1940 U.S. Federal Census of East Helena, Lewis and Clark, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Lewis and Clark County > 1940 Census of East Helena

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEarl Eborn about 1879
AlbrachtJohn born about 1910
AlbrachtMamie born about 1918
AleksichAlexander born about 1921
AleksichHelen born about 1924
AleksichMike born about 1869
AleksichMilan born about 1917
AleksichMinnie born about 1924
AleksichPaola born about 1891
AleksichRobert born about 1934
AndersonAndrew born about 1928
AndersonAndrew Jborn about 1856
AndersonBorghild born about 1925
AndersonHelmer born about 1901
AndersonHoward born about 1934
AndersonJudith born about 1924
AndersonNick born about 1936
AndersonRosalie born about 1889
AndersonSelma born about 1903
AndersonTheodore born about 1932
AndolsckCharlotte born about 1937
AndolsckEdward born about 1932
AndolsckFrances born about 1915
AndolsckLuddie born about 1906
AndolsckMargaret born about 1913
AndolsckRudolph born about 1912
AndolsekJenny born about 1872
AndolsekJohn born about 1870
AndolsekMary Jennyborn about 1931
ArmstrongAlden born about 1937
ArmstrongArva born about 1938
ArmstrongAudrey born about 1934
ArmstrongDale born about 1932
ArmstrongGlenn born about 1939
ArmstrongRonald born about 1935
ArmstrongRoy Jborn about 1903
ArmstrongRoyce born about 1931
ArmstrongVara born about 1907
ArndttWilliam born about 1910
AshburnerKathleen born about 1904
AukermanAaron Wborn about 1885
AukermanMary born about 1891
AustinC Wborn about 1899
AustinCyrus born about 1933
AustinMildred born about 1915
AustinMildred Mborn about 1934
AustinWm Jborn about 1917

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B Surnames

BabcockAlvina born about 1917
BabcockBarbar Jeanborn about 1936
BabcockBetty Louborn about 1938
BabcockFrank born about 1912
BaileyArgeline born about 1907
BaileyCharlotte born about 1932
BaileyLeonard born about 1908
BaileyMary Ellenborn about 1933
BaileyRobert born about 1928
BalkovetzNick born about 1892
BarichJoseph born about 1877
BarichMargaret born about 1880
BarisPete born about 1899
BasteGenevieve born about 1929
BasteJoseph born about 1896
BasteJosephine born about 1925
BasteMary born about 1888
BedardJoseph born about 1874
BeldinFrances born about 1935
BeldinGeorge born about 1928
BeldinJefferson born about 1929
BeldinRobert born about 1931
BennigerAnna born about 1893
BennigerElsie born about 1926
BennigerFrances born about 1924
BennigerFrank born about 1892
BennigerFrank born about 1930
BennisonViolet born about 1918
BeyerChristian Aborn about 1884
BeyerHenry born about 1919
BeyerMinnie born about 1892
BeyerNorman born about 1921
BeyerThelma born about 1917
BielettDudley Sborn about 1886
BielettLaura born about 1886
BillettSamuel born about 1861
BlackmanJunior Grayborn about 1927
BlackmanKatherine Maryborn about 1893
BlackmanLonnie born about 1899
BlasichJim Vborn about 1888
BlasichKate born about 1891
BlotnikJoseph born about 1866
BohAndrew born about 1884
BohHelen born about 1915
BohIrene born about 1923
BohLena born about 1891
BohMarion born about 1911
BompartLyle born about 1938
BompartMabel born about 1912
BompartWillard born about 1911
BondF Arnoldborn about 1910
BovieHenry born about 1895
BovieLela born about 1904
BradfordEthel born about 1906
BradfordRobert born about 1904
BradfordRobert Jr born about 1935
BradfordSuzanne born about 1932
BratlienAlfred born about 1919
BratlienArdamae born about 1920
BratlienEdward born about 1914
BratlienTheodore born about 1918
BratlienThomas Leeborn about 1940
BrazierBessie born about 1886
BrazierHarry born about 1894
BridgewaterIrene born about 1912
BridgewaterJo Annborn about 1934
BridgewaterMary Edithborn about 1937
BrisbinEleanor born about 1923
BrisbinIda born about 1890
BrisbinWalter born about 1889
BroderickStephanie born about 1925
BrownAdam J Aborn about 1905
BrownDonald Le Royborn about 1935
BrownJessie born about 1911
BrownJohn Josephborn about 1931
BruhnWm Scottyborn about 1920
BrydichEdward born about 1921
BrydichMary born about 1916
BrydichMatt born about 1919
BukowatzMaggie born about 1868
BurnsCharles born about 1881
BurnsLouise born about 1884
BurnsMary Louiseborn about 1920
ButlerClaude born about 1893
ButlerClaude Eborn about 1917
ButlerElmer born about 1920
BybergEthel born about 1913
BybergWesley born about 1914

