1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cabin Creek in Prairie County, Prairie, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Prairie County > 1940 Census of Cabin Creek in Prairie County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrightAugust born about 1881
AlbrightLena born about 1880
AlbrightRuby born about 1923
AldingerGottleib born about 1876
AldingerLydia born about 1882
AldingerRaymond born about 1921
AllynMilada born about 1909
AmundsonElnora Mborn about 1925
AmundsonFarrie Jborn about 1935
AmundsonFlorence born about 1896
AmundsonHarland Nborn about 1931
AmundsonKristie Bborn about 1926
AmundsonMaurice Wborn about 1922
AmundsonMertle Eborn about 1933
AmundsonNels born about 1894
AmundsonWendle Fborn about 1929
AndersonCarl born about 1884
AndersonMinnie born about 1890

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B Surnames

BossertNorman Kborn about 1920
BossertPauline born about 1893
BossertReinhold Cborn about 1888
BottArchie Eborn about 1933
BottDavid Eborn about 1938
BottErmie Jborn about 1900
BottFlorence Lborn about 1912
BottLethea Dborn about 1902
BrandnerAlice born about 1923
BrandnerBette Jborn about 1938
BrandnerEmil born about 1904
BrandnerIrene born about 1907
BrandnerJames Eborn about 1927
BrandnerJohn born about 1882
BrandnerNadean Jborn about 1930
BrandnerPatricia Jborn about 1931
BrandnerRichard Gborn about 1939
BrandnerRonald Rborn about 1933
BrandnerRosina born about 1885
BrandnerRuth born about 1927
BredbergFreda born about 1907
BredbergHarold Bborn about 1908
BredbergHarold Vborn about 1927
BredbergMarlene born about 1932
BreumClara born about 1896
BreumClifford Eborn about 1921
BreumFern Eborn about 1923
BreumJohn Lborn about 1881
BrostDonald born about 1936
BrostEdward born about 1898
BrostEmil Fborn about 1902
BrostEugene Rborn about 1933
BrostHarlow Eborn about 1924
BrostHelen born about 1899
BrostJustin born about 1928
BrostLottie born about 1934
BrostLydia born about 1878
BrostMarvel born about 1926
BrostTillie born about 1905

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C Surnames

CampbellFerris born about 1900
CampbellFlossie born about 1898
CooleyJames Roscoborn about 1892
CooleyJames Wborn about 1917
CooleyMabel born about 1897
CooleyRobert Rborn about 1925
CoughlinEelin Tborn about 1932
CoughlinJohn Jborn about 1897
CoughlinMary Ethelborn about 1909
CoughlinP Jayborn about 1927
CoyleIda born about 1878
CreekEdgar born about 1908
CreekLila born about 1894
CullenLarry born about 1923

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D Surnames

DirksDarlene born about 1934
DirksLawrence born about 1909
DirksLeslie born about 1912
DirksLonny Kayborn about 1940
DirksPearl born about 1910
DowghertyNormalle born about 1924
DowghertyWanda born about 1930

E Surnames

EbelingLa Verne born about 1922
EbelingLloyd born about 1911
EhmanBarbara born about 1901
EhmanEdward born about 1893
EhmanEdwin Eborn about 1921
EhmanEmma born about 1906
EhmanLydia born about 1903
EhmanMargareta born about 1866
EhmanMathias born about 1862
EhmanR Albertborn about 1923
EhmanWalter Bborn about 1925
EiklandHildur born about 1886
EiklandOlav born about 1887
EngebretsonAnton born about 1870
EngebretsonGordon born about 1925
EngebretsonMary born about 1872
EngelbretsonAlbert born about 1895
EngelbretsonAlice Hborn about 1931
EngelbretsonAlice Jborn about 1907
EngelbretsonCarolyn Mborn about 1933
EngelbretsonGail Annborn about 1939

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G Surnames

GaubFred born about 1905
GaubFredricka born about 1884
GaubJohann born about 1880
GaubJohanna Jr born about 1914
GaubKatherine born about 1921
GaulkChristoph Jborn about 1911
GaulkDelores Lborn about 1939
GaulkOlga Hborn about 1924
GebhardtDavid born about 1891
GebhardtEmma born about 1892
GebhardtErma Lborn about 1923
GebhertDoeratha born about 1870
GehnertFred born about 1901
GehnertMatilda born about 1905
GehnertMonroe born about 1930
GiffordAngelna born about 1871
GordeHalley Hborn about 1885
GordeMarie born about 1879
GuyAudrey Lborn about 1908
GuyHarry Fborn about 1898
GuyNorman Hborn about 1939

