1940 U.S. Federal Census of Meadow Brook in Custer County, Custer, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Custer County > 1940 Census of Meadow Brook in Custer County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AchtenHenry Hborn about 1887

B Surnames

BennettLee Hborn about 1870
BoyleBessie born about 1921
BoyleElaine born about 1917
BoyleJames born about 1920
BoyleNeil born about 1876
BoyleVelma Mborn about 1883
BoyleWilliam born about 1916
BrownfeildB Lloydborn about 1905

C Surnames

CalvertMable Eborn about 1888
CoryJack Lborn about 1921
CoryJames Cborn about 1883
CoryWinifred born about 1894
CrowLeila born about 1911

D Surnames

DoyleJoseph Pborn about 1867
DuncanFrank Lborn about 1883
DuncanRosie born about 1884

E Surnames

EllisJohn Wborn about 1865

F Surnames

FesslerBessie born about 1892
FesslerEdward Lewisborn about 1919
FesslerElizabeth born about 1924
FesslerEugene born about 1929
FesslerJohn Eborn about 1884
FesslerPerry born about 1921
FesslerRobert born about 1894
FesslerVirginia born about 1896

G Surnames

GerhkeCharles Aborn about 1887
GordonErmel Fborn about 1905

H Surnames

HaleyBessie Rborn about 1914
HaleyBruce Mborn about 1939
HaleyShirley Hborn about 1909
HaleyWilliam Wborn about 1933
HanemanVince Sborn about 1924
HeatonMirriam born about 1908
HolmbergClara born about 1874

J Surnames

JennyHans born about 1905
JusticeClarence born about 1886

K Surnames

KriedlerFred born about 1862
KriedlerMary Eborn about 1869

L Surnames

LewisFrank born about 1882
LilienthalFanny born about 1917
LilienthalMildred Annborn about 1939
LilienthalNorma Jeanborn about 1937
LilienthalTheodore born about 1909
LloydBertha Aborn about 1939
LloydDorothy Eborn about 1913
LloydGary Lborn about 1938
LloydGilbert Vborn about 1937
LloydJ Victorborn about 1907
LloydObert Dborn about 1934
LloydRobert Rborn about 1931

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M Surnames

MorganClarence born about 1881
MorganHarold born about 1931
MorganJohn born about 1887
MorganJohn born about 1919
MorganMable born about 1885
MorganRobert born about 1921
MorganWilliam born about 1925
MullerAnna born about 1892
MullerMartin born about 1881

O Surnames

OlanderAdolph born about 1862
OlanderCarl Eborn about 1923
OlanderEmil born about 1892
OlanderJanet born about 1925
OlanderKathleen born about 1926
OlanderLena born about 1872
OlanderMaria born about 1903

P Surnames

PembertonHildred born about 1917
PembertonJoan born about 1936
PembertonMargaret born about 1892
PembertonRichard born about 1915
PembertonRichard born about 1939
PlymellClarence born about 1887
PrellerAlbert born about 1866
PrellerCalvin born about 1928
PrellerClarence born about 1894
PrellerClarice born about 1929
PrellerDorothy Louiseborn about 1932
PrellerLorraine born about 1930
PrellerPearle born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RainsJosan born about 1874
ReevesNellie Mayborn about 1873
RitschelJacob born about 1890

S Surnames

SalesJesse born about 1883
SchindlerCharles born about 1873
SchindlerFred Lborn about 1884
SchindlerLouise Eborn about 1883
StarkFrank Jborn about 1893
StarkGrace Eborn about 1898
StoebeEthel Fborn about 1886
StoebeWilliam born about 1875

T Surnames

ThomsonJohn Nborn about 1890

W Surnames

WatsonRoy Wborn about 1906
WillsonCharles Tborn about 1927
WillsonClyde Tborn about 1897
WillsonEdward born about 1921
WillsonElla Cborn about 1899
WillsonEsther Lborn about 1898
WillsonJeraldine born about 1925
WillsonJohn born about 1920
WillsonLionell Lyleborn about 1884
WillsonNorman born about 1919

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