1940 U.S. Federal Census of Darby, Ravalli, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Ravalli County > 1940 Census of Darby

A SurnamesI SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AuneEtta born about 1907
AuneIda born about 1922
AuneLey born about 1908

B Surnames

BaldwinBonnie born about 1912
BaldwinHenry born about 1904
BaldwinHenry Jr born about 1932
BaylorFrancis born about 1933
BaylorIrene born about 1925
BaylorLois Marieborn about 1935
BaylorLouise born about 1903
BaylorLucille born about 1928
BaylorRachel born about 1924
BaylorRaymond born about 1899
BaylorRaymond born about 1931
BaylorRobert born about 1929
BensonEusbee born about 1886
BensonGregg born about 1883
BiblerDouglas born about 1935
BiblerGerald born about 1937
BiblerPauline born about 1916
BiblerRonald born about 1914
BossardJessie born about 1919
BossardMaurice born about 1909
BossardMurriel born about 1939
BradyMabel born about 1915
BradyMarcus born about 1932
BradyMargaret born about 1925
BradyMarth born about 1893
BradyRoy Jborn about 1890
BringerEdrian born about 1912
BringerMargaret born about 1922
BrownClara Jborn about 1900
BrownClifford born about 1923
BrownDorothea born about 1930
BrownEvelyn born about 1915
BrownGlen Eborn about 1891
BrownJames Mborn about 1909
BrownMae born about 1932
BrownMargaret born about 1926
BrownMary Agnesborn about 1924
BrownRobert born about 1928
BrownRussell born about 1937
BrownWanda Louborn about 1938
BryantWilliam Lborn about 1873
BurgherErman born about 1905
BurgherLouise born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellEma Rborn about 1908
CampbellRobert Jborn about 1900
CartlerRuth born about 1919
CartlerSusan born about 1940
CartlerWesley born about 1919
ChapmanBetty born about 1928
ChapmanBonnie born about 1928
ChapmanLee born about 1895
ChapmanSallie born about 1905
ChristensonJudy born about
ChristensonKeith born about 1919
ChristensonKeith born about 1939
ChristensonViola born about 1919
ColeArden Bborn about 1885
ColeArlene born about 1919
ColeClara born about 1925
ColeElaine born about 1923
ColeKermit born about 1926
ColeLenore born about 1922
ColeLydia Sborn about 1890
ColeVera born about 1921
CooleyRobert Fborn about 1880
CumleyEugene born about 1872
CumleyMatie born about 1872
CumlyBetty Louborn about 1930
CumlyElward born about 1906
CumlyIsabelle born about 1910
CumlyLeroy born about 1933
CumminsNellie Bborn about 1873
CumminsWilson born about 1863
CunleyAlice Belleborn about 1936
CunleyArthur Oborn about 1901
CunleyBill born about 1931
CunleyDel born about 1928
CunleyJune born about 1927
CunleyLouise born about 1900
CunleyOwen born about 1926

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D Surnames

DammonIda born about 1914
DammonMelvin born about 1912
DaughertyKos born about 1900
DavisCassie born about 1924
DavisWoodrow Cborn about 1914
DawArletta born about 1892
DawDall born about 1920
DawHelen born about 1919
DawKeith born about 1918
DawW Iborn about 1890
DawWanda born about 1922
DawWilliam born about 1940
DaweAlfred born about 1885
DelappDavid born about 1914
DelappEdna born about 1918
DonecoDee born about 1933
DonecoHelen born about 1925
DonecoJames born about 1928
DonecoLowell born about 1927
DonecoMargaret born about 1895
DonecoT Jborn about 1893

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E Surnames

EricksonIrma born about 1909
EricksonPaul born about 1907
EricksonPaul Jeanborn about 1937

F Surnames

FaldmanFred Jr born about 1920
FaldmanFred Sr born about 1872
FaldmanMary Jborn about 1877
FardevilleLulu born about 1867
FitzgeraldFloy born about 1893
FitzgeraldPatsy Annborn about 1932
FitzgeraldRussell Cborn about 1891
FlightnerArthur Jborn about 1878
FlightnerCarol Annborn about 1930
FlightnerGwendolyn born about 1932
FlightnerJudith Maeborn about 1939
FlightnerMary born about 1880
FlightnerOpal born about 1910
FlightnerRaymond Dborn about 1907
FosterFaye born about 1919
FosterHarvey born about 1929
FosterHelen born about 1923
FosterJ Eborn about 1895
FosterLester born about 1916
FosterSusie born about 1895
FoxNettie Annborn about 1880
FrancisDora born about 1875
FrancisFred born about 1854