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C Surnames

CaliniPietro born about 1881
CarlsonAllan born about 1937
CarlsonArthur born about 1930
CarlsonBertel born about 1907
CarlsonBertil Jr born about 1929
CarlsonCharlene born about 1934
CarlsonEmil born about 1901
CarlsonEva born about 1903
CarlsonHerman Aborn about 1874
CarlsonJohn born about 1938
CarlsonMyrl born about 1908
CarlsonRichard born about 1919
CarlsonSigna born about 1886
CarlucciArlene born about 1940
CarlucciEmanuel born about 1915
CarlucciLena born about 1919
CarpenterAda born about 1918
CarpenterAlvin Rborn about 1894
CarpenterLydia born about 1894
CarpenterMargaret born about 1935
CarpenterRuth born about 1922
CarraiaAlbert born about 1920
CarraiaBernard born about 1892
CarraiaRita born about 1901
CaseyDorothy born about 1940
CaseyFrancis born about 1911
CaseyJerry born about 1938
CaseyLoretta born about 1914
CaseyLynn born about 1937
CaseyPatricia born about 1936
CelarJohn born about 1924
CelarMartha born about 1927
ChampaCecil born about 1915
ChampaMary born about 1894
ChenkovichJoe born about 1912
ChenkovichLynne Mborn about 1939
ChenkovichMary born about 1877
ChenkovichMatt born about 1903
ChisholmC Bborn about 1875
ChisholmEva Clineborn about 1889
ChisholmJohn Clineborn about 1920
ChisholmOliver Perryborn about 1883
ChisholmOliver Perry Jrborn about 1916
ChristEmil born about 1861
CinkerKathryn Eborn about 1929
CinkerMary born about 1901
CinkerRobert Jborn about 1933
CinkerSteve born about 1901
ColantoniFrank born about 1893
ColleyCharles born about 1910
ColleyJune born about 1918
ColleyJune born about 1940
ColleyMyles born about 1939
ColvinEarl born about 1895
ColvinEarl born about 1922
ColvinFred born about 1926
ColvinJack born about 1925
ColvinMartin born about 1891
ColvinMildred born about 1923
ColvinSherwood born about 1919
ConyersBessie born about 1897
ConyersBobbie born about 1934
ConyersEarl born about 1916
ConyersJohn born about 1928
CoryAlcie Lborn about 1874
CostainMaggie born about 1889
CostainRobert Fborn about 1888
CoteBlanche born about 1892
CoteMathias born about 1887
CouchNora born about 1884
CoxClifford born about 1908
CoxClifford Vborn about 1940
CoxEulah Mborn about 1905
CoxJoyce born about 1913
CoxMyrtle Janaborn about 1932
CoxWm Rodger Iiborn about 1905
CoxWm Rodger Iiiborn about 1929
CroninBert born about 1902
CroninMary born about 1910
CroninThomas Mborn about 1909
CummingsArthur born about 1915
CummingsDeanna born about 1938
CummingsHelen born about 1917
CummingsJames born about 1916
CummingsJames born about 1940
CummingsSharon Leeborn about 1939
CummingsVivian born about 1918
CumminsEldon born about 1902
CumminsGoldie born about 1910
CumminsJack Eborn about 1936
CumminsJune Marieborn about 1930
CutlerChas Bborn about 1870
CutlerChas Thomasborn about 1908
CutlerDoris born about 1913
CutlerRebecca Bborn about 1883
CvarAlbena born about 1914
CvarAntone born about 1903
CvarFrank born about 1930
CvarJohn born about 1902
CvarMary born about 1877
CvarPauline born about 1907
CvarRudolph born about 1900

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D Surnames

DahlEvelyn born about 1919
DahlMagnus born about 1907
DairsonFern born about 1885
DameinKuzma born about 1886
DayAnna born about 1871
DayLeslie born about 1896
DayMargarete born about 1897
DeenJack born about 1884
DejakJohn born about 1880
DespotleichJoseph born about 1888
DicksDorothy Fborn about 1939
DicksJohn Eborn about 1908
DicksJohn Pborn about 1935
DicksVerna born about 1910
DoggettAlice born about 1902
DoggettClara born about 1915
DoggettElmer born about 1901
DoggettHelen born about 1923
DoggettJeanette born about 1924
DoggettRaymond born about 1909
DoggettWinnifred born about 1930
DouglasDaisy born about 1918
DouglasEugene born about 1936
DouglasHershel born about 1911
DouglasNorman born about 1939
DuffAlice born about 1867
DukeAgnes Ellenborn about 1939
DukeDacre born about 1937
DukeDorothy Fborn about 1939
DukeEleanor Dborn about 1880
DukeFrederick Gborn about 1922
DukeHazel born about 1912
DukeJohn born about 1873
DukeJohn born about 1908
DukeJohn Pborn about 1935
DukeRobert Eborn about 1940
DukeVerna born about 1910
DukeW Dborn about 1905
DukeWm Eborn about 1936
DullumEugene born about 1890
DullumEva born about 1887
DullumHenry Eborn about 1918
DullumHoward born about 1924

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E Surnames

EricksonPete Jborn about 1887
EspegaardKarl born about 1910
EvansAlice born about 1895
EvansEudessa born about 1913
EvansJ Edwardborn about 1884
EvansJeanne born about 1923
EvansLaurence born about 1929
EvansLynne born about 1932
EvansMary born about 1892
EvansThomas Hborn about 1894