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H Surnames

HaidleAlbert born about 1918
HaidleBalthaser born about 1904
HaidleFred born about 1908
HaidleFredricka born about 1876
HardleLydia born about 1913
HatvickViolet born about 1915
HeckAlbert born about 1900
HeckAlice Mborn about 1928
HeckDorothy born about 1901
HeckEugene Wborn about 1933
HeckViola Eborn about 1925
HenleyAugust born about 1892
HenleyEarl Eborn about 1930
HenleyHazel born about 1898
HenleyOliver Eborn about 1924
HjorthAmelia born about 1895
HjorthChrist born about 1885
HjorthDennis Eborn about 1927
HjorthIvan Vborn about 1925
HjorthMarvin Kborn about 1929
HolzwarthElla born about 1914
HolzwarthHarvey born about 1933
HolzwarthLila born about 1935
HolzwarthRose born about 1939
HolzwarthWilliam born about 1938
HusbyClara born about 1889
HustEarnest Gborn about 1917

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J Surnames

JensenC Chesterborn about 1900
JensenChester Eborn about 1926
JensenGeorge Eborn about 1932
JensenHenrieta born about 1902
JensenJohn Cborn about 1873
JensenMarie born about 1870
JensenMelvin Jborn about 1928
JensenRaymond Mborn about 1925
JohnsonJ Leonardborn about 1887
JohnsonRose born about 1893
JohnsonWalter Rborn about 1918

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K Surnames

KalmbackEdward born about 1899
KalmbackJohannes born about 1891
KaulCarolinew born about 1912
KaulCecelia Cborn about 1936
KaulElaine born about 1930
KaulFred Jborn about 1909
KaulHilda born about 1917
KaulKatherine born about 1888
KaulRichard born about 1926
KaulVernon Uborn about 1939
KoschelElizebeth born about 1863
KoselFred Sborn about 1909
KoselLaura born about 1934
KoselLydia born about 1913

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L Surnames

LegatoCecelia born about 1921
LibertyLucille born about 1929
LundDonnella born about 1909
LundHartwig born about 1866
LundLawrence born about 1905
LundLorrain born about 1930
LundOlga Mborn about 1897

M Surnames

McCollumJames born about 1878
McCurdyAldon Lborn about 1898
McCurdyDuane born about 1931
McCurdyLena born about 1899
McCurdyOrville born about 1930
McLaughlinHarry Cborn about 1886
McLaughlinMary Jborn about 1889
McNaughtonNaughton Mborn about 1880
MedingerElmer Eborn about 1925
MedingerHarold Jborn about 1923
MedingerJohn Gborn about 1887
MedingerMaggie born about 1886
MedingerNorman Cborn about 1928
MedingerRuth born about 1920
MeidingerArnold born about 1926
MeidingerBarbara born about 1861
MeidingerEmanuel born about 1903
MeidingerFred born about 1904
MeidingerGertrude born about 1919
MeidingerGottleib Bborn about 1885
MeidingerHarvey Dborn about 1937
MeidingerLeonard born about 1911
MeidingerMartha born about 1905
MeidingerMary Aborn about 1885
MeidingerReuben born about 1918
MeidingerRoger Dborn about 1939
MeidingerViolet Jborn about 1929
MillerAlmina born about 1901
MillerRalph Hborn about 1903
MillerRay born about 1932
MittesteadAlbert born about 1920
MittesteadChristine born about 1884
MittesteadDaniel born about 1927
MittesteadJohn born about 1878
MittesteadLaura born about 1924
MittesteadThedore born about 1923
MittlestaedtAnnetta born about 1904
MittlestaedtDelila born about 1926
MittlestaedtHenry born about 1901
MittlestaedtKenneth born about 1931
MorseHorace Rborn about 1909

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N Surnames

NealEarl Lborn about 1885
NealJosephine born about 1888
NesheimHans born about 1912
NetzerDonald Lborn about 1940
NetzerEarnest born about 1915
NetzerFreda born about 1919
NetzerLudwig born about 1911

O Surnames

OconnorMargaret Kborn about 1922
OconnorRichard Wborn about 1940
OconnorWilliam Jborn about 1892
OppAgnes Mborn about 1938
OppChrist Lborn about 1893
OppClara Lborn about 1935
OppEdna Eborn about 1933
OppHelen Pborn about 1928
OppLydia born about 1901
OppReinhart born about 1923
OppRoselin born about 1921