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G Surnames

GamettClyde born about 1920
GamettEdna born about 1897
GamettJaqueline born about 1927
GamettShirley born about 1931
GamettWanda born about 1923
GoodboeCallen born about 1933
GoodboeCaselia born about 1925
GoodboeEarl born about 1900
GoodboeGrace born about 1905
GordonWilliam born about 1868
GravesEvelyn born about 1931
GravesHelen born about 1914
GravesJames born about 1936
GravesJames Jr born about 1911
GreenfieldLovena born about 1885
GreenupMary born about 1862

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H Surnames

HahmAnna born about 1884
HahmFred born about 1917
HamiltonJ Cborn about 1900
HamiltonVera Rborn about 1900
HanbidgeElisabeth born about 1863
HanbidgeT Hborn about 1855
HardenLilbur born about 1914
HardenMarlene born about 1937
HardenWillma born about 1917
HarperLawrence born about 1899
HarperLe Etta born about 1927
HarperSara born about 1899
HarrashFrances born about 1919
HarrashLeo born about 1913
HarrashRichard born about 1939
HarrashRussell born about 1939
HartE Eborn about 1881
HartMable born about 1885
HartOrnald born about 1918
HartVelma born about 1921
HartVivian born about 1921
HendersonEdith born about 1924
HendersonFloyd born about 1900
HendersonGladys born about 1902
HendersonGwendolyn born about 1932
HendersonHelen born about 1927
HendersonLile born about 1925
HendersonR Aborn about 1860
HendricksonFoster born about 1895
HendricksonIra Bborn about 1877
HendricksonKatherine born about 1930
HendricksonSara born about 1900
HendricksonViola born about 1882
HendricksonWard born about 1913
HendultCharles Kborn about 1929
HendultMax Nborn about 1903
HendultSteven born about 1928
HendultWilma born about 1908
HigginsDecord born about 1920
HigginsDonna born about 1940
HigginsRose born about 1919
HiggsBuddy born about 1927
HiggsEllis born about 1923
HiggsLaurice born about 1930
HiggsNellie born about 1901
HiggsWilliam born about 1896
HillfordRilla born about 1907
HillfordVernon born about 1927
HuntDerry born about 1882

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I Surnames

IrwinHarold born about 1913
IrwinMarjorie born about 1923

J Surnames

JohnsonElizbeth born about 1884
JohnsonJ Henryborn about 1875
JohnsonWinifred born about 1883
JonesAllen born about 1895
JonesArline born about 1894
JonesArlon born about 1925
JonesBernice born about 1912
JonesClarence Aborn about 1896
JonesLloyd born about 1922

K Surnames

KerleeAura born about 1890
KerleeBert born about 1888
KerleeE Jborn about 1879
KerleeMary born about 1857
KerleeQuenten born about 1920
KerleeRobert born about 1915
KilliesElva born about 1916
KilliesFrank born about 1903
KincaidAlta born about 1938
KincaidElain born about 1911
KincaidFlora born about 1912
KincaidJoyce born about 1936
KraftLoren born about 1905
KraftLoren born about 1931
KraftLuela born about 1909
KyleChristine born about 1865
KyleJohn born about 1856

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L Surnames

LairdWarner born about 1878
LaneAlma Tborn about 1913
LaneThomas Wborn about 1916
LatimerAudrey born about 1921
LatimerEileen born about 1922
LatimerGeorge born about 1896
LatimerMamie born about 1899
LawmanSamuel Dborn about 1867
LawmanSarah Aborn about 1876
LawnanGarnet born about 1910
LawnanMaxine born about 1912
LeackBonnie Leeborn about 1931
LeackCalvin Wborn about 1903
LeackElla born about 1902
LeaveBetty born about 1924
LeaveJames Eborn about 1918
LeaveJames Eborn about 1939
LesbergLyle born about 1906
LididilleGeorge born about 1893
LindAllen Jborn about 1910
LindGordon born about 1915
LindKatharine born about 1918
LutzArzemer born about 1868
LutzClarence born about 1876