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F Surnames

FabatzAntonia born about 1891
FabatzCharles born about 1885
FabatzFlorence born about 1919
FarnamGeorge Eborn about 1867
FederighiFred born about 1902
FlatenOle born about 1886
FlatenSigna born about 1888
FlatowBetty born about 1921
FlatowMarrin born about 1916
FlatowSara born about 1880
FleisnerFrank born about 1910
FleisnerMargery born about 1938
FleisnerRose born about 1918
FloodFrank born about 1881
FloodIda born about 1886
FonkJohn born about 1911
FonkPheobe born about 1906
FosterAllen born about 1903
FosterDavid Eborn about 1933
FosterElizabeth born about 1903
FosterEthel born about 1904
FosterEugene born about 1912
FosterGerald Lborn about 1937
FosterJesse Nborn about 1900
FosterKeith Lborn about 1939
FosterLucille born about 1914
FosterWm Jesseborn about 1933
FournierAnn born about 1915
FournierDonald born about 1935
FournierHarvey born about 1912
FransenOscar Nborn about 1892
FredricksonReuben born about 1909
FreylerTeresa born about 1913
FreylerThomas born about 1936
FreylerWilliam born about 1908
FreylerWm Jr born about 1934
FuellerHarry Vborn about 1909
FuellerHarry Jr born about 1938
FuellerHelen Vborn about 1917
FullerCecil Cborn about 1879
FurmanIsabel born about 1921
FurmanJames born about 1909

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G Surnames

GardnerJames born about 1923
GasparisRoland born about 1920
GentryDavid born about 1915
GentryDoria born about 1921
GentryJack born about 1929
GentryLena born about 1917
GibsonBeverly Jeanborn about 1932
GibsonGrady Hborn about 1894
GibsonMinnie Mborn about 1894
GilbertsonHarry born about 1915
GilbertsonOliver born about 1917
GlarumAlice born about 1874
GlarumChris born about 1872
GlarumEmil born about 1914
GorsekSteve born about 1884
GorsichAlbert born about 1915
GorsichCharles born about 1917
GorsichFrank born about 1891
GorsichJohn born about 1911
GorsichMary born about 1897
GorsichRichard born about 1931
GorsichTony born about 1909
GoughAnn Bborn about 1889
GoughEleanor born about 1891
GoughIsabella born about 1865
GoughJohn born about 1886
GoughJoseph born about 1891
GoughKenneth Dborn about 1922
GradisharAgnes born about 1886
GradyEunice born about 1914
GradyGene born about 1937
GradyNorma born about 1938
GradyVerle born about 1912
GrahamElizabeth born about 1907
GrahamGerald born about 1932
GrahamRichard born about 1926
GrahamRobert born about 1899
GrandyArden born about 1904
GrandyArden born about 1932
GrandyCarol born about 1934
GrandyEsther born about 1929
GrandyEthel born about 1908
GrandyJonathen born about 1940
GrandyMaribeth born about 1936
GriffithAlfred Eborn about 1883
GriffithStella born about 1890
GroseAndrew born about 1903
GroseEileen born about 1928
GroseEllen born about 1905
GroseJohn born about 1901
GroseMargene born about 1932
GroseMary Mborn about 1879
GuffeyCatherine born about 1909
GuffeyJos Dexter Jrborn about 1939

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H Surnames

HacklerHerbert born about 1907
HagemanAgnes Jborn about 1895
HagemanCharles born about 1923
HagemanLaurence born about 1920
HagemanLeona born about 1921
HagemanWayne born about 1929
HallidayEdith born about 1899
HallidayElaine born about 1926
HallidayFrank Rborn about 1924
HallidayHelen Ioneborn about 1929
HallidayMary Eborn about 1874
HallidayOscar Bborn about 1897
HallidayRalph Vborn about 1922
HandyBeyer Signaborn about 1884
HanselArno born about 1890
HarasethEdwin born about 1907
HarrisThomas born about 1898
HarterElsie born about 1912
HarterJoseph Iiiborn about 1939
HarterJoseph Jr born about 1911
HaslipAnn born about 1912
HaslipGerald Jborn about 1937
HaslipJames Pborn about 1908
HaslipJames Jr born about 1934
HaslipWm Rborn about 1936
HayesNellie born about 1886
HayesWm Jborn about 1882
HeimJohn born about 1898
HelfertBernadett Pborn about 1939
HelfertJosephine born about 1920
HelfertNicholas born about 1918
HerstichMary born about 1893
HigginsBetty Jeanborn about 1930
HigginsGeorge born about 1893
HigginsIrene born about 1905
HigginsLa Noreborn about 1929
HigginsMarilyn born about 1925
HimlDorothy Annborn about 1927
HimlJoseph born about 1906
HimlJoseph Fborn about 1933
HimlMary born about 1904
HirstiahMike born about 1890
HirstiahSteve born about 1927
HohnAlma born about 1902
HohnJake born about 1901
HohnKenneth born about 1930
HohnRaymond born about 1934
HohnRichard born about 1926
HohnVincent born about 1925
HollidayMargaret born about 1875
HoodErma Lborn about 1906
HoodMerrill Cborn about 1899
HrellaAngela born about 1895
HrellaDonald born about 1930
HrellaErnestine born about 1919
HrellaFrank born about 1892
HrellaFrank born about 1904
HrellaJoseph Fborn about 1898
HrellaMary born about 1904
HrellaMary Joborn about 1926
HrellaPeter born about 1874
HrellaTressa born about 1885
HrellaWilliam born about 1923
HudoklinEdward born about 1911
HudoklinFrank born about 1868
HultinDavey born about 1937
HultinEdwin born about 1906
HultinGustaf born about 1882
HultinJames born about 1934
HultinLeroy born about 1932
HultinMary born about 1911
HultinRoy born about 1908
HultinViola born about 1912
HunterAgnes born about 1910
HunterFranklin born about 1932
HunterHomer born about 1912
HunterLois born about 1930
HunterRobert born about 1940

