1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kuyle, Teton, Montana
Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com
USA > Montana > Teton County > 1940 Census of Kuyle
A Surnames
Armacost | Alfred | born about 1880 |
Artz | Marie | born about 1918 |
Artz | Norbert | born about 1918 |
B Surnames
Benson | Anna | born about 1872 |
Benson | Benson | born about 1872 |
Bjork | Edwin | born about 1882 |
Bjork | Helen | born about 1882 |
Bjork | John | born about 1870 |
Black | Bill | born about 1890 |
Boller | Chas | born about 1887 |
Bouma | Herman | born about 1910 |
Bouma | Herman | born about 1910 |
Bouma | Jeanette | born about 1912 |
Bouma | Jeannette | born about 1912 |
Bouma | Mary Ellen | born about 1939 |
Bouma | Mary Ellen | born about 1939 |
Broun | Lohrman | born about 1892 |
Bruce | Frank | born about 1870 |
Bruno | Catherine | born about 1933 |
Bruno | Chas | born about 1926 |
Bruno | Ethel | born about 1928 |
Bruno | Frank | born about 1900 |
Bruno | Jane | born about 1927 |
Bruno | Jeraldine | born about 1934 |
Bruno | Larry | born about 1930 |
Bruno | Mack | born about 1902 |
Bruno | Mar | born about 1904 |
Bruno | Margaret | born about 1910 |
Bruno | Wm | born about 1927 |
Bush | Joe | born about 1891 |
Bush | Joe Jr | born about 1929 |
Bush | Lester | born about 1895 |
Bush | Lulu | born about 1923 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
C Surnames
Clayton | Ralph | born about 1886 |
Clayton | Wayne | born about 1891 |
Collaway | Emmett | born about 1907 |
D Surnames
Dale | Kermit | born about 1861 |
Dale | Lorraine | born about 1935 |
Dale | Pearl | born about 1918 |
Darson | Nora | born about 1919 |
Darson | Russell | born about 1914 |
Davidson | Rilla | born about 1912 |
Davidson | Robt | born about 1908 |
Davis | Margaret | born about 1888 |
Dewar | Vesta | born about 1880 |
Dohenhagen | Louise | born about |
Dok | Ernest | born about 1910 |
Duer | Beatrice | born about 1909 |
Duer | Emil | born about 1898 |
Duffey | Edwin | born about 1919 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
E Surnames
Ellington | ??? | born about 1939 |
Ellington | Lavel | born about 1913 |
Ellington | Leah | born about 1916 |
Ellis | Carol E | born about 1926 |
Ellis | Edward R | born about 1927 |
Ellis | Richard T | born about 1889 |
Ellis | Vivan N | born about 1901 |
Embry | Geraldine | born about 1908 |
F Surnames
Fisher | G H | born about 1895 |
Frasier | Elizabeth | born about 1881 |
Frasier | Wm | born about 1879 |
Frazier | ??? | born about 1907 |
Frazier | Bernice | born about 1911 |
G Surnames
Gavit | F P | born about 1893 |
Gavit | Oddny | born about 1906 |
Gibler | John | born about 1921 |
Gibler | Ray | born about 1889 |
Gibler | Ruth | born about 1891 |
Gleason | Kenneth | born about 1907 |
Gleason | Ruth | born about 1909 |
Golder | Bill | born about 1904 |
Goodman | Lewis | born about 1914 |
Grey | Chas | born about 1923 |
Grey | Daniel | born about 1927 |
Grey | Fred | born about |
Grey | Irene | born about 1904 |
Grey | Lewis T | born about 1913 |
Grey | Wilson | born about |
Groff | Albert O | born about 1928 |
Groff | Ingebold | born about 1895 |
Gronberg | Howard | born about 1924 |
Gronberg | Lois | born about 1923 |
Gronberg | Lulu | born about 1923 |
Gronberg | Mae | born about 1929 |
Gronberg | Martha | born about 1894 |
Gronberg | Martin | born about 1887 |
Gronberg | Norbert | born about 1921 |
Gronberg | Richard | born about 1924 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
H Surnames
Holbrook | Flora | born about 1897 |
Holbrook | George | born about 1875 |
Holmes | Hulda | born about 1881 |
Holmes | John | born about 1871 |
Hope | Roger | born about 1915 |