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M Surnames

MadisonEverett born about 1914
MadisonEverett born about 1940
MadisonGenevieve born about 1920
MalloyCharles born about 1868
MarchleBessie born about 1880
MarrionEdward Jborn about 1914
MartinMonte born about 1934
MartinMyrtle born about 1906
MartinWilbur Aborn about 1895
MarxFrancis born about 1909
MarxGary born about 1937
MarxVadus born about 1913
MatleyDean Wborn about 1916
MatleyMary born about 1912
MatleySandra born about 1937
McAteeConway born about 1895
McAteeLynn born about 1938
McAteeMinn born about 1896
McAteeWilliam born about 1928
McElligattDaniel born about 1925
McElligattGladys born about 1901
McElligattP Wborn about 1894
McElligattPatrick born about 1928
McKinneByrle born about 1921
McKinnePerry born about 1890
McKinneyArla Sr born about 1897
McKinneyArle Jborn about 1919
McKinneyBernice born about 1910
McKinneyGeorge Wborn about 1899
McKinneyKitty born about 1902
McKinneyLavelle born about 1866
McKinneyWillie Wborn about 1893
McKinneyWilma born about 1919
McLennonCarol Sueborn about 1937
McLennonFloyd born about 1913
McLennonJessie born about 1914
McVicerEleanro born about 1933
McVicerHazel born about 1913
McVicerWalker born about 1908
McVicerWalker born about 1939
MillerAda born about 1916
MiltonLyda born about 1891
MiltonS Mborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienLa Rhae born about 1939
ObrienMona born about 1920
ObrienWilbur Fborn about 1913
OliverAlan Lborn about 1914
OliverHarriet born about 1921
OlsonDebbie born about 1909
OlsonGeorge born about 1909
OlsonGeorge Jr born about 1940
OpieFrank Eborn about 1911
OpieIla born about 1919
OpieLars Jeanborn about
OsborneAbbie born about 1897
OsborneHelen Bborn about 1872
OuletEmilie born about 1890
OuletGaston born about 1895

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P Surnames

PadenEdgar born about 1897
PadenFrances born about 1898
PageMae born about 1918
PageNorman born about 1917
PeirceJ Wborn about 1860
PeirceLilly born about 1878
PerryMaizie born about 1905
PerryMary Louborn about 1930
PerryTed born about 1905
PrinsJacob born about 1892
PuckettDonald born about 1910
PuckettRuby born about 1913

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R Surnames

RatcliffArthur Jamesborn about 1940
RatcliffArthur Sborn about 1904
RatcliffLillian born about 1913
RayJohn Cborn about 1881
RayMartha Jborn about 1877
ReeseEllen born about 1889
ReeseJack born about 1925
ReeseThomas born about 1928
ReimerEdna born about 1912
ReimerWilliam Aborn about 1912
ReynoldsFlora born about 1877
ReynoldsMyrtle born about 1921
ReynoldsRay born about 1915
ReynoldsWillaim born about 1870
RichardsonEdith born about 1917
RichardsonLeon born about 1909
RinghamFlorence born about 1911
RinghamFrank born about 1907
RinghamRalph born about 1934
RobertsBonnie born about 1939
RobertsClinton born about 1911
RobertsHarold born about 1935
RobertsJames born about 1936
RobertsMildred born about 1916
RobertsonBetty born about 1924
RobertsonFrank born about 1891
RobertsonMearl born about 1911
RobertsonOscar born about 1919
RobertsonUlta born about 1891
RusdalThomas born about 1911