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I Surnames

InellarJohn born about 1878
InnocciEdward born about 1894
InnocciEdward Jr born about 1932
InnocciFrank born about 1937
InnocciIsabella born about 1929
InnocciLouise born about 1939
InnocciMary born about 1903
IrwinAlvin born about 1933
IrwinClark born about 1936
IrwinElaine born about 1931
IrwinFoster Aborn about 1911
IrwinKathryn born about 1914
IrwinRichard born about 1938
IversonAnna born about 1867
IversonJoseph born about 1861
IversonJulius born about 1893

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J Surnames

JacksonCarol Jborn about 1937
JacksonMarlyn born about 1936
JacksonNorman Wborn about 1905
JacksonSybil born about 1906
JerayAlbert born about 1917
JerayAnna born about 1909
JerayFrances born about 1885
JerayLaurence born about 1883
JohnsonErnest born about 1908
JonesElla born about 1921
JonesEllis born about 1899
JonesEmma born about 1915
JonesGrover born about 1886
JonesLaura Belleborn about 1935
JonesRalph born about 1910
JonesRuby born about 1894
JonesTheodore born about 1911
JonesWallace born about 1893
JulisChester born about 1877
JulisChester Jr born about 1924
JulisWilhelmina born about 1895

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K Surnames

KaneA Bborn about 1906
KaneCanby born about 1901
KaneCarol born about 1913
KaneD Jborn about 1864
KaneHope born about 1913
KaneJohn born about 1898
KaneRuth born about 1871
KeckMarvin Lborn about 1920
KeckRobert Lborn about 1919
KehrAlbert born about 1937
KehrHarold born about 1911
KehrMary born about 1914
KilbrideDaniel born about 1875
KilbrideEllen born about 1876
KingHance born about 1887
KingLela born about 1915
KnappAnna Mborn about 1903
KnappFrances born about 1887
KnappFrank born about 1924
KnappJohn born about 1891
KoichAmelia born about 1895
KoichMike born about 1921
KoichSimon born about 1891
KokorudaChas Mborn about 1926
KokorudaGertrude born about 1919
KokorudaMike born about 1908
KokorudaRobert Jborn about 1939
KokorudaThomas born about 1897
KokorudaThomas Aborn about 1925
KokorudaWilliam Jborn about 1938
KolanekRose born about 1921
KotikMatt born about 1874
KovcickEdward born about 1919
KovcickHarry born about 1918
KovcickJohn born about 1891
KovcickKate born about 1898
KresakJoseph born about 1891
KrezmanichJohn born about 1904
KrismanA born about 1887
KrismanEdward born about 1925
KrismanJoseph born about 1918
KroppHenry born about 1897
KroppMartha born about 1866
KuboBernice born about 1911
KuboLyle born about 1906

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L Surnames

LambertusGeo Rev born about 1888
LampingClifford born about 1919
LampingFred Aborn about 1890
LampingKenneth born about 1929
LampingLaurence born about 1931
LampingPearl Mborn about 1892
LampingRonald born about 1935
LampingWyona born about 1923
LaneCharlotte born about 1914
LaneFlorence born about 1917
LaneLarry born about 1940
LaneMartin born about 1938
LaneStanley Mborn about 1915
LangenfunJoseph born about 1885
LangenfunJoseph Mborn about 1913
LangenfunMary born about 1888
LanghorneGrace born about 1883
LanghorneJ Eborn about 1887
LanghorneS Wborn about 1880
LaporteAlbert born about 1913
LaportePearl born about 1915
LazzeriniAlfred born about 1887
LeesBlanche born about 1933
LeesDoris born about 1904
LeesErnest born about 1894
LeesJanathan born about 1939
LeesMargaret born about 1928
LepageElizabeth born about 1910
LepageSuzanne born about 1936
LessarAgnes born about 1934
LessarFrances born about 1911
LessarFrank born about 1927
LessarHelen born about 1928
LessarJohn born about 1887
LessarJohn born about 1937
LevarJoseph born about 1878
LevarWinnie born about 1878
LeysonEsther born about 1909
LipesFern born about 1912
LipesJanice Nanborn about 1937
LipesJason born about 1912
LipesJason Jr born about 1938
LipesNannie born about 1879
LoganJohn Pborn about 1908
LoganMary born about 1906
LuaAnnie born about 1884
LuaSamuel born about 1887