Huidokoper | J P | born about 1875 |
Huidokoper | Peter | born about 1916 |
Huidokoper | Verna | born about 1917 |
I Surnames
Ibison | Albert E | born about 1893 |
J Surnames
Jensen | Jess | born about 1900 |
Johnson | Emil | born about 1899 |
Johnson | Hildred | born about 1917 |
Johnson | Ruth | born about 1916 |
Johnson | Walter | born about 1900 |
K Surnames
Kale | ??? | born about 1922 |
Kale | Elizabeth | born about 1920 |
Kale | Guy | born about 1888 |
Kale | Ida | born about 1895 |
Kooyman | Nick | born about 1876 |
Kooyman | Peter | born about 1879 |
L Surnames
Lane | ??? | born about 1932 |
Lane | John | born about 1905 |
Lane | John | born about 1929 |
Lane | Sophia | born about 1910 |
Lear | Don | born about 1918 |
Lear | Maplon | born about 1922 |
Lear | Mary | born about 1890 |
Lear | Morice | born about 1922 |
Lear | Phyllis | born about 1925 |
Lear | Ralph | born about 1890 |
Ledeoky | Earl | born about 1924 |
Ledeoky | Jane | born about 1927 |
Ledeoky | Joe L | born about 1888 |
Ledeoky | Loyd | born about 1921 |
Ledeoky | Rognbild | born about 1895 |
Luinstra | Alice | born about 1918 |
Luinstra | Anne | born about 1882 |
Luinstra | Anne | born about 1924 |
Luinstra | Harry | born about 1922 |
Luinstra | Jacob | born about 1869 |
Luinstra | Jacob Jr | born about 1914 |
Luinstra | Peter | born about 1910 |
Luinstra | Sam | born about 1912 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
M Surnames
Macloud | Murdick | born about 1872 |
Myers | Anna | born about 1891 |
Myers | Stewart | born about 1890 |
Myrtland | Edwin | born about 1891 |
N Surnames
Niemie | Matt | born about 1885 |
O Surnames
Oneli | Jack | born about 1895 |
Osgood | E J | born about 1863 |
P Surnames
Phillips | ??? | born about 1902 |
Phillips | ??? | born about 1937 |
Phillips | Eloise | born about 1936 |
Phillips | Ruth | born about 1912 |
Pletan | James | born about 1893 |
Power | Clara J | born about 1871 |
Power | Edward C | born about 1871 |
R Surnames
Reecer | Claude | born about 1897 |
Richardson | Joe | born about 1915 |
S Surnames
Sonneveld | Con | born about 1872 |
Standish | ??? | born about 1900 |
Standish | Dora | born about 1877 |
Standish | Ida | born about 1918 |
Standish | Lyle L | born about 1908 |
Standish | Magdalene | born about 1918 |
Standish | Myles | born about 1908 |
Standish | Tom | born about 1904 |
Stclair | John | born about 1908 |
Stenehouse | Paul | born about 1900 |
Stevenson | Lester | born about 1914 |
Sulliway | Donald | born about 1922 |
Swenson | Dean Na | born about 1938 |
Swenson | Fred N | born about 1895 |
Swenson | Lillian | born about 1901 |
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T Surnames
Tesch | Arthur | born about 1902 |
Tesch | Chas | born about 1921 |
Tesch | Elsie | born about 1899 |
Thompson | Evan | born about 1914 |
Thompson | Salma | born about 1917 |
Torson | Ben | born about 1884 |
Totti | Feliy | born about 1884 |
V Surnames
Vanbakon | John | born about 1898 |
W Surnames
Walkington | Joe | born about 1884 |
Walter | Haskell | born about 1873 |
Ward | Betty | born about 1930 |
Ward | Irene | born about 1905 |
Ward | Robert T | born about 1892 |
Ward | Vincent | born about 1902 |
Watson | J | born about 1879 |
Wein | Clyd | born about 1902 |
Wendling | M F | born about 1917 |
Weyer | Ferdinand | born about 1886 |
Wiseman | Josie | born about 1874 |
Wiseman | Wm | born about 1869 |
Wood | Walter | born about 1885 |
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Y Surnames
Yeager | Cecil | born about 1872 |
Z Surnames
Zeigler | Phyllis | born about 1915 |
Zeigler | Wilbur | born about 1914 |
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