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S Surnames

SargentElmer born about 1891
SargentEsther born about 1895
SargentFrancis born about 1918
SargentLeroy born about 1930
SargentMary Jeanborn about 1920
SattereenGeorge born about 1860
SchrantzCarl born about 1905
SchrantzEdith born about 1916
SchrantzMarie born about 1938
SchvartzrochJim born about 1923
ShackleyCarol Maeborn about 1932
ShackleyClifford born about 1909
ShackleyClyde born about 1886
ShackleyGene born about 1923
ShackleyMargaret born about 1890
ShackleyVirginia born about 1909
ShermanJack born about 1932
ShermanMarvin born about 1928
ShermanRene born about 1910
ShortleyArry born about 1892
SiriePowell born about 1913
SmithBooth born about 1910
SmithDe Louisborn about 1937
SmithDwight born about 1939
SmithMarjorie born about 1913
SmithRaymond born about 1922
SmithRobert born about 1898
SmithRobert Jborn about 1936
SmithWilma born about 1913
SnyderDelilet born about 1902
SnyderEarl born about 1902
SnyderWallace born about 1924
SollederMary born about 1856
SpringsDoris Maeborn about 1924
SpringsIrene born about 1901
SpringsWesley born about 1922
SpringsWillard born about 1921
StorerFrank born about 1877
StrakJames born about 1916
StrateDaniel born about 1913
StrateLuelle born about 1917
StraterCharles born about 1879
StratsCarl born about 1914
SummersAnna Maryborn about 1922
SummersBarbara born about 1925
SummersFred born about 1889
SummersHerbert born about 1894
SummersJames born about 1932
SummersJohn Leoborn about 1923
SummersLeo born about 1894
SummersLucille born about 1894
SummersMary Eborn about 1896
SummersSadie born about 1897
SummersWilliam born about 1928

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T Surnames

TerrisAlice born about 1855
TerrisBetty born about 1926
TerrisBilly born about 1925
TerrisGeorge born about 1929
TerrisLeo Cborn about 1897
TerrisLyle born about 1922
TerrisMaude born about 1899
ThompsonCyde born about 1902
ThompsonFasson born about 1909
ThompsonIda born about 1882
ThompsonJames Wborn about 1921
ThompsonRonald born about 1907
ThorneEdgar Tborn about 1875
ThorneEdgar Jr born about 1920
ThorneRen born about 1884

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U Surnames

UttalJessie born about 1905

V Surnames

VaughnAlice born about 1923
VaughnDonald born about 1915
VaughnFlorence born about 1893
VaughnIsabel born about 1921

W Surnames

WalderEd born about 1901
WalderLorraine born about 1910
WaldoBill born about 1908
WaldoGeorge born about 1871
WaldoLaura born about 1884
WaldoThomas born about 1926
WalfenbergerAdelie born about 1862
WalfenbergerGeorge born about 1853
WardAlice born about 1877
WardCharles born about 1917
WardCharles Wborn about 1871
WardDale born about 1920
WardGlenrose born about 1922
WellsAne born about 1940
WellsEsther Hborn about 1913
WellsHaywood Gborn about 1911
WellsJulian born about 1937
WellsLewis born about 1935
WheelerAnna born about 1898
WheelerCharles born about 1901
WheelerFerne born about 1922
WheelerJ Geneborn about 1934
WheelerJoy born about 1930
WhyteJ Pborn about 1876
WhyteJosephine born about 1887
WildCharlotte born about 1935
WildJohn Cborn about 1909
WildLydia born about 1903
WildMary Anneborn about 1937
WildVerna born about 1929
WilkersonDouglas born about 1925
WilkersonElaine born about 1926
WilkersonFred born about 1897
WilkersonJim born about 1897
WilliamsAbe born about 1906
WilliamsIris born about 1934
WilliamsOvid born about 1931
WilliamsSue born about 1911
WilliamsTroy born about 1933
WinkleblackA Eborn about 1892
WinkleblackClifton born about 1925
WinkleblackDonald born about 1921
WinkleblackElaise born about 1929
WinkleblackFerrell born about 1931
WinkleblackFranklin born about 1918
WinkleblackJames born about 1922
WinkleblackJane born about 1858
WinkleblackLddie born about 1923
WinkleblackLilly born about 1894
WinkleblackRobert born about 1936
WinkleblackWanda born about 1933
WinkleblackWillard born about 1874

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Y Surnames

YortonHelen born about 1905
YortonMarlin born about 1903
YortonRobert born about 1925
YortonWiona born about 1927

Z Surnames

ZoskeAlbert Rborn about 1907
ZoskeMae born about 1910
ZoskeRodney born about 1939
ZoskeSharon born about 1934

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