1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ismay, Custer, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Custer County > 1940 Census of Ismay

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllanInaeried* Mborn about 1888
AllanIrene Aborn about 1923
AllanRuth Gborn about 1929
AndarsonJennie born about 1891
AndersonClarence Rborn about 1923
AndersonElizabeth Dborn about 1920
AndersonHans Aborn about 1918
AndersonKatherine born about 1888
AndersonLloyd Pborn about 1913
AndersonMary born about 1875
AndersonRobert Lborn about 1868
AskinBuerditte Gborn about 1908
AskinJeanne Cborn about 1928
AskinVilma Mborn about 1908
AskinsAlva born about 1917
AskinsHelen born about 1914
AskinsNorma Kayborn about 1936
AtorAnnie Lborn about 1889
AtorJohn Wborn about 1879

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B Surnames

BaconMary Bborn about 1873
BakerAnthony Vborn about 1902
BakerEmma Lborn about 1861
BakerFrances Lborn about 1905
BakerJack Eborn about 1908
BakerJack Eborn about 1939
BakerMargaruite Iborn about 1912
BickleCarrie born about 1868
BickleDavid Jborn about 1858
BlackEmma Oborn about 1869
BournLeo Lborn about 1888
BrittenhamElisa born about 1870
BrittenhamFred Oborn about 1873
BrittenhamMarvin Dborn about 1912
BurkeBeverly Aborn about 1934
BurkeClarence Lborn about 1885
BurkeEsther Aborn about 1905

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C Surnames

CareyCharles Wborn about 1869
CareyStena born about 1875
ChristmanAlbert Cborn about 1895
ChristmanAlice Kborn about 1926
ChristmanBertha born about 1903
ChristmanDonald Aborn about 1935
ChristmanErvin Eborn about 1929
CloseCarrie Mborn about 1896
CloseEmery Eborn about 1895
CloseYvonne Cborn about 1926
CooperRay born about 1897
CooperRilla Mborn about 1908

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D Surnames

DegroffenriedGeorgia born about 1867
DohlNora Aborn about 1911
DohlOliver Rborn about 1907
DohlWayne Bborn about 1934

E Surnames

EatonGrace Eborn about 1875

F Surnames

FisherDave born about 1892
FisherElna Pborn about 1892
FisherEvelyn Mborn about 1921
FisherFanny born about 1881
FisherJohn Rborn about 1917
FisherKatheryn Lborn about 1929
FisherKenneth Lborn about 1929
FisherLora Eborn about 1925
FisherWilliam born about 1881
FultonBertha Eborn about 1878

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G Surnames

GeareyAlvin Fborn about 1917
GeareyMarilyn Jborn about 1938
GeareyNeva Rborn about 1919
GeareyStella Mborn about 1887
GoetzAnora Uborn about 1912
GoetzHerbert Jborn about 1914
GrahamFlora Aborn about 1934
GrahamFlora Cborn about 1904
GrahamRobert Cborn about 1902
GriffinCharles born about 1868
GriffinEdna Mborn about 1897
GriffinFlorence Lborn about 1929
GriffinPatricia Rborn about 1935
GriffinUgene Lborn about 1933

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H Surnames

HamiltonDolphine Aborn about 1924
HamiltonHilda Eborn about 1905
HamiltonHunter Jborn about 1895
HamiltonJames Hborn about 1929
HamiltonWilliam Cborn about 1859
HansonHarry Oborn about 1877
HansonMable Aborn about 1877
HarderDoris Cborn about 1931
HarderLeslie Gborn about 1910
HarderLeslie Wborn about 1937
HarderViolet Sborn about 1910
HeighEsther Eborn about 1903
HeighHunter Kborn about 1923
HeighKeith Lborn about 1901
HeighMarcella Jborn about 1921
HeydChrist born about 1901
HeydChristina born about 1904
HeydElla born about 1925
HeydLeo Rborn about 1927
HeydLoranze Cborn about 1928
HeydLorralne born about 1930
HeydMarvin born about 1934
HigginsJessie Aborn about 1885
HigginsJohn Cborn about 1932
HigginsJohn Eborn about 1882
HigginsJoyce Aborn about 1929
HigginsRoy Wborn about 1930
HigginsVirgil Aborn about 1926
HiringOtto Wborn about 1907
HirschEllen Rborn about 1912
HirschEmil Tborn about 1910
HirschLe Roy Jborn about 1939
HoltzClark Eborn about 1898
HoltzDonald Fborn about 1930
HoltzElsie Gborn about 1901
HoltzIna Gborn about 1925
HoltzMargaret Eborn about 1924
HoltzRobert Eborn about 1921
HuntzickerHerbert Wborn about 1883
HuntzickerKenneth Vborn about 1915
HuntzickerLora Eborn about 1883

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J Surnames

JanethBessie Eborn about 1880
JanethEdward Sborn about 1915
JarrettBurdette Oborn about 1903
JarrettLeta Aborn about 1907
JordanEmmett Cborn about 1882
JordanMable Lborn about 1892
JordanSara Eborn about 1921