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M Surnames

MacdonaldArthur born about 1896
MacdonaldNolan born about 1925
MackamielAndrew born about 1908
MackamielJennie born about 1911
MackanichJohn born about 1903
MackanichKatherine born about 1878
MaddenJames born about 1893
MaddenLena born about 1898
MaeAda born about 1907
MaeBernice born about 1918
MaeCarol born about 1939
MaeDonald born about 1929
MaeEdwin born about 1900
MaeKenneth born about 1916
MaeKenneth born about 1938
MaeLoraine born about 1931
ManloveClarice born about 1903
ManloveGeorge born about 1875
ManloveWilbur born about 1869
MaronickJennie born about 1867
MaronickMary born about 1897
MaronickNick born about 1866
MartelBetty born about 1915
MartelEsther Maeborn about 1939
MartelGeorge born about 1910
MartelJewel Raeborn about 1938
MartinAldred born about 1893
MartinHelen born about 1913
MasonBasil Hborn about 1907
MassicChrist born about 1893
McCaddenAntonette born about 1905
McCaddenLorraine born about 1932
McCaddenLoyle born about 1904
McCarterFrancis born about 1905
McCarterSidney born about 1927
McCarterVesta born about 1907
McDonaldGladys born about 1910
McDonaldJames born about 1939
McDonaldJohn born about 1907
McDonaldTimothy born about 1940
MealeDorothy Joyceborn about 1927
MealeEric Lathanborn about 1924
MealeEris Aborn about 1895
MealeH Aborn about 1874
MealeLouisa born about 1872
MealeNellie born about 1893
MealeWinnifred Fborn about 1922
MergenthalerArthur born about 1886
MergenthalerBertha born about 1932
MergenthalerBessie born about 1896
MergenthalerBessie born about 1929
MergenthalerClarence born about 1927
MergenthalerDorothy born about 1917
MergenthalerHazel born about 1925
MergenthalerLester born about 1918
MergenthalerLloyd born about 1930
MergenthalerMarjorie born about 1935
MichelinAlbert born about 1913
MichelinFrances born about 1889
MichelinJoseph born about 1888
MichelinJoseph born about 1912
MihelcichAnton born about 1882
MihelichJoseph born about 1912
MihelichJoseph Sr born about 1870
MilesAda Gborn about 1885
MilesW R Jrborn about 1923
MilesWm Rborn about 1879
MillerFrances born about 1925
MilneEmma born about 1887
MilneJames born about 1923
MoeEvelyn born about 1919
MoeJanice born about 1939
MoeMelvin born about 1909
MoeMyrna born about 1937
MooreIra Aborn about 1878
MooreMaurice born about 1902
MoranDonna Florenceborn about 1936
MoranFlorence born about 1906
MoranFrancis Cborn about 1928
MoranFrank Cborn about 1903
MorceloCharles born about 1927
MorceloClara born about 1907
MorceloDorothy born about 1925
MorceloEdward born about 1929
MorceloTony born about 1900
MorrisonChas Hborn about 1881
MorrisonHomer born about 1918
MorrisonJeanne born about 1925
MorrisonMary born about 1916
MorrisonRosabel born about 1893
MorrisonSybil born about 1927
MorrisonYvonne born about 1922
MuffichAlbert born about 1912
MuffichAnna born about 1888
MuffichJohn Sr born about 1884
MuffichKing Helenborn about 1916
MuffickBeverly born about 1929
MuffickFrances born about 1909
MuffickJ M Jrborn about 1907
MuffickRichard born about 1933
MuhvichNick born about 1857
MultzCaroll born about 1937
MultzEdwin born about 1911
MultzEmil born about 1897
MultzMargaret born about 1875
MultzMarilynn born about 1938
MultzMary born about 1904
MultzMatt Cborn about 1898
MultzVivian born about 1914
MundingEunice born about 1909
MundingMorris born about 1905
MurgelAnton born about 1894
MurgelFrank Hborn about 1925
MurgelMary born about 1904
MurgelMary Jborn about 1920
MurgelTony Aborn about 1921

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N Surnames

NebelAnna born about 1884
NellistEdna born about 1895
NellistKathleen born about 1930
NellistMerlyn born about 1928
NellistThomas born about 1888
NelsonBernie born about 1910
NelsonBetty Janeborn about 1928
NelsonDoris born about 1924
NelsonEffie born about 1891
NelsonErnest born about 1872
NelsonEvelyn born about 1919
NelsonJean Eborn about 1927
NelsonLloyd born about 1931
NelsonNancy born about 1939
NelsonNewman born about 1889
NewhouseHazel born about 1913
NewhouseHorace born about 1905
NewhouseRosanna born about 1876
NewhouseYolande born about 1908
NicholsVirginia born about 1914
NickEileen born about 1926
NickHelen born about 1932
NickJulia born about 1904
NickLillian born about 1934
NickLizo born about 1893
NickMary born about 1927
NickMay born about 1929
NickWilliam born about 1937

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O Surnames

OhearnRichard born about 1910
OlmstedElizabeth born about 1918
OlsenChristian born about 1906
OlsenFeril born about 1914
OlsonCatherine born about 1918
OlsonGeorge born about 1915
OlsonIvor born about 1907
OlsonIvor Jr born about 1939
OlsonJohannes born about 1875
OlsonKaren born about 1877
OmaraMargaret born about 1869
OrselloJenny born about 1885
OrselloWilliam born about 1924
OsborneGeorge born about 1909
OsheaAnnie born about 1872

