1940 U.S. Federal Census of Nine Mile in Big Horn County, Big Horn, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Big Horn County > 1940 Census of Nine Mile in Big Horn County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcroushBeulah born about 1908
AcroushCarolyn born about 1934
AcroushGeorge born about 1871
AdlerAlex born about 1904
AdlerAndrew born about 1936
AdlerBerniece born about 1938
AdlerBetty Annborn about 1939
AdlerCelestia born about 1914
AdlerEarnest born about 1933
AdlerHenry born about 1898
AdlerJake born about 1901
AdlerLoraine born about 1935
AdlerMary born about 1933
AdlerSelma born about 1911
AlenikAndrea born about 1921
AlenikJohn Fborn about 1913

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B Surnames

BalcerClarabell born about 1938
BalcerClarence born about 1930
BalcerDorothy born about 1935
BalcerEslsie born about 1928
BalcerEster born about 1925
BalcerEva born about 1902
BalcerFred born about 1901
BalcerFrrd Jr born about 1922
BalcerHenry born about 1924
BalcerLawrence born about 1933
BalzerFred born about 1922
BaselJake born about 1906
BaselLawrence born about 1926
BaselLillian born about 1928
BaselMlly born about 1908
BayerBessie born about 1919
BayerClarence Oborn about 1880
BayerDonald born about 1917
BayerHellen born about 1910
BayerIda born about 1881
BayerMerlin born about 1922
BenzelArt born about 1915
BenzelCarol born about 1937
BenzelFred Jr born about 1913
BenzelHilda born about 1915
BenzelLawrence born about 1934
BeselDorothy Aborn about 1930
BeselEleanore born about 1938
BeselElizabeth born about 1910
BeselElizabeth Iborn about 1935
BeselJimmy Leeborn about 1935
BeselJohn born about 1911
BeselJohn Conradborn about 1938
BeselLeo born about 1909
BeselLeo born about 1932
BeselMary born about 1913
BeselRobert born about 1933
BeselSam born about 1917
BeselWilliam born about 1936
BorchanSteve born about 1883
BowersBernice born about 1902
BowersMerl born about 1904
BowersPauline born about 1927
BrewerC Cborn about 1878
ButkayBarbra born about 1939
ButkayJake born about 1915
ButkayLinda born about 1920
ButkayLoretta born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CasperCornelia born about 1871
CasperDaniel Wborn about 1864
CasperHarold Tborn about 1909
ChapmanMarcella born about 1893
ChristeanHarry born about 1929
ChristeanHerbet Mborn about 1927
ChristeanJoseph Tborn about 1926
ChristeanKelly Bellborn about 1891
ChristeanLi?bybell born about 1928
ChristeanT Sborn about 1891
ChristeanWheeler born about 1932
CollinsBessie born about 1885
CollinsCarl Pborn about 1917
CollinsRobert born about 1877
CroppTom Fborn about 1904

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D Surnames

DamlerCharlotte born about 1909
DamlerDarlene born about 1936
DamlerLeslie born about 1928
DamlerSally born about 1939
DamlerTed born about 1901
DewaldDorothy born about 1923
DewaldJacob born about 1902
DewaldJacob Jr born about 1931
DewaldKathrine born about 1924
DewaldMolly born about 1901
DewaldMolly born about 1930

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E Surnames

EcclastonFrank born about 1901

F Surnames

FlemmerLorenz born about 1913
FranceEster born about 1916
FranceHelen born about 1935
FrickleDorothy born about 1932
FrickleEdward born about 1934
FrickleEster born about 1923
FrickleJean born about 1937

G Surnames

GilreathArthur born about 1936
GilreathBoby born about 1934
GilreathEdith born about 1921
GilreathFlossie born about 1900
GilreathHelen born about 1924
GilreathHoward born about 1920
GilreathJohn born about 1886
GilreathJohn Jr born about 1922
GilreathKenneth born about 1928
GilreathMandy born about 1925
GilreathVeda born about 1932
GilreathWalter born about 1918
GoskinW Cborn about 1875
GroscoffGeo born about 1898
GroscoffKattie born about 1900
GroscoffPauline born about 1919
GroveJoseph born about 1921