K Surnames

KimballBerdine Lborn about 1873
KippEva born about 1892
KnobfEarnest Dborn about 1895
KoshelClarence Wborn about 1910
KoshelLillian Mborn about 1915

L Surnames

LabreeElizabeth Pborn about 1932
LabreeMarcella Mborn about 1930
LabreeSilvia Gborn about 1927
LabreeSybil Aborn about 1925
LauschClaude born about 1921
LauschMary Eborn about 1925
LauschRobert Uborn about 1922
LauschWesley Rborn about 1912
LoremenWilliam born about 1918

M Surnames

MartelloAngelo born about 1918
MayElizabeth Kborn about 1928
MayMagdalene Mborn about 1893
MayMary Rborn about 1925
MayPaul born about 1886
MaySadie Eborn about 1886
McKeeGeorge born about 1876
McKeeJoel Sborn about 1869
McNamaraChristine Mborn about 1882
McNamaraEdward Aborn about 1882
McNamaraKegis* Hborn about 1915
ModsonJoseph Jborn about 1885
MoritzEleanor Dborn about 1920
MunichTeresa Eborn about 1868

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N Surnames

NevilleAndrew Cborn about 1868
NitschkeAlbert Gborn about 1891
NitschkeGladys Vborn about 1892
NitschkeJohn Earlborn about 1928
NitschkeJoyce Aborn about 1925
NitschkeRichard Aborn about 1918
NitschkeRobert Sborn about 1924

P Surnames

PaquettLeotine Jborn about 1880
PierceCora Mborn about 1877
PriceNicholas Gborn about 1860

R Surnames

RalfeMerdith Eborn about 1918
RileyParthena Aborn about 1871
RyanElizabeth born about 1868

S Surnames

SakalarisAngelo born about 1918
SakalarisChris Aborn about 1888
SakalarisLurenne Vborn about 1919
SakalarisPanagots Gborn about 1907
SchiedAlice Lborn about 1935
SchiedEsther Aborn about 1922
SchiedFred Hborn about 1923
SchiedGearldine Lborn about 1926
SchiedHarley Mborn about 1933
SchiedHilda born about 1899
SchiedLester Eborn about 1925
SchiedMartin born about 1896
SchiedRoland Aborn about 1929
ShackelfordFrank Lborn about 1927
ShackelfordGale Wborn about 1928
ShackelfordIone Mborn about 1907
ShackelfordJames Eborn about 1926
ShackelfordJoseph Rborn about 1931
ShackelfordLouise Rborn about 1930
ShawCharles born about 1886
ShephredLela Mborn about 1917
ShipmanAlva Lborn about 1937
ShipmanBerl Jborn about 1939
ShipmanBertha Eborn about 1883
ShipmanBetty Jborn about 1938
ShipmanBonnie Fborn about
ShipmanDale Eborn about 1905
ShipmanEllie Nborn about 1913
ShipmanHazel Lborn about 1916
ShipmanLeon Bborn about
ShipmanLucille Eborn about 1919
ShipmanLyle Aborn about 1903
ShipmanMarjory Dborn about
ShipmanMarlene Nborn about 1939
ShipmanRaymond Aborn about 1916
ShipmanThelma Rborn about 1937
ShipmanVilma Kborn about 1937
ShumakerColleen Fborn about 1927
ShumskerCharles Eborn about 1909
ShumskerCharles Eborn about 1937
ShumskerMerle Rborn about 1908
ShumskerPatricia Lborn about 1929
SmithCatherine Fborn about 1887
SmithDouglas Pborn about 1919
SmithGeorge Rborn about 1882
SmithHarry Mborn about 1918
StenderAgnes Sborn about 1885
StenderEvelyn Eborn about 1923
StepperJune Aborn about 1927
StewartCarey Eborn about 1869
StewartChristina Fborn about 1864
StottsPaul Hborn about 1897
StrohmayerDuane Jborn about 1937
StrohmayerJeanette Jborn about 1939
StrohmayerMuriel Kborn about 1915

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T Surnames

TracyClaude Aborn about 1890
TracyClaude Rborn about 1926
TracyClinton Jborn about 1920
TracyMary Lborn about 1899

W Surnames

WilhelmDorothy Fborn about 1921
WilhelmJoseph Hborn about 1885
WilhelmMaxine Mborn about 1926
WilhelmVerna Mborn about 1891
WilliamsMargaret Eborn about 1877
WilsonCliff Cborn about 1884
WilsonPearl Eborn about 1890
WolfGertrude Aborn about 1891
WolfWalter Sborn about 1887
WoodAsa Cborn about 1866
WoodMyrtle Mborn about 1869
WoodsNeva Mborn about 1874
WrightWillis Mborn about 1930

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Y Surnames

YoungHarold Lborn about 1909
YoungHerbert Rborn about 1906

Z Surnames

ZabelHugo Hborn about 1910
ZabelJessie Pborn about 1921
ZobelAlice Jborn about 1918
ZobelBertha Aborn about 1898
ZobelDale Wborn about 1935
ZobelHenry Wborn about 1889
ZobelIris Fborn about 1929

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