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P Surnames

ParkerEileen born about 1921
ParkerHarrison born about 1890
ParkerMarie born about 1891
PatterStanton born about 1911
PaulinichAnthony Jborn about 1901
PaulinichBarbara born about 1874
PaulinichMary born about 1897
PaulinichMike born about 1892
PaulinichNick born about 1869
PavlinichFrances born about 1913
PavlinichJoan born about 1936
PavlinichMarion born about 1939
PavlinichNick born about 1904
PearceDoris born about 1918
PearceErnest born about 1879
PearceRichard born about 1926
PearceRuby born about 1900
PeetHilda born about 1923
PeetIrma born about 1921
PenmanEvelyn born about 1885
PenmanWilliam born about 1884
PercichAnna Louborn about 1921
PercichEsther born about 1890
PerhayAlice born about 1905
PerhayJeanette born about 1935
PerhayLouis born about 1896
PerhayLouis Jr born about 1926
PerhayMarjorie born about 1928
PerhayNorma born about 1931
PetekAndrew Sborn about 1922
PetekAnnie born about 1905
PetekBonnie born about 1934
PetekEleanor born about 1910
PetekEleanor born about 1926
PetekEllen Mborn about 1927
PetekGarnet Aborn about 1928
PetekHelena born about 1903
PetekIgnatius born about 1903
PetekJames Pborn about 1925
PetekJohn born about 1895
PetekLila Maeborn about 1930
PetekMarie born about 1933
PetekMary born about 1867
PetekSteve Fborn about 1901
PetekSteve Lborn about 1923
PetekViolet born about 1920
PetersonBeryl born about 1918
PetersonEverett born about 1917
PetersonFredrick Lborn about 1885
PetersonKeith born about 1920
PetersonMabel Eborn about 1890
PetersonTerrence born about 1940
PidgeonAnn born about 1888
PidgeonGeorge born about 1887
PinocciLouis born about 1920
PistalakJoe born about 1902
PistalakJoseph Jr born about 1932
PistalakLenore Jeanborn about 1932
PistalakMary born about 1911
PlewsHerbert born about 1904
PlewsHerbert Eborn about 1929
PlewsMarie born about 1909
PlewsSarah Ellenborn about 1878
PoeppingBernard born about 1894
PortenColben born about 1883
PortenDorris born about 1923
PortenGertrude born about 1917
PortenHannah Hborn about 1885
PortenHelen born about 1921
PrebilAnnie born about 1907
PrebilEdward born about 1935
PrebilFrank born about 1888
PrebilFrank born about 1888
PrebilJoe born about 1899
PrebilJohn born about 1933
PrebilJoseph born about 1930
PrebilWilliam Sborn about 1937
PreputinAndrew Zborn about 1905
PreputinDorothy Jborn about 1914
PutzelAnton born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnDennis Kborn about 1939
QuinnElvira born about 1916
QuinnWilliam born about 1901