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H Surnames

HammondArthur Lborn about 1897
HammondBert born about 1937
HammondDonald born about 1937
HammondHelen born about 1928
HammondLaurel born about 1935
HammondLester born about 1907
HammondLucy born about 1896
HammondMargaret born about 1914
HammondMargaret born about 1935
HammondWillson born about 1939
HaynieAgnes born about 1910
HaynieBelly born about 1932
HaynieEmery Mborn about 1921
HaynieFrancis born about 1935
HaynieGoldie born about 1894
HaynieH Eborn about 1904
HaynieJames Rborn about 1892
HaynieLillian born about 1935
HaynieMarie born about 1919
HaynieMarvin born about 1931
HaynieRobert born about 1929
HenkelDavid born about 1939
HenkelEster born about 1919
HenkelJohn born about 1918
HenkelJohn Jr born about 1937
HenkelKenneth born about 1939
HerbelBetty Leeborn about 1934
HerbelChristina born about 1888
HerbelDarlene Mayborn about 1937
HerbelDave born about 1877
HerbelDave Jr born about 1908
HerbelEmanuel born about 1924
HerbelFrances born about 1916
HerbelGerge born about 1929
HerbelHarry born about 1915
HerbelHazel born about 1914
HerbelLe Roy born about 1923
HerbelRichard Lelandborn about 1940
HerbelTeddy born about 1921
HerbelWilliam born about 1911
HerbelWilliam Eborn about 1932
HerbertAnna born about 1859
HerbertShaw born about 1858
HertAlfred born about 1930
HertAnnebell born about 1932
HertBill born about 1919
HertCharles born about 1924
HertClara born about 1938
HertConrad born about 1870
HertElmer born about 1927
HertFloyd born about 1928
HertGottlie? born about 1900
HertHarld born about 1937
HertInfant born about 1939
HertLydia born about 1872
HertPauline born about 1907
HertRuby born about 1935
HoffnerCharles Vborn about 1911
HoffnerJohn Charles Cborn about 1940
HoffnerLaura Lborn about 1916
HoffnerLela Anneborn about 1939
HoffnerPatsy Jborn about 1937
HuffmanJohn born about 1912
HussyHoward born about 1913

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J Surnames

JacksonBert Lborn about 1900
JacksonDarlene born about 1930
JacksonDouglas born about 1922
JacksonGoldie born about 1901
JacksonJack born about 1932
JacksonJerrold born about 1935
JacksonJoyce born about 1926
JacksonLola born about 1923
JacksonMarvel Wborn about 1921
JacksonMilo born about 1933
JacksonRosemary born about 1928
JacksonSterling born about 1924
JekowskiAnton born about 1907
JekowskiAnton D Jrborn about 1935
JekowskiHelen born about 1916
JekowskiPhillis born about 1936
JohsnonAdolph born about 1889
JonesDorothy born about 1919
JonesRowlen born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarperDaniel born about 1930
KarperHelen born about 1902
KarperLoyd Dborn about 1897
KarperMargaret born about 1926
KaylenAndrew born about 1882
KaylenDorothea born about 1891
KaylenDorothy born about 1919
KaylenEugene born about 1920
KaylenJohn born about 1923
KaylenTed born about 1925
KeaneJames born about 1870
KeaneJane born about 1880
KeaneKatherine born about 1867
KernAlec born about 1909
KernBobby born about 1935
KernDarlene born about 1938
KernDonny born about 1935
KernElizabeth born about 1914
KernHenry born about 1930
KernJacob born about 1917
KernJeane Rborn about 1933
KernKathrine born about 1869
KernLawrence born about 1888
KernLydia born about 1914
KernMarvin born about 1936
KernPatricia Joyceborn about 1939
KertCarl born about 1910
KertClarence born about 1929
KertEva born about 1913
KertJames born about 1935
KertLillian born about 1931
KertMary Louiseborn about 1933
KertWilliam born about 1939
KingWilliam Dborn about 1873
KlineChristina born about 1884
KlineJohn born about 1880
KochClaus born about 1891
KochElizabeth born about 1890
KochHermahn born about 1922
KochRudolph born about 1924
KockSarg born about 1877
KockTeed born about 1875
KorperAinsly born about 1930
KorperBilly born about 1925
KorperJ Wborn about 1897
KorperL???tia born about 1924
KorperMary Eborn about 1901
KraftAlec born about 1924
KraftJacob born about 1884
KraftJake Jr born about 1922
KraftLydia born about 1927
KraftManuel born about 1929
KraftMary born about 1889
KurtzAlvin born about 1913
KurtzAndrey born about 1940
KurtzAurthur born about 1939
KurtzBetty Jeanborn about 1936
KurtzChristine born about 1907
KurtzEileen born about 1937
KurtzEster born about 1919
KurtzKenneth born about 1938
KurtzMarie born about 1914
KurtzMelvin born about 1930
KurtzRay born about 1910
KurtzWalt born about 1903

