1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kirby, Big Horn, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Big Horn County > 1940 Census of Kirby

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdsirLaretta born about 1894
AdsirLee born about 1916
AdsirTom born about 1919
AdsirWarren born about 1888
AdsitAlice born about 1928
AdsitCharlotte born about 1904
AdsitEarl born about 1900
AdsitGladys born about 1927
AdsitGlenn born about 1925
AdsitHazel born about 1931
AdsitRay born about 1933
AwenClara born about 1912
AwenSarah born about 1936
AwenVernie born about 1913

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B Surnames

BakerWilliam born about 1894
BartanIlena born about 1924
BeaverheartDavid born about 1891
BeaverheartNellie born about 1878
BeirdneauAlbert born about 1928
BeirdneauBetty born about 1923
BeirdneauMarie born about 1927
BigleyAnnie born about 1880
BigleyHinton born about 1888
BirklandHarriett ?born about 1913
BixbyJessie born about 1855
BixleyEdward Gborn about 1923
BixleyEdward Jborn about 1889
BixleyGeorgia A Mborn about 1935
BixleyHattie Cborn about 1929
BixleyJunita Lborn about 1931
BixleyLaurence Wborn about 1925
BixleyLloyd Jborn about 1932
BixleyNora Jborn about 1905
BixleyVirginia Lborn about 1924
BolsonFrank born about 1918
BrienErnest born about 1901
BrienFred born about 1904
BrienLenard born about 1933
BrienLorraine born about 1932
BrienMargaret born about 1904
BrienMyron born about 1930
BronLewis born about 1921
BrownElise born about 1903
BrownEnoch Aborn about 1892
BudyBessie born about 1921
BudyWilson born about 1919

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C Surnames

ClarkCharles born about 1884
ClarkNora born about 1885
CoxHazel Eborn about 1912

D Surnames

DahleAdeline Eborn about 1899
DahleEdwin born about 1933
DahleEdwin Gborn about 1894
DahleJames born about 1934
DauisDann born about 1917

E Surnames

EaflefeothersJacob born about 1875
EaglefeatherMildred born about 1921
EamesByrch ??born about 1916
EamesJack born about 1915
ElliottBert born about 1887
EnousBenjman born about 1910
EnousIna born about 1920
EnousStella born about 1939
EnusCatherine born about 1888
EnusWalter born about 1877

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F Surnames

FarmerMike born about 1913
FergersonDorthy born about 1910
FergersonDwight born about 1906
FergersonLinda born about 1939
FergersonRuth born about 1915
FoleyCharles born about 1879
FoleySadie born about 1883
FulmerHarry born about 1892
FulmerMargaret Sborn about 1895
FurnmanEdith born about 1878
FurnmanWilliam born about 1874

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G Surnames

GlennArford born about 1915
GlennMargaret born about 1912
GrayClara born about 1913
GrayEffie Lborn about 1937
GrayPhylis Maeborn about 1939
GreggElizabeth born about 1900

H Surnames

HarringtonJess born about 1914
HartCharles born about 1881
HartLouise born about 1887
HartMargaret born about 1934
Harvey??? born about 1928
HarveyDaniel born about 1929
HarveyFrank born about 1888
HarveyHorace born about 1931
HarveyMarion born about 1930
HarveyMyron born about 1930
HarveyStella born about 1891
HelveyAmos born about 1892
HelveyCharles born about 1923
HelveyLaura born about 1901
HelveyNancey born about 1933
HighbearMinnie born about 1897
HighbearWilliam born about 1888
HisbadhorseClifford born about
HisbadhorseEmily born about 1940
HisbadhorseFannie Aliceborn about 1923
HisbadhorseJosie Aborn about 1916
HisbadhorseRhoda born about 1857
HisbadhorseWillis born about 1899
HolmesRaymond born about 1890
HowellIvan born about 1906
HubertGertrude born about 1889
HubertGreha born about 1933
HubertHugh born about 1883
HubertHugh born about 1930
HubertPaul born about 1937
HubertRobert born about 1935

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I Surnames

IronhandMamie born about 1914
IronhandRufus born about 1934

J Surnames

Johnson??? born about 1906
JohnsonAdriene born about 1919
JohnsonLarrey born about 1917
JohnsonWilliam born about 1871
JordonMartha born about 1914
JordonRuth born about 1908
JordonRuth born about 1935

K Surnames

KillsnightWilliam Jr born about 1905
KingfisherCharles born about 1922
KingfisherJames born about 1900
KingfisherLouise born about 1923
KingfisherMaggie born about 1883
KoboldDelorse born about 1934
KoboldElanor born about 1936
KoboldElmer born about 1892
KoboldGeorge born about 1859
KoboldGeorge born about 1926
KoboldJo Annborn about 1929
KoboldKatherine born about 1925
KoboldLenora born about 1928
KoboldRose born about 1898

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L Surnames

LafeverIrvin Bborn about 1891
LafeverKenneth born about 1926
LafeverRena Pborn about 1897
LafranierFrancis born about 1923
LaranceHenry born about 1911
LinkMaude born about 1875
LittlewhitemanDavid born about 1933
LittlewhitemanJames born about 1896
LittlewhitemanKitty born about 1924
LittlewhitemanLloyd Tborn about 1939
LittlewhitemanMabel born about 1914
LittlewhitemanMae born about 1935
LittlewhitemanMona Fborn about 1931
LittlewhitemanWilliam born about 1936
LittlewhitemanWinn born about 1929
LittlewolfMay Wborn about 1891
LittlewolfWilliam born about 1884

