1940 U.S. Federal Census of Glasston, Sweet Grass, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Sweet Grass County > 1940 Census of Glasston

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames

B Surnames

BailyClemens born about 1871
BailyFrank Cborn about 1911
BailyFreda Oborn about 1903
BailyLa Fayette born about 1863
BainterAdeline Vborn about 1927
BainterBarbara Aborn about 1932
BainterClyde Rborn about 1897
BainterDonald Lborn about 1930
BainterMarie Lborn about 1921
BainterMerle Rborn about 1928
BainterNina Mborn about 1899
BainterRaymond Wborn about 1925
BakerAddie born about 1873
BakerEugene Wborn about 1931
BakerMyrtle Aborn about 1907
BakerScott Wborn about 1866
BakerWalter Hborn about 1902

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C Surnames

ClarkArden Rborn about 1931
ClarkDonley Dborn about 1933
ClarkEdna Hborn about 1911
ClarkEnid Nborn about 1939
ClarkHarlan Lborn about 1907
CummingsHattie Eborn about 1866
CummingsPhilip Wborn about 1897

D Surnames

DrivdahlMildred Lborn about 1920

H Surnames

HarperBetty Aborn about 1929
HarperCatherine Cborn about 1927
HarperCharles Cborn about 1931
HarperEdward Vborn about 1904
HarperHelen Kborn about 1936
HarperJ Robertborn about 1939
HarperMabel Cborn about 1906
HarperRichard Rborn about 1934
HaugstadSigrid Mborn about 1917
HetlandBernhard Tborn about 1895
HetlandHerman born about 1899
HinerClyde Rborn about 1911
HinerMargaret born about 1915
HratzerJames Hborn about 1869

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K Surnames

KratzerHazel Gborn about 1909
KratzerJames Bborn about 1905
KratzerMabel Wborn about 1929
KratzerMerle Rborn about 1930
KratzerWilliam Jborn about 1928

L Surnames

LarsonElsie Aborn about 1909
LarsonEvelyn Vborn about 1927
LarsonLawrence Fborn about 1929
LarsonLewis Aborn about 1909
LowmanDaian born about 1936
LowmanEarle Eborn about 1911
LowmanMyron Lborn about 1937

M Surnames

McCormickDominic born about 1889
McCormickJack Hborn about 1926
McCormickJerry Tborn about 1926
McCormickMyra Jborn about 1897

N Surnames

NyhusClifford born about 1901
NyhusEnner Hborn about 1867

O Surnames

OlinAnshclm Nborn about 1885
OlinBetty Jborn about 1924
OlinDrura Lborn about 1930
OlinEsther Eborn about 1894
OlinNelse Cborn about 1928
OsenAlbert born about 1928
OsenNorma Vborn about 1896
OsenOmmund born about 1918
OsenThomas born about 1921
OsenTobias Oborn about 1892

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P Surnames

PetersonInga born about 1885
PetersonLawrence born about 1893
PetersonLawrence Eborn about 1926
PetersonLillian Mborn about 1924

S Surnames

SargentFred born about 1899
SargentM Linaborn about 1907
SargentMarjorie Lborn about 1929

T Surnames

ThompsonElnora Mborn about 1904
ThompsonGordon born about 1939
ThompsonSkjell Aborn about 1900
TorkBonnie Jborn about 1914
TorkHerbert Wborn about 1915
TorkLena Cborn about 1886
TorkPeter born about 1878
TorkVernon Jborn about 1922
TownsendDonald Vborn about 1924
TownsendFred Eborn about 1904
TownsendFrederick Hborn about 1935
TownsendGerald Aborn about 1929
TownsendJanet Eborn about 1939
TownsendLucy Mborn about 1904
TownsendMurray Cborn about 1927

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V Surnames

ValgamoreCecil Dborn about 1931
ValgamoreCecil Hborn about 1901
ValgamoreEva Mborn about 1911
ValgamoreHenry Jborn about 1930
ValgamoreLois Aborn about 1938
ValgsmoreCoy Cborn about 1894
ValgsmoreEstell Bborn about 1884

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