1940 U.S. Federal Census of Box Elder, Hill, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Hill County > 1940 Census of Box Elder

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AtleyCharles Vborn about 1917
AtleyDroothy Jborn about 1939
AtleyEllen Fborn about 1916
AtleyMarcia Aborn about 1938

B Surnames

BaloughDorothy Annborn about 1934
BaloughDorothy Mborn about 1916
BaloughFrancine Lborn about 1937
BaloughFrank born about 1912
BaloughFrank Jborn about 1936
BarkerAnne born about 1868
BarkerThomas Hborn about 1863
BartlettElma born about 1914
BartlettHoward Aborn about 1904
BeckAnnie Eborn about 1935
BeckCharles Rborn about 1920
BeckEthel Lborn about 1925
BeckMargaret Kborn about 1924
BeckMargaret Rborn about 1893
BeckMartha Mborn about 1934
BeckMaudie Eborn about 1928
BitzBertha Wborn about 1917
BitzDaniel Dborn about 1916
BitzHenry Hborn about 1909
BitzLorraine Mborn about 1937
BlakerJesse born about 1868
BlakerNellie born about 1870
BochtAlice Mborn about 1940
BochtLuella Hborn about 1919
BochtRobert born about 1918
BoothEarl Dborn about 1898
BoothEarline Lborn about 1921
BoothGrace Mborn about 1904
BoothMary Belleborn about 1923
BriggsGeorge Sborn about 1886
BriggsGeorge Wborn about 1914
BriggsMarian Lborn about 1919
BriggsRuth Eborn about 1891
BrownDonald Gborn about 1928
BrownDorothy Eborn about 1920
BrownMary Eborn about 1899
BrownMary Mborn about 1938
BrownWilham Gborn about 1893
BrownWilliam Eborn about 1922

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C Surnames

ClineBethel Pborn about 1915
CoffmanRuth Bborn about 1915
ColliganAlice Mborn about 1884
CorcoranAlice born about 1932
CorcoranBert born about 1932
CorcoranDelia born about 1906
CorcoranElisa born about 1908
CorcoranJames born about 1889
CorcoranJimmie born about 1929
CorcoranJoe born about 1904
CorcoranJohn born about 1934
CorcoranJosephine born about 1936
CorcoranMary born about 1868
CorcoranMary Annborn about 1930
CorcoranRichard born about 1936
CorcoranRobert born about 1928
CowanAnnabelle Mborn about 1906
CowanMargery Eborn about 1872
CowanWilliam born about 1939
CowanWilliam Eborn about 1905
CowanWilliam Tborn about 1874
CoxElfrieda born about 1909

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D Surnames

DavisFrances Mborn about 1893
DavisJanet Dborn about 1926
DavisSam Fborn about 1890
DenisJohn Francisborn about
DenisJoseph Jborn about 1919
DenisMyrtle born about 1922
DraegerBetty born about 1932
DraegerLeona born about 1891
DraegerWalter born about 1924
DrakeMary Kborn about 1871
DuffyMargaret Aborn about 1850

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E Surnames

EricksonJohn born about 1911

F Surnames

FaechnerAgnes Lborn about 1931
FaechnerAlfred born about 1886
FaechnerAlfred Jborn about 1907
FaechnerClara Rborn about 1933
FaechnerD Allanborn about 1934
FaechnerE Corinneborn about 1911
FaechnerEarnest Eborn about 1928
FaechnerEarny Fborn about 1929
FaechnerMabel Iborn about 1907
FaechnerMargareta born about 1889
FaechnerMarjorie Lborn about 1927
FaechnerSamuel born about 1909
FethermanJane Eborn about 1920
FlamsburgJohn born about 1908
FlandsburgArden Aborn about 1914
FlandsburgBessie Leeborn about 1935
FlandsburgGareth Gborn about 1938
FlandsburgKathleen born about 1916
FlansburgAlice Fborn about 1923
FlansburgDavid Lborn about 1874
FlansburgJosephine Pborn about 1903
FlatnessKaren born about 1877
FlatnessOlay born about 1922
FormanackAlice Eborn about 1917
FormanackArthur Eborn about 1923
FormanackBertha Cborn about 1893
FormanackEdward Fborn about 1887
FormanackEthel Mborn about 1927
FouargeJoseph Nborn about 1918
FouargeMarian Gborn about 1897
FouargeNicholas Fborn about 1887
FreierAdolph born about 1925
FreierAnna Rosaborn about 1937
FreierArthur born about 1922
FreierDonald Hborn about 1936
FreierEdwin born about 1924
FreierHerbert born about 1927
FreierJohn born about 1892
FreierJohn Eborn about 1919
FreierOtto born about 1928
FreierRuben Fborn about 1920

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G Surnames

GenerauxCarol Henryborn about 1939
GenerauxIda born about 1912
GenerauxMargaret Annborn about 1935
GenerauxWalter Eborn about 1933
GenerauxWalter Lborn about 1911
GollerDora born about 1880
GollerGeorge Aborn about 1873
GoodianFrank Eborn about 1921
GoodianHoward Cborn about 1893
GoodianJoyce Wborn about 1929
GoodianKenneth Wborn about 1924
GoodianLucille Iborn about 1904

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H Surnames

HarshmanDella Mborn about 1932
HarshmanFrederick Wborn about 1935
HarshmanGeorge Wborn about 1890
HarshmanHelia Eborn about 1906
HarshmanSavilla Mborn about 1933
HarshmanSenia Eborn about 1940
HenryAlbert born about 1926
HenryAloysius born about 1923
HenryAloysius born about 1939
HenryAngeline born about 1896
HenryCharles born about 1886
HenryCharles born about 1914
HenryDavid born about 1918
HenryFrank born about 1922
HenryHelen born about 1928
HenryJoe born about 1922
HenryJohn Henryborn about 1924
HenryMarvin born about 1916
HenryMary born about 1897
HenryMary born about 1916
HenryPat born about 1888
HenryRobert born about 1920
HenryTeresa born about 1927

