1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cottonwood in Custer County, Custer, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Custer County > 1940 Census of Cottonwood in Custer County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames H Surnames J Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenGus born about 1882
AndersonDon Mborn about 1904
AndersonMyrtle Lborn about 1905

B Surnames

BeardsleyElla Kborn about 1908
BeardsleyJoan Dborn about 1930
BeardsleyJohn Hborn about 1907
BeardsleyMary Lborn about 1931
BeardsleyMyrtle Mborn about 1935
BeardsleyPatrick born about 1938
BeddoeHarry born about 1904
BirdCaroline born about 1891
BirdHarold born about 1922
BirdJulia born about 1889
BirdPercy Jborn about 1890
BirdRaleigh born about 1920
BirdRaymond Wborn about 1883
BirdTyle born about 1915
BirdWayne born about 1930
BuraasOtto Cborn about 1868

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C Surnames

CareyAnna Mborn about 1900
CareyCharles Oborn about 1930
CareyClayton Mborn about 1898
CareyFern Lborn about 1936
CareyHansine born about 1906
CareyLora Mborn about 1931
CareyMencel Lborn about 1929
CareyNorman Lborn about 1937
CareyVictor Lborn about 1901

H Surnames

HimelspachJoseph born about 1919
HopkinsAudrey Mborn about 1927
HopkinsAugusta Mborn about 1907
HopkinsCarl Nborn about 1903
HopkinsHenry Wborn about 1926
HopkinsMila Mborn about 1929

J Surnames

JanssenGlen born about 1937
JanssenJames born about 1931
JanssenMarlyn born about 1928
JanssenMary Aliceborn about 1929
JanssenOpal Lborn about 1904
JanssenSam Bborn about 1895

O Surnames

OsterAlene born about 1926
OsterAletha Mborn about 1919
OsterBertha Gborn about 1924
OsterCharles Eborn about 1933
OsterClaude born about 1930
OsterEmma born about 1897
OsterGeorge Aborn about 1891
OsterGeorge Aborn about 1920
OsterHerbert born about 1919
OsterPaul born about 1923
OsterViolet Mborn about 1934
OsterWalter born about 1921
OsterWilliam Eborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PettusGrover Cborn about 1886
PettusLyle Cborn about 1917
PettusMarion Jborn about 1915
PommierFred born about 1898

R Surnames

RobinsonCarrie born about 1895
RobinsonHarry Wborn about 1890

S Surnames

SchyenGarry Tborn about 1921
SchyenSelina Mborn about 1888
SchyenTheodore Nborn about 1883

W Surnames

WallJoe born about 1880
WilsonClarence Rborn about 1882
WilsonLula born about 1886

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