R Surnames

RamsayHarold born about 1901
RamsayHelena born about 1903
RateAlice born about 1905
RateAmanda born about 1878
RateBetty born about 1920
RateGeorge Henryborn about 1873
RateHenry born about 1906
RateHerbert born about 1911
RegnerJoseph born about 1917
RichardTillie born about 1869
RichardsonBruce born about 1914
RichardsonDavid Wborn about 1925
RichardsonEthel born about 1884
RichardsonFlorence born about 1905
RichardsonI Wesleyborn about 1871
RichardsonMabel Aborn about 1877
RiggsBetty born about 1935
RiggsGilman Cborn about 1899
RiggsMuriel Lborn about 1898
RiglerCharles born about 1926
RiglerFrances born about 1904
RiglerJohn born about 1871
RiglerJulia Eborn about 1909
RiglerLucille born about 1930
RiglerLuduig born about 1924
RiglerLudwig Sborn about 1907
RiglerMary born about 1888
RiglerRichard Fborn about 1939
RobertsonAlfhild Mborn about 1903
RobertsonAlton born about 1930
RobertsonRussel Mborn about 1895
RobertsonRuth Annborn about 1931
RobinsonEdwin Aborn about 1907
RobinsonHelen born about 1914
RobinsonJerald born about 1939
RobinsonKeith born about 1936
RoopClara born about 1910
RoopClayton born about 1893
RoopClayton Jr born about 1911
RoseAlbert born about 1903
RoseAlbert born about 1929
RoseAnn born about 1909
RoseBarbara born about 1932
RoseIris born about 1927
RosinAgnes born about 1915
RosinJohn Jborn about 1913
RothPete born about 1880
RoutzahnDavid born about 1934
RoutzahnEmma born about 1915
RoutzahnJames born about 1910
RowanDada born about 1884
RoyDena born about 1882
RoyJoseph Tborn about 1904
RoyLaurence born about 1939
RoyRobert born about 1936
RoyRussell born about 1871
RoyThelma born about 1907
RoyVirgil born about 1923
RupertMary born about 1887
RusekChester born about 1919
RusekFrances born about 1897
RusekJoseph born about 1881
RusellJoe Jborn about 1915
RussEleanor born about 1911
RussFrank born about 1879
RussFrank born about 1907
RussHelen born about 1887
RussHelen born about 1909
RussJoseph born about 1929
RussRobert born about 1939
RussStephenie born about 1917
RutledgeBerita born about 1913
RutledgeDouglass born about 1913
RutledgeDouglass born about 1938
RyleCharles Cborn about 1903
RyleLillian Eborn about 1889
RyleMarilyn Annborn about 1932
RyleMary Lborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaindonFred born about 1888
SalleeDalton born about 1939
SalleeGloyd born about 1915
SalleeThelma born about 1922
SasekAnton born about 1886
SasekCaroline born about 1894
SasekCatherine born about 1932
SasekEmily born about 1919
SasekEva born about 1899
SasekFrank born about 1896
SasekFrank born about 1925
SasekJoe Jborn about 1909
SasekJohn born about 1926
SasekJos Mborn about 1888
SasekJoseph born about 1877
SasekLeurs born about 1914
SasekMary born about 1898
SasekMary Elizabethborn about 1922
SasekMay born about 1918
SasekWilma born about 1912
SchaferHelen born about 1906
SchaferHenry born about 1906
SchaferLe Royborn about 1935
SchwarzbackRalph born about 1922
ScrenarAgnes Rborn about 1903
ScrenarAlbert born about 1915
ScrenarBarbara Nborn about 1932
ScrenarJane Leeborn about 1933
ScrenarJohn born about 1875
ScrenarJohn E Jrborn about 1907
ScrenarJoseph born about 1919
ScrenarTerry Robertborn about 1939
SharterNancy Annborn about 1932
SheehyJames born about 1910
SheehyMary born about 1913
SheehyMary Janeborn about 1938
ShesJohn Francisborn about 1920
SimsFrank born about 1893
SittonBeula born about 1903
SittonNorman born about 1928
SittonThomas born about 1903
SkladanyMary born about 1896
SkladanySophia born about 1873
SkofJacob born about 1891
SkufcaEleanor born about 1926
SkufcaFrank born about 1893
SkufcaFrank Jr born about 1921
SkufcaMary born about 1899
SmithBertha born about 1933
SmithCaroline born about 1918
SmithCharles born about 1917
SmithChas Rolandborn about 1940
SmithDelores Jeanborn about 1939
SmithEdward born about 1911
SmithElizabeth born about 1893
SmithFloyd born about 1905
SmithFrances born about 1876
SmithFrances born about 1907
SmithFrank Lborn about 1901
SmithFrank Jr born about 1927
SmithFred born about 1908
SmithHarry born about 1883
SmithHazel born about 1920
SmithHelen born about 1914
SmithIsabel born about 1935
SmithJack born about 1932
SmithJack born about 1940
SmithJames born about 1919
SmithJennie born about 1899
SmithJennie born about 1924
SmithJohn born about 1912
SmithJohn Jborn about 1899
SmithJohn Sr born about 1867
SmithJosephine born about 1910
SmithJoyce born about 1931
SmithJudith born about 1938
SmithJulius born about 1891
SmithKenneth born about 1940
SmithLouis born about 1898
SmithLouis born about 1925
SmithMargaret born about 1916
SmithMarjorie born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1903
SmithMary born about 1905
SmithMary born about 1926
SmithMary Aliceborn about 1882
SmithOrville born about 1910
SmithPatricia born about 1919
SmithRichard Hborn about 1939
SmithRobert born about 1931
SmithRobert born about 1932
SmithRuth born about 1910
SmithWilliam born about 1929
SmoleAnthony born about 1900
SmoleAnton born about 1875
SmoleAnton Iiiborn about 1935
SmoleBetty born about 1930
SmoleDorothy born about 1918
SmoleEileen born about 1927
SmoleFrances born about 1878
SmoleFrank born about 1907
SmoleHarry born about 1912
SmoleHarry Dborn about 1939
SmoleLois born about 1918
SmoleNora born about 1902
SmoleShirley born about 1924
SodjaRichard born about 1934
SodjaSylvester born about 1933
SpolarichAndrew born about 1902
StablerErma born about 1896
StaggGrace born about 1915
StaggIrwin born about 1904
StaggLoyd born about 1938
StaggLynn born about 1939
StanghillEvelyn Mayborn about 1939
StanghillJune born about 1917
StanghillWalter born about 1911
StanichEmil born about 1922
StanichEmily born about 1925
StanichFrank born about 1918
StanichMary born about 1891
StanichSylvia born about 1920
StaringerBetty born about 1935
StaringerConstance born about 1931
StaringerDonald born about 1936
StaringerKatherine born about 1939
StaringerLucy born about 1910
StaringerMatt born about 1887
StaringerMatt born about 1904
StaringerRichard born about 1927
StaringerShirley born about 1930
StclairAlton born about 1886
StclairHelena born about 1892
StclairKenneth born about 1926
StclairLeo born about 1928
StclairLeola born about 1922
StclairRobert born about 1932
SteeleCharles born about 1914
SteeleDonna Leeborn about 1939
SteeleMarion born about 1912
StipichEdward born about 1917
StipichJoseph born about 1930
StipichKatherine born about 1885
StipichKatie born about 1896
StipichMargaret born about 1928
StipichMary born about 1916
StipichRose born about 1920
StipichSimon born about 1888
StipichVictor born about 1891
StipichVictor Jr born about 1925
StoneArlene born about 1919
StoneEarl Jr born about 1914
StoneJudith born about 1939
StrainerAnnie born about 1895
StrainerAnton born about 1894
StrainerBernice Annborn about 1932
StrainerBeth Louborn about 1937
StrainerDorothy born about 1925
StrainerEdward born about 1922
StrainerFrances born about 1899
StrainerFrank Jborn about 1890
StrainerJacob Edborn about 1923
StrainerMary born about 1929
StrainerRobert born about 1933
StrainerSteve Johnborn about 1924
StrattonAlan born about 1939
StrattonCarl born about 1913
StrattonVirginia born about 1913
StrekalAgnes born about 1902
StrekalAgnes born about 1927
StrekalSteve born about 1888
StrekalSteve born about 1925
StrojanFrances born about 1907
StrojanFrank born about 1902
StroupEdward born about 1882
StroupMarjorie born about 1922
SuhadolnikAnton born about 1892
SullvanLenora born about 1877
SusagEleanor born about 1914
SusagHarold born about 1915
SusagMichael born about 1939
SwensonOscar Eborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TahijaMato born about 1850
TannerWm Jborn about 1914
TeetsJennie born about 1874
TennesonAgnes born about 1933
TennesonHilma born about 1907
TennesonMarion born about 1936
TennesonTheodore born about 1931
TennesonThomas born about 1905
ThompsonClarence born about 1903
ThompsonClarence born about 1930
ThompsonElsie born about 1900
ThompsonJoseph born about 1931
ThompsonLena born about 1886
ThompsonMary born about 1885
ThompsonVernon born about 1910
TobalDolly born about 1937
TobalHelen born about 1900
TobalHelen born about 1921
TobalJesse born about 1932
TobalJohn born about 1889
TobalRalph born about 1934
TobalRobert born about 1926
TobalStanley born about 1922
TottenCatherine born about 1899
TottenChas Wborn about 1927
TottenMarjorie Eborn about 1923
TottenRichard Nborn about 1934
TottenWm R Jrborn about 1925
TottenWm Robertborn about 1888
TravisCharles born about 1893
TravisGerald Cborn about 1917
TravisMadge born about 1922
TravisMary born about 1896
TursichAnn born about 1910
TursichJennie born about 1922
TursichJohn born about 1912
TursichJoseph born about 1919
TursichMary born about 1883
TursichMary born about 1915
TursichMike born about 1878
TursichMike born about 1917
TursichSteve born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlasichGeorge born about 1894
UpmanBilly Sueborn about 1931
UpmanElla born about 1905
UpmanOlive born about 1933
UpmanThomas born about 1937
UpmanVerma born about 1929
UpmanWm Clarkborn about 1905