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L Surnames

LauttDanial born about 1918
LauttJean born about 1939
LauttLorraine born about 1917
LauttTed born about 1917
LebsackCharlene born about 1939
LebsackDave born about 1904
LebsackElenor born about 1936
LebsackHarold born about 1930
LebsackMary born about 1906
LebsackRuben born about 1933
LebsackVictor born about 1929
LebsackWilliam born about 1937
LindBilly Louborn about 1939
LindCarl born about 1918
LindDonald born about 1929
LindDorothy born about 1918
LindEster born about 1917
LindFred born about 1920
LindHarold born about 1929
LindHarry born about 1932
LindJake born about 1909
LindJohn born about 1926
LindKattie born about 1922
LindLarry born about 1939
LindLeo born about 1913
LindLeola born about 1939
LindMary born about 1924
LindMillie born about 1913
LindMolly born about 1891
LindPearl born about 1933
LindShirley born about 1936
LindWilliam born about 1881
LindWilliam Jr born about 1915
LinkAlbert born about 1923
LinkChristina born about 1904
LinkEmilia born about 1881
LinkEnjiman born about 1919
LinkGottlieb born about 1881
LinkGottlieb born about 1912
LinkHenry born about 1914
LinkJohn born about 1904
LocknnieBernice born about 1932
LocknnieJacob born about 1908
LocknnieLloyd born about 1929
LocknnieMaggie born about 1908
LocknnieViolet born about 1934
LoehrAlec born about 1885
LoehrAmelia born about 1888

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M Surnames

McCaffertyClyde born about 1880
McCannSewell born about 1902
McKittrickAlbert born about 1924
McKittrickJune born about 1927
McKittrickMaple born about 1892
McKittrickRaymond born about 1887
MehlingAnna Eborn about 1850
MehlingAnna Fborn about 1886
MehlingBeverly born about 1939
MehlingBobby Lborn about 1937
MehlingEster born about 1919
MehlingFlorence born about 1918
MehlingGeorge born about 1887
MehlingJohn born about 1914
MehlingJohn Dborn about 1935
MehlingWilma born about 1924
MetzkerAdam born about 1898
MetzkerKatherine born about 1925
MetzkerKattie born about 1902
MillerEdward born about 1919
MillerJack born about 1876
MillerMyrtle born about 1884
MockDave born about 1898
MockRose born about 1906
MorganE Fborn about 1872
MorganLillian born about 1878

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N Surnames

NoyesChrystal born about 1910
NoyesPatricia born about 1939
NoyesRoyal Gborn about 1902
NoyesRoyal Jr born about 1934

O Surnames

OanessDale born about 1939
OanessDoris born about 1916
OanessMert born about 1907
OlenikEdward born about 1922
OlenikJoe born about 1883
OlenikJoe Jr born about 1917
OlenikVictoria born about 1884
OlenikWilliam born about 1927

P Surnames

PatefieldMary Iborn about 1866
PatefieldRachel born about 1908
PetersonAaron born about 1934
PetersonBeverly born about 1940
PetersonClearance born about 1905
PetersonEarnest born about 1918
PetersonEdward born about 1934
PetersonEvert born about 1930
PetersonFreda born about 1922
PetersonIrene born about 1922
PetersonIrvin born about 1919
PetersonLackenmaier Jborn about 1897
PetersonLena born about 1926
PetersonLorrene born about 1937
PetersonMartha born about 1924
PetersonMatilda born about 1899
PetersonMelvin born about 1915
PetersonPearl born about 1908
PetersonRaymond born about 1927
PetersonWarren born about 1932
PfoffBernice born about 1932
PfoffCathrine born about 1901
PfoffDewaine born about 1935
PfoffEmanuel born about 1881
PfoffInez born about 1921
PfoffJerome born about 1930
PfoffLe Roy born about 1925
PfoffLeona born about 1922
PfoffRaleigh born about 1927
PfoffTre?ueb born about 1924
PittsDorothy born about 1939
PittsFrancis born about 1914
PittsFred born about 1912
PittsHelen born about 1918
PittsPhillip born about 1910
PittsRobert born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuestGlenn born about 1899
QuestGlenn Jr born about 1923
QuestMargaret born about 1901
QuestMargaret born about 1926
QuestMildred born about 1925
QuigleyBernie born about 1908
QuigleyLois born about 1938
QuigleyRuth born about 1915
QuistLouise born about 1875
QuistWalter born about 1872