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R Surnames

RittalAmabel Janeborn about 1939
RittalGeorge Jborn about 1919
RittalKatherine born about 1921
RosinAdolph born about 1910
RosinArlene Eborn about 1936
RosinDonovan Lborn about 1932
RosinEssie born about 1912
RosinFred born about 1907
RosinJohn born about 1868
RosinOrval Aborn about 1934

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S Surnames

SackmanAlbert born about 1912
SackmanAndres born about 1889
SackmanAndrew Mborn about 1904
SackmanBarbara born about 1896
SackmanChristina born about 1862
SackmanClara Eborn about 1921
SackmanEsther born about 1923
SackmanFred born about 1904
SackmanFred Jborn about 1908
SackmanFreeda born about 1911
SackmanGottlieb born about 1893
SackmanHilda born about 1917
SackmanIsidor born about 1926
SackmanJohn Mborn about 1897
SackmanKatheirne born about 1901
SackmanKatherine born about 1896
SackmanLawrence born about 1919
SackmanMartin born about 1867
SackmanMartin Mborn about 1902
SackmanRachel born about 1931
SackmanRebecca born about 1905
SackmanRegina born about 1900
SackmanRuby born about 1922
SackmanW Vernieborn about 1934
SammonHazel Hborn about 1916
SammonJeta Marieborn about 1939
SammonKenneth Hborn about 1912
SandersAmy Catherineborn about 1874
SchmidtAdeline born about 1936
SchmidtAnna born about 1909
SchmidtCarol born about 1939
SchmidtCharles Aborn about 1882
SchmidtGottlieb born about 1908
SchultzeMax born about 1853
SchultzeMinnie born about 1866
SchwartzAdolf born about 1886
SchwartzClara born about 1921
SchwartzDavid born about 1923
SchwartzElsie Eborn about 1920
SchwartzFred born about 1918
SchwartzHenry born about 1924
SchwartzHerbert born about 1916
SchwartzMarie born about 1890
SchwartzOlga born about 1931
SchwartzOtto born about 1917
SchwartzRichard born about 1927
SpeckDavid born about 1939
SpeckEsther born about 1924
SpeckGotthilf born about 1889
SpeckGottleib born about 1929
SpeckJohanna born about 1902
SpeckJohnny born about 1928
SperleElfreida born about 1929
SperleJohn born about 1894
SperleMary born about 1896
SternAlbert born about 1913
SternElsie born about 1915
StickelAlbert born about 1921
StickelAlice born about 1924
StickelAlvin born about 1930
StickelAnnetta born about 1925
StickelEdna born about 1932
StickelEdwin born about 1921
StickelFred born about 1919
StickelJacob born about 1897
StickelJohn born about 1896
StickelKatherine born about 1899
StickelLouise born about 1897
StickelNathaniel born about 1927
StickelReuben born about 1934
StinelHenry Gborn about 1917
StinelJohn Cborn about 1883
StrobelEllen Jborn about 1931
StrobelEmma born about 1913
StrobelFred Dborn about 1909
StrobelLudwig born about 1906
StrobelMary born about 1910
StrobelOrville Wborn about 1934
StrobelRoger Wborn about 1936
StrobelVerna born about 1937
StrobelViolet born about 1934
StrobelVirginia born about 1940
SurerusClarence Dborn about 1901
SurerusEunice born about 1928
SurerusLorraine Lborn about 1933
SurerusMagdlene born about 1906
SurerusViola Lborn about 1927
SurerusWilliam Jborn about 1930

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W Surnames

WaltersEarl Tborn about 1902
WaltersEldon Gborn about 1926
WaltersIda Pborn about 1878
WaltersLa Una born about 1905
WaltersNorman Lborn about 1924
WatsonAlice Nborn about 1876
WatsonWalter Iborn about 1878
WeishaarAdolph born about 1897
WeishaarAlvina born about 1938
WeishaarArdina born about 1917
WeishaarGerald Bborn about 1937
WeishaarGustave born about 1911
WeishaarHertha born about 1918
WeishaarJacob born about 1895
WeishaarLeroy born about 1940
WeisharChristina born about 1917
WeisharIrene Janeborn about 1940
WeisharMarline born about 1939
WeisharRandolph born about 1897
WeisneyEdward born about 1877
WheelerJames Cborn about 1892
WheelerMyrtle born about 1898
WilkinsonAlfred born about 1878
WillHelen born about 1924
WillJack born about 1887
WillJames born about 1932
WillRose born about 1888
WillRose Marieborn about 1938
WoldOlaf born about 1882
WoldOlga born about 1884

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