V Surnames

VanturaGrace born about 1894
VanturaJoseph born about 1929
VanturaJoseph Sborn about 1885
VargoAndrew born about 1906
VargoChristinia born about 1912
VargoEmil born about 1892
VargoMarcella born about 1885
VargoMary born about 1872
VargoSallie Janeborn about 1939
VargoSteve born about 1908
VerbanasChristina born about 1914
VerbanasFrank Jborn about 1934
VerbanasFrank Jr born about 1888
VerbanasJohn born about 1935
VerbanasMary Annborn about 1937
VerzuhFrank born about 1903
VerzuhTony born about 1919
VerzuhWinnifred born about 1906
VidmarLouis Eborn about 1917
VlasichMary born about 1878
VlasichSteve born about 1883
VollmerAnthony born about 1903
VollmerCharles born about 1926
VollmerDorothy born about 1928
VollmerHattie born about 1903
VollmerHenry Jborn about 1891
VollmerIsabelle born about 1909
VollmerPauline Annborn about 1935
VollmerReginald born about 1939
VollmerTheresa born about 1933
VollmerWm Aborn about 1939
VookAnton born about 1901
VookCarl born about 1913
VookMatt born about 1908
VoseJames Jr born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerLindner born about 1901
WalkerRence born about 1928
WalkerVera born about 1902
WardeelCleo born about 1915
WardeelDella born about 1919
WardeelEmerson born about 1916
WardeelMelvin born about 1939
WardeelWilliam born about 1913
WardeelWm Davidborn about 1939
WarfieldDavid born about 1939
WarfieldEmma born about 1914
WarfieldEverett born about 1913
WegmanLaurence born about 1913
WegmanSylvia born about 1914
WenstromClarise born about 1920
WenstromDonald born about 1925
WenstromHenry Dborn about 1912
WenstromHenry Rborn about 1882
WenstromVivian Sborn about 1908
WilkinsJohn born about 1903
WilkinsRose born about 1904
WilsonCecil born about 1901
WilsonMerlin born about 1925
WilsonMildred born about 1906
WoodCarol Mborn about 1939
WoodCharles Eborn about 1928
WoodElla Mborn about 1906
WoodEmery Cborn about 1899
WoodJames Hborn about 1931
WoodRuth Vborn about 1940
WoodsDarlene Tborn about 1939
WoodsDolores Dborn about 1936
WoodsTheo Sborn about 1913
WoodsWm Josborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YuricicAlbert born about 1928
YuricicJoseph born about 1905
YuricicJoseph Fborn about 1926
YuricicMary born about 1896
YuricicMary born about 1907
YuricicSteve Mborn about 1922

Z Surnames

ZionArthur Eborn about 1908
ZionMary Louborn about 1934
ZionNell born about 1909
ZionRobert born about 1931
ZuhoskiCatherine born about 1918
ZuhoskiLaurence Lborn about 1940
ZuhoskiLeo born about 1914
ZuhoskiMary Annborn about 1939

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