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R Surnames

RansenAnna Kborn about 1905
RansenJ Hborn about 1891
RansenLoueday Jeanborn about 1930
RansenTressa Cborn about 1927
ReiterBetty Janeborn about 1937
ReiterHenry born about 1911
ReiterMarjorie Ruthborn about 1938
ReiterSara born about 1910
RichardsDon Yborn about 1914
RichardsGeorge born about 1888
RichardsJacob born about 1867
RichardsJacob born about 1905
RichardsLydia born about 1920
RichardsOrpha born about 1915
RichardsSophie born about 1863
RichardsWelhelm born about 1924
RiderAlex born about 1904
RiderAlexander born about 1938
RiderElizabeth born about 1903
RiderEugene born about 1934
RiderFlorence born about 1929
RiderHerman born about 1927
RiderJames born about 1935
RiderRosie born about 1926
RiderWalter Tborn about 1931
RogersC Aborn about 1887
RogersChester Aborn about 1916
RogersGeorge Aborn about 1919
RogersJames Fborn about 1921
RogersLina Cborn about 1888

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S Surnames

SaffellEdward born about 1902
SappE Fborn about 1881
SappLa Verne born about 1910
SappNellie born about 1883
SchaferDavid born about 1906
SchaferHelen born about 1921
SchisslerGeo born about 1888
SchisslerJerry born about 1931
SchisslerLenice born about 1899
SchultzAlec born about 1919
SchultzDorothy born about 1919
SchultzJake born about 1914
SerrineWilliam born about 1915
SloanWilliam born about 1897
StennetzDeloris born about 1934
StennetzDorothy born about 1936
StennetzHellen born about 1915
StennetzHenry born about 1913
StennetzLorana born about 1939
StennetzVirginia born about 1938
StinnitzDave born about 1875
StinnitzJohn born about 1919
StinnitzPete born about 1921
StinnitzVictor born about 1920
StockweatherNelson Hborn about 1919
StockwetherKate born about 1884
StockwetherMary Eborn about 1923
StockwetherRaymond Jborn about 1925
StreckerAlice born about 1880
StreckerBetty Janeborn about 1934
StreckerEdward born about 1918
StreckerJacob born about 1880

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T Surnames

TateByron Bborn about 1875
TateLuella Mborn about 1877
TaylorAlice born about 1879
TaylorFred born about 1864
TaylorHarriett born about 1914
TisherAgnes born about 1904
TisherRichard born about 1898
ToombsAlbert born about 1865
TraphagenLawrence born about 1883

V Surnames

VancleveAnnabelle born about 1919
VancleveGretchen born about 1922
VancleveGuy born about 1883
VancleveMary Mborn about 1896

W Surnames

WagnerAllen Johnborn about
WagnerBetty born about 1927
WagnerBob born about 1931
WagnerDave born about 1921
WagnerEdna born about 1934
WagnerEdward born about 1919
WagnerElsie born about 1926
WagnerEster born about 1910
WagnerFred born about 1923
WagnerGladys born about 1929
WagnerGodfred born about 1895
WagnerJake born about 1925
WagnerMary born about 1899
WagnerMildred born about 1924
WagnerShirley born about 1935
WagnerViolet born about 1932
WatsonWilliam Cborn about 1908
WilliamsBo?nie born about 1888
WilliamsClara Eborn about 1862
WilliamsHeib born about 1884
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1861
WilliamsJohn born about 1917
WilliamsMary born about 1928
WilliamsNorma born about 1922
WilliamsUnice born about 1920

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Y Surnames

YergerJake born about 1917
YergerL?ytte born about 1921
YoungGerald born about 1938
YoungGladys born about 1914
YoungLenard Vborn about 1910
YoungWilliam born about 1935

Z Surnames

ZinneDoris born about 1923
ZinneGeorge born about 1886
ZinneLillie born about 1888

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