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M Surnames

MansetrailHarvey born about 1921
MedicineElk Leoborn about 1930
MonothyAlbert born about 1890
MonothyBessie born about 1925
MonothyVinnie born about 1897
MorssFredrick born about 1880
MorssNest born about 1890

O Surnames

OverturfJohn Hborn about 1916

P Surnames

PandallFrank born about 1919
ParkerCharles born about 1886
ParkerGabriel born about 1927
ParkerMarie born about 1886
PensionCharles born about 1902
PensionDonna born about 1930
PensionIrene born about 1902
PensonGregg born about 1907
PensonMable born about 1876
PensonThomas born about 1873
PineArthur Dborn about 1883
PineMary Kborn about 1887
PostBenjman born about 1916
PostFloyd born about 1904
PrecheurAloysius born about 1929
PrecheurArthur born about 1883
PrecheurSally born about 1886

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R Surnames

RiceCharles Jr born about 1886
RisingsunHarry born about 1922
RisingsunIrvin Wborn about 1932
RisingsunJames born about 1926
RisingsunJean born about 1937
RisingsunLouise born about 1916
RisingsunPearl born about 1929
RisingsunPeter born about 1888
RisingsunPhilip born about 1861
RisingsunRay born about 1939
RisingsunWilliam born about 1904
RobinsonBuell Dborn about 1929
RobinsonCornelius born about 1921
RobinsonDavid born about 1919
RobinsonEloise Eborn about 1923
RobinsonJames born about 1898
RobinsonJames Jr born about 1933
RobinsonJuanitia ?born about 1939
RobinsonNellie born about 1898
RobinsonStella born about 1920
RoeblingAlmira born about 1930
RoeblingLouise born about 1911
RoeblingRichard born about 1936
RoeblingRobert born about 1903
RoeblingTheron born about 1938
RomannoseLouis born about 1883
RondeanAntoine born about 1890
RondeanCharles born about 1921
RondeanHenry born about 1911
RondeanJulia born about 1913
RondeanLouise born about 1890
RondeanOrville Benborn about 1936
RondeanRosa born about 1922
RondeanWayne Jborn about 1934
RondeauEmma born about 1892
RondeauWilliam born about 1885
RondeawJohn born about 1913
RoundstoneJulia born about 1919
RoundstoneMartin born about 1912
RowlandAnnie born about 1905
RowlandBenjamin born about 1909
RowlandBenton born about 1899
RowlandBenton Jr born about 1936
RowlandClarence born about 1932
RowlandEugene born about 1927
RowlandEva Mayborn about 1929
RowlandFranklin Dborn about 1934
RowlandHelen born about 1925
RowlandMarie born about 1926
RowlandMary Aborn about 1898
RowlandMary Marieborn about 1922
RowlandMickey born about 1927
RowlandRadilien born about 1886
RowlandRalph born about 1938
RowlandRichard Lborn about 1931
RowlandRobert born about 1923
RowlandRose Maeborn about 1929
RowlandShirley born about 1936
RowlandVeronica born about
RuggClaude born about 1881
RuozmarRose born about 1917
RussellAgnes ???born about 1938
RussellAlice born about 1910
RussellCahrles Mborn about 1935
RussellClifford born about 1931
RussellEugene Fborn about 1939
RussellHighbear born about 1933
RussellJohn born about 1893

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S Surnames

SeminoleFred born about 1916
SeminoleLawrence Fborn about 1910
SettlerBenjaman born about 1884
SettlerClarie born about 1890
SmallCarolina Aborn about 1939
SmallClinton born about 1930
SmallEva born about 1914
SmallHorace born about 1924
SmallJohn born about 1934
SmallMelvin born about 1925
SmallRalph born about 1927
SmallThomas Lborn about 1891
SmallVictor born about 1913
SmallVictor Jr born about 1937
SmithMary born about 1881
StrangeowlAlfred born about 1931
StrangeowlAnna Graceborn about 1936
StrangeowlDavid born about 1905
StrangeowlElaine born about 1933
StrangeowlGertie born about 1868
StrangeowlGrace born about 1912
StrangeowlJohn born about 1872
StrangeowlSylvia born about 1939

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T Surnames

ThayerNiel born about 1901

W Surnames

WalfroodsMack born about 1879
WalkslastFreda born about 1936
WalkslastGilbert born about 1930
WalkslastJames born about 1902
WalkslastMay born about 1915
WatersFrank born about 1874
WatersJoseph born about 1923
WhitewolfAnna Maeborn about 1936
WhitewolfCalvin Mborn about 1926
WhitewolfCharles born about 1908
WhitewolfEffie born about 1939
WhitewolfLeo born about 1929
WhitewolfSusie born about 1911
WilsonFlorence born about 1923
WilsonGeorge born about 1930
WilsonHelen Bborn about 1934
WilsonJames Jr born about 1927
WilsonJosephine born about 1925
WilsonMartha born about 1892
WilsonWilliam born about 1931

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Y Surnames

YoungAlbert born about 1877
YoungCharles born about 1873
YoungCharles born about 1916
YoungElsie born about 1892
YoungJess born about 1917
YoungJohn born about 1926
YoungMary born about 1909

Z Surnames

ZettleKenneth Vborn about 1908
ZettleMarion Vborn about 1937
ZettleVievenna Nborn about 1913

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