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J Surnames

JohnsonDoris Eborn about 1936
JohnsonLeonard Hborn about 1913
JohnsonLorena born about 1914
JorgensonEmil N Lborn about 1888

K Surnames

KeeneCharles Oborn about 1922
KeeneGwendolyn Nborn about 1929
KeeneLauren Cborn about 1924
KeeneLouren Cborn about 1889
KeeneMarie Nborn about 1892
KiemeleAlfred Lborn about 1919
KiemeleFred born about 1890
KiemeleMargaret born about 1891
KiemeleWilliam Bborn about 1922
KiferGlenn Cborn about 1923
KougherEdward Mborn about 1884
KougherIsabelle Bborn about 1887

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L Surnames

LaursenAlfred born about 1906
LaursenAlfred Leroyborn about 1932
LaursenBurneice Lborn about 1908
LaursenCharlotte Louiseborn about 1935
LaursenLoretta Maeborn about 1930
LaursenRobert Louisborn about 1937
LaursenVirginia Helenborn about 1936
LaursenWilliam Edwardborn about 1934
LedvinkaBertha Mborn about 1923
LedvinkaFrances Jborn about 1920
LedvinkaMary Aborn about 1893
LedvinkaMary Mborn about 1928
LedvinkaRudolph Jborn about 1913

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M Surnames

McCrumAnna Bborn about 1881
McCrumWilliam Wborn about 1878
McGrathMontana Fborn about 1903
McGrathMurel born about 1907
McGrathPatricia Vborn about 1936
McGrathWilliam Jborn about 1937
McKernanHannah born about 1892
McKernanKathleen Hborn about 1929
McKernanMicheal Pborn about 1918
McKernanNelson Tarrelborn about 1879
McKernanNora Cborn about 1925
McKernanPatricia Tborn about 1931
McNallyMack Lborn about 1930
McNallyMrs Vera born about 1895
McNeillyEmmet Eborn about 1885
McNeillyMaria Mborn about 1902
MeyerAnne born about 1855

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N Surnames

NagamitsuEmi born about 1927
NagamitsuFumi born about 1928
NagamitsuMasami born about 1925
NagamitsuMasao born about 1888
NagamitsuMidori born about 1938
NagamitsuMosa born about 1900
NagamitsuTamio born about 1930
NelsonLotta Rborn about 1917
NiedereggerAnton born about 1888
NiedereggerGeorge born about 1885
NolanChristopher Jborn about 1896
NolanMargaret Mayborn about 1930
NolanMattie Cborn about 1910
NolanWilma Marieborn about 1938

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O Surnames

OconnorsJ Byronborn about 1904
OconnorsJames Bborn about 1934
OconnorsJoyce Eborn about 1929
OconnorsJuinata Hborn about 1906
OconnorsJuinita Aborn about 1935

R Surnames

RennerAdolph born about 1907
RennerAndreas born about 1886
RobinsonWilliam Jborn about 1862
RosenbaumChas Eborn about 1876
RossRuby Mborn about 1920

S Surnames

ScheberleFrank Jborn about 1862
ScheberleLouisa born about 1864
SchendAnnabelle Aborn about 1914
SchendKathyrn Lavernborn about 1938
SchendWilliam Fborn about 1912
SchendWilma Annborn about 1936
SchmidtElaine born about 1937
SchmidtFred Cborn about 1903
SchmidtMildred born about 1909
SchusterJohn Aborn about 1919
SchusterJoseph born about 1895
SchusterMartin Jborn about 1920
SchusterVerona born about 1889
SelvigGerald Hborn about 1939
SelvigHarold Wborn about 1915
SelvigRita Zborn about 1917
SharpHannah Eborn about 1859
SimmonsEmma born about 1883
SkeltonMaurice Zborn about 1898
SkeltonRuth Nborn about 1900
SniderMary Louborn about 1934
SpangeloHannah born about 1885
SpangeloNoel Jborn about 1920
SpangeloNorman Mborn about 1889
SpangeloWaldo Nborn about 1922
StuartAgnes born about 1933
StuartAlex Dborn about 1889
StuartJames born about 1935
StuartJean born about 1939
StuartMarjorie born about 1937
StuartMary Aborn about 1901

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T Surnames

ThompsonAlbert Hborn about 1871
ThompsonMary born about 1877
TilgenFrank born about 1883
ToddCharles born about 1889
ToddEthel Wborn about 1889
TommyshkiIgnatz born about 1856
ToweArthur born about 1890

U Surnames

UrquhartLida Lborn about 1872

V Surnames

VryJulia Vborn about 1902
VryVirginia Mborn about 1922

W Surnames

WallsElba Lborn about 1886
WallsErwin Eborn about 1938
WallsHene Hborn about 1894
WallsMainard Lborn about 1931
WallsParnell Lborn about 1918
WarringsAnna Kborn about 1870
WarringsJohn Eborn about 1868
WellsAlex born about 1887
WellsCharles Hborn about 1930
WellsClarence Aborn about 1925
WellsJennie born about 1888
WellsMatilda Mborn about 1921
WellsPeter Rborn about 1927
WhiteWilliam born about 1867
WikAgnes Dborn about 1890
WikGodtfred Mborn about 1889
WikHazel Dborn about 1921
WrightGertrude born about 1895
WrightH Rborn about 1894

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