (Lexington, Mo.) 1899-1932

Lexington: Lexington Express. (Lexington, Mo.) 1840-1845

Lexington: Lexington Herald. (Lexington, Lafayette Co., Mo.) 1889-1894

Lexington: Lexington Intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) 1901-1949

Lexington: Lexington News. (Lexington, Mo.) 1889-1931

Lexington: Lexington News. (Lexington, Mo.) 1980-Current

Lexington: Lexington Register. (Lexington, Mo.) 1869-1890

Lexington: Lexington Weekly Express and Union. (Lexington, Mo.) 1865-1866

Lexington: Lexington Weekly Express. (Lexington, Mo.) 1845-1861

Lexington: Lexington Weekly Intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) 1871-1887

Lexington: Lexington Weekly Union. (Lexington, Mo.) 1861-1865

Lexington: Lexingtonian. (Lexington, Mo.) 1909-1915

Lexington: Missouri Thalbote. (Lexington, Mo.) 1871-1918

Lexington: Missouri Valley Register. (Lexington, Mo.) 1865-1869

Lexington: Post. (Lexington, La Fayette Co., Mo.) 1883-1888

Lexington: Weekly Caucasian. (Lexington, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1866-1875

Lexington: Weekly Intelligencer. (Lexington, Mo.) 1891-1901

Lexington: Weekly Missouri Expositor. (Lexington, Mo.) 1856-1861

Odessa: Missouri Ledger. (Odessa, Mo.) 1891-1942

Odessa: Odessa Democrat. (Odessa, Mo.) 1881-1942

Odessa: Odessa Oracle. (Odessa, Mo.) 1901-1903

Odessa: Odessan. (Odessa, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1942-Current

Waterloo: Clark County Press. (Waterloo, Clark County, Mo.) 1860s-1871

Waverly: Lafayette County Sentinel. (Waverly, Mo.) 1876-1881

Waverly: Saturday Morning Visitor. (Waverly & St. Thomas, Mo.) 1858-1859

Waverly: Saturday Weekly Visitor. (Waverly & St. Thomas, Mo.) 1859-1860

Waverly: Waverly Express. (Waverly, Lafayette Co., Mo.) 1870-1872

Waverly: Waverly Herald. (Waverly, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1929-1943

Waverly: Waverly News. (Waverly, Mo.) 1921-1922

Waverly: Waverly Times. (Waverly, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1887-1900

Waverly: Waverly Times. (Waverly, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1941-1990s

Waverly: Waverly Watchman. (Waverly, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1901-1906

Wellington: Wellington News. (Wellington, Mo.) 1903-1922

Wellington: Wellington Qui Vive. (Wellington, Lafayette County, Mo.) 1894-1890s

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